Obama: I'll use clemency power 'more aggressively'


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama plans to grant clemency to federal offenders "more aggressively" during the remainder of his presidency, he said in a sit-down interview with The Huffington Post on Friday.

Obama has faced criticism for rarely using his power to grant pardons and commutations. In December, he commuted the sentences of eight federal drug offenders, including four who had been sentenced to life. That brought his total number of commutations to 18.

Obama said he had granted clemency so infrequently because of problems in the Justice Department's Office of the Pardon Attorney. The former head of that office, who was appointed during the George W. Bush administration, resigned in April amid criticism from criminal justice advocates.

"I noticed that what I was getting was mostly small-time crimes from very long ago," Obama said. "It'd be a 65-year-old who wanted a pardon to get his gun rights back. Most of them were legitimate, but they didn't address the broader issues that we face, particularly around nonviolent drug offenses. So we've revamped now the DOJ office. We're now getting much more representative applicants."

Many of those new applications came from what's known as the Clemency Project 2014, announced when the Office of the Pardon Attorney head resigned. That project is a partnership between the government and private attorneys to help sort through a huge number of applicants who meet specific criteria laid out by DOJ.

But the process has been slow, and some criminal justice advocates are growingfrustrated. Since the project was announced, more than 35,000 inmates -- roughly 16 percent of the total federal prison population -- have submitted applications,according to The Washington Post. Those applications, the Post reported, are being reviewed by more than 1,000 private attorneys in 323 law firms and organizations.

None of the thousands of federal prisoners who have applied through the clemency program so far have had their sentences reduced by the president. The Clemency Project has sent just 14 of the applications to the Office of the Pardon Attorney thus far, according to the Post.

But Obama said Friday that the public could see the results of the project soon.

"I think what you'll see is not only me exercising that pardon power and clemency power more aggressively for people who meet the criteria -- nonviolent crimes, have served already a long period of time, have shown that they're rehabilitated -- but also we're working with Democrats and Republicans around criminal justice reform issues," Obama said.

Obama I ll Use Clemency Power More Aggressively

When/if a person commits a crime ... they do the time! There should be zero clemency for folks who deserve to be punished. It sends a wrong message when a group of drug traffickers are allowed to walk. Firstly, it tells the world that an American President is willing to look the other way when a major drug crime is committed and, secondly, it suggests to future drug traffickers that they may get a light sentence if/when caught.
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When/if a person commits a crime ... they do the time! There should be zero clemency for folks who deserve to be punished. It sends a wrong message when a group of drug traffickers are allowed to walk. Firstly, it tells the world that an American President is willing to look the other way when a major drug crime is committed and, secondly, it suggests to future drug traffickers than they may get a light sentence if/when caught.

Take a deep breath. Think soberly for a fleeting second. Cool your prejudice and pious hatred for those who ever committed a crime.

When you pay off your mortgage no one will come and ask for more of your money.

When a person is sentenced for 10 years of incarceration and that time has been served, nobody should ever demand life long condemnation.

Stow your phony moral indignation and tell me if you would say the same if the one you want "punished" was your son?
When/if a person commits a crime ... they do the time! There should be zero clemency for folks who deserve to be punished. It sends a wrong message when a group of drug traffickers are allowed to walk. Firstly, it tells the world that an American President is willing to look the other way when a major drug crime is committed and, secondly, it suggests to future drug traffickers than they may get a light sentence if/when caught.

Take a deep breath. Think soberly for a fleeting second. Cool your prejudice and pious hatred for those who ever committed a crime.

When you pay off your mortgage no one will come and ask for more of your money.

When a person is sentenced for 10 years of incarceration and that time has been served, nobody should ever demand life long condemnation.

Stow your phony moral indignation and tell me if you would say the same if the one you want "punished" was your son?

You, are such a hypocrite. Just like every other pain in the ass liberal who feign outrage over any and every issue. Lets see,you all make a big giant deal over murdering terrorists being water boarded or having panties put on their heads but you want saddam to still be in power murdering and torturing his citizens.

The list goes on and on. It depends on what crimes we are talking. You see the crimes of the prisoners that are being released?
When/if a person commits a crime ... they do the time! There should be zero clemency for folks who deserve to be punished. It sends a wrong message when a group of drug traffickers are allowed to walk. Firstly, it tells the world that an American President is willing to look the other way when a major drug crime is committed and, secondly, it suggests to future drug traffickers than they may get a light sentence if/when caught.

Take a deep breath. Think soberly for a fleeting second. Cool your prejudice and pious hatred for those who ever committed a crime.

When you pay off your mortgage no one will come and ask for more of your money.

When a person is sentenced for 10 years of incarceration and that time has been served, nobody should ever demand life long condemnation.

Stow your phony moral indignation and tell me if you would say the same if the one you want "punished" was your son?

Wow ... what an idiot! Clemency isn't given to folks who've already "served their time." It's given to folks who are literally serving time. They deserve to be let out when they've paid the proper penalty. PERIOD!!
When/if a person commits a crime ... they do the time! There should be zero clemency for folks who deserve to be punished. It sends a wrong message when a group of drug traffickers are allowed to walk. Firstly, it tells the world that an American President is willing to look the other way when a major drug crime is committed and, secondly, it suggests to future drug traffickers than they may get a light sentence if/when caught.

Take a deep breath. Think soberly for a fleeting second. Cool your prejudice and pious hatred for those who ever committed a crime.

When you pay off your mortgage no one will come and ask for more of your money.

When a person is sentenced for 10 years of incarceration and that time has been served, nobody should ever demand life long condemnation.

Stow your phony moral indignation and tell me if you would say the same if the one you want "punished" was your son?

Wow ... what an idiot! Clemency isn't given to folks who've already "served their time." It's given to folks who are literally serving time. They deserve to be let out when they've paid the proper penalty. PERIOD!!

Clemency or pardon is usually granted by people who are not part of the judicial system, who think that they know better than the people who ARE qualified to say what punishment should be based on the crime committed and backed up by a jury of the peers of the defendant.

I responded to your post in which you stated that when a person commits a crime he or she should serve the time they were sentenced to serve. I advocated no clemency for anyone undeserving of clemency. BTW, clemency usually applied to people who have been UNJUSTLY punished.

My point was that when a person HAS served his or her time, released and tries to re-integrate, they should not be hounded, they should be treated no better and no worse than any other citizen.

In your haste to call me an idiot, you forgot to reply to my question of what your opinion on this subject would be if the offender was your son.
The one thing the dear leader fails to recognize is there are no nonviolent drug offenders. The drug trade is inherently violent and anyone participating in it contributes, either directly or indirectly, to that violence.
When/if a person commits a crime ... they do the time! There should be zero clemency for folks who deserve to be punished. It sends a wrong message when a group of drug traffickers are allowed to walk. Firstly, it tells the world that an American President is willing to look the other way when a major drug crime is committed and, secondly, it suggests to future drug traffickers than they may get a light sentence if/when caught.

Take a deep breath. Think soberly for a fleeting second. Cool your prejudice and pious hatred for those who ever committed a crime.

When you pay off your mortgage no one will come and ask for more of your money.

When a person is sentenced for 10 years of incarceration and that time has been served, nobody should ever demand life long condemnation.

Stow your phony moral indignation and tell me if you would say the same if the one you want "punished" was your son?

Wow ... what an idiot! Clemency isn't given to folks who've already "served their time." It's given to folks who are literally serving time. They deserve to be let out when they've paid the proper penalty. PERIOD!!

Clemency or pardon is usually granted by people who are not part of the judicial system, who think that they know better than the people who ARE qualified to say what punishment should be based on the crime committed and backed up by a jury of the peers of the defendant.

I responded to your post in which you stated that when a person commits a crime he or she should serve the time they were sentenced to serve. I advocated no clemency for anyone undeserving of clemency. BTW, clemency usually applied to people who have been UNJUSTLY punished.

My point was that when a person HAS served his or her time, released and tries to re-integrate, they should not be hounded, they should be treated no better and no worse than any other citizen.

In your haste to call me an idiot, you forgot to reply to my question of what your opinion on this subject would be if the offender was your son.

1) If my son broke the law I'd be the first to advocate a just punishment.
2) It's not up to the President to determine whether or not a person "deserves" punishment for a crime or not. That role is filled by the Judicial system ... not the Executive branch.
3) I don't disagree with the idea that when a person serves his/her time in prison that they should be given a second chance when released and that they should be treated like other citizens.
4) I apologize for calling you an idiot if you're not one.
When/if a person commits a crime ... they do the time! There should be zero clemency for folks who deserve to be punished. It sends a wrong message when a group of drug traffickers are allowed to walk. Firstly, it tells the world that an American President is willing to look the other way when a major drug crime is committed and, secondly, it suggests to future drug traffickers that they may get a light sentence if/when caught.

Did you bitch when Bush and Reagan did it?

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