Obama: Iran Won’t Develop Nuclear Weapons Because It’s “Contrary” To Islam

Obama is a lucky man, a lucky man indeed.

He should buy ample powerball tickets



During a press conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier today, the president indicated a deal with Tehran is possible because “according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon.”

OBAMA: The issues now are sufficiently narrowed and sufficiently clarified where we’re at a point where they need to make a decision. We are presenting to them in a unified fashion, the P5+1 supported by a coalition of countries around the world are presenting to them a deal that allows them to have peaceful nuclear power but gives us the absolute assurance that is verifiable that they are not pursuing a nuclear weapon.

And if in fact what they claim is true, which is they have no aspiration to get a nuclear weapon, that in fact, according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon, if that is true, there should be the possibility of getting a deal. They should be able to get to yes. But we don’t know if that’s going to happen.


Iran's nuclear program comes up prior to every major US election, and has for the past 20+ years. It's used to galvanize support for/against both parties. BUt if it were a real issue, the time to act one way or the other was 20 years ago. Far too late to strike to prevent it now. All you can hope to do is negotiate it away.

As to what President Obama said, what a dumbass. Show me a religion which condones nuclear weapons before you say one in particular is against them. Isn't Christianity and Judaism against them as well? Yet that doesn't seem to have stopped Jews and Christians from developing nuclear weapons in the first place. So trying to assure people Muslims wouldn't do what we ourselves did doesn't comfort me in the least.
That's idiotic, change the word "courage" to "reckless self-destructive stupidity".

Obama is wrong. It will be powerful watching the leader from Israel talk like an American POTUS should.

Then I'll watch with glee Israel turning the facilities in Iran to glass.

Good times

You would watch with glee as another mideast war starts you fucking psycho. You think Iran would take a unilateral attack from Israel lying down? Missiles would be raining on Tel Aviv before the bombers got back to base.

Yes, I will watch, likely with some popcorn, watching what a strong leader does in the face of a weakling in the Oval Office

Netty will be like an 'acting' POTUS

History is full of strong leaders who led their country to utter ruin.

I'll take my chance as I feel the risk outweighs the cost

That's pretty fucked up dude as you do not have a personal stake in this matter.
Obama is wrong. It will be powerful watching the leader from Israel talk like an American POTUS should.

Then I'll watch with glee Israel turning the facilities in Iran to glass.

Good times

You would watch with glee as another mideast war starts you fucking psycho. You think Iran would take a unilateral attack from Israel lying down? Missiles would be raining on Tel Aviv before the bombers got back to base.

Yes, I will watch, likely with some popcorn, watching what a strong leader does in the face of a weakling in the Oval Office

Netty will be like an 'acting' POTUS

History is full of strong leaders who led their country to utter ruin.

I'll take my chance as I feel the risk outweighs the cost

That's pretty fucked up dude as you do not have a personal stake in this matter.

How do you know? Do you have a personal stake?

You would watch with glee as another mideast war starts you fucking psycho. You think Iran would take a unilateral attack from Israel lying down? Missiles would be raining on Tel Aviv before the bombers got back to base.

Yes, I will watch, likely with some popcorn, watching what a strong leader does in the face of a weakling in the Oval Office

Netty will be like an 'acting' POTUS

History is full of strong leaders who led their country to utter ruin.

I'll take my chance as I feel the risk outweighs the cost

That's pretty fucked up dude as you do not have a personal stake in this matter.

How do you know? Do you have a personal stake?

You said you would be watching it on TV with snacks and refreshments. It doesn't sound like you would be under the missiles coming from Iran in retribution for an ill conceived attack on their territory. Why do you want Israel to be bombed in retaliation? You have to consider the aftermath of a unilateral attack on their nuclear facilities.
Yes, I will watch, likely with some popcorn, watching what a strong leader does in the face of a weakling in the Oval Office

Netty will be like an 'acting' POTUS

History is full of strong leaders who led their country to utter ruin.

I'll take my chance as I feel the risk outweighs the cost

That's pretty fucked up dude as you do not have a personal stake in this matter.

How do you know? Do you have a personal stake?

You said you would be watching it on TV with snacks and refreshments. It doesn't sound like you would be under the missiles coming from Iran in retribution for an ill conceived attack on their territory. Why do you want Israel to be bombed in retaliation? You have to consider the aftermath of a unilateral attack on their nuclear facilities.

Again, the price we and Israel pay for freedom.

Your logic is like hey, criminals will always be criminals. Nothing we can do about it.

Let the missiles reign

Freedom? Where? US is less free compared to freer countries than we let on. We don't score in the top 20 for freedom of the press, personal/civil freedoms, or even economic freedoms. People who keep saying anything the US does is about our freedom are fucking ignorant.
History is full of strong leaders who led their country to utter ruin.

I'll take my chance as I feel the risk outweighs the cost

That's pretty fucked up dude as you do not have a personal stake in this matter.

How do you know? Do you have a personal stake?

You said you would be watching it on TV with snacks and refreshments. It doesn't sound like you would be under the missiles coming from Iran in retribution for an ill conceived attack on their territory. Why do you want Israel to be bombed in retaliation? You have to consider the aftermath of a unilateral attack on their nuclear facilities.

Again, the price we and Israel pay for freedom.

Your logic is like hey, criminals will always be criminals. Nothing we can do about it.

Let the missiles reign

My logic is that no war is better than war. Every day that passes without an open conflict is a day thousands of people get to go about their ordinary lives in peace. War is the worst kind of tyranny and you talk of freedom, ridiculous.
Its all good. Since Obama is turning his nose up against Netanyahu at congress, the leader will address the American people as he should to let us know, he has the courage to go against Obama, and will go it alone to destroy these power facilities

That's idiotic, change the word "courage" to "reckless self-destructive stupidity".

Obama is wrong. It will be powerful watching the leader from Israel talk like an American POTUS should.

Then I'll watch with glee Israel turning the facilities in Iran to glass.

Good times

You would watch with glee as another mideast war starts you fucking psycho. You think Iran would take a unilateral attack from Israel lying down? Missiles would be raining on Tel Aviv before the bombers got back to base.

Sure iran would and israel would still thrash them.
I'll take my chance as I feel the risk outweighs the cost

That's pretty fucked up dude as you do not have a personal stake in this matter.

How do you know? Do you have a personal stake?

You said you would be watching it on TV with snacks and refreshments. It doesn't sound like you would be under the missiles coming from Iran in retribution for an ill conceived attack on their territory. Why do you want Israel to be bombed in retaliation? You have to consider the aftermath of a unilateral attack on their nuclear facilities.

Again, the price we and Israel pay for freedom.

Your logic is like hey, criminals will always be criminals. Nothing we can do about it.

Let the missiles reign

My logic is that no war is better than war. Every day that passes without an open conflict is a day thousands of people get to go about their ordinary lives in peace. War is the worst kind of tyranny and you talk of freedom, ridiculous.

A small price to pay now is better than the one paid later. Just like the economy in 08, we should of took out licks then. Same now.... Don't put a curtain around Iran and pretend they are anything but a murderous rouge nation who were responsible for so many of our soldiers death.

Do it now, not later

Obama is a lucky man, a lucky man indeed.

He should buy ample powerball tickets



During a press conference with visiting German Chancellor Angela Merkel earlier today, the president indicated a deal with Tehran is possible because “according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon.”

OBAMA: The issues now are sufficiently narrowed and sufficiently clarified where we’re at a point where they need to make a decision. We are presenting to them in a unified fashion, the P5+1 supported by a coalition of countries around the world are presenting to them a deal that allows them to have peaceful nuclear power but gives us the absolute assurance that is verifiable that they are not pursuing a nuclear weapon.

And if in fact what they claim is true, which is they have no aspiration to get a nuclear weapon, that in fact, according to their Supreme Leader, it would be contrary to their faith to obtain a nuclear weapon, if that is true, there should be the possibility of getting a deal. They should be able to get to yes. But we don’t know if that’s going to happen.

That stands to reason since they have developed an ICBM that will carry individually targeted hand grenades. Allahu akbar.
Watch out. Here comes grammar sally.

It's not grammar.

It's not an erroneous phrase that falls withing grammar and composition.

Yeah.....whatever that means.

It's ignorance. It is an indication that the writer isn't well read...and never read enough as a child. It is also an indication that the writer doesn't give a shit. While I understand that many nutters take pride in not giving a shit, it isn't a positive trait.
Iran has always been a beacon of honesty.:blowup:

True, especially when the British and Americans removed the democratically elected government in favour of a US puppet dictator.
Oops, sorry, should I mention that?
Its all good. Since Obama is turning his nose up against Netanyahu at congress, the leader will address the American people as he should to let us know, he has the courage to go against Obama, and will go it alone to destroy these power facilities

Do you consider this coward JEW has any courage? What can Israel do against Iran without American support? We have already heard enough screams and menaces? As more I see Netanyahu at OUR congress so more I am getting tired of him.

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