Obama Is the Shrewdest Political Tactician Since LBJ


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Slate Pitch: Obama Is the Shrewdest Political Tactician Since LBJ

By David Corn
Tue Sep. 24, 2013


Consider what Obama has recently done to two of his most bothersome foes: Vladimir Putin and John Boehner. Faced with the thorny question of how to respond to the Bashar al-Assad's presumed use of chemical weapons in Syria, Obama sent conflicting messages at first. He dispatched Secretary of State John Kerry to deliver a hawkish message that seemed to suggest a retaliatory but limited strike against the regime was imminent, but then Obama surprisingly announced he would seek authorization from Congress for such an attack, fully realizing that such a move would take weeks to pull off—that is, if he could rally sufficient votes.


Hawks on Capitol Hill and elsewhere were not happy that Obama traded a military attack for talks that are likely to be frustrating. But Obama's original aim was not negotiating a chemical weapons accord with Assad but a more narrow goal: stopping another chemical weapons attack. With Putin, perhaps Obama's most pesky antagonist on the world stage, now invested in an international effort to remove Assad's chemical weapons from the Syrian tyrant's control, Obama may well have succeeded. (One side benefit might be a détente with Iran.)

Back home, Obama has placed House Speaker Boehner in a different sort of hot seat. By declining to negotiate with Boehner about defunding Obamacare in order to prevent a government shutdown, the president has fueled the ongoing civil war within GOP ranks. True, this pitched battle would wage with or without Obama, as tea partiers try to hold the government hostage in order to destroy Obama's health care program and less extreme Republicans contend that this act of political terrorism will backfire against their party. But sometimes in politics, it takes discipline to stand back and not get in the way when an opponent is self-immolating.


I remember LBJ. I got drafted when I was barely 19 because of the warmongering, lying bastard! Obama is even worse it's true. For dishonesty, Obama is the worst in history!
He didn't do shit! He got owned and ran for cover. OMG this guy only has 2 legs, and you people have nearly humped them off. What a load of crap.
LBJ was a freaking Texas hillbilly who couldn't put a sentence together without a profane comment. He was hardly a tactician. As a matter of fact his handling of the Vietnam War was criminal and the moment the US needed leadership he tearfully told the world that he quit. The shameful condition of Black families and the 70% of out of wedlock births by Black girls is a direct result of LBJ's ironically named "great society " The dirty little secret is that LBJ and Barry Hussein are a lot alike. If it wasn't for the near total support from the liberal media both presidents would be laughed out of town.
LBJ was a little before my time but from what I have heard from both those on the left and right who lived through his time LBJ was sleazy, lying, corrupt, SOB if true interesting person to compare Obama to.
Obama is so singularly inept Vladimir Putin felt sorry for him and pulled his chestnuts out of the fire.

I'll be glad when we have a President again. It's getting downright embarrassing.
LBJ and Obama are certainly two horrible presidents that the USA are embarrassed to be associated with.
Putin is now the undisputed leader in the middle east as the US no longer has any influence in the region.
I remember LBJ. I got drafted when I was barely 19 because of the warmongering, lying bastard! Obama is even worse it's true. For dishonesty, Obama is the worst in history!

Republicans are very weird, LBJ didn't extend the Vietnam war nearly so much as the treasonous Richard M. Nixon extended the Vietnam War but-----but please proceed...

Obama's got the Republicans tit caught in a wringer - oops, there's a saying from LBJ's time :)
Where is that political spin machine smiley I've been asking for?

Spin, spin, spin, spin...

Failure is success, war is peace, ignorance is genius. :cuckoo:
I remember LBJ. I got drafted when I was barely 19 because of the warmongering, lying bastard! Obama is even worse it's true. For dishonesty, Obama is the worst in history!

Republicans are very weird, LBJ didn't extend the Vietnam war nearly so much as the treasonous Richard M. Nixon extended the Vietnam War but-----but please proceed...

Obama's got the Republicans tit caught in a wringer - oops, there's a saying from LBJ's time :)

Can I play too?

The Republicans are tactical geniuses, they have gotten all the Democrats on record as supporting Obamacare right at the precipice of it's colossal implosion and inevitable failure.

This will be the end of progressive entitlement programs for the next 50 years.

Those Republicans have outmaneuvered the ridiculously inept democrats yet again and the most ironic part is the democrats believe that they were victorious. :rofl:
I remember LBJ. I got drafted when I was barely 19 because of the warmongering, lying bastard! Obama is even worse it's true. For dishonesty, Obama is the worst in history!

Republicans are very weird, LBJ didn't extend the Vietnam war nearly so much as the treasonous Richard M. Nixon extended the Vietnam War but-----but please proceed...

Obama's got the Republicans tit caught in a wringer - oops, there's a saying from LBJ's time :)

There wasn't even a Vietnam War until LBJ started one. JFK was content sending advisors and equipment.

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