Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.
It's not a PARTISAN issue. It's a threat to existence of the Republic. Because of the abuse potential. And here we are getting the alarms about abuse and not ONE of the tribal warriors wants to acknowledge it.

Just bury your heads. Kiss your asses goodbye. Because if this explodes and some patriots go AFTER the PATRIOT Act and it's abusers -- it's gonna make WaterGate look like an ice cream truck heist...
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

You have any evidence that it's being abused by the Trump Admin? Or even that it was abused by the Bush Admin? Got to remind you -- the only reason it exists is to keep Jihadists from blowing us up. That was the excuse. That was Bush's plan for it's use. If citizens got caught up in it -- it was truly incidental. It doesn't appear that was the case under the Obama Admin..

Trump will either turn on it or embrace it. Since HE is the VICTIM of it -- which way do you suppose he will fall?
Repugs have nobody to blame but themselves. They opened Pandora's box with the Patriot Act. Now the police state apparatus is in place and it ain't going away.
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

You have any evidence that it's being abused by the Trump Admin?
See? You are already falling in love with Der Fuerher's use of warrantless domestic spying,

I really should. I should hire myself out as a psychic,
Trump will either turn on it or embrace it. Since HE is the VICTIM of it -- which way do you suppose he will fall?
Oh, he won't just embrace it. He will grab it by the pussy and squeeze its tits and rape it on the Oval Office carpet. The stain will NEVER come out.

If you pay attention, you can already feel the baton slipping into your ass.
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

Hey jerk.. What was the vote for the Patriot Act? Which Dems or Reps oppose it? It is SUPPORTED almost UNANAMOUSLY by 99% of Leadership in this country since it passed. Drop the Bush derangement.
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

Hey jerk.. What was the vote for the Patriot Act? Which Dems or Reps oppose it? It is SUPPORTED almost UNANAMOUSLY by 99% of Leadership in this country since it passed. Drop the Bush derangement.
Like I said, the pseudocons LOOOOOVED the domestic spying while Bush was President.

Just google "Bush kept us safe" and "Bush is keeping us safe." It was a mantra.

Then the pseudocons HATED the domestic spying during the negro's term.

These are simple, undeniable facts. You cannot contradict them.

And now they will fall in love with the domestic spying again now that the bigoted, fat, fake President has the baton. I guarantee you they will excuse it by saying, "He is keeping us safe from Muslims."

Watch. Book it.
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

Hey jerk.. What was the vote for the Patriot Act? Which Dems or Reps oppose it? It is SUPPORTED almost UNANAMOUSLY by 99% of Leadership in this country since it passed. Drop the Bush derangement.
Like I said, the pseudocons LOOOOOVED the domestic spying while Bush was President.

Just google "Bush kept us safe" and "Bush is keeping us safe." It was a mantra.

Then the pseudocons HATED the domestic spying during the negro's term.

These are simple, undeniable facts. You cannot contradict them.

And now they will fall in love with the domestic spying again now that the bigoted, fat, fake President has the baton. I guarantee you they will excuse it by saying, "He is keeping us safe from Muslims."

Watch. Book it.

You didn't answer the question. What Dems or Reps EVER opposed any Patriot Act vote or renewal?

Domestic spying has NOTHING to do with "law and order".. Or at least it shouldn't. But it's already been used to intervene in many types of investigations NOT related to terrorism. Doesnt matter which party abuses it --- it all leads to general chaos and destruction of the Republic.

You don't seem to care. You only care about who's currently controlling it. Because that's what leftists care about. Not about Civil Liberties and what's right.
I told folks that this was gonna blow up into a bigger war if the domestic spying system has been abused. I truly think that's where heading. And most everything you've
Hang on a minute. There WAS no massive bulk collection Domestic Spying operation until AFTER 9/11, and after the PATRIOT Act, And after that huge new city of NSA buildings in Utah became operational around 2010..

In fact -- prior to the Patriot Act the INtel agencies WERE PROHIBITED from conducting domestic operations. I don't think -- no I KNOW ---- that the worlds most awesome spy agency was not targeting citizens til well into the end of Bush's term..
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

Hey jerk.. What was the vote for the Patriot Act? Which Dems or Reps oppose it? It is SUPPORTED almost UNANAMOUSLY by 99% of Leadership in this country since it passed. Drop the Bush derangement.
Like I said, the pseudocons LOOOOOVED the domestic spying while Bush was President.

Just google "Bush kept us safe" and "Bush is keeping us safe." It was a mantra.

Then the pseudocons HATED the domestic spying during the negro's term.

These are simple, undeniable facts. You cannot contradict them.

And now they will fall in love with the domestic spying again now that the bigoted, fat, fake President has the baton. I guarantee you they will excuse it by saying, "He is keeping us safe from Muslims."

Watch. Book it.

So then one must surmise that "the negro" --- (may I say negro?) -- must have been bored using it to find "man-caused disasters" created by "radical extremists" and weaponized it as a political tool... Because this is obviously the case. The imbedded insurgency he left in the Intel area was leaking ULTRA classification information from this system during the entire past election cycle -- with NAMES and quotes attached.
It was in all the papers in 2005 that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions. His Administration asked the phone companies to cooperate, and they did.

Then, once it broke in the papers, the phone companies ran to Congress to beg for immunity from prosecution, which Congress gave to them.

You must have been in a coma at the time, like so many others who didn't notice any of this shit until the negro won the White House,.

I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

Hey jerk.. What was the vote for the Patriot Act? Which Dems or Reps oppose it? It is SUPPORTED almost UNANAMOUSLY by 99% of Leadership in this country since it passed. Drop the Bush derangement.
Like I said, the pseudocons LOOOOOVED the domestic spying while Bush was President.

Just google "Bush kept us safe" and "Bush is keeping us safe." It was a mantra.

Then the pseudocons HATED the domestic spying during the negro's term.

These are simple, undeniable facts. You cannot contradict them.

And now they will fall in love with the domestic spying again now that the bigoted, fat, fake President has the baton. I guarantee you they will excuse it by saying, "He is keeping us safe from Muslims."

Watch. Book it.

You didn't answer the question. What Dems or Reps EVER opposed any Patriot Act vote or renewal?
The USA PATRIOT Act passed the Senate by a vote of 98 to 1. Russ Feingold (D-WI), a strong civil libertarian who was unfortunately defeated in the 2010 election, was the sole opponent.

The bill passed the House by a vote of 357 to 66. Of the 66 constitutional defenders, 62 were Democrats, 3 were Republicans, and 1 was an Independent. Five of them--Tammy Baldwin, Sherrod Brown, Bernie Sanders, Mark Udall, and Tom Udall--now serve in the Senate.

Reauthorization? The House passed this bill by a vote of 250 to 153. 196 Republicans supported it, and 31 Republicans opposed it. 122 Democrats (including Nancy Pelosi) opposed the bill, and 54 supported it. It passed with bipartisan support--but a very Republican-heavy bipartisanship. Democrats, as those numbers show, opposed the bill by over 2 to 1.
I wasn't "in a coma".. I was doing everytthing I could to FIGHT the PATRIOT Act Domestic spying program thru the LParty. In fact, I have a connection to Intel Agencies in my past and KNEW the awesome powers should never be released on the American public. But the sweeping bulk collections didn't start until that massive new NSA facility was completed in 2012 or 13. . Up to then, NOBODY had the capacity or ability to collect and store almost EVERY e-comm in America. So there were concept systems for linking "metadata" from phone calls and generalized web traffic -- but no real ability to RECALL and analyze the content.

What you're discussing were just the beginnings of capabilities that have blossomed astronomically since about 2010...
The fact remains the Bush Administration began the massive warrantless wiretapping program the pseudocons so loved when it was Bush, but then hated when the baton was passed to the negro.

They will fall in love with it all over again, and even more deeply, when it continues to blossom under their morbidly obese Fuehrer Donald Trump.

Hey jerk.. What was the vote for the Patriot Act? Which Dems or Reps oppose it? It is SUPPORTED almost UNANAMOUSLY by 99% of Leadership in this country since it passed. Drop the Bush derangement.
Like I said, the pseudocons LOOOOOVED the domestic spying while Bush was President.

Just google "Bush kept us safe" and "Bush is keeping us safe." It was a mantra.

Then the pseudocons HATED the domestic spying during the negro's term.

These are simple, undeniable facts. You cannot contradict them.

And now they will fall in love with the domestic spying again now that the bigoted, fat, fake President has the baton. I guarantee you they will excuse it by saying, "He is keeping us safe from Muslims."

Watch. Book it.

You didn't answer the question. What Dems or Reps EVER opposed any Patriot Act vote or renewal?
The USA PATRIOT Act passed the Senate by a vote of 98 to 1. Russ Feingold (D-WI), a strong civil libertarian who was unfortunately defeated in the 2010 election, was the sole opponent.

The bill passed the House by a vote of 357 to 66. Of the 66 constitutional defenders, 62 were Democrats, 3 were Republicans, and 1 was an Independent. Five of them--Tammy Baldwin, Sherrod Brown, Bernie Sanders, Mark Udall, and Tom Udall--now serve in the Senate.

Reauthorization? The House passed this bill by a vote of 250 to 153. 196 Republicans supported it, and 31 Republicans opposed it. 122 Democrats (including Nancy Pelosi) opposed the bill, and 54 supported it. It passed with bipartisan support--but a very Republican-heavy bipartisanship. Democrats, as those numbers show, opposed the bill by over 2 to 1.

How many Dems are gonna take this news and DO anything about it?? Zero... Not now.

Only thing that matters is the 4 people that control EVERYTHING in Congress. The 4 party bosses.
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!

You weren't the only one. I said it too and all I got in response was "of you're not doing anything wrong, you've got nothing to worry about".
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Any call you make outside the US (and most in) ends up in the database. This isn't news.

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