Obama is Leaving America Worse off than Under Bush

Obama’s Legacy: Runaway Deficits, Debt And Health Costs
Spending, debt and deficits are expected to soar in coming years, a new government report says, a legacy of the Barack Obama era.

  • 5:57 PM EST
The Budget: When President Obama released his first budget plan in 2009, he called it a “New Era of Responsibility.” What he produced was irresponsibility on a historic scale.

“Government has failed to fully confront the deep, systemic problems that year after year have only become a larger and larger drag on our economy,” Obama said in his inaugural budget plan, promising to make “the tough choices necessary to … put our nation on sound fiscal footing.”

Seven years later, a new Congressional Budget Office report reveals that Obama will bequeath chronic and rising deficits, rapidly expanding debt, and exploding health care costs to his successors.

First, there’s the deficit, which the CBO says will top $1 trillion in six years, and continue climbing. Over the next decade, deficits will total more than $9 trillion. The CBO’s outlook has worsened significantly since its last forecast, mainly because it expects the economy to grow more slowly.

Debt held by the public will nearly double over the next decade, the CBO says, going from close to $14 trillion this year to $23.8 trillion in 2026. By that year, debt will equal more than 86% of the economy.

“Such high and rising debt would have serious negative consequences for the budget and the nation,” the report notes.


And while Obama had promised that his health care reform would “bend the cost curve down,” it has instead turbocharged federal spending on health care. In fact, in 2015, for the first time ever, federal spending on health care programs exceeded Social Security spending.

The CBO says that Medicare, Medicaid, ObamaCare and other health program costs climbed 13% last year, are expected to go up another 11% this year and double over the next decade. ObamaCare’s annual subsidy cost will hit $109 billion by 2026. By 2026, health spending will account for nearly a third of all federal spending.

The report also shows the grim state in which Obama will leave every major federal entitlement program.

the rest of the hope and change here:
Obama’s Legacy: Runaway Deficits, Debt And Health Costs
Obama’s Legacy: Runaway Deficits, Debt And Health Costs
Spending, debt and deficits are expected to soar in coming years, a new government report says, a legacy of the Barack Obama era.

  • 5:57 PM EST
The Budget: When President Obama released his first budget plan in 2009, he called it a “New Era of Responsibility.” What he produced was irresponsibility on a historic scale.

“Government has failed to fully confront the deep, systemic problems that year after year have only become a larger and larger drag on our economy,” Obama said in his inaugural budget plan, promising to make “the tough choices necessary to … put our nation on sound fiscal footing.”

Seven years later, a new Congressional Budget Office report reveals that Obama will bequeath chronic and rising deficits, rapidly expanding debt, and exploding health care costs to his successors.

First, there’s the deficit, which the CBO says will top $1 trillion in six years, and continue climbing. Over the next decade, deficits will total more than $9 trillion. The CBO’s outlook has worsened significantly since its last forecast, mainly because it expects the economy to grow more slowly.

Debt held by the public will nearly double over the next decade, the CBO says, going from close to $14 trillion this year to $23.8 trillion in 2026. By that year, debt will equal more than 86% of the economy.

“Such high and rising debt would have serious negative consequences for the budget and the nation,” the report notes.


And while Obama had promised that his health care reform would “bend the cost curve down,” it has instead turbocharged federal spending on health care. In fact, in 2015, for the first time ever, federal spending on health care programs exceeded Social Security spending.

The CBO says that Medicare, Medicaid, ObamaCare and other health program costs climbed 13% last year, are expected to go up another 11% this year and double over the next decade. ObamaCare’s annual subsidy cost will hit $109 billion by 2026. By 2026, health spending will account for nearly a third of all federal spending.

The report also shows the grim state in which Obama will leave every major federal entitlement program.

the rest of the hope and change here:
Obama’s Legacy: Runaway Deficits, Debt And Health Costs
The response by democrats to this damning factual information will be to yell racist or W's fault or it means nothing since money grows on trees.
Obama’s Legacy: Runaway Deficits, Debt And Health Costs
Spending, debt and deficits are expected to soar in coming years, a new government report says, a legacy of the Barack Obama era.

  • 5:57 PM EST
The Budget: When President Obama released his first budget plan in 2009, he called it a “New Era of Responsibility.” What he produced was irresponsibility on a historic scale.

“Government has failed to fully confront the deep, systemic problems that year after year have only become a larger and larger drag on our economy,” Obama said in his inaugural budget plan, promising to make “the tough choices necessary to … put our nation on sound fiscal footing.”

Seven years later, a new Congressional Budget Office report reveals that Obama will bequeath chronic and rising deficits, rapidly expanding debt, and exploding health care costs to his successors.

First, there’s the deficit, which the CBO says will top $1 trillion in six years, and continue climbing. Over the next decade, deficits will total more than $9 trillion. The CBO’s outlook has worsened significantly since its last forecast, mainly because it expects the economy to grow more slowly.

Debt held by the public will nearly double over the next decade, the CBO says, going from close to $14 trillion this year to $23.8 trillion in 2026. By that year, debt will equal more than 86% of the economy.

“Such high and rising debt would have serious negative consequences for the budget and the nation,” the report notes.


And while Obama had promised that his health care reform would “bend the cost curve down,” it has instead turbocharged federal spending on health care. In fact, in 2015, for the first time ever, federal spending on health care programs exceeded Social Security spending.

The CBO says that Medicare, Medicaid, ObamaCare and other health program costs climbed 13% last year, are expected to go up another 11% this year and double over the next decade. ObamaCare’s annual subsidy cost will hit $109 billion by 2026. By 2026, health spending will account for nearly a third of all federal spending.

The report also shows the grim state in which Obama will leave every major federal entitlement program.

the rest of the hope and change here:
Obama’s Legacy: Runaway Deficits, Debt And Health Costs
The response by democrats to this damning factual information will be to yell racist or W's fault or it means nothing since money grows on trees.

Anyone who spewed we were better off under Obama was ok with being lied to or was lying to themselves
Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"
Interesting that you think doubling from 1 to 2 trillion is equivalent as doubling from 10 to 20 trillion.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

OK...money doesn't grow on trees...it grows on bushes
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


Interesting that you think doubling from 1 to 2 trillion is equivalent as doubling from 10 to 20 trillion.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

Democrats seem to think money grows on trees. Their answer is to spend more and more and more then go pick it.

And Republicans think money for wars, money for profits and corruption in the health care system, money for producing dollar bills instead of coins, and so on comes from where exactly?
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'.

Obama is Leaving America Worse off than Under Bush.

what did anyone expect after 8 years of doing his best to destroy America?? i fear these last two years more than his first 6 years. :up:
Interesting that you think doubling from 1 to 2 trillion is equivalent as doubling from 10 to 20 trillion.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

OK...money doesn't grow on trees...it grows on bushes
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

Democrats seem to think money grows on trees. Their answer is to spend more and more and more then go pick it.

And Republicans think money for wars, money for profits and corruption in the health care system, money for producing dollar bills instead of coins, and so on comes from where exactly?

Republicans KNOW that the ability to wage war comes from the Constitution.

Obamacare has done plenty to make profits for the healthcare system. It's OK with you when it's something the black boy did, though.

Last time I looked, the authority to coin money also comes from the Constitution.

I guess all those trillions spent on social programs that have no mention in the Constitution wasn't real money?
Republicans KNOW that the ability to wage war comes from the Constitution.

Republicans think they KNOW a lot of shit. But they dont.

For instance, lets look at you declaring that the COtUS gives the ABILItY to wage war. LMAO.

Does it now?

Liberals know that the COtUS gives the power to authorize making war.

But the ability to wage comes from the military.

Or do Republicans think the definition of ability and authorization is one and the same?

You neve know with you dipshits. And none of you know how to use a dictionary or Google.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

OK...money doesn't grow on trees...it grows on bushes
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

Democrats seem to think money grows on trees. Their answer is to spend more and more and more then go pick it.

And Republicans think money for wars, money for profits and corruption in the health care system, money for producing dollar bills instead of coins, and so on comes from where exactly?

Republicans KNOW that the ability to wage war comes from the Constitution.

Obamacare has done plenty to make profits for the healthcare system. It's OK with you when it's something the black boy did, though.

Last time I looked, the authority to coin money also comes from the Constitution.

I guess all those trillions spent on social programs that have no mention in the Constitution wasn't real money?

I'm sorry, what's your point? That war is in the constitution therefore it's a good thing to do?
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

OK...money doesn't grow on trees...it grows on bushes
Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

Democrats seem to think money grows on trees. Their answer is to spend more and more and more then go pick it.

And Republicans think money for wars, money for profits and corruption in the health care system, money for producing dollar bills instead of coins, and so on comes from where exactly?

Republicans KNOW that the ability to wage war comes from the Constitution.

Obamacare has done plenty to make profits for the healthcare system. It's OK with you when it's something the black boy did, though.

Last time I looked, the authority to coin money also comes from the Constitution.

I guess all those trillions spent on social programs that have no mention in the Constitution wasn't real money?

I'm sorry, what's your point? That war is in the constitution therefore it's a good thing to do?

Never said it was a good thing just that's it's CONSTITUTIONAL.
Republicans KNOW that the ability to wage war comes from the Constitution.

Republicans think they KNOW a lot of shit. But they dont.

For instance, lets look at you declaring that the COtUS gives the ABILItY to wage war. LMAO.

Does it now?

Liberals know that the COtUS gives the power to authorize making war.

But the ability to wage comes from the military.

Or do Republicans think the definition of ability and authorization is one and the same?

You neve know with you dipshits. And none of you know how to use a dictionary or Google.

wth did you just spew? stop babbling nonsense
Republicans KNOW that the ability to wage war comes from the Constitution.

Republicans think they KNOW a lot of shit. But they dont.

For instance, lets look at you declaring that the COtUS gives the ABILItY to wage war. LMAO.

Does it now?

Liberals know that the COtUS gives the power to authorize making war.

But the ability to wage comes from the military.

Or do Republicans think the definition of ability and authorization is one and the same?

You neve know with you dipshits. And none of you know how to use a dictionary or Google.

Congress has the ability based on what's in the Constitution.

The ability to wage war doesn't come from the military. If they did, that would mean the military could do so even if Congress, through its delegated power to declare it and fund the military, didn't provide them money.

What we know with you dipshits is that when you're losing you play games with words. That's a sign of losing when you have to resort to something like that.

You're the kind that thinks demand means someone simply wanting something.

Play your games loser. It's all you have left.
wth did you just spew? stop babbling nonsense

Dont wory about it steph. You are one of the more stupid ones on here.

You have no fucking idea if the word authorize and ability are one and the same.

And you are definitely to stupid to use a dictionary. Carry on idiot.
We've never been given a look at all that Obama has spent on the military constantly dropping bombs all over the middle east. so this is why his cult followers can spew how Bush and war. blaa blaa blaa
What we know with you dipshits is that when you're losing you play games with words. That's a sign of losing when you have to resort to something like that.

You stupid fuck. You are the one that wrote what you did.

Not my fault you and steph dont know the difference between ability and authorize.

the Congress authorizes war.
the military maintains the ability to fight wars.

I thought you knew all about the COtUS and what it says.

Show me where in the COtUS it says the Congress has the ability to fight wars.
Hell the fucks in Congress wont even send their kids to fight wars they start.

Yep just looked at the War Powers Act. Couldnt find the word ability to make war anywhere.

Words like authorize, declare, etc. Ability Nope.
Interesting that you think doubling from 1 to 2 trillion is equivalent as doubling from 10 to 20 trillion.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

  • Democrats seem to think money grows on trees. Their answer is to spend more and more and more then go pick it.
You do know that Republicans control spending, right?
What we know with you dipshits is that when you're losing you play games with words. That's a sign of losing when you have to resort to something like that.

You stupid fuck. You are the one that wrote what you did.

Not my fault you and steph dont know the difference between ability and authorize.

the Congress authorizes war.
the military maintains the ability to fight wars.

I thought you knew all about the COtUS and what it says.

Show me where in the COtUS it says the Congress has the ability to fight wars.
Hell the fucks in Congress wont even send their kids to fight wars they start.

Yep just looked at the War Powers Act. Couldnt find the word ability to make war anywhere.

Words like authorize, declare, etc. Ability Nope.

Not my fault you think someone has the ability to do something when they don't have the money to do it.

Still playing word games loser? If that's all you have, run along. You're not worthy of this conversation.

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