Obama Hid “Jesus” at Catholic University – But Allows “Allah” to Be Widely Displayed During Islamic


Feb 7, 2016
Obama Hid "Jesus" at Catholic University - But Allows "Allah" to Be Widely Displayed During Islamic Center Speech - The Gateway Pundit

Obama's a Christian, so why should he be concerned with Islam? Oh yea, that's just another one of his lies. He's a wolf in sheeps clothing.

The Imam in Chief is simply practicing Taqiyya... Deception... Its allowed by their Quran when in the interest of furthering islam... He is a Traitor and should be held accountable... You don't have to find him guilty of anything just put the evidence out there to embarrass him so that he can never show his face in America again...

Obama is a traitor and should be held accountable in a court of law.
His deal with Iran proves he's a Muslim Terrorist.
Obama Hid "Jesus" at Catholic University - But Allows "Allah" to Be Widely Displayed During Islamic Center Speech - The Gateway Pundit

Obama's a Christian, so why should he be concerned with Islam? Oh yea, that's just another one of his lies. He's a wolf in sheeps clothing.

The Imam in Chief is simply practicing Taqiyya... Deception... Its allowed by their Quran when in the interest of furthering islam... He is a Traitor and should be held accountable... You don't have to find him guilty of anything just put the evidence out there to embarrass him so that he can never show his face in America again...

Obama is a traitor and should be held accountable in a court of law.
His deal with Iran proves he's a Muslim Terrorist.

So you are another one of the crazies spouting crazy stuff. Big deal.

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