Obama is Leaving America Worse off than Under Bush

I was wondering when I would see the race card. And by a huge hack nonetheless.
Seems to be criteria or something..
Absolutely worse off. He's stirred up hate to the point of riots, lootings, police officers being killed, stuck another entitlement on our backs, the economy sucks, no jobs, and on and on and on.
so what are they planning on doing about it? putting in another Obama (Shrillary and Bernie) one who wears a pantsuit and another who admires every Socialist and Communist in the world
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


You wish.
A Huffington Post poll. Only 28% of Americans feel they are better off under Obama


Poll Shows Just 28% Of Americans Think Their Lives Have Gotten Better Under Obama

This is a brutal poll in the final year of the Age of Obama. Of course, the Huffington Post positions this as being utterly partisan, with a subhead that reads “Republicans and Democrats may as well have been living in different countries for the past eight years”. The obvious inference, considering it’s the HuffPost, is that the problem is the Republicans

Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.
Interesting that you think doubling the debt is a sign of a President being a failure, yet you chose to make your username "gipper"

Obama is a failure because he instills that terrible characteristic in the losers that support him. Failure now is average, median, words like that.

Obama is a 'failure enabler'


Hey, just a reality on how great Obama and the Democrats have done by using a correlation---------> If your house is appraised at 250,000 dollars to replace, you come home from work and the whole house is engulfed in flames and burns to the ground.

Sooooo, you negotiate with the insurance company, and even though replacement cost was 250,000, your wonderful lawyer forces the insurance company to hand you 325,000.

You set out rebuilding your house, and after you are done not only spending the 250,000, but the extra 75,000 your lawyer talked the insurance company into handing over, and because you talked your wife and kids into "changing" the original house, and morphing it into something "better," it comes out worse! They are complaining like crazy, because nothing works as well as it did, and you promised by spending the extra cash, it would be Shang-ri-La itself.

So then..........are you a hero because you rebuilt it, or rather an idiot because you totally screwed it up, and your wife and kids should have hired a contractor instead of listening to you!

Oh, and your job at the time you decided to make your house better? Why a community organizer, of course-)
and remember during Bush years when the average share of the debt was around 10,000 per American,,,what its now? One Million per "Legal American"? what does that come out to,? Payments of 50,000 a month?
Damn am I glad to be in the top 10%.
It is pretty nice up here near the top.

So sorry that for all you right wingers on here that your lives suck so bad.

Maybe if you would get the fuck off the computer and go to work, your lives would get better.

then again, who would hire you dipshits.
Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.

Does it EVER dawn on you morons that part of the debt is the wars expenditures now coming due?
Damn am I glad to be in the top 10%.
It is pretty nice up here near the top.

So sorry that for all you right wingers on here that your lives suck so bad.

Maybe if you would get the fuck off the computer and go to work, your lives would get better.

then again, who would hire you dipshits.

you are the sorry one and nasty to boot
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Oh, but it has to be worse. After all, it is under a black man in the white house.

Were we to arrive at 20Jan17 with a market at 20,000, and 3% unemployment, these yokels would still be howling about how bad it is.

And if pigs flew, we “yokels” would be calling them birds.

But pigs don't fly, the economy is in terrible shape, due in very large part to Obama's policies, and there's no point in playing “what if…” games about imaginary scenarios in which his disastrous policies had produced anything but disastrous results.

And playing the Race Card only emphasizes just how vapid and worthless your entire argument is.

Well, to be fair, his arguments are stupid and vapid even when he doesn't use the race card.
Its not really Obama.

Yes it is. His economy blows deluxe wang


You are nuts. The economy was tanked in January 2009 when Obama took over. Except for the size of the deficit, we are far better off now than we were then. Look at the real estate market. Look at big bank earnings.

You mean Debt rather than Deficit...

Debt is higher but the Deficit is one third of 2009....

The truth is Obama inherited a basket case of an Economy... He drastically reduced the Deficit, lowest spending increases in the last 60 years, close to halved unemployment (U3 or U6), Market recovered...

But the big thing is he didn't have expensive wars, it as simple as that... GOP Presidents love a good old war which skyrockets the deficits...
The laugh is being Conservative and going half cocked into the ME with an army, are not aligned....

Look at Iran, the GOP Candidates are all saber rattling and leading to a war... A very expensive war to further disabled the region... A war with Iran is not going to be cheap and at least twice the price of Iraq.

The U.S. war in Iraq has cost$1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans, expenses that could grow to more than $6 trillion over the next four decades counting interest, a study released on Thursday said.Mar 14, 2013
Iraq war costs U.S. more than $2 trillion: study

War with Iran, by the Numbers

Iran is 2.5 times more populous than Iraq and much bigger geographically. It is likely that Iran war numbers would be three times those of Iraq, at least.
Casualties from a strike on Bushehr Nuclear Plant: Hundreds of thousands.

Likely US troop deaths: 15,000
Likely US troops lightly injured: 270,000
Likely US troops more seriously wounded: 90,000
Direct cost of war: $5.1 trillion
Cost of caring for wounded troops over lifetime: $9 trillion to $18 trillion
Likely Iranian deaths: 300,000 to 1 million
Likely Iranian injured: 900,0000 to 3 million
Iranian displaced: 12 million (out of 75 million)
Opportunity cost to US: $23 trillion of infrastructure, health care improvement

Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


2009: we were losing 700,000 jobs a month
2016: economy added 300,000 jobs

2009: GDP had been negative 4 of last 5 quarters
2016: GDP positive for 26 quarters
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


2009: we were losing 700,000 jobs a month
2016: economy added 300,000 jobs

2009: GDP had been negative 4 of last 5 quarters
2016: GDP positive for 26 quarters

A dismal 1.7% GDP is all Obama's economy can muster. Romney would have done better.

Romney would have done better.

Sure he would have dude. IF he could of only got elected. WHOOPS.

Gofirit, you would be doing better if you didnt spend all your time whining on a message board.

true story. Get a J O B..

I see I struck a nerve no? 51% of the people did not want a free and prosperous America. 51% wanted to punish success instead of incentivize it.

Obama said he would be a one term President is he didn't fix the economy. A sustained 1.7% GDP is not a recovery. Its hospice life support

that right gofirit.

Everybody should believe an unemployed dipshit on a message board.

You an economist and I am an astronaut.

Hey economist which is better; modest growth under Obama of loing our asses under Bush?

What was that GDP as the end neared under Bush.

During the entire George Bush time in office, GDP averaged 1.6%. WOW eh?
And here you are busting Obama.

Fly me to the moon................. and let me live among some message board posters with common sense and jobs.
Doubling the national debt in just eight years, along with increasing government dependency in all welfare programs and very low worker participation even though the Fed went nuts printing and keeping interest rates at zero....would seem to indicate failure.

Does it EVER dawn on you morons that part of the debt is the wars expenditures now coming due?
W's wars or BO's?
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


2009: we were losing 700,000 jobs a month
2016: economy added 300,000 jobs

2009: GDP had been negative 4 of last 5 quarters
2016: GDP positive for 26 quarters

A dismal 1.7% GDP is all Obama's economy can muster. Romney would have done better.


You said 2009 as the base

What was the GDP at the start of 2009? Don't forget the negative
Romney would have done better.

Sure he would have dude. IF he could of only got elected. WHOOPS.

Gofirit, you would be doing better if you didnt spend all your time whining on a message board.

true story. Get a J O B..

I see I struck a nerve no? 51% of the people did not want a free and prosperous America. 51% wanted to punish success instead of incentivize it.

Obama said he would be a one term President is he didn't fix the economy. A sustained 1.7% GDP is not a recovery. Its hospice life support

Must have fixed the economy as we won in a landslide
How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery..
We've doubled the cumulative operating deficits (aka "The National Debt"), structurally government has become larger, more expensive and more intrusive on the economy, he's done nothing to address long term unfunded liabilities except add to them (Obamacare). Borrowing nearly $10 TRILLION and throwing it the economy doesn't "fix" anything nor does historically loose monetary policy, it just papers it over so that the next time things go south it will be FAR worse than the last time.

The economy isn't on the "road to recovery" it's on a fiscal & monetary policy sugar high, when the punch bowl is taken away the last recession is going to look tame by comparison.

If you want to put the economy on a structurally sound footing then the federal government MUST get it's fiscal house in order (from both an operating standpoint and a long term liabilities standpoint), the private sector MUST be allowed to work off all the Mal-investment that's been built up over the last decade, monetary policy MUST reflect actual market conditions and the regulatory regime MUST be brought to heel.

So he's been like all the other Presidents before him then?

Isn't Congress supposed to take a role in this?

But nothing happened before Obama was in, and nothing's happening now. This isn't about Obama, this is about the US govt making a mess and the people not only not thinking about who to elect who will do the job, but all get wet with excitement over some clown called Trump putting on a show for everyone.

The electoral system doesn't help either. If Obama were the sort of person who would have sorted out many of the problems, he'd never have been elected in the first place.

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