Obama helped create one of the worst recessions in our history

the recession was founded by abolition of Glass-Steagall - which is Clinton's fault and pressing the banks to lend to those who can't and should not afford a loan - that's the Democrats fault.

And then cam the "messiah" with his keynesian idiocy and escalated teh problem to it's ever existence of today
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A minor Recession turned near depression because Bush ignored it when it started. Ignoring a collapsing economy, waiting for a self correct and saying market forces will take care of things almost collapsed our economy

Obama arrived just in time
He started with the Bush/Pub Depression is why, hater dupe...

You really aren't a very intelligent person are you. I've watched your posts and they are...lacking to say the least.

Two unfunded wars, tax cuts during a time of war that helped pay to move millions of jobs to China. The money spent rebuilding Iraq. Drugs for votes bill costing trillions. Tens of thousands of American maimed for life in Iraq and the associated costs. Republicans using reconciliation THREE times to create the bulk of the deficit because they controlled both houses and the presidency for 6 years. The money thrown away on "no bid" contracts.
The deregulation of Wall Street and the associated lost revenue.

These were all before Obama and you have the sheer NERVE to question the intelligence of anyone else. So many on the right have this determination to be as outright stupid as possible. I just don't get it. What makes Republicans support this madness?
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

You do realize that Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government during his eight years in office, right? On the other hand, spending under Obama has increased by the smallest amount from any president in our lifetimes. So maybe we should encourage more public spending and increasing the size of government since Reagan thought it was such a good idea.

really? so how did he manage to add 7 trillion to the national debt?
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

Really? Under Obama the unemployment numbers have dropped a full 2 percent (he came into office when it was over 9 percent, and now it's at 7 point something) as well as had managed to DOUBLE the stock market.

Our economy could do better if it wasn't for the tea baggers stopping the progress.

Boehner needs to lose his next election, as well as his job, because he sucks at it.

The real unemployment rate is 14.3%

Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think - Forbes

Those no longer looking for work and the new trend of counting part time jobs notwithstanding


Even worse, every president is stuck with budget of the previous president for almost his entire first year. On the last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was OVER 10%. That's just a fact. Easy to look up. Linked to many times.
So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

You do realize that Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government during his eight years in office, right? On the other hand, spending under Obama has increased by the smallest amount from any president in our lifetimes. So maybe we should encourage more public spending and increasing the size of government since Reagan thought it was such a good idea.

really? so how did he manage to add 7 trillion to the national debt?

When someone hands you an avalanche, you can try to stop it, but it's already in motion. All you can really do is try to avert it until it loses momentum. Just the fact that trillions in revenue is suddenly gone from tax cuts explains a lot.
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Really? Under Obama the unemployment numbers have dropped a full 2 percent (he came into office when it was over 9 percent, and now it's at 7 point something) as well as had managed to DOUBLE the stock market.

Our economy could do better if it wasn't for the tea baggers stopping the progress.

Boehner needs to lose his next election, as well as his job, because he sucks at it.

The real unemployment rate is 14.3%

Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think - Forbes

Those no longer looking for work and the new trend of counting part time jobs notwithstanding


Even worse, every president is stuck with budget of the previous president for almost his entire first year. On the last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was OVER 10%. That's just a fact. Easy to look up. Linked to many times.

The real unemployment rate is 14.3%

Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think - Forbes

Those no longer looking for work and the new trend of counting part time jobs notwithstanding


Even worse, every president is stuck with budget of the previous president for almost his entire first year. On the last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was OVER 10%. That's just a fact. Easy to look up. Linked to many times.

that graph includes Social Security as an entitlement
You do realize that Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government during his eight years in office, right? On the other hand, spending under Obama has increased by the smallest amount from any president in our lifetimes. So maybe we should encourage more public spending and increasing the size of government since Reagan thought it was such a good idea.

really? so how did he manage to add 7 trillion to the national debt?

When someone hands you an avalanche, you can try to stop it, but it's already in motion. All you can really do is try to avert it until it loses momentum. Just the fact that trillions in revenue is suddenly gone from tax cuts explains a lot.

oh, stop the excuses. his debt in less than 5 years is more than 20 (!!!) years of 3 presidents listed and a 75% of the COMBINED debt of 4 previous ones in 28 years.

he IS the worst president EVER
No Bush started it...Obama just govern within it and probably made it worse. :( At least if you're poor.

I'm just curious Matthew, what should Obama have done? You realize that Reagan nearly doubled spending by the federal government during his eight years? Is this what Obama should have done? Of course Republicans would not allow that.

Matthew has no idea - he hates Obama and always will for the unpardonable sin of being born the issue of an African Man.
Understanding the debt and deficit spending requires much much more than a single statistic. The partisan right continues to post the same BIG LIES by pointing the finger at President Obama while working to rehabilitate the eight-year Bush/Cheney Debacle.

BTW, did anyone see Gov. Christie's poke in Rand Paul's eye and Paul's weak and childish response?
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI7VJv8NgpA]Your Future in 15 Seconds - YouTube[/ame]
A minor Recession turned near depression because Bush ignored it when it started. Ignoring a collapsing economy, waiting for a self correct and saying market forces will take care of things almost collapsed our economy

Obama arrived just in time

Did you see what the market did a couple weeks ago after counterfeit Ben talked of stopping the printing presses?

Market tanked. So yes, let the markets tank us again. It's coming because of your hero Adolf Obama

So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

You are saying the dog was wagging the tail? I don't think so. The banks pushed Reagan for securitization of mortgages, converting them to CMOS and then selling them to investors. Not the other way around. Then the "tail" wagged the dog and got the repealing of Glass-Stegall in 1999.

Everything you need to know was muttered by Deep Throat to Woodard and Bernstein back in the 70s during Watergate: "Follow the money".
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So did Clinton, by influencing banks to reduce loan qualifications so everyone could own a home.

This has also been the longest recession since the Great Depression, which was an economy experiencing far worse problems. It's too bad we don't have a leader like Reagan, who adopts an economy in worse shape than Obama's, and turned it around to experience great expansion and American pride. Difference is, Reagan was a great leader, but more than that he REACTED with great ideas and REAL "change".

You do realize that Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government during his eight years in office, right? On the other hand, spending under Obama has increased by the smallest amount from any president in our lifetimes. So maybe we should encourage more public spending and increasing the size of government since Reagan thought it was such a good idea.

really? so how did he manage to add 7 trillion to the national debt?

Because tax rates were too low versus the amount being spent. The point is that Obama didn't increase spending from the last Bush budget. We were headed to this spending level with or without Obama. The deficit grew exponentially because tax revenues were way too low. When Reagan took office, during a very bad recession, tax revenue was 19% of GDP. When Obama landed in office, tax revenue was 15% of GDP. That difference equates to almost $600 billion. Second killer on the revenue side is/was the fact that FICA taxes all of a sudden were no longer showing a surplus, so there was no excess money to borrow for the general fund. The excess spending created by Bush and held by Obama was only a small part of the problem. The biggest part of the problem has been a lack of tax revenues, and that is a simple fact.
A minor Recession turned near depression because Bush ignored it when it started. Ignoring a collapsing economy, waiting for a self correct and saying market forces will take care of things almost collapsed our economy

Obama arrived just in time

Did you see what the market did a couple weeks ago after counterfeit Ben talked of stopping the printing presses?

Market tanked. So yes, let the markets tank us again. It's coming because of your hero Adolf Obama


Any president who could pull off what you are talking about in 4 short years would have to be Hitler. But since none of them have wielded that kind of power individually, the result we have now has taken 30 years to accrue.

Oh, and Johnny Reb.....Civil War was over in 1865. Catch up.
You do realize that Reagan nearly doubled the size of the federal government during his eight years in office, right? On the other hand, spending under Obama has increased by the smallest amount from any president in our lifetimes. So maybe we should encourage more public spending and increasing the size of government since Reagan thought it was such a good idea.

really? so how did he manage to add 7 trillion to the national debt?

Because tax rates were too low versus the amount being spent. The point is that Obama didn't increase spending from the last Bush budget. We were headed to this spending level with or without Obama. The deficit grew exponentially because tax revenues were way too low. When Reagan took office, during a very bad recession, tax revenue was 19% of GDP. When Obama landed in office, tax revenue was 15% of GDP. That difference equates to almost $600 billion. Second killer on the revenue side is/was the fact that FICA taxes all of a sudden were no longer showing a surplus, so there was no excess money to borrow for the general fund. The excess spending created by Bush and held by Obama was only a small part of the problem. The biggest part of the problem has been a lack of tax revenues, and that is a simple fact.

oh, stop this commie burglar economy fairy tales about taxes "too low".

money they didn't expropriate are not "losses", and you can not count on a pie in a sky

cut the ballooning spending and stop racketeering the middle class with your taxes
The real unemployment rate is 14.3%

Why The 'Real' Unemployment Rate Is Higher Than You Think - Forbes

Those no longer looking for work and the new trend of counting part time jobs notwithstanding


Even worse, every president is stuck with budget of the previous president for almost his entire first year. On the last day of Bush's last budget, unemployment was OVER 10%. That's just a fact. Easy to look up. Linked to many times.

and who pays for it?


and remember, most of that money comes from Democrats in Blue states.

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