Obama Ignores Ex-Marine Wrongly Held In Mexican Jail


Nov 13, 2012
Obama Ignores Ex-Marine Wrongly Held In Mexican Jail​

December 14, 2012

Foreign Relations:
A veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan is chained to a jail bed for months after trying to register a souvenir rifle with Mexican authorities, and the Obama administration does nothing to correct this injustice.

Since August, Jon Hammar, a former Marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, has been held in a notorious Mexican prison effectively run by the Zetas drug cartel. His crime: declaring to Mexican authorities that he was transporting an antique shotgun after registering the gun with U.S. Customs agents on his way to a surfing trip with buddies in Costa Rica.

We can understand the silence of mainstream media and Hollywood liberals who hold candlelight vigils every time a cop-killer is sent to death row. But ignoring a Marine vet suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome jailed on his way for some R&R is astonishing.

On Aug. 23, Hammar and a friend, another ex-Marine, were on a road trip to Costa Rica where they planned to spend several weeks surfing and recovering from the psychological toll of combat. Hammar had just completed treatment for post-traumatic stress.

At the Brownsville Port of Entry, Hammar told U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents he was carrying a shotgun that once belonged to his great-grandfather. The .410-bore Sears & Roebuck model had been handed down through the generations and was for Hammer a link to his heritage.

The gun was barely suitable for shooting birds and rabbits; his wife called it a "glorified BB gun." Yet Mexican authorities insist a crime has been committed and the weapon is a serious threat, largely because the gun barrel, as they measure it, is longer than 25 inches.

Hammar registered the antique weapon in the U.S. and was told if he presented the paperwork to Mexican authorities there should be no problem as he journeyed to Costa Rica. Instead, Mexican authorities dismissed the paperwork, arrested Hammer and sent him to CEDES prison in Matamoros. His next court date is Jan. 17, and he faces up to 12 years on the gun charge.

In a country where drug gangs wield AK-47 and AR-15 assault rifles, high-powered .50-caliber sniper rifles, rocket-propelled grenades and other potent weaponry, the claim by Ricardo Alday, spokesman for the Mexican embassy in the U.S., that the gun is illegal and dangerous, is ridiculous.

"The possession of any weapon restricted for the use of the Army in Mexico is a federal crime, regardless of whether you declare it or not upon entering the country, and must be automatically prosecuted," Alday said. Maybe it was used in Pancho Villa's day, but if it was pointed at a Zeta, the only thing he'd die of is laughter.


Read more at:
Ex-Marine Jon Hammar Jailed In Mexico On Trumped-Up Gun Charge - Investors.com
Whoa, Investors Business Daily. Nothing political about that...
these things take time FOX news junkies. this young man will be taken care of. Hes on foreign soil, We have very little say in what the Mexican authorities do.

how much you wanna bet this is the last time this fella goes over seas for a gun, not the best idea but hey, im no gun lover.
Obama is Lord.

Indeed. Also the Father, and of course the lesser-mentioned and nearly never in-vane-used spirit being, which while separate are merely part of the same god we call Obama, or Barack of Kenya, being born in a manger at the center of what was little more than a straw hut.

And in Sunday liberal indoctrination school, the children are tantalized with images of Baby Barack, the most adorable god yet imagined, praise babyobama.

No doubt the president should intercede for every fool that gets himself arrested in Mexico.

This isn't up to Obama to intercede. As I understand it, a number of US representatives are working on this case. As for Jon Hammar, the only reason he could be considered a fool is for listening to US border patrol and/or customs for telling him it was okay to take the gun into Mexico.

What I don't understand is why the Mexican government feels a need to prosecute such a case to begin with. If someone comes into the country with something they aren't supposed to have, but they claim it and make it known, wouldn't it make sense for the Mexican authorities to just deny entry into the country. They could tell them to turn around and go back to the US or give up the gun to Mexican authorities. The whole prosecution things is pretty senseless and a waste of money.
I remember when something similar happened during the Bush Administration, our former Commander & Chief the Honorable President George W. Bush simply asked the Mexican chief of police to release the man, the Mexican chief of police refused, he soon after he turned up DEAD, the new Mexican chief of police released the man as soon as he took office.

If I was Obama, I would divert an entire Navy Battle Group to Mexico first, then kindly ask them to release the Marine ............................ then we can see what happens from there.
If I was Obama, I would divert an entire Navy Battle Group to Mexico first,

worst idea of the st century. Dude, I served for 6 long Fing years, I get it, were all brothers at arms and must live by the code of conduct however, how about just send Hillary Clinton and be done with it

unreal. I have a close friend who lives and has worked on Mexico for near 30 years. Shes very successful and has a great life there. Why are so blood hungry, especially after what went down today. krist.
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How many threads do we have on this now? 5 or 6?

Y'all really need to learn how to use the search function.
FUCK MEXICO, it's a filthy non-American country, and as far as I am concerned, they don't even have the right to LIVE as long as the Mexican soil remains non-American with backward Mexican ways.
All United States Military commanders should get there gear ready and squared away............. just in case.
I blame the Mexican Police for the shooting in Connecticut today, its uncalled for due to the fact there were no Mexican Police in Connecticut, but filthy Mexico does not have rights to even speak against what I am saying here, the filthy Mexican Police arrested him so that poor Mexican children can stand on the street and sell that stupid gum in a safe environment?
Fuck it...................... Blame filthy Mexico !!!

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