Obama is LYING. There is no possible way to vett Syrian refugees

That is incorrect. They were not refugees. For someone claiming to have an IQ of 214, that statement makes you appear to have an IQ of more like 30.

True, these terrorists Obama has allowed to successfully execute terrorist attacks on US soils so far have not been 'refugees'. The 1st batch of 'refugees' JUST got here, so they have not had time to perpetrate Paris-like attacks YET...meanwhile, the FBI says there are 1,000 open investigations into ISIS activity in the US...Let's make the FBI's life a living hell by brining in 100,000 poorly-vetted Syrians in... great idea.
Oh yeah this is the first batch of refugees ever. We have never taken refugees before, or every single year for the last several decades. :rolleyes:
That's why Isis is crowing they have infiltrated many major cities in America.
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
The boston bombers were supposedly vetted.
They were also not refugees.
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
The boston bombers were supposedly vetted.
They were vetted by Russia, who them told us they were terrorists. As a result of this new information we vetted them as well & promptly LET THEM STAY.
Oh yeah this is the first batch of refugees ever. We have never taken refugees before, or every single year for the last several decades. :rolleyes:
'smatter, OS...your Depends in a bunch this morning?

the 1st Batch of Syrian 'Refugees' have just arrived. Yes, Americans have taken in REFUGEES before, but we have NEVER ignored such a credible threat by this nation's enemies to infiltrate those refugees with their terrorists to come here and attack the US. Their threats were proven far from hollow, as that is exactly what they did in Paris. Never has a President ignored such a threat and IMPORTED (potential) terrorists, especially without thoroughly vetted them...which is pretty much impossible to do anyway.

From the beginning of the European Re-Settlement of these Refugees we have watched them tear down their own tents/housing because they were not grateful for them and wanted more, we have seen them burn and destroy their own food because they were un-grateful and demanded something more, we have seen the number of rapes in host nations by these animals rise exponentially, and now we have seen them perpetrate the worst attack on France since WWII...

Yet you, other Liberals, and Obama just want to shrug that off and FORCE states to take in 100,000 - not the original 10,000 Obama 1st said would be all - of these people into the US. WTF, MAN"

Americans demanded a STOP to Illegal Immigration, especially after the kidnappings, assaults, rapes, and murders...and our Government ignored their responsibility to provide for our national security and protect American citizens. Those same politicians are now PROTECTING those criminal Illegals by defending and protecting Sanctuary Cities and the criminals they harbor, NOT the American people.

NOW, after watching Paris BURN, so many killed by Syrian 'Refugees', our President and Liberals again want to give the American people the finger, throwing the responsibility to provide for our national security and protection of citizens 1st to the side, and bring in 100,000 poorly-vetted 'refugees', dispersing them around the country.

...Here lies the proof that most Liberals lack the common sense God gave a door knob and that they don't give a damn about our National Security or protecting US citizens!
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
So....we keep all refugees out, period? Ok.....I'm down with that. All of them.
They were vetted by Russia, who them told us they were terrorists. As a result of this new information we vetted them as well & promptly LET THEM STAY.

Hmmmm....guy goes to Syria/attends terrorist training camp, returns to host nation....'nothing to see here'.... perpetrates terrorist attack....'WT? Where did that come from?"

MANY of these terrorists repeat the same process...but 'nothing to see here'. Obama was warned about the brothers and allowed the attack to happen.

The most troubling thing about the Boston Bombing was that AFTER the attack the Obama administration plastered their faces all over the TV and asked citizens to help ID them...WHEN THEY ALREADY KNEW WHO THEY WERE!
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
So....we keep all refugees out, period? Ok.....I'm down with that. All of them.
Fine by me.
So....we keep all refugees out, period? Ok.....I'm down with that. All of them.

No one said that.

Syria is a terrorist-infested cesspool, known for it's terrorist training camps, Home of ISIS...

It is KNOWN - the FBI/CIA/Homeland Security has declared there is no way to thoroughly vette them....There is no way to thoroughly vette them in a short period of time, but the US is trying to 'vette' them and bring them in as fast as they can...

So, and so quickly after Paris showed that ISI' threats are not hollow and that they ARE infiltrating their terrorists within the refugees, what is wrong with DELAYING the Re-settlement program...take all the time you need to thoroughly and completely (as well as you can) vette them?

Obama said he was going to ensure 'we' do EVERYTHING we can to provide for national security and protect citizens (which is not the case with Sanctuary cities, BUT...), but that's not what they are doing. They are trying to get these refugees into the US as fast as possible!

Furthermore, how about limiting 'refugees' to FAMILIES and/or women and children? Single men from 17 - 40? Sorry but NO! Go make your own country safe or ask the UN to put you in Saudi, UAE, etc...
So....we keep all refugees out, period? Ok.....I'm down with that. All of them.

No one said that.

Syria is a terrorist-infested cesspool, known for it's terrorist training camps, Home of ISIS...

It is KNOWN - the FBI/CIA/Homeland Security has declared there is no way to thoroughly vette them....There is no way to thoroughly vette them in a short period of time, but the US is trying to 'vette' them and bring them in as fast as they can...

So, and so quickly after Paris showed that ISI' threats are not hollow and that they ARE infiltrating their terrorists within the refugees, what is wrong with DELAYING the Re-settlement program...take all the time you need to thoroughly and completely (as well as you can) vette them?

Obama said he was going to ensure 'we' do EVERYTHING we can to provide for national security and protect citizens (which is not the case with Sanctuary cities, BUT...), but that's not what they are doing. They are trying to get these refugees into the US as fast as possible!

Furthermore, how about limiting 'refugees' to FAMILIES and/or women and children? Single men from 17 - 40? Sorry but NO! Go make your own country safe or ask the UN to put you in Saudi, UAE, etc...
Nope.....keep them all out. Simple solution to any problem or any fear you RWrs are clutching your pearls over.
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
But, but, but, Cruz, Bush and the Right say you can vet CHRISTIAN Syrian refugees!!!
Keep them all out...they could be Reds...er, I mean....terrorists.
That is incorrect. They were not refugees. For someone claiming to have an IQ of 214, that statement makes you appear to have an IQ of more like 30.

True, these terrorists Obama has allowed to successfully execute terrorist attacks on US soils so far have not been 'refugees'. The 1st batch of 'refugees' JUST got here, so they have not had time to perpetrate Paris-like attacks YET...meanwhile, the FBI says there are 1,000 open investigations into ISIS activity in the US...Let's make the FBI's life a living hell by brining in 100,000 poorly-vetted Syrians in... great idea.
Oh yeah this is the first batch of refugees ever. We have never taken refugees before, or every single year for the last several decades. :rolleyes:
Time to end that....completely. It's frightening the RW.
Time to end that....completely. It's frightening the RW.
Why are Libs so eager to skip over the parts about how THESE 'refugees' are from Syria - home of ISIS, terrorist training camps, etc...how ISIS vowed to infiltrate the refugees with its terrorists to perpetrate horrific terrorist attacks on the west AND THEN DID IN PARSI...how all of our experts have warned that there is no quick thorough way to vette 10,000 Syrians in such a short time, let alone the 100,000 Obama now wants to bring in...?

Are you so arrogant or so full of Obama's blind devotion to never-ending false promises that you actually think there is NO WAY what happened in Paris is going to happen to us...because Obama said so?

The day before the Paris attack he declared ISIS to be 'contained'...and then ISIS gave him a massive does of reality.

Obama's reaction to being proven so wrong, to being faced that ISIS made good on his threat and has the potential to make good on his threat to do the same to the US is what frightens me. Instead of to react with trepidation, caution, he instead declared instead of wanting to continue with his pan to bring 10,000 Syrian 'refugees' he wanted to INCREASE that number to 100,000...and ring them in more quickly.

I don't know if I know one true American leader who actually gives a damn about his promise to provide for our national security and protect the lives of Americans who would have reacted that way. While Europe has gotten the message and has begun sealing their borders and denying more refugees from Syria from coming into their countries, Obama has just declared HE wants to open the flood gates into the US.

Obviously Liberals, as Obama himself does, believes Obama is smarter and knows better than every other world/European leader ... Narcissistsaywhat?!
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There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
I agree! I mean damn... they might even become felons!!! :eek:
Typical dodge from the left when they can't refute the facts.
Sure let's use facts. Have any refugees admitted into this country ever committed terrorist acts?
Yes. Boston bombers.

U.S. Refugee Chief Didn’t Know Boston Bombers Were Refugees
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
But, but, but, Cruz, Bush and the Right say you can vet CHRISTIAN Syrian refugees!!!
Keep them all out...they could be Reds...er, I mean....terrorists.

Your juvenile attempt at reverse psychology is duly noted. As is its abject failure.
Folks who get upset with Obama for lying arethe same people who hate dogs for barking; bats for flying and rabbits for breeding.

Nothing to see here, folks, move along.....
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
I agree! I mean damn... they might even become felons!!! :eek:
Typical dodge from the left when they can't refute the facts.
Sure let's use facts. Have any refugees admitted into this country ever committed terrorist acts?
Yes. Boston bombers.

U.S. Refugee Chief Didn’t Know Boston Bombers Were Refugees
They were not. They were here on visas for years. I guess we should demand an end to visas.
They were not. They were here on visas for years. I guess we should demand an end to visas.

The fact is that THEY DID NOT KNOW! The US had been warned about these 2, well in advance of the attack, and for them not to even know if they were here with Visas or as refugees tells me they didn't investigate them as threats - as warned - for shite!

They were not. They were here on visas for years. I guess we should demand an end to visas.

The fact is that THEY DID NOT KNOW! The US had been warned about these 2, well in advance of the attack, and for them not to even know if they were here with Visas or as refugees tells me they didn't investigate them as threats - as warned - for shite!

So you are in favor of cancelling the visa program? It never would have happened if we didn't foolishly hand out visas.
So you are in favor of cancelling the visa program? It never would have happened if we didn't foolishly hand out visas.

FACT: The Visa program is BUSTED. No one argues, as those who are running the program have admitted, that a huge part of the problem is that those issued Visas overstay their welcome, and there are nowhere near enough Visa Program agents and managers to manage the program and track down the violators.

So what sense does it make to bring in 100,000 Syrian 'refugees' who have not been thoroughly vetted to 'monitor and manage' when we already have MASSIVE NUMBERS of people already here overstaying their legally allotted time yet 'gone'?

How about we FIX the program, get it back under control?

We aren't able to keep track of who is coming and going into the US. We can't keep track of who has Visas, who should be gone, who is still here. We can't safely and decisively conduct background checks on 100,000 people who most probably include at least a few ISIS members. So why are we CONSTANTLY compounding our problem exponentially, putting our national security constantly at risk? did we learn nothing from 9/11/01?

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