Obama issues Dream Act (Amnesty) by executive order... press ignores!


Gold Member
Jul 16, 2009
"On Friday, the Obama administration issued a memo announcing that federal immigration officials do not have to deport illegal aliens if they are enrolled in any type of education program, if their family members have volunteered for U.S. military service, or even if they are pregnant or nursing.

This new policy of “prosecutorial discretion” was quietly announced on Friday afternoon, and completely ignored by the mainstream press."

Obama issues Dream Act by executive order


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well... since there has been a 10% increase in deportations and Company audits for illegals have quadrupled over Bush's most Active year since Obama's taken office... Perhaps he feels that Folks that are here to improve their lot deserve a shot at it.

After all, what's your fucking beef? Some honest, intelligent kid going to school here, or some crack dealer... Oh wait... you want to deport them all. Kind of reminds me of the old Cowboy movies..."there's no good Indian but a dead Indian!"
Don't arrest me for breaking the law Mr Obama I'm in school!

Guess I need to enroll so I can start breaking a bunch of low level laws.

More dumb logic
wow, so he did an end run on some of the issues in the dream act after it died in congress....shocked , shocked I am!!!


page 2- translation- we are overwhelmed and we are just cutting loose on regs that 'glut' the system

page 5 has the whole panoply of the 'positive factors' that should weigh as mitigation ...

frankly these look like 'guidelines', not orders, but if you are in or have worked ion gov., its as good as an order.
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well... since there has been a 10% increase in deportations and Company audits for illegals have quadrupled over Bush's most Active year since Obama's taken office... Perhaps he feels that Folks that are here to improve their lot deserve a shot at it.

After all, what's your fucking beef? Some honest, intelligent kid going to school here, or some crack dealer... Oh wait... you want to deport them all. Kind of reminds me of the old Cowboy movies..."there's no good Indian but a dead Indian!"

Hey asshole! what part of ILLEGAL is it that you don't fucking understand? HUH?
Friday afternoon... classic 'let's hide this from the People' release.

Fucking dishonest bunch of fucking hacks in this Administration.
well... since there has been a 10% increase in deportations and Company audits for illegals have quadrupled over Bush's most Active year since Obama's taken office... Perhaps he feels that Folks that are here to improve their lot deserve a shot at it.

After all, what's your fucking beef? Some honest, intelligent kid going to school here, or some crack dealer... Oh wait... you want to deport them all. Kind of reminds me of the old Cowboy movies..."there's no good Indian but a dead Indian!"

People who cut to the front of the line and break the law don't deserve a shot at it numbnuts. You lefties are glueless.
well... since there has been a 10% increase in deportations and Company audits for illegals have quadrupled over Bush's most Active year since Obama's taken office... Perhaps he feels that Folks that are here to improve their lot deserve a shot at it.

After all, what's your fucking beef? Some honest, intelligent kid going to school here, or some crack dealer... Oh wait... you want to deport them all. Kind of reminds me of the old Cowboy movies..."there's no good Indian but a dead Indian!"
This is ruling by decree, you imbecile.....Exactly the thing this nation's founders sought to end for good.

But I guess as long as the tyrant in question carries that (D) by his name, it's all good.
well... since there has been a 10% increase in deportations and Company audits for illegals have quadrupled over Bush's most Active year since Obama's taken office... Perhaps he feels that Folks that are here to improve their lot deserve a shot at it.

After all, what's your fucking beef? Some honest, intelligent kid going to school here, or some crack dealer... Oh wait... you want to deport them all. Kind of reminds me of the old Cowboy movies..."there's no good Indian but a dead Indian!"

Hey asshole! what part of ILLEGAL is it that you don't fucking understand? HUH?

No part of Illegal that I don't understand, why do you ask?
well... since there has been a 10% increase in deportations and Company audits for illegals have quadrupled over Bush's most Active year since Obama's taken office... Perhaps he feels that Folks that are here to improve their lot deserve a shot at it.

After all, what's your fucking beef? Some honest, intelligent kid going to school here, or some crack dealer... Oh wait... you want to deport them all. Kind of reminds me of the old Cowboy movies..."there's no good Indian but a dead Indian!"

Hey asshole! what part of ILLEGAL is it that you don't fucking understand? HUH?

No part of Illegal that I don't understand, why do you ask?

Because you are advocating for ILLEGAL I thought you must be confused but thanks for pointing out you are not confused you are in fact advocating for ILLEGAL.. Thanks.
well... since there has been a 10% increase in deportations and Company audits for illegals have quadrupled over Bush's most Active year since Obama's taken office... Perhaps he feels that Folks that are here to improve their lot deserve a shot at it.

After all, what's your fucking beef? Some honest, intelligent kid going to school here, or some crack dealer... Oh wait... you want to deport them all. Kind of reminds me of the old Cowboy movies..."there's no good Indian but a dead Indian!"

Hey asshole! what part of ILLEGAL is it that you don't fucking understand? HUH?

No part of Illegal that I don't understand, why do you ask?

If we had wanted to live under a fucking Monarchy, we wouldn't have done that whole war thing back in the day. In fact, maybe we wouldn't have come to America to get away from that shit.

Are you even a fucking American? Or are you so far up Obama's ass that you no longer recognize the country?
Hey asshole! what part of ILLEGAL is it that you don't fucking understand? HUH?

No part of Illegal that I don't understand, why do you ask?

If we had wanted to live under a fucking Monarchy, we wouldn't have done that whole war thing back in the day. In fact, maybe we wouldn't have come to America to get away from that shit.

Are you even a fucking American? Or are you so far up Obama's ass that you no longer recognize the country?

Ask him if it stinks up there! :eusa_angel:

So let me get this right, a person who violated federal law (and would have violated state laws if not for the tyrant's lawsuit) can now avoid prosecution simply by "being enrolled in any type of educational program".

So......if Jose Martinez see's ICE driving up his driveway, he has about 5 minutes to log onto University of Phoenix Online, and see if he can enter his info quick enough to become enrolled huh?

But "any type" is now left up to the courts I guess. What about someone who is illegal, but hires a personal trainer? He is in a fitness education program, right? Or what about these Hispanics who are trianing at the Mixed Martial Arts schools? They're being taught something, through a program.

Or....what about "on the job training"??? If an illegal is in training at McDonalds, he's learning, it's a training program, right?

President FAG (Failure At Governing) is hitting new lows daily.

So let me get this right, a person who violated federal law (and would have violated state laws if not for the tyrant's lawsuit) can now avoid prosecution simply by "being enrolled in any type of educational program".

So......if Jose Martinez see's ICE driving up his driveway, he has about 5 minutes to log onto University of Phoenix Online, and see if he can enter his info quick enough to become enrolled huh?

But "any type" is now left up to the courts I guess. What about someone who is illegal, but hires a personal trainer? He is in a fitness education program, right? Or what about these Hispanics who are trianing at the Mixed Martial Arts schools? They're being taught something, through a program.

Or....what about "on the job training"??? If an illegal is in training at McDonalds, he's learning, it's a training program, right?

President FAG (Failure At Governing) is hitting new lows daily.

Now son, calm down, you must remember these are the same asshole hypocrites who thought Meg Whitman didn't deserve to be Gov. of Californication because she hired an illegal alien.. You know who yer talking to now? don't you remember??? Kerry on. :lol::lol::lol:
I'm ok with the military service part. Anyone willing to put on a vest and gun to serve our people can stay, hell, they can move in next to me.

But is ICE gonna start carrying pregnancy tests with them to determine if a female is pregnant before being deported? Jesus Christ.

Our country has no hope. Not under President FAG.

So let me get this right, a person who violated federal law (and would have violated state laws if not for the tyrant's lawsuit) can now avoid prosecution simply by "being enrolled in any type of educational program".

So......if Jose Martinez see's ICE driving up his driveway, he has about 5 minutes to log onto University of Phoenix Online, and see if he can enter his info quick enough to become enrolled huh?

But "any type" is now left up to the courts I guess. What about someone who is illegal, but hires a personal trainer? He is in a fitness education program, right? Or what about these Hispanics who are trianing at the Mixed Martial Arts schools? They're being taught something, through a program.

Or....what about "on the job training"??? If an illegal is in training at McDonalds, he's learning, it's a training program, right?

President FAG (Failure At Governing) is hitting new lows daily.

Now son, calm down, you must remember these are the same asshole hypocrites who thought Meg Whitman didn't deserve to be Gov. of Californication because she hired an illegal alien.. You know who yer talking to now? don't you remember??? Kerry on. :lol::lol::lol:

Haha. Yea, I forgot our role:

Right winger: Hate mexicans.
Left winger: Loves mexicans.

Who is Meg Whitman for stepping outside the role provided to her by the left wing???
"On Friday, the Obama administration issued a memo announcing that federal immigration officials do not have to deport illegal aliens if they are enrolled in any type of education program, if their family members have volunteered for U.S. military service, or even if they are pregnant or nursing.

This new policy of “prosecutorial discretion” was quietly announced on Friday afternoon, and completely ignored by the mainstream press."

Obama issues Dream Act by executive order


So is the Congress going to lay back for this erosion of who makes the laws of the land, while a guy who listened without protest to his minister "God damn America straight to hell" for 20 years?

I'm fed up with this usurpation of the Constitutional authority set up long before these extremists with a communist goal and agenda moved in to take away everything, every power of the people through representation in Congress, and I'm mad as hell at these interlopers doing work only the Congress should be doing, and I'm tired of the secrecy of the Clinton administration with its No-Help-American list of political opponents which is averse to every principle set forth in the Constitution against unreasonable government prying into every little nook and cranny of people's private lives that is none of their business.

You can't give away taxpayer's hard-earned dollars to foreign people for free so you can God Damn America back into the hell of having foreign powers take every living nickel America earned through its citizens' own hard work.

This administration is far worse than King Charles of England.

Let's get rid of the bums and restore the Constitution out of their jealous, grasping, parsimonious, and vicious Anti-citizen claws.

Deport Obama and the commie Mules he's riding in on!!
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