Obama is GONE!!!!!!!!

The Hussein Foundation was just launched today. Hussein following the Clinton blueprint on how to enrich yourself after leaving office.
I actually felt sad for him, and was a bit emotional when he left in a sympathetic way. He had an opportunity to be like Abraham Lincoln and do great things.
He could have brought people together, and unified The Nation.

But he just couldn't get that Dem Poison out of his blood, and he fell back in to the Democrat Habits of divide and conquer.
I actually felt sad for him, and was a bit emotional when he left in a sympathetic way. He had an opportunity to be like Abraham Lincoln and do great things.
He could have brought people together, and unified The Nation.

But he just couldn't get that Dem Poison out of his blood, and he fell back in to the Democrat Habits of divide and conquer.
The problem with Democrats is they know that people that make more than $50k don't support them unless they're millionaire celebrities, so their goal has always been to keep us from living comfortably and independent.
MSNBC said Trump's speech was "Hitlerarian"...what trash. Tis was not said by some whacko far leftist...
Chris Mathews isn't a whacko far leftist? Are you on drugs?

This has been a great day. I'm just happy we survived as well as we did with that bumbling big eared dope.
MSNBC said Trump's speech was "Hitlerarian"...what trash. Tis was not said by some whacko far leftist...

MSNBC & CNN are irrelevant anymore. The only types watching them are the types rioting in the streets. Which means their viewership right now is zero.
Obama is gone....and the Trumps are here to stay. Meet the new Kennedy's. Republican's version of Camelot. This family will be around for a long time.
Obama is gone....and the Trumps are here to stay. Meet the new Kennedy's. Republican's version of Camelot. This family will be around for a long time.

....lol yea, just like Kennedy, can't wait for the "it's what you can do for your country" speech. :rolleyes:
Obama will be remembered for only one thing....he was the first affirmative action President. He had no qualifications to be President, he had no experience to be President......he was elected to be the first black President and that will be all he will be remembered for. Nothing he has done will be remembered...other than the chaos he is leaving in his wake.....Iran with 150 billion dollars for nuclear weapons and terrorism, isis running wild .........the good thing...he can't cause any more problems....we just have to clean up the problems he has left behind....
Obama will be remembered for only one thing....he was the first affirmative action President. He had no qualifications to be President, he had no experience to be President......he was elected to be the first black President and that will be all he will be remembered for. Nothing he has done will be remembered...other than the chaos he is leaving in his wake.....Iran with 150 billion dollars for nuclear weapons and terrorism, isis running wild .........the good thing...he can't cause any more problems....we just have to clean up the problems he has left behind....

The guy has 60% approval coming out of office and you seriously think that your take on what he will be remembered for is anywhere near reality? You are a seriously deranged. Which is ok, since no one gives a shit what you rw hacks think.

Historians rank Obama as a well above average president. Time to get real.
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I wonder what Obama is thinking right now, watching the Trump's walk into his old home...
The guy has 60% approval coming out of office
Where did you get 60%? it's low 50's and the poll is fake anyway. Can't have the first black president leaving office under 40% apr. If the pollsters where honest Obama would be way under 50% ....................................fake rigged polls.

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