Obama is Leaving America Worse off than Under Bush

Absolutely worse off. He's stirred up hate to the point of riots, lootings, police officers being killed, stuck another entitlement on our backs, the economy sucks, no jobs, and on and on and on.
so what are they planning on doing about it? putting in another Obama (Shrillary and Bernie) one who wears a pantsuit and another who admires every Socialist and Communist in the world

Didn't such things happen under Reagan? Funny how Reagan wasn't accused of stirring it all up.
How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery..
We've doubled the cumulative operating deficits (aka "The National Debt"), structurally government has become larger, more expensive and more intrusive on the economy, he's done nothing to address long term unfunded liabilities except add to them (Obamacare). Borrowing nearly $10 TRILLION and throwing it the economy doesn't "fix" anything nor does historically loose monetary policy, it just papers it over so that the next time things go south it will be FAR worse than the last time.

The economy isn't on the "road to recovery" it's on a fiscal & monetary policy sugar high, when the punch bowl is taken away the last recession is going to look tame by comparison.

If you want to put the economy on a structurally sound footing then the federal government MUST get it's fiscal house in order (from both an operating standpoint and a long term liabilities standpoint), the private sector MUST be allowed to work off all the Mal-investment that's been built up over the last decade, monetary policy MUST reflect actual market conditions and the regulatory regime MUST be brought to heel.

So he's been like all the other Presidents before him then?
No, he's been like most other Presidents before him (only he's been on the "worse" side of the spectrum), there are a couple of exceptions (Reagan and Clinton come to mind) that actually contributed toward making marginal structural improvements in our economy.

Isn't Congress supposed to take a role in this?
Yeah what's your point? That they're a bunch of corrupt, useless morons too? I already know that but it doesn't excuse Obama's culpability in accelerating the insolvency of the United States economy.
If things were better under Bush, why aren't you RWnuts supporting the closest chance to return to Bush, i.e.,

Jeb Bush for president?
Typical hyper-partisan douche baggery, when it's pointed out what a fuck up "their guy" is they inevitably point to what a fuck up the "other sides guy" was, it takes a real RETARD to use the "two wrongs make a right" argument and expect any rational person to buy it. :rolleyes:
How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery..
We've doubled the cumulative operating deficits (aka "The National Debt"), structurally government has become larger, more expensive and more intrusive on the economy, he's done nothing to address long term unfunded liabilities except add to them (Obamacare). Borrowing nearly $10 TRILLION and throwing it the economy doesn't "fix" anything nor does historically loose monetary policy, it just papers it over so that the next time things go south it will be FAR worse than the last time.

The economy isn't on the "road to recovery" it's on a fiscal & monetary policy sugar high, when the punch bowl is taken away the last recession is going to look tame by comparison.

If you want to put the economy on a structurally sound footing then the federal government MUST get it's fiscal house in order (from both an operating standpoint and a long term liabilities standpoint), the private sector MUST be allowed to work off all the Mal-investment that's been built up over the last decade, monetary policy MUST reflect actual market conditions and the regulatory regime MUST be brought to heel.

So he's been like all the other Presidents before him then?
No, he's been like most other Presidents before him (only he's been on the "worse" side of the spectrum), there are a couple of exceptions (Reagan and Clinton come to mind) that actually contributed toward making marginal structural improvements in our economy.

Isn't Congress supposed to take a role in this?
Yeah what's your point? That they're a bunch of corrupt, useless morons too? I already know that but it doesn't excuse Obama's culpability in accelerating the insolvency of the United States economy.

Well, I don't necessarily see this as Obama's fault, I'm not giving him a free ride, just saying that people should start taking more responsibility for their own country, and who they elect.

You can see on this board what "politics" is all about, it's a big fight between two sides, and the really important stuff just gets lost.

But, you're still playing the fighting game, instead of calling for the change that is required in how elections are conducted to change how people vote.
Debt and unfunded liabilities to the levels that they can never be paid back.
Obamacare that millions want nothing to do with.
A divided America more so than ever before.
A supremely powerful IRS.
An empowered NSA
Political correctness replacing the Bible in government.
Military Morale the lowest in the country's history.
A world on fire.
Welfare on its highest level ever.

....what not to like Lol
Well, I don't necessarily see this as Obama's fault, I'm not giving him a free ride, just saying that people should start taking more responsibility for their own country, and who they elect.
Yeah I know, according to Obama and his apologists, NOTHING is HIS FAULT, it's like he's a temp shanghaied into a job that he didn't want but was forced to take, anything that goes wrong isn't his fault and everything that goes right is because he's the Hero in a Greek Tragedy.

You can see on this board what "politics" is all about, it's a big fight between two sides, and the really important stuff just gets lost.
Yep, except that it's far wiser to point out the idiocy of both "sides" since both "sides" are indeed acting like idiots, THEY are culpable in the imbroglio that we find ourselves in. They also give no appearance of wanting to change or even recognizing that things must change if the Republic is to survive.

But, you're still playing the fighting game, instead of calling for the change that is required in how elections are conducted to change how people vote.
Ummm..no I'm not, I've already accepted the fact that there is no winning this game and thus the only reasonable strategy is to look at things objectively, render unto Caesar and try to pass along some perspective to those I care about.
Political correctness replacing the Bible in government.
Military Morale the lowest in the country's history.

Yeah....we should be "stoning" gays and lesbians.....
...and the military was much happier when the saw their buddies coming home in caskets....Right, nitwit?
Political correctness replacing the Bible in government.
Military Morale the lowest in the country's history.

Yeah....we should be "stoning" gays and lesbians.....
...and the military was much happier when the saw their buddies coming home in caskets....Right, nitwit?
No one enlists not to get deployed, dumbass.
Political correctness replacing the Bible in government.
Military Morale the lowest in the country's history.

Yeah....we should be "stoning" gays and lesbians.....
...and the military was much happier when the saw their buddies coming home in caskets....Right, nitwit?
No one enlists not to get deployed, dumbass.

Guys enlisted all the time during the Vietnam war in order not to get deployed to Vietnam.
It's a military thing you would not understand...

Well, thank goodness for that "not understanding"....You make the military sounds like a cult....much different than when I was drafted in the late 60s.
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


Having not seen whatever propaganda video you've posted...why is the economy better now than it was in 2008, if Obama ruined it, more than Bush did?

Hint.....the President can't control, heal, or harm the economy
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


Having not seen whatever propaganda video you've posted...why is the economy better now than it was in 2008, if Obama ruined it, more than Bush did?

Hint.....the President can't control, heal, or harm the economy

Hellooooooooooo, Bush is not running, Obama is not running, get a clue! Oh wait, Jeb is running, and you see how much we conservatives think of him, his father, and his brother, he is at 3 or 4% I think.

You could call us stupid for sure if had the numbers Trump has, or even Cruz has.

On the other hand, you people are doubling down. Hillary is not invoking the policies of Bill, she is invoking the policies of Obama. Bernie is off the reservation, lol!

You lefties just keep thinking it is in the bag, and PLEASE keep Hillary and Bernie in the race. A weaker couple of clowns the GOP could not have asked for.
President Obama was handed a 1.4 trillion dollar deficit with an economy shedding hundreds of thousands jobs per month. It will be very tough for the GOP to run on how much worse the country is now than then. Granted the 47%ers don't really care about the facts, they just hate the President no matter what........facts be damned.
Can anyone link to a single economist who claims the economy was better in 2009?
Before it is said and done, Obama will have this country in worst economic shape than when he found it in 08'. The house of Obama cards is falling

Peter Schiff on the economy. He says we are in a recession NOW worse than in 09. That is why the market is tanking, not because of oil and China


How is the economy worse off now than in 2009? In 2009 it was over the edge of a disaster, now it's on the road to recovery. I'm not saying it was Obama who did that, the economy was always going to recover as long as there was some semblance of stability, and there was this. Due to Obama not making new expensive foreign wars and many, many other things.

No its not. And Wall Street agrees with me. The economy is NOT as good as Obama, you and the Fed think it is.



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