Obama is LYING. There is no possible way to vett Syrian refugees

There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!

I don't think there's no possible way. Hell, they could vett them with a simple questionnaire. But whether there's an effective method available, I'm highly skeptical.
Trump has a good plan. Find a good isolated spot in the middle east and create a refugee camp for them. One link below. The European experience with refugees from Islamic countries is something that shouldn't be repeated here.

Trump: Give Syrian Refugees 'Swatch of Land' for Safe Zone

Trump is an idiot, God bless him!

'If Israel just gives Gaza back to the Palestinians it will lead to peace...' -- Israel gave up Gaza:
- HAMAS, contradictory to UN promises, launched hundreds of rockets from Gaza into Israel targeting civilian populations
- HAMAS dug sophisticated tunnels into Israel to use to engage in attacks and suicide bombings

Some of these people want to escape the violence and war...but they fail to realize, as do Liberals, that they are running towards the TARGETS of those they are trying to escape. ISIS is not content to let you escape but has vowed to hunt you down and kill you. Running and appeasement will not work....this is a war for survival.
That is incorrect. They were not refugees. For someone claiming to have an IQ of 214, that statement makes you appear to have an IQ of more like 30.

True, these terrorists Obama has allowed to successfully execute terrorist attacks on US soils so far have not been 'refugees'. The 1st batch of 'refugees' JUST got here, so they have not had time to perpetrate Paris-like attacks YET...meanwhile, the FBI says there are 1,000 open investigations into ISIS activity in the US...Let's make the FBI's life a living hell by brining in 100,000 poorly-vetted Syrians in... great idea.
Oh yeah this is the first batch of refugees ever. We have never taken refugees before, or every single year for the last several decades. :rolleyes:
Time to end that....completely. It's frightening the RW.

This is what the ignorance of the left will bring us

In Germany, Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere told reporters in Berlin that a Syrian passport found with one of the Paris attackers with the name Ahmad al Mohammad may have been a false flag intended to make Europeans fearful of refugees. The passport showed registrations in Greece, Serbia and Croatia, which he described as "unusual."

German Minister Suggests Syrian Passport Was Planted... 'Trail Intentionally Laid'.
Which is meaningless when you consider our own government says we can not properly vett them

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