Obama is LYING. There is no possible way to vett Syrian refugees

There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
But, but, but, Cruz, Bush and the Right say you can vet CHRISTIAN Syrian refugees!!!
What ideology are you demonizing? Helping people?
Blindly supporting Obama because he has a D after his name when his own ideology is contrary to the oath of his office. Nowhere in his oath does it say that he has to risk American lives to defend others around the world no matter their religion.
Oh so I guess you can point to where in his oath it says he must refuse refugees.
I never said he must refuse refugees. He MUST exercise wisdom to know when taking refugees puts Americans at risk and when it doesn't. His most important role as president is to protect the American people not serve displaced Syrians
I would prefer that we not take refugees. But when I see republicans flaunting their hatred I feel like it's my duty to be better than that. I'd rather take a risk and save some people, than succumb to the hatred that turns someone into a republican.

You'd rather take a risk, but its going to be with someone else life. Not yours. These refugees would be ok if we helped them set up camp somewhere in the ME, Im sure we could coerce an ally if we have any left that trust us. But if we let them in and we miss some that slip through, its going to mean someones life here. Maybe stabbed, maybe shot, maybe blown up. Now how is having concern for that being hateful?
It absolutely could be my life. Do you think I'm invincible? Terrorists have a million ways they could get people over here. I'm not going to live my life in fear over it. If you do, they've already beaten you.
Blindly supporting Obama because he has a D after his name when his own ideology is contrary to the oath of his office. Nowhere in his oath does it say that he has to risk American lives to defend others around the world no matter their religion.
Oh so I guess you can point to where in his oath it says he must refuse refugees.
I never said he must refuse refugees. He MUST exercise wisdom to know when taking refugees puts Americans at risk and when it doesn't. His most important role as president is to protect the American people not serve displaced Syrians
I would prefer that we not take refugees. But when I see republicans flaunting their hatred I feel like it's my duty to be better than that. I'd rather take a risk and save some people, than succumb to the hatred that turns someone into a republican.

You'd rather take a risk, but its going to be with someone else life. Not yours. These refugees would be ok if we helped them set up camp somewhere in the ME, Im sure we could coerce an ally if we have any left that trust us. But if we let them in and we miss some that slip through, its going to mean someones life here. Maybe stabbed, maybe shot, maybe blown up. Now how is having concern for that being hateful?
It absolutely could be my life. Do you think I'm invincible? Terrorists have a million ways they could get people over here. I'm not going to live my life in fear over it. If you do, they've already beaten you.
Not letting them in is not living in fear. Why post such stupid simplistic juvenile bullshit? Do you lock your car doors when out shopping when you get out of your car? Do you lock the doors to your home when you goto bed? Do you look both ways before crossing the street? Common sense & precaution =/= fear.
Two did in Paris. You willing to risk your family's life over some stupid partisan ideology?
What ideology are you demonizing? Helping people?
Blindly supporting Obama because he has a D after his name when his own ideology is contrary to the oath of his office. Nowhere in his oath does it say that he has to risk American lives to defend others around the world no matter their religion.
Oh so I guess you can point to where in his oath it says he must refuse refugees.
I never said he must refuse refugees. He MUST exercise wisdom to know when taking refugees puts Americans at risk and when it doesn't. His most important role as president is to protect the American people not serve displaced Syrians
I would prefer that we not take refugees. But when I see republicans flaunting their hatred I feel like it's my duty to be better than that. I'd rather take a risk and save some people, than succumb to the hatred that turns someone into a republican.
Quoted for the blatant hypocrisy. You don't want them here but your desire to beat the Republicans at a game of partisanship supercedes the safety of the American people.
I kill you.gif
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!

If there's no way to 'vet' immigrants, doesn't that mean no legal immigration should be allowed, period?
What ideology are you demonizing? Helping people?
Blindly supporting Obama because he has a D after his name when his own ideology is contrary to the oath of his office. Nowhere in his oath does it say that he has to risk American lives to defend others around the world no matter their religion.
Oh so I guess you can point to where in his oath it says he must refuse refugees.
I never said he must refuse refugees. He MUST exercise wisdom to know when taking refugees puts Americans at risk and when it doesn't. His most important role as president is to protect the American people not serve displaced Syrians
I would prefer that we not take refugees. But when I see republicans flaunting their hatred I feel like it's my duty to be better than that. I'd rather take a risk and save some people, than succumb to the hatred that turns someone into a republican.
There is 0 hate in my op you stupidfuck. Nothing but a rational reason we can not take in refugees from that region.
Perhaps you should do less projecting & do more reading

Sorry Gampa,

First starters there is only speculation of refugee involvement in these attacks so far. It is definite that this was organised by non refugees.

You simple way for everyone is to take just Christians for now. It is very simple to interview someone and ask basic questions on Christianity
Sure let's use facts. Have any refugees admitted into this country ever committed terrorist acts?
Two did in Paris. You willing to risk your family's life over some stupid partisan ideology?
Not true.
All of the attackers from Friday’s massacre in Paris so far have been identified as European Union nationals, according to a top EU official. The announcement further casts doubt on the validity of a Syrian passport found near the bodies of a slain attacker.

“Let me underline, the profile of the terrorists so far identified tells us this is an internal threat,” Federica Mogherini, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, said after a meeting with EU foreign ministers. “It is all EU citizens so far. This can change with the hours, but so far it is quite clear it is an issue of internal domestic security.”

An Egyptian passport was also found, but the Egyptian Ambassador to France said it belonged to a critically wounded victim and not a perpetrator. British-daily the Independent reported that a man was arrested in Serbia while carrying a Syrian passport with matching details to the one found in Paris.
Sure let's use facts. Have any refugees admitted into this country ever committed terrorist acts?
Two did in Paris. You willing to risk your family's life over some stupid partisan ideology?
Not true.
All of the attackers from Friday’s massacre in Paris so far have been identified as European Union nationals, according to a top EU official. The announcement further casts doubt on the validity of a Syrian passport found near the bodies of a slain attacker.

“Let me underline, the profile of the terrorists so far identified tells us this is an internal threat,” Federica Mogherini, the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission, said after a meeting with EU foreign ministers. “It is all EU citizens so far. This can change with the hours, but so far it is quite clear it is an issue of internal domestic security.”

An Egyptian passport was also found, but the Egyptian Ambassador to France said it belonged to a critically wounded victim and not a perpetrator. British-daily the Independent reported that a man was arrested in Serbia while carrying a Syrian passport with matching details to the one found in Paris.

Untrue. The passport was fake, but the man who used it came from Syria and used the passport to transit to Europe with the refugees. That much is very clear.

"ATHENS—Mystery deepened over a Paris attacker who traveled to Europe via Greece and the Balkans, after French officials said Monday that the Syrian passport he had used was indeed a fake.

Authorities in France and Greece have said that fingerprints taken from the remains of a suicide bomber outside France’s national sports stadium, the Stade de France, match the prints of a man who entered Europe via the Aegean island of Leros on Oct. 3."

Paris Stadium Attacker Got to Europe Using Fake Syrian Passport
What ideology are you demonizing? Helping people?
Blindly supporting Obama because he has a D after his name when his own ideology is contrary to the oath of his office. Nowhere in his oath does it say that he has to risk American lives to defend others around the world no matter their religion.
Oh so I guess you can point to where in his oath it says he must refuse refugees.
I never said he must refuse refugees. He MUST exercise wisdom to know when taking refugees puts Americans at risk and when it doesn't. His most important role as president is to protect the American people not serve displaced Syrians
I would prefer that we not take refugees. But when I see republicans flaunting their hatred I feel like it's my duty to be better than that. I'd rather take a risk and save some people, than succumb to the hatred that turns someone into a republican.
Quoted for the blatant hypocrisy. You don't want them here but your desire to beat the Republicans at a game of partisanship supercedes the safety of the American people.

It's pretty sad that someone will take an opposing view about something purely to be contradictory simply because of political ideology. He blissfully ignores the fact that there is no way to vett these people. None. There are simply no records available to check. I wonder if anyone is bothering to check whether there are ANY Christians or other religious groups being brought in or if it is all Muslims.
Sure let's use facts. Have any refugees admitted into this country ever committed terrorist acts?

ACTUALLY, YES. Links were posted yesterday to the articles about how the Obama administration wants to take in a little over 1,000 'Refugees' who are ADMITTED TERRORISTS...but who say they were terrorists because they were FORCED to be.

Yeah, and I have a BRIDGE I want to sell you...which you can blow up afterwards...
Sure let's use facts. Have any refugees admitted into this country ever committed terrorist acts?

ACTUALLY, YES. Links were posted yesterday to the articles about how the Obama administration wants to take in a little over 1,000 'Refugees' who are ADMITTED TERRORISTS...but who say they were terrorists because they were FORCED to be.

Yeah, and I have a BRIDGE I want to sell you...which you can blow up afterwards...
Okay how many refugees have committed acts of terrorism here in the U.S.?
Sure let's use facts. Have any refugees admitted into this country ever committed terrorist acts?

ACTUALLY, YES. Links were posted yesterday to the articles about how the Obama administration wants to take in a little over 1,000 'Refugees' who are ADMITTED TERRORISTS...but who say they were terrorists because they were FORCED to be.

Yeah, and I have a BRIDGE I want to sell you...which you can blow up afterwards...
Okay how many refugees have committed acts of terrorism here in the U.S.?

Considering there are very few Syrian refugees here so far, I believe there have been none. However if the quantity of refugees that Obama wants make it here then you can look forward to a massive increase in rapes wherever they happen to land as has been the experience in every country in Europe that they have congregated in. It's simply a matter of time.
Vetting many of these people is pretty much taking them in on faith and very little, if any, fact. There are no records, as many US agencies and reps have pointed out, to use to vet these people, so the 'vetting' is a joke.
Okay how many refugees have committed acts of terrorism here in the U.S.?
I am unwilling to bring in 100,000 un-vetted / poorly-vetted Syrians into the US, especially after Paris, and give them the benefit of the doubt. National Security deserves / requires more.
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
I agree! I mean damn... they might even become felons!!! :eek:
Typical dodge from the left when they can't refute the facts.
Sure let's use facts. Have any refugees admitted into this country ever committed terrorist acts?
You mean like the BOSTON BOMBERS?
That is incorrect. They were not refugees. For someone claiming to have an IQ of 214, that statement makes you appear to have an IQ of more like 30.

That is incorrect. They were not refugees. For someone claiming to have an IQ of 214, that statement makes you appear to have an IQ of more like 30.

True, these terrorists Obama has allowed to successfully execute terrorist attacks on US soils so far have not been 'refugees'. The 1st batch of 'refugees' JUST got here, so they have not had time to perpetrate Paris-like attacks YET...meanwhile, the FBI says there are 1,000 open investigations into ISIS activity in the US...Let's make the FBI's life a living hell by brining in 100,000 poorly-vetted Syrians in... great idea.
That is incorrect. They were not refugees. For someone claiming to have an IQ of 214, that statement makes you appear to have an IQ of more like 30.

True, these terrorists Obama has allowed to successfully execute terrorist attacks on US soils so far have not been 'refugees'. The 1st batch of 'refugees' JUST got here, so they have not had time to perpetrate Paris-like attacks YET...meanwhile, the FBI says there are 1,000 open investigations into ISIS activity in the US...Let's make the FBI's life a living hell by brining in 100,000 poorly-vetted Syrians in... great idea.
Oh yeah this is the first batch of refugees ever. We have never taken refugees before, or every single year for the last several decades. :rolleyes:
There are no employment database. There is no terrorist database. There is no extremist database. There is NOTHING from Syrian officials or any database in Syria that America officials can use to compare the refugees stories to their actual life circumstances.


Even the FBI has said as much. Keep them out of this country!
The boston bombers were supposedly vetted.

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