Obama Has NEVER Talked to His Defense Intelligence Chief


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
157 meetings with IRS as they denied the Tea Party their rights, dozens of meetings with Sharpton and BLM, golfing every other day. Not one meeting with the Defense Intelligence Chief while our nation is at war and American citizens are being butchered within our borders.
Worst. President. Ever.
BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief
another reason, Obama cannot keep up socially with someone with in IQ 50 points higher than him,,,,it would be like a 35 yr old man giving advice to his 3 year old daughter
157 meetings with IRS as they denied the Tea Party their rights, dozens of meetings with Sharpton and BLM, golfing every other day. Not one meeting with the Defense Intelligence Chief while our nation is at war and American citizens are being butchered within our borders.
Worst. President. Ever.
BOMBSHELL: Obama Never Once Met With His Defense Intelligence Chief

Well, WTF!

Don'cha know He's intimidated by "intelligence" - associating the word only with His diminutive IQ number.
Wow Obama should have fired his ass.
We already know your a dumbass, you can stop trying to prove it.
Or I can sit quietly for 4 years, never do anything, and collect my check like the subject of your OP.
Shitforbrains thinks people tell the President who he talks to.
Your hero thought not doing his job for 4 years and getting paid was just fine. Maybe he was afraid demanding an audience would cost him his free paycheck. Obama is a fool for not canning his ass.
It's easier to make stupid declarations, like 'ISIS is not a threat - they are the 'JV Team', when you don't ever get the facts from your Intel Chief...

If he HAD met with his Defense Intel Chief he might have learned that the 'rebels' he allied himself with when he dragged the US into the middle of a civil war without Congressional approval to do so were Al Qaeida, the terrorist group that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who for decades in Libya recruited jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops.

Then again, if he didn't know and had been told it probably wouldn't have made a difference to him.
Good story. To do any good, some of this knowledge Flynn says he is imparting on Trump needs to get transformed into intelligent responses out on the campaign trail and in the debates. Including a bit of specifics in his acceptance speech next week would be a good start.
If he HAD met with his Defense Intel Chief he might have learned that the 'rebels' he allied himself with when he dragged the US into the middle of a civil war without Congressional approval to do so were Al Qaeida, the terrorist group that killed 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01 and who for decades in Libya recruited jihadists to go to Afghanistan and Iraq to kill US troops.

Then again, if he didn't know and had been told it probably wouldn't have made a difference to him.
Why should the worlds smartest man take advice from an expert?

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