Obama is no longer POTUS, HRC is no longer a Senator or Sect. of State!

It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

You mean the way people put away their hate for Bush for eight years? Not fucking likely. While I agree with you in spirit, and said much the same when people continued to blame Bush, I'm fairly certain your plea will fall upon the deaf ears of those who would tell you that, after eight years of blaming Bush, you reap what you sow...

Bush is yesterday, as are Obama and HRC. That is indisputable. In fact I criticized G.W. Bush often, but my blame was reserved for Cheney and Rumsfeld. I don't believe GWB was prepared to be POTUS, and I believe he was led far astray by the NeoCons and in particular his VP and Sect. of Defense. During his final years in office I think GWB grew into the job, he forced Rumsfeld to resign and distanced himself from Cheney.

In fact I don't think anyone was happier on the day Obama took the oath of office the first time, than George W. Bush. Today he looks better than he did during his last few years in office.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

You mean the way people put away their hate for Bush for eight years? Not fucking likely. While I agree with you in spirit, and said much the same when people continued to blame Bush, I'm fairly certain your plea will fall upon the deaf ears of those who would tell you that, after eight years of blaming Bush, you reap what you sow...

Bush is yesterday, as are Obama and HRC. That is indisputable. In fact I criticized G.W. Bush often, but my blame was reserved for Cheney and Rumsfeld. I don't believe GWB was prepared to be POTUS, and I believe he was led far astray by the NeoCons and in particular his VP and Sect. of Defense. During his final years in office I think GWB grew into the job, he forced Rumsfeld to resign and distanced himself from Cheney.

In fact I don't think anyone was happier on the day Obama took the oath of office the first time, than George W. Bush. Today he looks better than he did during his last few years in office.

I know he's having fun, he photo bombed some sports reporter the other night at a Rangers game...

Generally speaking, I fall into the camp of "you wanted the job, it's yours, don't be blaming the last guy" and that goes for the supporters...
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.
Didn't stop Obama from blaming EVERYTHING on FORMER President Bush.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.
Needless to say most on the right will continue their unwarranted attacks on Obama and Clinton – conservatives are the masters of the red herring fallacy.

As for Trump ‘growing into his job’ and ‘listening to wise counsel’ – that’s not going to happen, like most on the right Trump is an arrogant blockhead who will never admit he’s wrong.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.
Didn't stop Obama from blaming EVERYTHING on FORMER President Bush.

You're a liar. Why anyone believes anything you post is incredible. I do wonder, when you cross dress, do you post under the moniker, PoliticalChic?
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

The statute of limitations on their crimes has not run out.....so...no....
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

The statute of limitations on their crimes has not run out.....so...no....

You're ridiculous. I know, I should have empathy for fools, but in your case I don't.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

I agree, but investigations go down every rabbit hole and under every rock. This thing with Flynn at least and the leaks could go right to Half Black Jesus, Susan Rice maybe even Hillary. Just gotta wait and see.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

I agree, but investigations go down every rabbit hole and under every rock. This thing with Flynn at least and the leaks could go right to Half Black Jesus, Susan Rice maybe even Hillary. Just gotta wait and see.

Leaks? Mark Felt, aka, Deep Throat, leaked, and his info didn't go down a rabbit hole and disappear under a rock. Nixon's exposure didn't have national security implications, Flynn's does in spades. Everyone who provided information / evidence against Flynn, and/or The President isn't a snitch, most are patriots who risk everything when exposing the power elite; journalists who follow leads are doing what journalists do - seeking the truth.

Of course not all journalists seek the truth, some have other agendas and post rumors and innuendos not fact checked. To attack all of the MSM as dishonest is in and of itself false and absurd, and only the biddable continue the meme and animus against the MSM.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

I agree, but investigations go down every rabbit hole and under every rock. This thing with Flynn at least and the leaks could go right to Half Black Jesus, Susan Rice maybe even Hillary. Just gotta wait and see.

Leaks? Mark Felt, aka, Deep Throat, leaked, and his info didn't go down a rabbit hole and disappear under a rock. Nixon's exposure didn't have national security implications, Flynn's does in spades. Everyone who provided information / evidence against Flynn, and/or The President isn't a snitch, most are patriots who risk everything when exposing the power elite; journalists who follow leads are doing what journalists do - seeking the truth.

Of course not all journalists seek the truth, some have other agendas and post rumors and innuendos not fact checked. To attack all of the MSM as dishonest is in and of itself false and absurd, and only the biddable continue the meme and animus against the MSM.

Apples and papayas. That guy leaked some really bad shit that turned into worse shit. So far, all the leaks that have come out, even those that Obama went crazy over!have amounted to nothing, except for the fact that the leakers committed felonies. They leaked for political reasons, not out of integrity.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

I agree, but investigations go down every rabbit hole and under every rock. This thing with Flynn at least and the leaks could go right to Half Black Jesus, Susan Rice maybe even Hillary. Just gotta wait and see.

Leaks? Mark Felt, aka, Deep Throat, leaked, and his info didn't go down a rabbit hole and disappear under a rock. Nixon's exposure didn't have national security implications, Flynn's does in spades. Everyone who provided information / evidence against Flynn, and/or The President isn't a snitch, most are patriots who risk everything when exposing the power elite; journalists who follow leads are doing what journalists do - seeking the truth.

Of course not all journalists seek the truth, some have other agendas and post rumors and innuendos not fact checked. To attack all of the MSM as dishonest is in and of itself false and absurd, and only the biddable continue the meme and animus against the MSM.

Apples and papayas. That guy leaked some really bad shit that turned into worse shit. So far, all the leaks that have come out, even those that Obama went crazy over!have amounted to nothing, except for the fact that the leakers committed felonies. They leaked for political reasons, not out of integrity.

It seems to me your post makes you guilty of what you accuse others of doing.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

I agree, but investigations go down every rabbit hole and under every rock. This thing with Flynn at least and the leaks could go right to Half Black Jesus, Susan Rice maybe even Hillary. Just gotta wait and see.

Leaks? Mark Felt, aka, Deep Throat, leaked, and his info didn't go down a rabbit hole and disappear under a rock. Nixon's exposure didn't have national security implications, Flynn's does in spades. Everyone who provided information / evidence against Flynn, and/or The President isn't a snitch, most are patriots who risk everything when exposing the power elite; journalists who follow leads are doing what journalists do - seeking the truth.

Of course not all journalists seek the truth, some have other agendas and post rumors and innuendos not fact checked. To attack all of the MSM as dishonest is in and of itself false and absurd, and only the biddable continue the meme and animus against the MSM.

Apples and papayas. That guy leaked some really bad shit that turned into worse shit. So far, all the leaks that have come out, even those that Obama went crazy over!have amounted to nothing, except for the fact that the leakers committed felonies. They leaked for political reasons, not out of integrity.

It seems to me your post makes you guilty of what you accuse others of doing.

Not really. There are laws that protect people who leak in cases like watergate. If these leakers leaked real proof that Trump was a Russian spy that would be one thing, but all they have been leaking is stupid crap. Even foreign countries are complaining about them.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.
Didn't stop Obama from blaming EVERYTHING on FORMER President Bush.

You're a liar. Why anyone believes anything you post is incredible. I do wonder, when you cross dress, do you post under the moniker, PoliticalChic?
Love how you didn't back any of your rant up with facts.

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