Obama is no longer POTUS, HRC is no longer a Senator or Sect. of State!

It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

Then let him do his job and judge the results.

Agreed, thus far my judgment is President Trump is unfit to hold the office of POTUS; he has demonstrated to all but the willfully ignorant that he is way in over his head and his word is not to be trusted.
The last time a liberal blamed bush

Like an hour ago

Trump Calls Out Iran as the Danger That it is

RealDaveVIP Member

President Trump made a historic speech in Saudi Arabia today in which he called out Iran for the danger that it is.
Iran, Mattis, and the Real Threat to U.S. Strategic Interests in the Middle East | Center for Strategic and International Studies
The ankle-biters on the left want to focus on Russia and Curtsies.
Click to expand...
Obama allowed Iran to become unleashed on the Middle East.
Click to expand...
No, George W Bush did that when he invaded Iraq & took out Iran's number one enemy

It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

And what are you talking about ? Now you want to try to hide Obama is part of the resistance to Trump along with Hillary?

Analysis | President Obama just made it clear: He’s now part of the anti-GOP resistance

Obama Attorney General Wants to ‘Channel The Resistance’ Against House Republicans on President Trump’s Bandwagon

Obama Attorney General Wants to ‘Channel The Resistance’ Against House Republicans on President Trump’s Bandwagon

POSTED ON MAY 17, 2017 AT 12:45PM EDT

The National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), which then-President Obama asked Holder to chair last year, aims to win back state legislative seats for Democrats in the 2018 election and beyond.

“There are people dissatisfied with this new administration and trying to find ways in which they can channel that dissatisfaction, that sense of disquiet, into concrete action,” Holder tells PEOPLE. “As they’ve learned about what we’re doing with the NDRC, they’ve said, ‘All right, this is a place that I can spend my time, that I can contribute and be an effective part of what has been termed the resistance.’ ”

It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

And what are you talking about ? Now you want to try to hide Obama is part of the resistance to Trump along with Hillary?

Analysis | President Obama just made it clear: He’s now part of the anti-GOP resistance

Obama Attorney General Wants to ‘Channel The Resistance’ Against House Republicans on President Trump’s Bandwagon

Obama Attorney General Wants to ‘Channel The Resistance’ Against House Republicans on President Trump’s Bandwagon

POSTED ON MAY 17, 2017 AT 12:45PM EDT

The National Democratic Redistricting Committee (NDRC), which then-President Obama asked Holder to chair last year, aims to win back state legislative seats for Democrats in the 2018 election and beyond.

“There are people dissatisfied with this new administration and trying to find ways in which they can channel that dissatisfaction, that sense of disquiet, into concrete action,” Holder tells PEOPLE. “As they’ve learned about what we’re doing with the NDRC, they’ve said, ‘All right, this is a place that I can spend my time, that I can contribute and be an effective part of what has been termed the resistance.’ ”


I told you the three democrat stooges



Eric holder

All part of the resistance...


Dude, they are still blaming Carter and the CRA for the 2008 crash. They will be blaming Obama for generations.
This whole thread is foolishly premised. Past presidents and cabinets have made choices. Some of the stupid things Wilson did are still hurting us. The stupid choices from Obama are more recent and thus still relevant to today's discussion.

We can also learn from amazing presidents like calvin Coolidge how our nation can get back on track
Obama is no longer POTUS, HRC is no longer a Senator or Sect. of State!

Oh how I love the sound of that!!
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

1. Just recently the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress that not long ago the Obama administration and loyalists within the US Intel Agencies illegally shared Trump Team Protected Classified Personal Information for political benefit, illegally unmasked US citizens, and perpetrated 'Felony Espionage' by illegally leaking information in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the recently elected President / US govt. The seditious law-breakers have not been brought to justice, and Obama could still legally be Impeached for his administration's Felony Espionage if proven he had ANYTHING to do with it / Rice's actions personally.

2. Not long ago the former Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress how Hillary Clinton violated - BROKE - numerous laws during her personal server / e-mail scandal. A newly appointed Director of the FBI and the current US AG could still indict and prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes.

3. Democrats / Obama blamed / have blamed and attacked Bush for nearly a decade - still do.

Nice try, snowflake.

Your 'plea' humorously brings to mind what one Conservative posted in another thread, 'Shut up, you liberal pu$$y'.

It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

1. Just recently the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath before Congress that not long ago the Obama administration and loyalists within the US Intel Agencies illegally shared Trump Team Protected Classified Personal Information for political benefit, illegally unmasked US citizens, and perpetrated 'Felony Espionage' by illegally leaking information in an attempt to undermine / overthrow the recently elected President / US govt. The seditious law-breakers have not been brought to justice, and Obama could still legally be Impeached for his administration's Felony Espionage if proven he had ANYTHING to do with it / Rice's actions personally.

2. Not long ago the former Director of the FBI testified under oath before Congress how Hillary Clinton violated - BROKE - numerous laws during her personal server / e-mail scandal. A newly appointed Director of the FBI and the current US AG could still indict and prosecute Hillary Clinton for her crimes.

3. Democrats / Obama blamed / have blamed and attacked Bush for nearly a decade - still do.

Nice try, snowflake.

Your 'plea' humorously brings to mind what one Conservative posted in another thread, 'Shut up, you liberal pu$$y'.

View attachment 128383

Did you get triggered again, Raindrop?

Got any links to those testimonies?
Did you get triggered again, Raindrop? Got any links to those testimonies?

That post got you stumped, huh, Boo, where this response it all you can come back with?

Links - posted the same links to the same things requested by the same snowflakes over and over again - feel free to look them up in my posts since you can remember them from the last time you asked. (Gee, funny how that works...)

No worries - it's all good ' boo. I am just proving you aren't the only BLIND snowflake on this board. :p
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

Not sure of your point.

Your spin of "manic hate" is quite funny in a post were you are calling, excuse me, PRETENDING to call for constructive behavior.

Also, the Past is important to the Presence, and is often worth referring to.

For example NO lefties have a right to attack any conservatives on Sexual Harassment because of the way the Left defended Bill Clinton.

Even once time marches on, and most of you people die off to be replaced by new libs, they won't have that right either, not until the movement pays a price for it's complete whoredom.
Getting back to reality, any one have any thing to say about Trumps just out budget?


It is as I expected, a budget only a Plutocrat could love.

LOL, the only thing suspect in this thread is you and your premise. You are the typical leftist, phony baloney.

Well said, substantive and thought provoking - are the readers then to assume Obama and HRC are still employed as POTUS and Sect. of State? Is that what you seek to convey?

Or are you so naive to believe Trump and the other billionaires have a goal to share the wealth of our nation with the hoi polloi?
Did you get triggered again, Raindrop? Got any links to those testimonies?

That post got you stumped, huh, Boo, where this response it all you can come back with?

Links - posted the same links to the same things requested by the same snowflakes over and over again - feel free to look them up in my posts since you can remember them from the last time you asked. (Gee, funny how that works...)

No worries - it's all good ' boo. I am just proving you aren't the only BLIND snowflake on this board. :p

Well you know the way you conflate, over-generalize and take comments out of context, it's best to have the precise words as well as the context in which they were used. I'll just take it as another example of you conflating, over-generalizing things, and/or taking something out of context, again.
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

The Right Wing and the disaffected under and unemployed elected Donald Trump, and we will all have to live with what he does and will do. Let's all hope he grows into a job he was not prepared for, and begins to listen to his critics too, and to consider wise council and not narrow his focus to only the obsequious yes men and women in his inner circle.

If he intends to drain the swamp, he will be better served to begin with those he rewarded for their loyalty, being obsequious is not a sign of someone who will provide wise council.

Not sure of your point.

Your spin of "manic hate" is quite funny in a post were you are calling, excuse me, PRETENDING to call for constructive behavior.

Also, the Past is important to the Presence, and is often worth referring to.

For example NO lefties have a right to attack any conservatives on Sexual Harassment because of the way the Left defended Bill Clinton.

Even once time marches on, and most of you people die off to be replaced by new libs, they won't have that right either, not until the movement pays a price for it's complete whoredom.

You simplify sexual harassment which is quid pro quo or sexual battery. The former a civil and the latter a criminal matter.

You are correct, the past matters, and yet rarely if ever have the Republican's or those on the right ever blamed the turmoil in the ME on its seminal source(s): The collapse of the Ottoman Empire, the Mandates carving up the Middle East, the need for Oil, the Creation of Israel, the Suez Crisis.

And let's not pretend the invasion of Iraq became the greatest recruiting tool for the terrorist organizations, who saw and practiced terror on heavily armed troops - not prepared for roadside bombs (IED's) [something those of us around at the time knew as Satchel Bombs, left many times on bicycles and used to kill and maim people on the street].

Remember who said we went with the army we had, not the army we might have wanted (paraphrased). Below are quotes from someone who might be writing for Sean Spicer today:

Donald Rumsfeld - Wikiquote
It's time to put to rest the manic hate by the right wing members who continue to blame Obama and HRC as well as Presidents Clinton, Carter, FDR and Wilson for the world we live in today.

You mean the way people put away their hate for Bush for eight years? Not fucking likely. While I agree with you in spirit, and said much the same when people continued to blame Bush, I'm fairly certain your plea will fall upon the deaf ears of those who would tell you that, after eight years of blaming Bush, you reap what you sow...
Both were personable and likable, something that cannot be said for Donald J. Trump.
Hillary was likable?! WTF is wrong with you?

The reader will please review post #18 on this thread as evidence that Meathead is a LIAR. A lie by omission by editing a post out of context is dishonest.
Hillary was likable?! Just confirm that and stop whining.

Do you know that by lying again you've proved to be morally corrupt as well as an asshole.

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