Obama is Cruising!!!

Fox News has our President ahead in large swing states.
People cannot relate to 1%er Romney
Romney writing off 47 percent of the vote and alienating more voters every day

Economy slowly getting better.
Car sales up.
Optimism up.

Obama campaign hitting on all cylinders
Romney coughing, sputtering, squabbling in the ranks; circling the drain

Cannot wait for election day!!!

Not surprising. You can't fix stupid.

Of which you're living proof.
I am laughing at you....you are a silly little girl claiming its over and have no way to prove it...its ok, you are young and stupid with no real experience.

I know you like the RCP with no toss-ups...well except that there more than hundred which are toss-ups....sorry kid.

I will give you no quarter...you will be gone unless you reneg which is what I expect you to do.

When have I ever endorsed RCP? I think it's stupid that they had Texas and GA in a "leans Romney" column you dumb bitch.

Back to the topic at hand...show a reputable poll that gives Romney an electoral lead much less 300 EVs. You can't. It's a simple as that.

You're gone; start packing your bags.

Poor kid...you have never been up to the back and forth with....and now you are mad :)

YOU are the one saying its over and yet you can't show that it is :)

Your boy king is done.

The record shows you challenged my point but couldn't back it up. Poor little girl.
When have I ever endorsed RCP? I think it's stupid that they had Texas and GA in a "leans Romney" column you dumb bitch.

Back to the topic at hand...show a reputable poll that gives Romney an electoral lead much less 300 EVs. You can't. It's a simple as that.

You're gone; start packing your bags.

Poor kid...you have never been up to the back and forth with....and now you are mad :)

YOU are the one saying its over and yet you can't show that it is :)

Your boy king is done.

The record shows you challenged my point but couldn't back it up. Poor little girl.

Poor Candy, the record shows you are intellectually challenged :)
Quote: Originally Posted by candycorn
Quote: Originally Posted by Old Rocks
Yesterday a number of the swing states had the President and the Governor seperated by less than a point. Today, the President is ahead in all of them by 2 or more, excepting North Carolina.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map
The daily ebb and flow of the polls is one thing; the trend is that Obama is almost always on the winning end; all of the other signs point clearly to an Obama victory as Romney continues to struggle. It's all coming up roses for Obama.

The 2nd term should be better than the first.

The entirety of the media shows this "point" to be false....
Poor kid...you have never been up to the back and forth with....and now you are mad :)

YOU are the one saying its over and yet you can't show that it is :)

Your boy king is done.

The record shows you challenged my point but couldn't back it up. Poor little girl.

Poor Candy, the record shows you are intellectually challenged :)

You're the one making a statement without anything to back it up except insults. I suppose since you've been insulted your entire life; with good cause.

Fox News has our President ahead in large swing states.
People cannot relate to 1%er Romney
Romney writing off 47 percent of the vote and alienating more voters every day

Economy slowly getting better.
Car sales up.
Optimism up.

Obama campaign hitting on all cylinders
Romney coughing, sputtering, squabbling in the ranks; circling the drain

Cannot wait for election day!!!

Update... ;)

Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

Mitt Romney's national lead over President Obama grew even more Thursday, with the latest Gallup survey showing the Republican nominee up 7 points -- as polling in the battlegrounds indicates the electoral map may be shifting in Romney's favor.

In a significant development, the RealClearPolitics electoral map, which offers predictions of which states favor which candidates, for the first time is showing Romney ahead in terms of electoral votes he is likely to win on Nov. 6.

Read more: Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

Fox News has our President ahead in large swing states.
People cannot relate to 1%er Romney
Romney writing off 47 percent of the vote and alienating more voters every day

Economy slowly getting better.
Car sales up.
Optimism up.

Obama campaign hitting on all cylinders
Romney coughing, sputtering, squabbling in the ranks; circling the drain

Cannot wait for election day!!!

Update... ;)

Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

Mitt Romney's national lead over President Obama grew even more Thursday, with the latest Gallup survey showing the Republican nominee up 7 points -- as polling in the battlegrounds indicates the electoral map may be shifting in Romney's favor.

In a significant development, the RealClearPolitics electoral map, which offers predictions of which states favor which candidates, for the first time is showing Romney ahead in terms of electoral votes he is likely to win on Nov. 6.

Read more: Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

You do realize that is over 10 days old, right?

Fox News has our President ahead in large swing states.
People cannot relate to 1%er Romney
Romney writing off 47 percent of the vote and alienating more voters every day

Economy slowly getting better.
Car sales up.
Optimism up.

Obama campaign hitting on all cylinders
Romney coughing, sputtering, squabbling in the ranks; circling the drain

Cannot wait for election day!!!

Update... ;)

Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

Mitt Romney's national lead over President Obama grew even more Thursday, with the latest Gallup survey showing the Republican nominee up 7 points -- as polling in the battlegrounds indicates the electoral map may be shifting in Romney's favor.

In a significant development, the RealClearPolitics electoral map, which offers predictions of which states favor which candidates, for the first time is showing Romney ahead in terms of electoral votes he is likely to win on Nov. 6.

Read more: Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

You do realize that is over 10 days old, right?

Certainly more current than the ops prediction, which didn't link a damn thing. ;)

Fox News has our President ahead in large swing states.
People cannot relate to 1%er Romney
Romney writing off 47 percent of the vote and alienating more voters every day

Economy slowly getting better.
Car sales up.
Optimism up.

Obama campaign hitting on all cylinders
Romney coughing, sputtering, squabbling in the ranks; circling the drain

Cannot wait for election day!!!

Update... ;)

Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

Mitt Romney's national lead over President Obama grew even more Thursday, with the latest Gallup survey showing the Republican nominee up 7 points -- as polling in the battlegrounds indicates the electoral map may be shifting in Romney's favor.

In a significant development, the RealClearPolitics electoral map, which offers predictions of which states favor which candidates, for the first time is showing Romney ahead in terms of electoral votes he is likely to win on Nov. 6.

Read more: Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

Your link is 12 days old. The RCP map has shifted back to our President's favor. Thanks for playing.
Democrats admit that obama is losing the popular vote and are clinging to a false belief that he can hang onto the EV.

Fox News has our President ahead in large swing states.
People cannot relate to 1%er Romney
Romney writing off 47 percent of the vote and alienating more voters every day

Economy slowly getting better.
Car sales up.
Optimism up.

Obama campaign hitting on all cylinders
Romney coughing, sputtering, squabbling in the ranks; circling the drain

Cannot wait for election day!!!

Update... ;)

Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

Mitt Romney's national lead over President Obama grew even more Thursday, with the latest Gallup survey showing the Republican nominee up 7 points -- as polling in the battlegrounds indicates the electoral map may be shifting in Romney's favor.

In a significant development, the RealClearPolitics electoral map, which offers predictions of which states favor which candidates, for the first time is showing Romney ahead in terms of electoral votes he is likely to win on Nov. 6.

Read more: Romney opens up 7-point lead over Obama, as electoral map begins to shift | Fox News

Your link is 12 days old. The RCP map has shifted back to our President's favor. Thanks for playing.

Where's your link in the op backing up your claim? Can you explain where on RCP it's shifted back to Obama's favor? I'm not seeing it?

Certainly more current than the ops prediction, which didn't link a damn thing. ;)

You do realize that the election is not decided by the national vote totals but by the electoral college, right? Right now every polling aggregate site besides unskewedpolls is indicating an Obama victory.
The record shows you challenged my point but couldn't back it up. Poor little girl.

Poor Candy, the record shows you are intellectually challenged :)

You're the one making a statement without anything to back it up except insults. I suppose since you've been insulted your entire life; with good cause.

:D This guy thinks he has some intellectual capacity that we simply aren't seeing.
Certainly more current than the ops prediction, which didn't link a damn thing. ;)

You do realize that the election is not decided by the national vote totals but by the electoral college, right? Right now every polling aggregate site besides unskewedpolls is indicating an Obama victory.

No! :eek: I didn't realize that!!! :eusa_shhh:

unskewedpolls? :lol:

I agree, unskewedpolls is to be laughed at. Fortunately they are the only poll aggregation site indicating a Romney victory at this time.
Poor Candy, the record shows you are intellectually challenged :)

You're the one making a statement without anything to back it up except insults. I suppose since you've been insulted your entire life; with good cause.

:D This guy thinks he has some intellectual capacity that we simply aren't seeing.

Not sure you're talking about me or not but here are the facts:

We used electroal votes to elect a President.
In only one tally from a reputable source, Obama has been in 2nd place. And that source has since swung back in his favor.

This includes Rasmussen.

While it is true that there are undecided states in all of these tallies, giving victory to the challenger only because you favor the challenger (or the incumbent for that matter) is nonsense.

So look at reputable polling in those swing states.

Florida favors Romney as of late but it's always been close.
North Carolina is Romney's as well.

MI, WI, and PA have been in Obama's column for about a solid month now. Ohio is the big prize and it's been trending Obama lately. You can look at CNN's campaign explorer to see when Romney has last visited these states clearly indicating what he thinks his chances are there.
Yesterday a number of the swing states had the President and the Governor seperated by less than a point. Today, the President is ahead in all of them by 2 or more, excepting North Carolina.

RealClearPolitics - 2012 Election Maps - Electoral Map

The daily ebb and flow of the polls is one thing; the trend is that Obama is almost always on the winning end; all of the other signs point clearly to an Obama victory as Romney continues to struggle. It's all coming up roses for Obama.

The 2nd term should be better than the first.

What pray tell is going to make an Obama 2nd term better than the first? We won't have any more Ambassadors killed? We'll get unemployment to a steady 7.8%? Gas prices locked in at a constant $3.95 a gallon? GDP growth at a consistent 2%? Barry will suddenly learn how to get along with the GOP?

I hate to point out the obvious here, Candy...but another four years of Obama is going to be pretty much like the LAST four years of Obama and that ISN'T a good thing.
You do realize that the election is not decided by the national vote totals but by the electoral college, right? Right now every polling aggregate site besides unskewedpolls is indicating an Obama victory.

No! :eek: I didn't realize that!!! :eusa_shhh:

unskewedpolls? :lol:

I agree, unskewedpolls is to be laughed at. Fortunately they are the only poll aggregation site indicating a Romney victory at this time.

An easy statement to make without any actual data to back it up, isn't it? ;)

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