Obama, Hilary, top most admired people in the country, according to Gallup

I would be willing to bet if the question was "Which politician is your least favorite" Obama would be close to the top.

Hillary was polled as the most admired woman in America several years ago, around the same time 51% of voters said they would never vote for her.

What does that prove???

It mostly has to do with name recognition and media coverage.

If that were the case, I'd also be willing to bet that Billy would be the one using my argument :rofl:
I would be willing to bet if the question was "Which politician is your least favorite" Oboes would be close to the top.

Hillary was polled as the most admired woman in America several years ago, around the same time 51% of voters said they would never vote for her.

What does that prove???

It mostly has to do with name recognition and media coverage.

If that were the case, I'd also be willing to bet that Billy would be the one using my argument :roll:

Probably, but in a more reactionary as opposed to cerebral manner.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Again Top Most Admired List

I find this fascinating. Obama's approval ratings are hovering below 50%, yet he has made the list for the 4th year in a row. To me, this says that Americans are willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt in 2012. Once his re-election campaign is in full gear, his accomplishments will come into the light (his failures have been made all too apparent by Fox News.)

Perhaps they are starting to realize that the president isn't a cure-all for a damaged economy. They understand that that there are many other factors to be considered (i.e. the politics of Congress).

That, of course, is just my opinion.

And an opinion based on very little meaningful analysis it is.

The poll asked about 1000 people who they admired the most: About 170 said "Obama."

That means 830 admired someone ELSE.
Gee.....what outstanding.....

You must really dazzle 'em, at your local Elementary School playgrounds!!!​
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Again Top Most Admired List

I find this fascinating. Obama's approval ratings are hovering below 50%, yet he has made the list for the 4th year in a row. To me, this says that Americans are willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt in 2012. Once his re-election campaign is in full gear, his accomplishments will come into the light (his failures have been made all too apparent by Fox News.)

Perhaps they are starting to realize that the president isn't a cure-all for a damaged economy. They understand that that there are many other factors to be considered (i.e. the politics of Congress).

That, of course, is just my opinion.

And an opinion based on very little meaningful analysis it is.

The poll asked about 1000 people who they admired the most: About 170 said "Obama."

That means 830 admired someone ELSE.

You do understand the concept of representable samples, right?


Was I speaking too fast?
Man, the media fluffery machine is already in overdrive for Boiking and his little neo-Marxist glee club. :lol:
:lol: Blame them not me for that.

See that dot way up there in the sky? It's my point, sailing over your head.

Oh, I got your point.

Out of that list, they picked the best.

Try to pay attention:

The respondents to the poll were not given a list.

They were simply asked to name whoever thay admired the most:

What man that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?

Almost 40% chose someone that didn't even accumulate 10 votes (their dog, their cat, their dildo.... whatever).

Most interesting to me was that the 2011 poll had the highest number or respondents say, "None" during the past decade...32%.
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And an opinion based on very little meaningful analysis it is.

The poll asked about 1000 people who they admired the most: About 170 said "Obama."

That means 830 admired someone ELSE.

You do understand the concept of representable samples, right?


Was I speaking too fast?

Think about this. It isn't hard. Obama has topped the list 4 years in a row. Each time they've used about 1000 people. Do you really think the same people have answered each year? No, they have not. They make sure to use random samples each time.
Hillary and Barack are very admirable people.

They have both done a very good job.

But the courageousness of people that run for president was brought home to me when I saw Obama speak here. There was a security helicopter at three points of the compass watching for snipers, and I thought, "Everyone who runs for president is risking their life. Especially Obama, as the first black nominee of a major party." These people are heroes in their own right.
omg...now they are hero's..not only most admired..

the left and their worship of their politicians is something to behold..

pass the barf bag...
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton Again Top Most Admired List

I find this fascinating. Obama's approval ratings are hovering below 50%, yet he has made the list for the 4th year in a row. To me, this says that Americans are willing to give Obama the benefit of the doubt in 2012. Once his re-election campaign is in full gear, his accomplishments will come into the light (his failures have been made all too apparent by Fox News.)

Perhaps they are starting to realize that the president isn't a cure-all for a damaged economy. They understand that that there are many other factors to be considered (i.e. the politics of Congress).

That, of course, is just my opinion.

Barrack Obama is the most admired man in America behind no one. In fact, almost twice as many people picked no one over Obama. (No one 32%, Obama 17%) When are you going to learn to stop trying to make Obama look good by posting stuff you do not understand and making yourself, and your idol, look bad?
What I find fascinating is..
Palin came in fourth, and George Bush came in second..

so because Obama made most admired guy that means the people are going to give him the benefit of doubt..

It wasn't a poll on which President you admired the most...good grief

He's at the top of the list for the 4th year in a row. Obviously him being president has something to do with it.

Dropping faster than a rock.
:lol: Blame them not me for that.

See that dot way up there in the sky? It's my point, sailing over your head.

Oh, I got your point.

Out of that list, they picked the best.

They were not given a list, they were asked "What man that you have heard or read about, living today in any part of the world, do you admire most? And who is your second choice?" 20% named a friend or relative, and 32% said they do not admire anyone, which is the highest it has been in the last 10 years.
You do understand the concept of representable samples, right?


Was I speaking too fast?

Think about this. It isn't hard. Obama has topped the list 4 years in a row. Each time they've used about 1000 people. Do you really think the same people have answered each year? No, they have not. They make sure to use random samples each time.

No, but it does seem difficult for you to compare 2008 with today.

In 2008, Obama won the poll with 32%

Today he won the poll with 17%

Based on the trend in random sampling, it doesn't look good for Obama winning an election in November 2012.

Next time don't bring a butter knife to a gunfight.
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Hillary and Barack are very admirable people.

They have both done a very good job.

But the courageousness of people that run for president was brought home to me when I saw Obama speak here. There was a security helicopter at three points of the compass watching for snipers, and I thought, "Everyone who runs for president is risking their life. Especially Obama, as the first black nominee of a major party." These people are heroes in their own right.

"Especially Obama?"

PLEASE, could you put down the race card for ONE POST?

Speaking of heroes....

The year before his 2004 re-election, George Bush topped the list of most admired with 29%....

That was 12% more than Obama is now..........

Was I speaking too fast?

Think about this. It isn't hard. Obama has topped the list 4 years in a row. Each time they've used about 1000 people. Do you really think the same people have answered each year? No, they have not. They make sure to use random samples each time.

No, but it does seem difficult for you to compare 2008 with today.

In 2008, Obama won the poll with 32%

Today he won the poll with 17%

Based on the trend in random sampling, it doesn't look good for Obama winning an election in November 2012.

Next time don't bring a butter knife to a gunfight.

It does look good actually. He is even with Romney in most national polls and has a slight lead in some of them. From here, he is only going to gain momentum.
LOL, nothing like ignoring the REAL polls...

so Obama is going to gain momentum? well, where did it go in the first place?

I guess he hasn't given enough t.v interviews or taken enough bus trips to campaign on our dime.
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LOL, nothing like ignoring the REAL polls...

so Obama is going to gain momentum? well, where did it go in the first place?

I guess he hasn't given enough t.v interviews or taken enough bus trips to campaign on our dime.

Where do you get this information from that Obama uses tax payer money to do interviews and bus trips? He has campaign money, you know. That's what it is used for.
LOL, nothing like ignoring the REAL polls...

so Obama is going to gain momentum? well, where did it go in the first place?

I guess he hasn't given enough t.v interviews or taken enough bus trips to campaign on our dime.

Where do you get this information from that Obama uses tax payer money to do interviews and bus trips? He has campaign money, you know. That's what it is used for.

Every time Obama goes anywhere it cost taxpayers money. If his campaign tried to cover all the costs they would run out of money in a week.

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