Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

Not quite true.

"In 1967, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the requirements of the Fourth Amendment applied equally to electronic surveillance and to physical searches. Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967). The Court did not address whether such requirements apply to issues of national security. Shortly after, in 1972, the Court took up the issue again in United States v. United States District Court, Plamondon, where the court held that court approval was required in order for the domestic surveillance to satisfy the Fourth Amendment. 407 U.S. 297 (1972). Justice Powell wrote that the decision did not address this issue that "may be involved with respect to activities of foreign powers or their agents"."

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia

Then the "Patriot Act" came along.
I think FISA predates the Patriot Act. But basically, the issue with W's data mining was he was mining communications internally in the US. On that Mueller and Comey both went to the mat saying "no." And without any partisan concerns, just practical ones and a belief that you just can't trust the gummit, that was probably right. But there's no debate that a US citizens calls emails whatever within the US cannot be collected without a warrant, FISA or some other warrant. That was the hilarity of Trump complaining he was tapped. He wasn't, but his people were contacting people who were tapped. Just a heads up, but if you don't want to have communications intercepted, you should probably not call foreigners who may be spies or drug dealers or child porn sellers. (-:

You can probably argue right or wrong but it's just never been illegal to collect a citizens communications that go to, or originate from, overseas.
You are a liar and you have no clue as to the 4th amend or FISA law.

Feinstein says CIA spied on Senate computers - CNNPolitics.com

F* You, you little ignorant snowflake. This is further evidence to support what I said, something snowflakes are unable to do - provide any evidence to support their faults claims.
Still stoking Easy? What's that got to do with foreign intercepts ... you lying cheating stupid twerp
Bendog, you snowflakes are trying to disregard ALL of the illegal spying Obama carried out for YEARS.

This thread isn't just about TRUMP or 'incudental collections' involving overseas phone calls, snowflake.

This thread is about OBAMA and his repeated violations of Constitution and law, his violating Americans' Constitutional Rights, how he illegally spied on the media and even CONGRESS, possibly on the USSC...about how Obama is the most CRIMAL President in US history!
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!

NSA warrantless surveillance (2001–07) - Wikipedia

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia

A "U.S. person" includes citizens, lawfully admitted permanent resident aliens, and corporations incorporated in the United States

Meet Executive Order 12333: The Reagan rule that lets the NSA spy on Americans

Executive Order 12333 contains no such protections for U.S. persons if the collection occurs outside U.S. borders. Issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 to authorize foreign intelligence investigations, 12333 is not a statute and has never been subject to meaningful oversight from Congress or any court. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has said that the committee has not been able to “sufficiently” oversee activities conducted under 12333

You must be a youngin, spying on us has been going on since or before J Edgar Hoover. If you're not doing anything against the law you have nothing to fear. Maybe.

No it's not right they have the ability to spy on us, but if you read all the articles, and I could have posted more, they have spied on us for just about my whole life. We all had a fit when Hoover did it and we have with every administration since. There probably isn't a whole hell of a lot that we can do about it, especially at this point.
Last edited:
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?

Liberals are the only ones who still judge people based on the color of their skin as evidenced by your post. It's the 21st century, join the rest of us who judge based on character.
So you were cool with warrantless wiretapping during the Bush administration because you thought he was a man of character? Remember that having character is not the same as being one.

Did you feel the point zoom over your head or were you oblivious to it? It isn't about race, no matter how much guilt ridden Democrats think it is. You're welcome.

Is it because you like the actions of only odd numbered Presidents?
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

Not quite true.

"In 1967, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the requirements of the Fourth Amendment applied equally to electronic surveillance and to physical searches. Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967). The Court did not address whether such requirements apply to issues of national security. Shortly after, in 1972, the Court took up the issue again in United States v. United States District Court, Plamondon, where the court held that court approval was required in order for the domestic surveillance to satisfy the Fourth Amendment. 407 U.S. 297 (1972). Justice Powell wrote that the decision did not address this issue that "may be involved with respect to activities of foreign powers or their agents"."

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia

Then the "Patriot Act" came along.
I think FISA predates the Patriot Act. But basically, the issue with W's data mining was he was mining communications internally in the US. On that Mueller and Comey both went to the mat saying "no." And without any partisan concerns, just practical ones and a belief that you just can't trust the gummit, that was probably right. But there's no debate that a US citizens calls emails whatever within the US cannot be collected without a warrant, FISA or some other warrant. That was the hilarity of Trump complaining he was tapped. He wasn't, but his people were contacting people who were tapped. Just a heads up, but if you don't want to have communications intercepted, you should probably not call foreigners who may be spies or drug dealers or child porn sellers. (-:

You can probably argue right or wrong but it's just never been illegal to collect a citizens communications that go to, or originate from, overseas.

Oh absolutely, Carter put FISA out there, the Patriot Act loosened the rules.

"But there's no debate that a US citizens calls emails whatever within the US cannot be collected without a warrant, FISA or some other warrant"

Not so. The President can delegate authority to the AG to IN writing the authority to get the ok for the surveillance WITHOUT a warrant for up to 1 year.
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!

NSA warrantless surveillance (2001–07) - Wikipedia

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia

A "U.S. person" includes citizens, lawfully admitted permanent resident aliens, and corporations incorporated in the United States

Meet Executive Order 12333: The Reagan rule that lets the NSA spy on Americans

Executive Order 12333 contains no such protections for U.S. persons if the collection occurs outside U.S. borders. Issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 to authorize foreign intelligence investigations, 12333 is not a statute and has never been subject to meaningful oversight from Congress or any court. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has said that the committee has not been able to “sufficiently” oversee activities conducted under 12333

You must be a youngin, spying on us has been going on since or before J Edgar Hoover. If you're not doing anything against the law you have nothing to fear. Maybe.

No it's not right they have the ability to spy on us, but if you read all the articles, and I could have posted more, they have spied on us for just about my whole life. We all had a fit when Hoover did it and we have with every administration since. There probably isn't a whole hell of a lot that we can do about it, especially at this point.

The truth is that EVERY keystroke, email, and phone call is collected and stored. The Gov built a facility in Utah to store all of the data.
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

You DO have a right of anonymity in Foreign conversations. OTHERWISE if you run a multinational business, some GS18 security analyst could bankrupt your companies' stock price or get rich based on info. US citizens are NOT revealed in FOREIGN intercepts unless there is a SPECIFIC warrant from the FISA court (FISC) to surveil that person or organization or a special request from a group that used to be 20 or 30 people (Obama made that 100s) to UNmask that person.

The issue is -- The Patriotic Act DOMESTIC spy operation operates on BULK WARRANTS. Meaning that since they collect and store EVERY e-comm in the US domestically -- they don't NEED special warrants to retain ID information in the database. So it's ripe for abuse, probably HAS been abused by the Dem Admin. And the FISA court just issued this memo OUTLINING their abuses and lack of NSA compliance. It HAPPENED..
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!

NSA warrantless surveillance (2001–07) - Wikipedia

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia

A "U.S. person" includes citizens, lawfully admitted permanent resident aliens, and corporations incorporated in the United States

Meet Executive Order 12333: The Reagan rule that lets the NSA spy on Americans

Executive Order 12333 contains no such protections for U.S. persons if the collection occurs outside U.S. borders. Issued by President Ronald Reagan in 1981 to authorize foreign intelligence investigations, 12333 is not a statute and has never been subject to meaningful oversight from Congress or any court. Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has said that the committee has not been able to “sufficiently” oversee activities conducted under 12333

You must be a youngin, spying on us has been going on since or before J Edgar Hoover. If you're not doing anything against the law you have nothing to fear. Maybe.

No it's not right they have the ability to spy on us, but if you read all the articles, and I could have posted more, they have spied on us for just about my whole life. We all had a fit when Hoover did it and we have with every administration since. There probably isn't a whole hell of a lot that we can do about it, especially at this point.

The truth is that EVERY keystroke, email, and phone call is collected and stored. The Gov built a facility in Utah to store all of the data.

It's actually worse than that. As Snowden revealed, they can make Domestic intercepts -- into Foreign intercepts by having Google and Telecons send ALL their daily collections to a mirror site overseas, overnight. Or I suppose -- that works in reverse as well. Gets around the 4th Amend. warrants any way that they choose..
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

You DO have a right of anonymity in Foreign conversations. OTHERWISE if you run a multinational business, some GS18 security analyst could bankrupt your companies' stock price or get rich based on info. US citizens are NOT revealed in FOREIGN intercepts unless there is a SPECIFIC warrant from the FISA court (FISC) to surveil that person or organization or a special request from a group that used to be 20 or 30 people (Obama made that 100s) to UNmask that person.

The issue is -- The Patriotic Act DOMESTIC spy operation operates on BULK WARRANTS. Meaning that since they collect and store EVERY e-comm in the US domestically -- they don't NEED special warrants to retain ID information in the database. So it's ripe for abuse, probably HAS been abused by the Dem Admin. And the FISA court just issued this memo OUTLINING their abuses and lack of NSA compliance. It HAPPENED..
Well, the intelligence agency that intercepts a US citizen's call from the US to an overseas entity knows who the American is, and any information that can lead to a warrant is fair game. And that apparently is what caught up Team Trump. THAT was the OP subject: illegal OVERSEA spying. I don't think either W or Obama was accused of that ... unless it's in some asshat wacko fringe site like in the OP. Generally, the public at large and even officials outside the in4elligence agency are not give the US citizen's name ... unless there is a reason collecting intelligence or understanding some issue needs the unmasking. But again, that has nothing to do with the thread. But if you want to assert some Trump guys were wrongfully unmasked... go for it.

As to your second paragraph, why do you assert only the dems abused bulk data?
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

You DO have a right of anonymity in Foreign conversations. OTHERWISE if you run a multinational business, some GS18 security analyst could bankrupt your companies' stock price or get rich based on info. US citizens are NOT revealed in FOREIGN intercepts unless there is a SPECIFIC warrant from the FISA court (FISC) to surveil that person or organization or a special request from a group that used to be 20 or 30 people (Obama made that 100s) to UNmask that person.

The issue is -- The Patriotic Act DOMESTIC spy operation operates on BULK WARRANTS. Meaning that since they collect and store EVERY e-comm in the US domestically -- they don't NEED special warrants to retain ID information in the database. So it's ripe for abuse, probably HAS been abused by the Dem Admin. And the FISA court just issued this memo OUTLINING their abuses and lack of NSA compliance. It HAPPENED..
Well, the intelligence agency that intercepts a US citizen's call from the US to an overseas entity knows who the American is, and any information that can lead to a warrant is fair game. And that apparently is what caught up Team Trump. THAT was the OP subject: illegal OVERSEA spying. I don't think either W or Obama was accused of that ... unless it's in some asshat wacko fringe site like in the OP. Generally, the public at large and even officials outside the in4elligence agency are not give the US citizen's name ... unless there is a reason collecting intelligence or understanding some issue needs the unmasking. But again, that has nothing to do with the thread. But if you want to assert some Trump guys were wrongfully unmasked... go for it.

As to your second paragraph, why do you assert only the dems abused bulk data?

Shit they all use bulk data, we're all and USMB being watched as we type.
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

You DO have a right of anonymity in Foreign conversations. OTHERWISE if you run a multinational business, some GS18 security analyst could bankrupt your companies' stock price or get rich based on info. US citizens are NOT revealed in FOREIGN intercepts unless there is a SPECIFIC warrant from the FISA court (FISC) to surveil that person or organization or a special request from a group that used to be 20 or 30 people (Obama made that 100s) to UNmask that person.

The issue is -- The Patriotic Act DOMESTIC spy operation operates on BULK WARRANTS. Meaning that since they collect and store EVERY e-comm in the US domestically -- they don't NEED special warrants to retain ID information in the database. So it's ripe for abuse, probably HAS been abused by the Dem Admin. And the FISA court just issued this memo OUTLINING their abuses and lack of NSA compliance. It HAPPENED..
Well, the intelligence agency that intercepts a US citizen's call from the US to an overseas entity knows who the American is, and any information that can lead to a warrant is fair game. And that apparently is what caught up Team Trump. THAT was the OP subject: illegal OVERSEA spying. I don't think either W or Obama was accused of that ... unless it's in some asshat wacko fringe site like in the OP. Generally, the public at large and even officials outside the in4elligence agency are not give the US citizen's name ... unless there is a reason collecting intelligence or understanding some issue needs the unmasking. But again, that has nothing to do with the thread. But if you want to assert some Trump guys were wrongfully unmasked... go for it.

As to your second paragraph, why do you assert only the dems abused bulk data?

So when Obama spied on Merkel it was ok? The FISA Court censured Obama.
You've been incorrect on virtually every point you've made here.

An unsealed April 26 court ruling from the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) Court found that the Obama administration had violated “the NSA’s minimization procedures involving queries of data acquired under Section 702 using U.S. person identifiers. The full scope of non-compliant querying practices had not been previously disclosed to the Court.”

Under FISA, the court is supposed to determine whether the minimization procedures—those that are supposed to seal the identities of U.S. persons swept up in foreign surveillance—comply with Fourth Amendment protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.

An example of those rules falls under USSID 18, which governs the collection, retention, and then dissemination of foreign intelligence gathered to and from U.S. persons.

Those rules are promulgated by the attorney general under 50 USC 1801(h)(2), which provides that they include “procedures that require that nonpublicly available information, which is not foreign intelligence information, as defined in subsection (e)(1), shall not be disseminated in a manner that identifies any United States person, without such person’s consent, unless such person’s identity is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information or assess its importance.”

Under USSID 18, to have kept the communications would have required either sign-off from the attorney general if he or she believes that the “contents indicate a threat of death or seriously bodily harm to any person,” under Section 5.4.a., or the director of the National Security Agency, under 5.4.d., if he or she determines the communications contain “significant foreign intelligence” or “evidence of a crime or threat of death or serious bodily harm to any person.”

For these U.S. persons to have been included in a report for dissemination could have only occurred if, under Section 7.2.c., the “appropriate approval authority” determined “[t]he identity of the U.S. person is necessary to understand foreign intelligence information or assess its importance” or “[t]he information is evidence that the individual may be involved in a crime that has been, is being, or is about to be committed, provided that the dissemination is for law enforcement purposes.”

Bug Out While You Still Can! Learn More…
What the FISA Court is saying in its April 26 ruling is that these bare minimal rules, which do not even require a warrant to unmask a U.S. person, were not being followed. Since all the agents must show is that the information is relevant to foreign intelligence matters, that is saying something. The only explanation is that, in those cases, the searches had no bearing on foreign intelligence gathering.

According to reporting by John Solomon and Sarah Carter of “Circa.com,” “More than 5%, or one out of every 20 searches seeking upstream Internet data on Americans inside the NSA’s so-called Section 702 database violated the safeguards Obama and his intelligence chiefs vowed to follow in 2011, according to one classified internal report reviewed by Circa.”

Circa could not ascertain how many such inappropriate searches had occurred, as the information was classified, but it does provide a window into how the FISA Court responds to these instances even when there are violations.

The federal government under Attorney General Jeff Sessions has since applied to the FISA Court to change those minimization rules on March 30, which the court granted on April 26. Two days later, on April 28, the National Security Agency issued a statement that it “will no longer collect certain internet communications that merely mention a foreign intelligence target.”

According to the court ruling, “Under the revised procedures, the government may acquire communications to which United States persons and persons within the United States are parties when such persons communicate with a Section 702 target.”

The court praised this move, stating, “The Court agrees that the removal of ‘abouts’ communications eliminates the types of communications presenting the Court the greatest level of constitutional and statutory concern.”

This appears to indicate American citizens who were merely mentioning the name of a foreign target were being subjected to surveillance and potentially unmasked without warrants.

Information previously gathered on this basis will now be destroyed: “Revisions to the NSA Minimization Procedures now state that all Internet transactions acquired on or before [March 17] and existing in NSA’s institutionally managed repositories will be sequestered pending destruction such that ‘NSA personnel will not be able to access the[m] for analytical purposes.’ NSA will destroy such sequestered Internet transactions as soon as practicable through an accelerated age-off process.”

The new rules appear to be a sharp departure from previous practice, but do they go far enough to reform minimization abuses?

In assessing whether minimization procedures are constitutional, the court applies the so-called reasonableness standard, that is, those exceptions to the Fourth Amendment’s warrant requirement to perform a search. These typically include situations such as a police officer witnessing a crime in progress or conducting a search during the course of a lawful arrest. Nearly all of these exceptions require some nexus to criminal activity in order to justify the search. Generally, if there is no crime, then no search can be justified.

The standard used by the FISA Court, however, does not consider any of that. Foreign intelligence gathering in itself is not focused on gathering information about crimes but about threats to national security or the workings of foreign powers.

Yet, the FISA Court still uses the same precedents and language from 4th Amendment Supreme Court cases to justify itself: “In assessing the reasonableness of a governmental intrusion under the Fourth Amendment, a court must ‘balance the interests at stake’ under the ‘totality of the circumstances.’ … Specifically, a court must ‘balance … the degree of the government’s intrusion on individual privacy’ against ‘the degree to which that intrusion furthers the government’s legitimate interest.’ … ‘The more important the government’s interest, the greater the intrusion that may be constitutionally tolerated.’”

These standards were established in various cases involving traffic stops and arrests in criminal contexts. For example, in Riley v. California (2014), where the Supreme Court ruled that the contents of a cellular phone could not be searched without a warrant even when a lawful arrest has occurred. Or Wyoming v. Houghton (1999), where the nation’s highest court ruled that the contents of a vehicle could be searched without a warrant if the police had reason to believe it had been used in the commission of a crime or contained contraband.

In every case, for a warrantless search to occur, some sort of criminality was needed, and even then, certain restrictions were applied to the extent the search was constitutional.

Not so in the FISA Court, we now know, where intelligence is gathered without regards to criminality. Which is why the disclosure of classified intelligence that includes U.S. person identifiers—so-called incidental collection as happened in the case of former National Security Advisor Michael Flynn—is such a serious crime, so that mere contacts with foreign intelligence surveillance targets are not used to create the appearance of being a foreign agent or to create legal jeopardy.

All of this raises serious constitutional questions of how FISA has been applied on U.S. soil.

Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning urged Congress to slow down reauthorization of Section 702 of FISA in a statement, saying: “The implications of the Obama administration unmasking hundreds of targeted people unconstitutionally leads any reasonable person to wonder how precisely this illegally gained information was used. In light of the obvious abuse of power in the Mike Flynn case of leaking Flynn’s name to the press after being unmasked for political reasons, it becomes reasonable to assume that was the intent of these unmaskings all along, and calls into question the continuance of the entire program.”

When it comes to U.S. persons and persons on U.S. soil, the American people should consider whether they want the federal government conducting warrantless searches where no criminal activity is implicated, a constitutionally dubious standard.

If a criminality standard had been applied, Flynn’s conversation might not have ever been intercepted in the first place.

But even if that were a bridge too far for Congress—because recording every conversation by foreign ambassadors on U.S. soil is somehow deemed essential—Congress should consider the fact that the attorney general can apparently, according to the FISA Court, just reinstitute “abouts” collection at his discretion.

As the court states: “This Opinion and Order does not question the propriety of acquiring ‘abouts’ communications and MCTs as approved by the Court since 2011, subject to the rigorous safeguards imposed on such acquisitions. The concerns raised in the current matters stem from NSA’s failure to adhere fully to those safeguards.”

In other words, unless Congress acts, these types of warrantless searches—where a person who says “Kisylak” or “Putin” on the phone might be intercepted and recorded and that person’s identity might be unmasked without a warrant even if no crime has been committed—could just be reinstituted later.

The Justice Department under Sessions is to be applauded for discontinuing this practice for the moment, but Congress should act to make certain these types of abuses never happen again.

The Church Committee was convened in 1975 to get to the bottom of revelations by Seymour Hersh’s explosive report to The New York Times on Dec. 22, 1974 that the CIA had been engaged in a mass, domestic surveillance program against anti-war protestors, members of Congress, and other political figures.

We are on the edge of the abyss of tyranny Sen. Frank Church (D-Idaho) warned about in 1975.

To the extent the American people presently look the other way in terms of foreign government officials being under constant surveillance on U.S. soil, even with warrants, they will not do so if they believe their own activities are under threat to come under scrutiny without warrants merely because they took an interest in foreign affairs.

Or if these powers are being used against political opponents, as apparently happened in the last year of the Obama administration, against the Trump campaign and then transition after the election.

If Congress is not currently telling itself, “Never again”—if it believes such political surveillance against the opposition party in an election year is somehow justified on the most dubious of grounds—then we’ve got a bigger problem than most people realize.

Robert Romano is the senior editor of Americans for Limited Government.

Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years
Whatever doc. Whether it was right or wrong to spy on Merkle is not the issue, the issue is it's not illegal and has nothing to do with the US const.

Whatever you say Doc. You're clearly well versed in the 4th Amend.

Debbie, I pretty much signed off on the bulk data thing after this.

No, NSA Phone Spying Has Not Ended

I think it's still a real possibility they collect bulk, or metadata, concerning drug and child porn crimes.
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

You DO have a right of anonymity in Foreign conversations. OTHERWISE if you run a multinational business, some GS18 security analyst could bankrupt your companies' stock price or get rich based on info. US citizens are NOT revealed in FOREIGN intercepts unless there is a SPECIFIC warrant from the FISA court (FISC) to surveil that person or organization or a special request from a group that used to be 20 or 30 people (Obama made that 100s) to UNmask that person.

The issue is -- The Patriotic Act DOMESTIC spy operation operates on BULK WARRANTS. Meaning that since they collect and store EVERY e-comm in the US domestically -- they don't NEED special warrants to retain ID information in the database. So it's ripe for abuse, probably HAS been abused by the Dem Admin. And the FISA court just issued this memo OUTLINING their abuses and lack of NSA compliance. It HAPPENED..
Well, the intelligence agency that intercepts a US citizen's call from the US to an overseas entity knows who the American is, and any information that can lead to a warrant is fair game. And that apparently is what caught up Team Trump. THAT was the OP subject: illegal OVERSEA spying. I don't think either W or Obama was accused of that ... unless it's in some asshat wacko fringe site like in the OP. Generally, the public at large and even officials outside the in4elligence agency are not give the US citizen's name ... unless there is a reason collecting intelligence or understanding some issue needs the unmasking. But again, that has nothing to do with the thread. But if you want to assert some Trump guys were wrongfully unmasked... go for it.

As to your second paragraph, why do you assert only the dems abused bulk data?

No.. Foreign intel ops are NOT interested in garden variety American criminal justice. No NEED to reveal identities of citizens and Organizations because they are not law enforcement. They are only interested in foreign affairs and any imminents threats to domestic security.

Yes --- to date --- the Blue Team has a large track record not only turning the Domestic "terrorist surveillance systems" into a political weapon, but also weaponizing the power of agencies like the IRS against groups like the Tea Party. The LATTER --- probably done with the CO-OPERATION of GOP leadership...
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

You DO have a right of anonymity in Foreign conversations. OTHERWISE if you run a multinational business, some GS18 security analyst could bankrupt your companies' stock price or get rich based on info. US citizens are NOT revealed in FOREIGN intercepts unless there is a SPECIFIC warrant from the FISA court (FISC) to surveil that person or organization or a special request from a group that used to be 20 or 30 people (Obama made that 100s) to UNmask that person.

The issue is -- The Patriotic Act DOMESTIC spy operation operates on BULK WARRANTS. Meaning that since they collect and store EVERY e-comm in the US domestically -- they don't NEED special warrants to retain ID information in the database. So it's ripe for abuse, probably HAS been abused by the Dem Admin. And the FISA court just issued this memo OUTLINING their abuses and lack of NSA compliance. It HAPPENED..
Well, the intelligence agency that intercepts a US citizen's call from the US to an overseas entity knows who the American is, and any information that can lead to a warrant is fair game. And that apparently is what caught up Team Trump. THAT was the OP subject: illegal OVERSEA spying. I don't think either W or Obama was accused of that ... unless it's in some asshat wacko fringe site like in the OP. Generally, the public at large and even officials outside the in4elligence agency are not give the US citizen's name ... unless there is a reason collecting intelligence or understanding some issue needs the unmasking. But again, that has nothing to do with the thread. But if you want to assert some Trump guys were wrongfully unmasked... go for it.

As to your second paragraph, why do you assert only the dems abused bulk data?

Shit they all use bulk data, we're all and USMB being watched as we type.

We are being recorded, stored, and filtered for specific content --- but not actually "watched". No human touches that data without authorization and a warrant..
Whatever doc. Whether it was right or wrong to spy on Merkle is not the issue, the issue is it's not illegal and has nothing to do with the US const.

Whatever you say Doc. You're clearly well versed in the 4th Amend.

Debbie, I pretty much signed off on the bulk data thing after this.

No, NSA Phone Spying Has Not Ended

I think it's still a real possibility they collect bulk, or metadata, concerning drug and child porn crimes.

It's clear that queries have been made on the 702 Big Brother for criminal investigations. But they get around that by never USING knowledge in any criminal prosecution or as justification for warrants for law enforcement searches. It's a damn sneaky way of hunting. Kinda like using a fishfinder and then claiming you found that tuna school just looking at the wave action...
Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

I say we impeach that sumbitch rat F'n now.

It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

You DO have a right of anonymity in Foreign conversations. OTHERWISE if you run a multinational business, some GS18 security analyst could bankrupt your companies' stock price or get rich based on info. US citizens are NOT revealed in FOREIGN intercepts unless there is a SPECIFIC warrant from the FISA court (FISC) to surveil that person or organization or a special request from a group that used to be 20 or 30 people (Obama made that 100s) to UNmask that person.

The issue is -- The Patriotic Act DOMESTIC spy operation operates on BULK WARRANTS. Meaning that since they collect and store EVERY e-comm in the US domestically -- they don't NEED special warrants to retain ID information in the database. So it's ripe for abuse, probably HAS been abused by the Dem Admin. And the FISA court just issued this memo OUTLINING their abuses and lack of NSA compliance. It HAPPENED..
Well, the intelligence agency that intercepts a US citizen's call from the US to an overseas entity knows who the American is, and any information that can lead to a warrant is fair game. And that apparently is what caught up Team Trump. THAT was the OP subject: illegal OVERSEA spying. I don't think either W or Obama was accused of that ... unless it's in some asshat wacko fringe site like in the OP. Generally, the public at large and even officials outside the in4elligence agency are not give the US citizen's name ... unless there is a reason collecting intelligence or understanding some issue needs the unmasking. But again, that has nothing to do with the thread. But if you want to assert some Trump guys were wrongfully unmasked... go for it.

As to your second paragraph, why do you assert only the dems abused bulk data?

No.. Foreign intel ops are NOT interested in garden variety American criminal justice. No NEED to reveal identities of citizens and Organizations because they are not law enforcement. They are only interested in foreign affairs and any imminents threats to domestic security.

Yes --- to date --- the Blue Team has a large track record not only turning the Domestic "terrorist surveillance systems" into a political weapon, but also weaponizing the power of agencies like the IRS against groups like the Tea Party. The LATTER --- probably done with the CO-OPERATION of GOP leadership...
I'd have an easier time taking you seriously if you acknowledged that W's administration was actually doing the warrantless domestic spying.
Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

I say we impeach that sumbitch rat F'n now.

LOL. But the point is that I don't think US courts found what the Obama admin was doing with metadata, and that Snowden revealed, was actually illegal. It may have been morally wrong and even against the spirit of the 4th amendment (although that may be debated).

But I do agree that there's probably illegal snooping going on, that then leads to the gummit getting information that they can get warrants on, and that includes stuff having nothing to do with terrorism.

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