Obama: "Israel, who cares if your survival is at stake, I have a campaign to win!"


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
Obama To Israel: Postpone Attack on Iran Until After Campaign Season
White House tells Sunday Times Obama pressed Netanyahu to postpone Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear facilities until after November, adding president ‘might visit Israel in summer’

Israel will only strike Iranian nuclear facilities in September or after the United States presidential elections in November, a White House official told the British Sunday Times newspaper after a meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama last week. According to the report, Obama has taken Israel’s warnings about a possible strike in Iran very seriously. The Washington source added that the president “might visit in the summer to reassure the Israelis that the US commitment to defend Israel is unshakable and thus thwart a possible autumn attack.”

More info here:
Unreal… Obama Tells Israel Not to Strike Iran Until After Campaign Season | The Gateway Pundit

Could Obama signal any better "it's all about me!" The narcissist in Chief has let Israel know he doesn't care if their very survival is on the line. All Obama cares about is getting reelected.

As Gateway Pundit put it. Unreal. I say Surreal.
[Why? Because The Narcissist In Chief regards the US Constitution as America's Orginal Sin and needs to hang around for four more to strip Americans of the rest of their rights. See Elena Kagan's and Derrick Bell's joint manifesto for those insights.
'Bam plans to visit during the summer to make sure Israel isn't up to any hanky panky in defense of itself. Apparently that's when he plans to visit the Temple and do "Show and tell" with his horns and cloven hooves]

"White House Official Says Obama Insisted Netanyahu Postpone Attack on Iran Until After November Elections…

) — Israel will only strike Iranian nuclear facilities in September or after the United States presidential elections in November, a White House official told the British Sunday Times newspaper after a meeting between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Barack Obama last week.

According to the report, Obama has taken Israel’s warnings about a possible strike in Iran very seriously. The Washington source added that the president “might visit in the summer to reassure the Israelis that the US commitment to defend Israel is unshakable and thus thwart a possible autumn attack.”"

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If the Zionists attack Iran, they'd be cutting off their nose to spite their face.

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