Obama Is Counting On These People To Re-elect Him. They Are His 08' Supporters


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Obama is hoping that these people will re-elect him. People that listen to him, believe his lies, and are so misinformed they don't even know who Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, or Bill Ayers are.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_JJLLfTR8I&feature=related]Idiots who voted for Obama - YouTube[/ame]
Yea, we can't find idiots everywhere who have voted both ways.

How big of a jerkoff do you have to be to buy into these "man on the street" things, in 2012? Like, really?
Yea, we can't find idiots everywhere who have voted both ways.

How big of a jerkoff do you have to be to buy into these "man on the street" things, in 2012? Like, really?

Yes, but, because last election was a "historic" one, more people than usally, that were not emerssed in politics, voted. It would not be a stretch to say Obama won the stupid vote.
Talk about being misinformed. Republican leaders depend on ignorance and stupidity to win elections. Just like many tea partiers believe that their Medicare and SS have nothing to do with the Government. Just like the republican base who thinks the oil we produce stays right here in the US. Recently, some of my republican friends have finally become aware that the oil is put on the world market for maximum profits. Your leaders know that slogans and talking points are all their base can grasp and couldn't be happier about that. "Death panels" lol. For all you people who believe in the Ryan budget plan, why not be proactive and put your money where your mouth is? Stop accepting Gov. run healthcare and send back your SS checks. Your leaders aren't willing to do what they want you to do. Gov. Scott of Florida pays 400.00 a year for himself and his family to receive Gov. healthcare. Most people seeking their own insurance pay that a month. He certainly feels Gov. run healthcare is good enough for he and his family. He's not willing to do what he wants us to do. The hypocrite.
Yea, we can't find idiots everywhere who have voted both ways.

How big of a jerkoff do you have to be to buy into these "man on the street" things, in 2012? Like, really?

Yes, but, because last election was a "historic" one, more people than usally, that were not emerssed in politics, voted. It would not be a stretch to say Obama won the stupid vote.

And the reason that most people aren't, immersed, into politics, is because of the way people on sites like these discuss these things with so much fomented hatred for people that differ in philosophy with themselves. It's pretty sad, tbh.

Look, another birther thread just popped up - don't worry, both sides will secure enough of the stupid vote.
"Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves. - Ronald Wilson Reagan"


Yet reagan raised the dept ceiling 17 time and spent like a drunken sailor. Do y'all remember cheney saying reagan proved that deficits don't matter...and how many time did reagan raise taxes? Yep, today reagan would be seen as a liberal extremist by you guys.
Bill Ayers?

Yes, he TRULY is of great concern to PEOPLE WHO DON'T HAVE JOBS because republicans place a higher premium on trying to deny Obama re-election than DOING THEIR FUCKING JOBS.

You think you win this election by educating people about Obama and Bill Ayers? How many times has Obama had Bill Ayers over to the White House if they're such good buddies? When was the last time they spoke? If AMERICA truly needs to be aware of Bill Ayers because of the COMPELLING STORY of how Bill Ayers OBVIOUSLY hypnotized young Obama into a life of rampant socialistic terrorism like some sort of Manchurian Candidate, why hasn't Sean Hannity or Vibratin Billdo O'Reilly broke this important story?

Oh, and if you're so opposed to socialism, why don't you ask your elected representatives to stop rewarding companies that ship jobs to FUCKING COMMUNIST CHINA???

It's not that people don't know about Bill Ayers, asshat. It's that they don't care.
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Ayers is a terrorist pig and a piece of shit, and so is his wife.

Obama is hoping that these people will re-elect him. People that listen to him, believe his lies, and are so misinformed they don't even know who Nancy Pelosi, Barney Frank, or Bill Ayers are.

Idiots who voted for Obama - YouTube

Basically, this says what? Most people don't really care all that much about politics. What they care about is what they see around them. They also care about their jobs and their family.

I betcha most people don't know about Orlando Bosch either..or the close relationship that the Bush family had with the Bin Laden family.
Ayers is a terrorist pig and a piece of shit, and so is his wife.


Ayers..never killed anyone.

And Orlando Bosch killed over 80 people.

So why did George HW Bush pardon him?

And why did Reagan and George HW Bush fund Osama Bin Laden?

And why did George W. Bush do business with the Bin Ladens?
Good conservative values..right here..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-CAcdta_8I]Falwell and Robertson on The 700 Club after 9/11 - YouTube[/ame]
How many people did George W. Bush kill?

4000+ of our guys in Iraq.
100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians.

For what?


Or was it all that FREE OIL they were going to give us when they welcomed us as liberators with parades and flowers?

STFU about Bill Ayers now.
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Wanna talk domestic terrorism?

Tim McVeigh.
He didn't trust the government, JUST LIKE YOU GUYS.

Not only those that voted for President Obama will support him this election, but also many that have been totally turned off by the extreme right wing rhetoric by all in the GOP primary. The Etch A Sketch just cannot be shaken enough to change what has been said.
Wanna talk domestic terrorism?

Tim McVeigh.
He didn't trust the government, JUST LIKE YOU GUYS.


ph great,, we have a brand new moron on da board and what's the first thing he gonna do? drag old Tim McVeighs nasty democrats bones all over da forum.

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