Obama intel agency secretly conducted illegal searches on Americans for years

What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?
^ that

Whats w/easytard65 and others creating these threads about an ex- President? You'd think they'd be too busy singing the praises of their new Dear Leader? :eusa_think:

Maybe its because the Russia probe is getting to close so rw media is running interference?

Or MAYBE it's because Team Snowflake had this "the Russians are Coming to Get You" alibi IN PLACE during the years that all this WEAPONIZED spying and leaking was going on.. Had to have SOME kind of cover story right?

That's amazing. So liberals made Trump Bankrupt because they knew he would run to Russia for money and then they went after Flynn and set him up with payments from Russia because they (the liberals) knew that he would lie about it when asked. Then did the same thing with Sessions, Manafort and Tillerson?

That's some next level shit

Nothing of that concerns me compared to ABUSING the most powerful Big Brother system ever to exist on planet Earth.. NOTHING.. And I don't even CARE about Trump or his arrogance and finances. I've got LARGER concerns about the survival of this country...

YOUR team is in MUCH more hot water. And if still had journalists, the DNC heads and embedded leakers would be fleeing the country about now...

Of coursemaking sense doesn't concern you. That's why you keep repeating liberals set Trump up over decades knowing that he would one day become President.

I don't give a whit about Trump. Never said those things. Trump simply HIJACKED the Repub party with his massive loot and ego and the pansies folded. That's my take. Stop assigning things to me I would never even think about..
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?
^ that

Whats w/easytard65 and others creating these threads about an ex- President? You'd think they'd be too busy singing the praises of their new Dear Leader? :eusa_think:

Maybe its because the Russia probe is getting to close so rw media is running interference?

Or MAYBE it's because Team Snowflake had this "the Russians are Coming to Get You" alibi IN PLACE during the years that all this WEAPONIZED spying and leaking was going on.. Had to have SOME kind of cover story right?
THATS your assertion flaccidcaltenn? :eusa_eh:

Hate to break the news to you but Trump is Trump's worst enemy. :clap2:


You know, I give up on the bunch of you, really most of us do. (not that you care of course) We are ALL going to lose this country if we don't stop these politicians from doing this, no matter which party they belong to.

Do you see how your side is acting with Trump getting elected?

OK, now imagine we just keep allowing this stuff to slide, and the NEXT PRESIDENT you hate gets elected, and prosecutes you because you are a mouthpiece. Well, how did that happen? Because in YOUR BRILLIANCE, you were more motivated to protect Obama for whatever reason, then protect the republic! This stuff is not partisan, don't you understand that! This is about DENYING us our 4th amendment rights. If you do not get it, then I feel sorry for you, and any children you have. Somebody else is going to have to save the country for them, because YOU are asleep at the wheel!!!!!!
NEWSFLAH!!! I'm not a member of any party and never have been.

As to the OP, Trump IS a narcissist and will say anything, including leaking classified info to get his daily dose of recognition,
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?
^ that

Whats w/easytard65 and others creating these threads about an ex- President? You'd think they'd be too busy singing the praises of their new Dear Leader? :eusa_think:

Maybe its because the Russia probe is getting to close so rw media is running interference?

Or MAYBE it's because Team Snowflake had this "the Russians are Coming to Get You" alibi IN PLACE during the years that all this WEAPONIZED spying and leaking was going on.. Had to have SOME kind of cover story right?
THATS your assertion flaccidcaltenn? :eusa_eh:

Hate to break the news to you but Trump is Trump's worst enemy. :clap2:


Trump is the victim here. Dems LOVE victims. Should love victims of Big Brother spying WEAPONIZED for political hijinks. Trump is the kinda garbage that America ends up with -- when you have two CORRUPT, INEPT, and dynasty parties only interested in winning -- not governing. Don't even try to engage me with the juvenile horseshit of your tribal wars. I want both brand name parties dead and buried. I'll be happy to see to see them die one at a time or both together. As long as they don't take my country with them..
I don't give a whit about Trump. Never said those things. Trump simply HIJACKED the Repub party with his massive loot and ego and the pansies folded. That's my take. Stop assigning things to me I would never even think about..

Took you long enough to discover the emperor had no clothes.
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?
^ that

Whats w/easytard65 and others creating these threads about an ex- President? You'd think they'd be too busy singing the praises of their new Dear Leader? :eusa_think:

Maybe its because the Russia probe is getting to close so rw media is running interference?

Or MAYBE it's because Team Snowflake had this "the Russians are Coming to Get You" alibi IN PLACE during the years that all this WEAPONIZED spying and leaking was going on.. Had to have SOME kind of cover story right?
THATS your assertion flaccidcaltenn? :eusa_eh:

Hate to break the news to you but Trump is Trump's worst enemy. :clap2:


Trump is the victim here. Dems LOVE victims. Should love victims of Big Brother spying WEAPONIZED for political hijinks. Trump is the kinda garbage that America ends up with -- when you have two CORRUPT, INEPT, and dynasty parties only interested in winning -- not governing. Don't even try to engage me with the juvenile horseshit of your tribal wars. I want both brand name parties dead and buried. I'll be happy to see to see them die one at a time or both together. As long as they don't take my country with them..
thats what I've been trying to tell the resident two Party, false paradigm, drones for the last year

I don't give a whit about Trump. Never said those things. Trump simply HIJACKED the Repub party with his massive loot and ego and the pansies folded. That's my take. Stop assigning things to me I would never even think about..

Took you long enough to discover the emperor had no clothes.

WTF you talking about? I haven't worked for Dem or Repub politcs in 25 years. My priorities are getting other choices on the ballot. Wouldn't vote for EITHER kooky candidate that your 2 parties offered in November.
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?
^ that

Whats w/easytard65 and others creating these threads about an ex- President? You'd think they'd be too busy singing the praises of their new Dear Leader? :eusa_think:

Maybe its because the Russia probe is getting to close so rw media is running interference?

Or MAYBE it's because Team Snowflake had this "the Russians are Coming to Get You" alibi IN PLACE during the years that all this WEAPONIZED spying and leaking was going on.. Had to have SOME kind of cover story right?
THATS your assertion flaccidcaltenn? :eusa_eh:

Hate to break the news to you but Trump is Trump's worst enemy. :clap2:


Trump is the victim here. Dems LOVE victims. Should love victims of Big Brother spying WEAPONIZED for political hijinks. Trump is the kinda garbage that America ends up with -- when you have two CORRUPT, INEPT, and dynasty parties only interested in winning -- not governing. Don't even try to engage me with the juvenile horseshit of your tribal wars. I want both brand name parties dead and buried. I'll be happy to see to see them die one at a time or both together. As long as they don't take my country with them..
thats what I've been trying to tell the resident two Party, false paradigm, drones for the last year


You should be nicer to me then Dottie. Because you hurt my feelings WAY too often confusing me with someone who gives a shit about Trump or Clinton. :( Or Bush and Obama for that matter..
Try reading the report. It might enlighten you.
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?
^ that

Whats w/easytard65 and others creating these threads about an ex- President? You'd think they'd be too busy singing the praises of their new Dear Leader? :eusa_think:

Maybe its because the Russia probe is getting to close so rw media is running interference?

Or MAYBE it's because Team Snowflake had this "the Russians are Coming to Get You" alibi IN PLACE during the years that all this WEAPONIZED spying and leaking was going on.. Had to have SOME kind of cover story right?
THATS your assertion flaccidcaltenn? :eusa_eh:

Hate to break the news to you but Trump is Trump's worst enemy. :clap2:

^ that

Whats w/easytard65 and others creating these threads about an ex- President? You'd think they'd be too busy singing the praises of their new Dear Leader? :eusa_think:

Maybe its because the Russia probe is getting to close so rw media is running interference?

Or MAYBE it's because Team Snowflake had this "the Russians are Coming to Get You" alibi IN PLACE during the years that all this WEAPONIZED spying and leaking was going on.. Had to have SOME kind of cover story right?
THATS your assertion flaccidcaltenn? :eusa_eh:

Hate to break the news to you but Trump is Trump's worst enemy. :clap2:


Trump is the victim here. Dems LOVE victims. Should love victims of Big Brother spying WEAPONIZED for political hijinks. Trump is the kinda garbage that America ends up with -- when you have two CORRUPT, INEPT, and dynasty parties only interested in winning -- not governing. Don't even try to engage me with the juvenile horseshit of your tribal wars. I want both brand name parties dead and buried. I'll be happy to see to see them die one at a time or both together. As long as they don't take my country with them..
thats what I've been trying to tell the resident two Party, false paradigm, drones for the last year


You should be nicer to me then Dottie. Because you hurt my feelings WAY too often confusing me with someone who gives a shit about Trump or Clinton. :( Or Bush and Obama for that matter..
Stop referring to me as Dottie for starters Sport and i might consider it :thup:
Barack Obama's team secretly disclosed years of illegal NSA searches spying on Americans

'The National Security Agency under former President Barack Obama routinely violated American privacy protections while scouring through overseas intercepts and failed to disclose the extent of the problems until the final days before Donald Trump was elected president last fall, according to once top-secret documents that chronicle some of the most serious constitutional abuses to date by the U.S. intelligence community.'

All Obama holdovers involved in the illegal spying should be fired, charged, and prosecuted.

If not 'Perp Walked', Obama should be Impeached for his criminal abuse of power and violations of Americans' Constitutional Rights!
Gosh, you act so surprised! Have you been in a coma for the last 12 years? It's the only explanation I can come up with for your faux outrage.

Back when it came out that Bush was spying on Americans by the tens of millions, and tards just like you defended him ("He's keeping us safe!"), I warned those tards that someday the police state baton would be passed to a Democrat, and you would all suddenly be outraged.

Goddam, I should hire myself out as a psychic!
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. Journalists say this kind of spying limits what they can learn from overseas sources. As I recall the San Bernidino shooters had not placed overseas calls or sent emails. They'd watched video, but it may be hard to monitor everyone watching every ISIS recruitment ad. The brits seem to know the Machester guy travelled to Syria.

It's a mess.
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.

Not by a long shot. That case is like Trumps travel ban.

Klayman v. Obama - Wikipedia

In August 2015, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the injunction and held that the plaintiff's failed to meet the heightened burden of proof regarding standing required for preliminary injunctions.[17] The case was remanded back to the district court.

In November 2015, the district court enjoined the NSA from collecting data about Klayman's client, a California lawyer who had recently been added to the lawsuit, but the D.C. Circuit court stayed enforcement of the injunction.[
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.
Snowflakes are trying to make themselves feel better, to hold on to their delusions, by calling me a liar when they themselves KNOW the truth, that Obama is a frickin' CRIMINAL.

Unless you were living under a rock everyone knows about Clapper lying under oath, testifying wile Obama was President how Anericans were not being spied on... only to have it revealed that millions of Americans were indeed being spied upon. Instead of charging Clapper with perjury he was allowed to appear before Congress and amend his testimony.

Unless you were living under a rock you had to hear the stories of how the Obama Administration spied on reporters and the media.

Unless you were living under a rock you had to hear about how Democrat Diane Feinstein caused such a fuss when she found out the Obama administration had been spying on Congress, on her and her fellow Senators.

And just recently Supreme Court Justice Kennedy publicly stated that he believed the Obama administration had been spying on the US Supreme Court, probably to get an edge after losing several Supreme Court cases.

Both Directors of the NSA and the FBI recently testified that the Obama Administration and loyalists in the Intel agencies broke the law in order to politically unmask Americans and release classified information. Those Directors testified that these acts constitute Felony Espionage.

This proves Obama and his administration had no concerns or hesitations about violating laws and the Constitution when they wanted to do so.

Calling me names and falsely accusing me of lying does not change any of that, but I hope it makes the snowflakes on this board feel better. Doing so is equivalent to running to their 'safe zones' in order to avoid the truth.
Last edited:
Snowflakes are trying to make themselves feel better, to hold on to their delusions, by calling me a liar when they themselves KNOW the truth, that Obama is a frickin' CRIMINAL.

Unless you were living under a rock everyone knows about Clapper lying under iath, tetifying wile Obama was President how Anericans were not being spied on... only to have it revealed that millions of Americans were indeed being spied upon. Instead of charging Clapper with perjury he was allowed to appear before Congress and amend his testimony.

Unless you were living under a rock you had to hear the stories of how the Obama Administration spied on reporters and the media.

Unless you were living under a rock you had to hear about how Democrat Dianne Feinstein caused such a fuss when she found out the Obama administration had been spying on Congress, on her and her fellow senators.

And just recently Supreme Court Justice Kennedy publicly stated that he believed the Obama administration had been spying on the US Supreme Court, probably to get an edge after losing several Supreme Court cases.

Both directors of the NSA and the FBI recently testified that the Obama Administration and loyalists in the Intel agencies broke the law in order to politically unmasked Americans and release classified information. Those directors testified that these acts constitute felony espionage.

This proves Obama and his administration had no concerns or hesitations over violating laws and the Constitution when they wanted to do so.

Calling me names and falsely accusing me of lying does not change any of that but I hope it makes the snowflakes on this board feel better.
You are a liar and you have no clue as to the 4th amend or FISA law.
What happened? I thought warrantless wiretapping was cool when Bush did it?

...is it because...he's...black?

Liberals are the only ones who still judge people based on the color of their skin as evidenced by your post. It's the 21st century, join the rest of us who judge based on character.
So you were cool with warrantless wiretapping during the Bush administration because you thought he was a man of character? Remember that having character is not the same as being one.

Did you feel the point zoom over your head or were you oblivious to it? It isn't about race, no matter how much guilt ridden Democrats think it is. You're welcome.
Snowflakes are trying to make themselves feel better, to hold on to their delusions, by calling me a liar when they themselves KNOW the truth, that Obama is a frickin' CRIMINAL.

Unless you were living under a rock everyone knows about Clapper lying under iath, tetifying wile Obama was President how Anericans were not being spied on... only to have it revealed that millions of Americans were indeed being spied upon. Instead of charging Clapper with perjury he was allowed to appear before Congress and amend his testimony.

Unless you were living under a rock you had to hear the stories of how the Obama Administration spied on reporters and the media.

Unless you were living under a rock you had to hear about how Democrat Dianne Feinstein caused such a fuss when she found out the Obama administration had been spying on Congress, on her and her fellow senators.

And just recently Supreme Court Justice Kennedy publicly stated that he believed the Obama administration had been spying on the US Supreme Court, probably to get an edge after losing several Supreme Court cases.

Both directors of the NSA and the FBI recently testified that the Obama Administration and loyalists in the Intel agencies broke the law in order to politically unmasked Americans and release classified information. Those directors testified that these acts constitute felony espionage.

This proves Obama and his administration had no concerns or hesitations over violating laws and the Constitution when they wanted to do so.

Calling me names and falsely accusing me of lying does not change any of that but I hope it makes the snowflakes on this board feel better.
You are a liar and you have no clue as to the 4th amend or FISA law.
And another snowflake runs to his 'safe zone'...poor delusional snowflake.
Snowflakes are trying to make themselves feel better, to hold on to their delusions, by calling me a liar when they themselves KNOW the truth, that Obama is a frickin' CRIMINAL.

Unless you were living under a rock everyone knows about Clapper lying under iath, tetifying wile Obama was President how Anericans were not being spied on... only to have it revealed that millions of Americans were indeed being spied upon. Instead of charging Clapper with perjury he was allowed to appear before Congress and amend his testimony.

Unless you were living under a rock you had to hear the stories of how the Obama Administration spied on reporters and the media.

Unless you were living under a rock you had to hear about how Democrat Dianne Feinstein caused such a fuss when she found out the Obama administration had been spying on Congress, on her and her fellow senators.

And just recently Supreme Court Justice Kennedy publicly stated that he believed the Obama administration had been spying on the US Supreme Court, probably to get an edge after losing several Supreme Court cases.

Both directors of the NSA and the FBI recently testified that the Obama Administration and loyalists in the Intel agencies broke the law in order to politically unmasked Americans and release classified information. Those directors testified that these acts constitute felony espionage.

This proves Obama and his administration had no concerns or hesitations over violating laws and the Constitution when they wanted to do so.

Calling me names and falsely accusing me of lying does not change any of that but I hope it makes the snowflakes on this board feel better.
You are a liar and you have no clue as to the 4th amend or FISA law.

Now, do you feel better.
It's just Easy lying again. There's never been a legal prohibition about intercepting phone calls OUTSIDE the US. If Trump calls from the WH to Putin in Russia, he's fair game, for example. .

Not completely. There is no US law against it. But the countries in which we operate may have laws against it, such as in Russia it's probably illegal for America to intercept Russian phone calls.

But we do it anyway. It's only against the law if you get caught.
There are two different things here. If I call someone in Russia or someone calls me, I never have had a fourth amend right to keep the gummit from listening ON MY PHONE. Whether the NSA taps Merkels phone in Bonn is not a constitutional issue. And it's not a dem/gop issue. Easy would blow Trump for doing what he'd impeach a dem for doing.

Not quite true.

"In 1967, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the requirements of the Fourth Amendment applied equally to electronic surveillance and to physical searches. Katz v. United States, 389 U.S. 347 (1967). The Court did not address whether such requirements apply to issues of national security. Shortly after, in 1972, the Court took up the issue again in United States v. United States District Court, Plamondon, where the court held that court approval was required in order for the domestic surveillance to satisfy the Fourth Amendment. 407 U.S. 297 (1972). Justice Powell wrote that the decision did not address this issue that "may be involved with respect to activities of foreign powers or their agents"."

Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act - Wikipedia

Then the "Patriot Act" came along.

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