Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

the problem with you liiberal apolosts
Well not in the clips being broadcast.......however.

"But we also see faith being twisted and distorted, used as a wedge -- or, worse, sometimes used as a weapon. From a school in Pakistan to the streets of Paris, we have seen violence and terror perpetrated by those who profess to stand up for faith, their faith, professed to stand up for Islam, but, in fact, are betraying it. We see ISIL, a brutal, vicious death cult that, in the name of religion, carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism --"

So they're not radical islamist? who knew? Maybe you should tell this guy he's not a muslim

And more importantly - we need to convince Muslims that this guy is NOT Islam.

It's the smart thing to do.

It's not our job as non-mulsims to convince muslims of anything. that job that responsibility rest with muslims themselves.

I agree in that Muslims are going to be the most effective in defining for their communities what IS and what IS NOT conforming to Islam.

We just don't have to feed the thugs and feed their status with OUR rhetoric either.
It's stupid to do that.

And driving a wedge between Muslims and these street thugs is smart.

Thats what SISI is doing....muslims could give a shit what Obama says about Christians :thup:

I think they do.
I'll agree to disagree with you since neither of us can enter the head of Muslims in the Middle East and know for sure what they are thinking. I would think Abdullah of Jordan would be much better at that - and HE is taking this approach.

Acknowledging (and not trying to deny or gloss over) the "sins of the past" earns him credibility with Muslims so they can better trust him when we say we are not trying to wipe out Islam. That undercuts the message of the terrorists who claim we ARE trying to wipe out Islam.

Like I said - it's just smart.
the problem with you liiberal apolosts
So they're not radical islamist? who knew? Maybe you should tell this guy he's not a muslim

And more importantly - we need to convince Muslims that this guy is NOT Islam.

It's the smart thing to do.

It's not our job as non-mulsims to convince muslims of anything. that job that responsibility rest with muslims themselves.

I agree in that Muslims are going to be the most effective in defining for their communities what IS and what IS NOT conforming to Islam.

We just don't have to feed the thugs and feed their status with OUR rhetoric either.
It's stupid to do that.

And driving a wedge between Muslims and these street thugs is smart.

Thats what SISI is doing....muslims could give a shit what Obama says about Christians :thup:

I think they do.
I'll agree to disagree with you since neither of us can enter the head of Muslims in the Middle East and know for sure what they are thinking. I would think Abdullah of Jordan would be much better at that - and HE is taking this approach.

Acknowledging (and not trying to deny or gloss over) the "sins of the past" earns him credibility with Muslims so they can better trust him when we say we are not trying to wipe out Islam. That undercuts the message of the terrorists who claim we ARE trying to wipe out Islam.

Like I said - it's just smart.

The king of Jordan has been around for a while, it's good that he is finally on board. Obama is against SiSi and for the brotherhood. that tells you all you need to know about Obama
When I hear Obama slam us here in America, I wonder how he got through the alley's of Chicago unscathed.


no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

how about this narrative, airhead?

How To Stop ISIS It Is Not Just Un-Islamic It Is Anti-Islamic

Every time we refer to ISIS as the “Islamic State,” call its members “jihadists” or in any way grant it the religious legitimacy that it so desperately seeks, we simultaneously boost its brand, tarnish the image of Islam and further marginalize the vast majority of Muslims who are disgusted by the group’s un-Islamic actions.

Islam prohibits the extremism exhibited by ISIS. An essential part of the faith is moderation.

I just can't figure out what is so hard to understand about this for so many posters here.

And yet we continue to have atrocities occurring in the name of their god. So please go inform them that they are doing it all wrong.
Don't let me interrupt a good insult-fest, but what the president is doing (this time) is smart.

We want the broader Muslim community to denounced these terrorists and to join in the fight against them. So he is making sure that the Muslim community knows we are not out to get them - only these street thugs. He is not saying anything to give these terrorists anymore status in their local communities. He is trying to marginalize the terrorists and drive a wedge between the terrorists and the broader Muslim community.

It's a smart thing to do.
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

how about this narrative, airhead?

How To Stop ISIS It Is Not Just Un-Islamic It Is Anti-Islamic

Every time we refer to ISIS as the “Islamic State,” call its members “jihadists” or in any way grant it the religious legitimacy that it so desperately seeks, we simultaneously boost its brand, tarnish the image of Islam and further marginalize the vast majority of Muslims who are disgusted by the group’s un-Islamic actions.

Islam prohibits the extremism exhibited by ISIS. An essential part of the faith is moderation.
We didn't name them ....Wtf genius

Well not in the clips being broadcast.......however.

"But we also see faith being twisted and distorted, used as a wedge -- or, worse, sometimes used as a weapon. From a school in Pakistan to the streets of Paris, we have seen violence and terror perpetrated by those who profess to stand up for faith, their faith, professed to stand up for Islam, but, in fact, are betraying it. We see ISIL, a brutal, vicious death cult that, in the name of religion, carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism --"

But wait, I thought you guys say that Obama doesn't connect them to religion ?
the problem with you liiberal apolosts
And more importantly - we need to convince Muslims that this guy is NOT Islam.

It's the smart thing to do.

It's not our job as non-mulsims to convince muslims of anything. that job that responsibility rest with muslims themselves.

I agree in that Muslims are going to be the most effective in defining for their communities what IS and what IS NOT conforming to Islam.

We just don't have to feed the thugs and feed their status with OUR rhetoric either.
It's stupid to do that.

And driving a wedge between Muslims and these street thugs is smart.

Thats what SISI is doing....muslims could give a shit what Obama says about Christians :thup:

I think they do.
I'll agree to disagree with you since neither of us can enter the head of Muslims in the Middle East and know for sure what they are thinking. I would think Abdullah of Jordan would be much better at that - and HE is taking this approach.

Acknowledging (and not trying to deny or gloss over) the "sins of the past" earns him credibility with Muslims so they can better trust him when we say we are not trying to wipe out Islam. That undercuts the message of the terrorists who claim we ARE trying to wipe out Islam.

Like I said - it's just smart.

The king of Jordan has been around for a while, it's good that he is finally on board. Obama is against SiSi and for the brotherhood. that tells you all you need to know about Obama

So following Abdullah's lead in how we refer to these street punks (since he's been around for awhile) is a smart thing to do.

Now, if you want to say Obama has not shown enough resolve in wiping out these thugs, I'll agree to a point. (And my opinion is that he was very naive in his support of the Muslim Brotherhood.) But in reference to this thread - the rhetoric is on target in that it supports the broader Muslim community's efforts to stand up to these punks themselves.
the problem with you liiberal apolosts
It's not our job as non-mulsims to convince muslims of anything. that job that responsibility rest with muslims themselves.

I agree in that Muslims are going to be the most effective in defining for their communities what IS and what IS NOT conforming to Islam.

We just don't have to feed the thugs and feed their status with OUR rhetoric either.
It's stupid to do that.

And driving a wedge between Muslims and these street thugs is smart.

Thats what SISI is doing....muslims could give a shit what Obama says about Christians :thup:

I think they do.
I'll agree to disagree with you since neither of us can enter the head of Muslims in the Middle East and know for sure what they are thinking. I would think Abdullah of Jordan would be much better at that - and HE is taking this approach.

Acknowledging (and not trying to deny or gloss over) the "sins of the past" earns him credibility with Muslims so they can better trust him when we say we are not trying to wipe out Islam. That undercuts the message of the terrorists who claim we ARE trying to wipe out Islam.

Like I said - it's just smart.

The king of Jordan has been around for a while, it's good that he is finally on board. Obama is against SiSi and for the brotherhood. that tells you all you need to know about Obama

So following Abdullah's lead in how we refer to these street punks (since he's been around for awhile) is a smart thing to do.

Now, if you want to say Obama has not shown enough resolve in wiping out these thugs, I'll agree to a point. (And my opinion is that he was very naive in his support of the Muslim Brotherhood.) But in reference to this thread - the rhetoric is on target in that it supports the broader Muslim community's efforts to stand up to these punks themselves.

Good and Yes Sisi's "rehtoric" is good Obama's? useless. Hopefally he does more than an occasional airstrike after he gets congressional approval. Not that he really needed it but it'll give him a little cover before golf.
I agree in that Muslims are going to be the most effective in defining for their communities what IS and what IS NOT conforming to Islam.

We just don't have to feed the thugs and feed their status with OUR rhetoric either.
It's stupid to do that.

And driving a wedge between Muslims and these street thugs is smart.
Thats what SISI is doing....muslims could give a shit what Obama says about Christians :thup:

I think they do.
I'll agree to disagree with you since neither of us can enter the head of Muslims in the Middle East and know for sure what they are thinking. I would think Abdullah of Jordan would be much better at that - and HE is taking this approach.

Acknowledging (and not trying to deny or gloss over) the "sins of the past" earns him credibility with Muslims so they can better trust him when we say we are not trying to wipe out Islam. That undercuts the message of the terrorists who claim we ARE trying to wipe out Islam.

Like I said - it's just smart.

The king of Jordan has been around for a while, it's good that he is finally on board. Obama is against SiSi and for the brotherhood. that tells you all you need to know about Obama

So following Abdullah's lead in how we refer to these street punks (since he's been around for awhile) is a smart thing to do.

Now, if you want to say Obama has not shown enough resolve in wiping out these thugs, I'll agree to a point. (And my opinion is that he was very naive in his support of the Muslim Brotherhood.) But in reference to this thread - the rhetoric is on target in that it supports the broader Muslim community's efforts to stand up to these punks themselves.

Good and Yes Sisi's "rehtoric" is good Obama's? useless. Hopefally he does more than an occasional airstrike after he gets congressional approval. Not that he really needed it but it'll give him a little cover before golf.

It's clear that your disagreements with Obama just don't allow you to recognize it when he does something right. There are plenty of shortcomings to complain about with this administration - this just ain't one of 'em.
Don't let me interrupt a good insult-fest, but what the president is doing (this time) is smart.

We want the broader Muslim community to denounced these terrorists and to join in the fight against them. So he is making sure that the Muslim community knows we are not out to get them - only these street thugs. He is not saying anything to give these terrorists anymore status in their local communities. He is trying to marginalize the terrorists and drive a wedge between the terrorists and the broader Muslim community.

It's a smart thing to do.
no matter how many times you post factual evidence that ISIS is NOT Islam, the RW idiots refuse to accept it , and NO amount of pounding can get it through their THICK skulls.

end of story

That narrative of Hussein Obama ...that ISIS is not Islam simply can't cut the mustard.

It simply can not.

No matter how many times progressives, politically correct liberals shout from the rooftops and throw tantrums that ISIS is not Islam won't change an iota of the fact that ISIS is pure Islam.

how about this narrative, airhead?

How To Stop ISIS It Is Not Just Un-Islamic It Is Anti-Islamic

Every time we refer to ISIS as the “Islamic State,” call its members “jihadists” or in any way grant it the religious legitimacy that it so desperately seeks, we simultaneously boost its brand, tarnish the image of Islam and further marginalize the vast majority of Muslims who are disgusted by the group’s un-Islamic actions.

Islam prohibits the extremism exhibited by ISIS. An essential part of the faith is moderation.
We didn't name them ....Wtf genius

Well not in the clips being broadcast.......however.

"But we also see faith being twisted and distorted, used as a wedge -- or, worse, sometimes used as a weapon. From a school in Pakistan to the streets of Paris, we have seen violence and terror perpetrated by those who profess to stand up for faith, their faith, professed to stand up for Islam, but, in fact, are betraying it. We see ISIL, a brutal, vicious death cult that, in the name of religion, carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism --"

But wait, I thought you guys say that Obama doesn't connect them to religion ?

Sorry if his explanation was too hard for you to grasp the meaning of.

Doesn't change the fact that what Obama and Abdullah and other Muslim leaders are doing to marginalize and remove religious status from these street punks is a smart thing to do.
So why then mention Christians?
“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said.
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
There was ABSOLUTELY NO need to "lower" Christians to the level of the Islamic terrorists.
What happens is Obama thinks the USA deserves these attacks. Christians deserve because the USA/Christians have been in Obama's perception bullies! Per Obama almost every speech has to tear the USA down in the eyes of the world. Why?

Doesn't change the fact that what Obama and Abdullah and other Muslim leaders are doing to marginalize and remove religious status from these street punks is a smart thing to do.
So why then mention Christians?
“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said.
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
There was ABSOLUTELY NO need to "lower" Christians to the level of the Islamic terrorists.
What happens is Obama thinks the USA deserves these attacks. Christians deserve because the USA/Christians have been in Obama's perception bullies! Per Obama almost every speech has to tear the USA down in the eyes of the world. Why?

I covered this in a previous post, but I'll summarize it again for you hear.

Obama gains credibility among the broader Muslim community by NOT lying or trying to gloss over atrocities committed by those who were bastardizing the Christian faith. In fact, by doing that he forges a link with Muslims who recognize what ISIS is doing as bastardizing THEIR faith.

It earns him credibility with the broader Muslim community when he tells them that we ARE NOT modern crusaders, hell-bent on the destruction of all Islam (as ISIS tries to tell them in order to recruit). He points out that the Inquisition and Crusades happened long before the U.S. existed.

Driving a wedge between these terrorists and the Muslim community is a smart thing to do. Marginalizing these street punks by refuting their recruiting talking points is also the smart thing to do.

The "what he means" part of your post is not derived from what he said, but from your intense desire to interpret what he said in the worst light possible.

There is plenty to complain about with this administration and their responses to terrorist attacks. This just ain't one of 'em.
I have a message for the president with all due respect to him and to the office: Mr. President, if you don’t want to give terrorists a recruitment’s tool, instead of closing Guantanamo Bay, frankly sir, you ought to close your mouth.
Because you just gave them a gigantic propaganda tool. They called us ‘crusaders’ and you just confirmed it.
Mr. President, we’re not on our ‘high horse.’ What we are is on high alert. And the American people would like for once, to know that you are willing to defend Christianity and defend America instead of defending Islam.

I would remind the president that the Crusades began in 1096 as a response to Islamic aggression and the fact that they had conquered the Holy Land and they were oppressing Eastern Christians. And there was a response to that. So, if the president is even going to cite that as an example, then he ought to get his history complete.

Bishop Jackson called out Obama for not using the words “Radical Islam.”

This president does everything he possibly can to defend Islam and does almost nothing to defend the honor of this country. And yes, once again, he’s giving them exactly what they want. And you know, Elizabeth, they’re laughing at us because all they see it as, is a sign of weakness. And America needs to operate from strength.

Read more at Bishop Jackson To Obama Frankly Sir You Ought To Close Your Mouth
I don't think he compared them, but he certainly did invoke a certain moral equivalency between The Crusades and ISIS.. which is absurd in the historical context. The Crusades were undertaken to drive the Muslims from Europe as well as secure the Holy Land which had been overrun by Muslims.. taxes were imposed on Christians and Jews alike to visit Bethlehem, etc.

His comments are ether rooted in ignorance or wilful dishonesty.
I don't think he compared them, but he certainly did invoke a certain moral equivalency between The Crusades and ISIS.. which is absurd in the historical context. The Crusades were undertaken to drive the Muslims from Europe as well as secure the Holy Land which had been overrun by Muslims.. taxes were imposed on Christians and Jews alike to visit Bethlehem, etc.

His comments are ether rooted in ignorance or wilful dishonesty.

And now ISIS is trying to kill or drive out people who do not share THEIR religious beliefs.

CERTAINLY NO correlation there .....
I don't think he compared them, but he certainly did invoke a certain moral equivalency between The Crusades and ISIS.. which is absurd in the historical context. The Crusades were undertaken to drive the Muslims from Europe as well as secure the Holy Land which had been overrun by Muslims.. taxes were imposed on Christians and Jews alike to visit Bethlehem, etc.

His comments are ether rooted in ignorance or wilful dishonesty.

I have to believe it is willful dishonesty because after all based on this historian's assessment...
Historian Michael Beschloss:
Yeah. Even aside from the fact of electing the first African American President and whatever one’s partisan views this is a guy whose IQ is off the charts — I mean you cannot say that he is anything but a very serious and capable leader and — you know — You and I have talked about this for years … … our system doesn’t allow those people to become President, those people meaning people THAT smart and THAT capable
Imus: What is his IQ?
Historian Michael Beschloss: Uh. I would say it’s probably – he’s probably the smartest guy ever to become President."
So if he is the smartest then it is definitely willful dishonesty!

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