Obama is Leaving America Worse off than Under Bush

Since I'm wishing for a GOP win this fall, hopefully Republicans won't even go there in trying to sell we were better off economically back in '08 than now.
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.

Road to recovery? Millions more on food stamps and record numbers not in the workforce.

Ah, back to the same weak arguments huh?

Food stamps will probably lag the economic recovery, it's certainly not an indicator of a recovering economy just because there are people on food stamps.

As for "record numbers not in the workforce", which broken records are you listening to?
Many of the people "not in the workforce" chose not to be in the workforce.

Back to the same weak excuses huh?

It's not that people are on them, it's that more people are on them.

The problem with the choosing of many is that they are the ones on food stamps.

You might want to re-write this, I don't understand your point.
I was better off in 08


While difficult to believe....that may be true. But...the operative word here is "WE". We are far better off. The nation's economy is stronger and the American people are better off. Theses are facts.

If you were a smart nutter, you'd join the clowns running for POTUS and stop bringing up the economy. It's not a winner for you. You've got a much better shot at electoral victory if you can frighten voters about shit like terrorism and diseases from brown people. Obama.....and democrats in general.....have proven to be better stewards of the US economy than nutbags have. That shit is a hot potato for you guys.
Well, I don't necessarily see this as Obama's fault, I'm not giving him a free ride, just saying that people should start taking more responsibility for their own country, and who they elect.
Yeah I know, according to Obama and his apologists, NOTHING is HIS FAULT, it's like he's a temp shanghaied into a job that he didn't want but was forced to take, anything that goes wrong isn't his fault and everything that goes right is because he's the Hero in a Greek Tragedy.

You can see on this board what "politics" is all about, it's a big fight between two sides, and the really important stuff just gets lost.
Yep, except that it's far wiser to point out the idiocy of both "sides" since both "sides" are indeed acting like idiots, THEY are culpable in the imbroglio that we find ourselves in. They also give no appearance of wanting to change or even recognizing that things must change if the Republic is to survive.

But, you're still playing the fighting game, instead of calling for the change that is required in how elections are conducted to change how people vote.
Ummm..no I'm not, I've already accepted the fact that there is no winning this game and thus the only reasonable strategy is to look at things objectively, render unto Caesar and try to pass along some perspective to those I care about.

Rule number one of politics, spin everything, and some people will buy it.

In the UK Tony Blair was spinning everything, the Tories then used the media to attack him for spinning everything, saying how bad spin was. Gordon Brown took over and "listened to the people" (which clearly wasn't the people) and got rid of spin. He was then so unpopular that the Tories won, and then used spin as much, if not more, than Tony Blair.

Moral of the story? You make yourself popular by creating the image you want to see. Obama does this quite well, all these photos of a nice man smiling coming out of the White House. He's a politician, he plays the game well.
Great points and well said frigid. :clap:
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.

On the road to recovery? Maybe 2016 will be the Summer of Recovery! We have been "recovering" since 2009 but household incomes are flat.
And now we're entering a recession with the potential to be every bit as bad as 2008. This weakness is directly attributable to Obama's policies of high taxes and increased regulation. We have seen growth in the 2% range. That is not recovery. That is barely treading water.

You're a loon. :cuckoo: Taxes were higher under Reagan and Clinton and the economy was booming under both. Today's economy has nothing to do with taxes.
Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.
Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"
Interesting that you think doubling from 1 to 2 trillion is equivalent as doubling from 10 to 20 trillion.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees
Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.
Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"
Interesting that you think doubling from 1 to 2 trillion is equivalent as doubling from 10 to 20 trillion.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees
Exactly the mindset of a statist, including your most hated Dick Cheney.

So, deficit spending does not matter...just spend and borrow forever...except that never in history has that plan ever worked and some cases has failed spectacularly.
Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.
Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"
Interesting that you think doubling from 1 to 2 trillion is equivalent as doubling from 10 to 20 trillion.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.
I was better off in 08


While difficult to believe....that may be true. But...the operative word here is "WE". We are far better off. The nation's economy is stronger and the American people are better off. Theses are facts.

If you were a smart nutter, you'd join the clowns running for POTUS and stop bringing up the economy. It's not a winner for you. You've got a much better shot at electoral victory if you can frighten voters about shit like terrorism and diseases from brown people. Obama.....and democrats in general.....have proven to be better stewards of the US economy than nutbags have. That shit is a hot potato for you guys.

Hey, The Donald says the economy is better under Democrats. :)

Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"
Interesting that you think doubling from 1 to 2 trillion is equivalent as doubling from 10 to 20 trillion.
A trillion here, a trillion there... don't worry you'll be long gone before it really matters. Ronnie knew that too.
Money really does grow on trees in the small minds of liberals and politicians.

Money is made of paper and paper comes from trees

Mostly cotton actually, and cotton doesn't grow on trees.

Democrats seem to think money grows on trees. Their answer is to spend more and more and more then go pick it.
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


Why do you listen to Peter Schiff?

He's been wrong for six years.

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