Obama in 2011 on amnesty


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

Here is Obama in 2011 teaching people why making Executive Orders to thwart deportation of illegals is.....well......illegal.

Where did his change of heart come?
Maybe I should just devote a whole thread to Obama condemning himself without me really saying a single word.

Granny says, "Dat's right - now Ol' Squishy got sumpin' else to cry about...

Boehner Vows to Fight ‘Tooth and Nail’ Against Executive Amnesty He Funded
January 8, 2015 -- House Speaker John Boehner (R.-Ohio) vowed today to fight “tooth and nail” against President Obama’s unilateral amnesty of up to five million illegal aliens—an amnesty the administration has been able to move forward with because Boehner’s House permitted funding of it.
The 1,603-page omnibus spending bill that Boehner pushed through a lame-duck Republican-controlled House last month put no prohibition on Obama using government funds to implement the amnesty. That omnibus funded almost all the government through the end of this fiscal year on Sept. 30 and the Department of Homeland Security through Feb. 27. “The House will soon take action aimed at stopping the president’s unilateral action when it comes to immigration,” Boehner said at his press briefing today. “Republicans are in agreement that this is a gravely serious matter.” “The president's unilateral actions were an affront to the rule of law and our system of government,” Boehner said. “The American people don't support it and as their representatives we cannot let it stand.” “I said we'd fight it tooth and nail when we had two majorities in the House and Senate and I meant it,” Boehner said. “What is at risk is the rule of law and the sanctity of America’s Constitution. The president has taken action that is beyond the scope of his ability and the Congress cannot just sit here and look the other way. We have to take action.”

Because last month’s omnibus put no restriction on Obama using money to implement his amnesty, the president is free to do so at this time. Had the Republican-controlled House attached language to last month’s omnibus prohibiting spending on the amnesty, Obama would have needed to shut down the entire government (by vetoing the bill) to try to force the Republican House to give him the money. Now, the only funding bill the Republicans in Congress can use to stop Obama’s amnesty is the bill that will be needed to fund the Department of Homeland Security after Feb. 27. If the Republicans attach language to that bill prohibiting Obama from spending money to implement his amnesty, Obama will only need to shutdown DHS to try to force the Republicans to give him the money to implement it. At his briefing, Boehner said he did not think the funding of DHS was "at risk" and said that Republicans wanted to fund the department.

A reporter asked: "Is this a wise time to be putting the budget of the Homeland Security Department at risk? The head of the department said it poses a real risk to have a continuing resolution without any certainty. Does he have any validity to his argument?" "I don't believe that the funding of the department is in fact at risk," Boehner responded. "What is at risk is the rule of law and the sanctity of America's Constitution. The president has taken actions that are beyond the scope of his ability. And Congress cannot just sit here and look the other way. We have to take action, and we will." The reporter, who made no mention of the fact that it would take a presidential veto to stop the DHS funding bill, followed up, saying: "Can you imagine something like this happening after 9/11 though. Given the attacks yesterday in Paris can you imagine the Homeland Security budget being up for debate a month after, or a day after, something like that happened here."


See also:

Boehner: ‘It Does Pain Me To Be Described as Spineless'
January 8, 2015 - At his press briefing today, House Speaker John Boehner said it pained him "to be described as spineless, or a squish."
Here is a transcript of what the speaker said:

Reporter: "Speaker Boehner, about 25 members of your own conference voted against you. There’s a lot of opposition, people like Sean Hannity, outside conservative influence. Why is there such fervent conservative opposition to your leadership?"

Boehner: "Listen, I’ve given some thought to this, as you might imagine. The American people are very frustrated. They are frustrated in a struggling economy. They are frustrated that they don’t think Washington’s listening. And they want action. I talk to Americans every day. I talk to my constituents every day. And this frustration that is out there, they need to take it out on somebody. They take it out on the president, take it out on me. And, it comes with the territory."

Reporter: "But you are one of the most conservative members over the last 20 years. Does it frustrate you?"

Boehner: "During my years here, when I voted, I had the eighth most-conservative voting record in the Congress. And it does pain me to be described as spineless, or a squish. And I will tell you what pains me the most is when they describe me as the establishment. Now, I am the most anti-establishment speaker we’ve ever had. You know, who was the guy that got rid of earmarks? Me. Who’s they guy who believes in regular order? Me. Who believes in allowing more members to participate in the process from both sides of the aisle? Me. I’m pretty comfortable in my own skin, and I am going to do my best to show all of our members, Democrats and Republicans, and those members who voted against me that I am up to the job that I was given."

Boehner It Does Pain Me To Be Described as Spineless CNS News

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