Obama In Minneapolis Today: ' Washington News Reports Are Fabricated Phony Scandals


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
He said today at a town hall in Minneapolis that:

"Some of the news coming off are just Washington fights. They’re fabricated issues, they’re phony scandals that are generated... It's all geared to the next election or ginning up the base."

No Barack, you're the fabricated and phony scandal hoisted upon the American people... That and your phony fabricated birth certificates and selective service registration... You've been exposed as the fraud you are!

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Attaboy. That pea brain is a complete ASS!
He sure is and doesn't give a damn about the American people and this countries sovereignty.

But He DOES!

He cares deeply that Americans be cut down to size - economic equality with the poorest of the poor.

He is deeply concerned about American sovereignty and worries constantly that He won't be in office long enough to eliminate it entirely.
He said today at a town hall in Minneapolis that:

"Some of the news coming off are just Washington fights. They’re fabricated issues, they’re phony scandals that are generated... It's all geared to the next election or ginning up the base."

No Barack, you're the fabricated and phony scandal hoisted upon the American people... That and your phony fabricated birth certificates and selective service registration... You've been exposed as the fraud you are!


Birthers are funny

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