Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

This is going viral as we speak but still zip zero nada on the lying media so far
You know this is bad when even the libtards on this board won't defend it.
Repugs have nobody to blame but themselves. They opened Pandora's box with the Patriot Act. Now the police state apparatus is in place and it ain't going away.
this is beyond partisan at this point. well beyond. this is something that can and will affect us all and together we need to say "no".

or we can keep bickering about where to pee and investigations that don't exist while they continue to take more power.
Intelligence agencies under former President Barack Obama routinely violated privacy rights, conducted illegal searches and gathered information on US citizens, according to a FISA court that called their conduct “a very serious Fourth Amendment issue.”
Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992)
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?

Liberals are the only ones who still judge people based on the color of their skin as evidenced by your post. It's the 21st century, join the rest of us who judge based on character.
still nothing on CNN MSNBC CBS NBC ABC not a peep. They are talking about Flynn on CNN....wow
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?

Liberals are the only ones who still judge people based on the color of their skin as evidenced by your post. It's the 21st century, join the rest of us who judge based on character.

So if you're basing it on character and Bush was applauded for it and Obama is hated for it...Whats the difference in character?
still nothing on CNN

Don't hold your breath for CNN. They are the Kamikaze squad of the lefty revolt. They plan on dying and taking as many innocents with them as possible.

The BIG question is -- How many Civil Libertarians in Congress will OPPOSE their party masters and go after this?

I know maybe 3.. It's 98% support for hiding it and carrying on.. You don't TOUCH a Domestic Spy program that awesome and thorough. Because what's IN IT -- could kneecap most of the Leadership of this country... Doesn't even have to be a crime or completely true. If the media comes with you on the blackmail -- they can make that mountain out of a molehill -- Just like this "the Russians are Coming to Get you" cover-up story..
I guess we will have to get the word out because the Obama defense team in the media are sitting on it.
Are there no libs here that want to defend this?
Where are you big liberal loud mouths? Hiding?

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