Obama Just Compared Christianity With Islam…At National Prayer Breakfast

I don't think he compared them, but he certainly did invoke a certain moral equivalency between The Crusades and ISIS.. which is absurd in the historical context. The Crusades were undertaken to drive the Muslims from Europe as well as secure the Holy Land which had been overrun by Muslims.. taxes were imposed on Christians and Jews alike to visit Bethlehem, etc.

His comments are ether rooted in ignorance or wilful dishonesty.

And now ISIS is trying to kill or drive out people who do not share THEIR religious beliefs.

CERTAINLY NO correlation there .....

None, none at all.... the Muslims were not driven out because of their religious beliefs but rather their invasion of Europe and burning of churches and building Mosques atop them and then taking over what had always been Jewish and Christian lands and imposing taxes on same for being there.

Not to mention ISIS is beheading Muslim children, crucifying Christians and now burning people alive.. and other Muslims at that.

You're way off pal... as is Obama.
The Crusades were over Trade Routes through the Mediterranean. That simple.

The Maritime City States of Venice, Pisa, Genoa and many others depended entirely on those Trade Routes for their survival.

When the Turks invaded and conquered North Africa, they cut off all communication and trade with the 'Infidel'.

Those City States were too weak to defeat the Turks all by themselves so the Pope devised a 'Religious' Strategy.

Without it, I doubt very many French, Germans or Englishmen would have signed up just to help the Italians -- Who weren't any more popular then than they are now -- As in -- Not at all.

But since the Pope asked..... :bow2:

Anybody that believes the Crusades was about Religion is, frankly, just not very well read.

It was, as are ALL wars, about economics.
I don't think he compared them, but he certainly did invoke a certain moral equivalency between The Crusades and ISIS.. which is absurd in the historical context. The Crusades were undertaken to drive the Muslims from Europe as well as secure the Holy Land which had been overrun by Muslims.. taxes were imposed on Christians and Jews alike to visit Bethlehem, etc.

His comments are ether rooted in ignorance or wilful dishonesty.

And now ISIS is trying to kill or drive out people who do not share THEIR religious beliefs.

CERTAINLY NO correlation there .....

None, none at all.... the Muslims were not driven out because of their religious beliefs but rather their invasion of Europe and burning of churches and building Mosques atop them and then taking over what had always been Jewish and Christian lands and imposing taxes on same for being there.

Not to mention ISIS is beheading Muslim children, crucifying Christians and now burning people alive.. and other Muslims at that.

You're way off pal... as is Obama.

All you are doing is playing that game of who did what first. You can take it all the way back to Old Testament times when Jacob reportedly stole Esau's birthright. If the crusades were merely to drive the invading Muslims out of Europe - then why did the crusaders just skip right through europe in order to wage their battles in the Middle East?

Not to mention ISIS is NOT Islam - and denying these street punks any religious authority or status is a very smart thing to do.

So, sorry my friend. You've missed the boat on this one. Obama has made many mistakes (imho) in combating terrorists. This just ain't one of 'em.
All you are doing is playing that game of who did what first. You can take it all the way back to Old Testament times when Jacob reportedly stole Esau's birthright. If the crusades were merely to drive the invading Muslims out of Europe - then why did the crusaders just skip right through europe in order to wage their battles in the Middle East?

Not to mention ISIS is NOT Islam - and denying these street punks any religious authority or status is a very smart thing to do.

So, sorry my friend. You've missed the boat on this one. Obama has made many mistakes (imho) in combating terrorists. This just ain't one of 'em.

The 'Middle East' was Christian long before the goat fucking pedophile mohammed was even born.

Byzantine Empire - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

The lands that goat fucking towel heads call theirs was Christian for several hundred years before IslamoFascists showed up.


Byzantine Empire

Those lands were Christian before Islam and its diseased beliefs were even born.

The Seijuk Turks took the Land the Crusaders were trying to take back FROM the Byzantine Empire.

scumbag dimocrap filth make it sound like these goat fuckers were sitting around minding their own business when Crusaders showed up and tried to take their lands.

That's a LIE. The Turks took the land by force away from Christians. All the Crusaders were doing was trying to get it back. It was theirs first.

dimocraps are lying scum.
@ Edgetho: But Jacob stole Esau's birthright first!!!!!!!!

(Eyes rolling)

Try to play that game all you want. Virtually every nation on the planet was forged by conquest - no matter what religion they claim.

It's a fool's game you are playing.
I don't think he compared them, but he certainly did invoke a certain moral equivalency between The Crusades and ISIS.. which is absurd in the historical context. The Crusades were undertaken to drive the Muslims from Europe as well as secure the Holy Land which had been overrun by Muslims.. taxes were imposed on Christians and Jews alike to visit Bethlehem, etc.

His comments are ether rooted in ignorance or wilful dishonesty.

And now ISIS is trying to kill or drive out people who do not share THEIR religious beliefs.

CERTAINLY NO correlation there .....

None, none at all.... the Muslims were not driven out because of their religious beliefs but rather their invasion of Europe and burning of churches and building Mosques atop them and then taking over what had always been Jewish and Christian lands and imposing taxes on same for being there.

Not to mention ISIS is beheading Muslim children, crucifying Christians and now burning people alive.. and other Muslims at that.

You're way off pal... as is Obama.

All you are doing is playing that game of who did what first. You can take it all the way back to Old Testament times when Jacob reportedly stole Esau's birthright. If the crusades were merely to drive the invading Muslims out of Europe - then why did the crusaders just skip right through europe in order to wage their battles in the Middle East?

Not to mention ISIS is NOT Islam - and denying these street punks any religious authority or status is a very smart thing to do.

So, sorry my friend. You've missed the boat on this one. Obama has made many mistakes (imho) in combating terrorists. This just ain't one of 'em.

It matters little what YOU think because ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant! The terrorists barbarians call themselves
"Islamic"... so how f...king stupid is Obama CALLING ALL Christians equal to these barbarians!

Obama trying to draw a "moral equivalency" was just dishonest because he is suppose to be the "smartest" President!
@ Edgetho: But Jacob stole Esau's birthright first!!!!!!!!

(Eyes rolling)

Try to play that game all you want. Virtually every nation on the planet was forged by conquest - no matter what religion they claim.

It's a fool's game you are playing.

I'm trying to educate the stupid -- You.

It may well be that Christians kicked the shit out of goat fucking mooslums.

But you and your pals make it sound like Christians just got bored one afternoon and decided to go play "Let's spear goat fuckers"

Christians had those lands taken from them BY FORCE.

The Byzantine Empire asked the Pope to help them out in recovering their stolen lands. To do so, he put out a Papal Behest. Asking all Christians from all of Europe to help in a Holy Quest. And if they did, they'd get a special seat in Heaven.

The prospect of plundered gold and other riches didn't hurt none either.

Shake your head, little girl. That's all you are. Just another little girl who doen't want to know what's really in the hamburger she's eating or how it got on her plate.

You can NOT make moral judgements (or any other kind) without a proper understanding of history.

Stick around.
The terrorists can rationalize their actions too.

Doesn't make them (or you) right.

btw - if you are ready for another history lesson - just make another stupid claim
The terrorists can rationalize their actions too.

Doesn't make them (or you) right.

btw - if you are ready for another history lesson - just make another stupid claim

You haven't disputed shit yet, bitch. You're about ten posts behind, bitch. Prove me wrong, bitch.

Do it. Stop being a little bitch and fucking do it. Show me where I'm wrong. Post some links.

All I said was that, 1) The War was about economics (like they all are), 2) The Lands being fought over were Christian lands FIRST, 3) And you don't understand history..... Or much of anything else.


Go sweep the floor
@ edgetho: The anger and profanity of your posts indicate you KNOW I've kicked your ass.

Relax - take a deep breath ........ and LEARN
I don't think he compared them, but he certainly did invoke a certain moral equivalency between The Crusades and ISIS.. which is absurd in the historical context. The Crusades were undertaken to drive the Muslims from Europe as well as secure the Holy Land which had been overrun by Muslims.. taxes were imposed on Christians and Jews alike to visit Bethlehem, etc.

His comments are ether rooted in ignorance or wilful dishonesty.

And now ISIS is trying to kill or drive out people who do not share THEIR religious beliefs.

CERTAINLY NO correlation there .....

None, none at all.... the Muslims were not driven out because of their religious beliefs but rather their invasion of Europe and burning of churches and building Mosques atop them and then taking over what had always been Jewish and Christian lands and imposing taxes on same for being there.

Not to mention ISIS is beheading Muslim children, crucifying Christians and now burning people alive.. and other Muslims at that.

You're way off pal... as is Obama.

All you are doing is playing that game of who did what first. You can take it all the way back to Old Testament times when Jacob reportedly stole Esau's birthright. If the crusades were merely to drive the invading Muslims out of Europe - then why did the crusaders just skip right through europe in order to wage their battles in the Middle East?

Not to mention ISIS is NOT Islam - and denying these street punks any religious authority or status is a very smart thing to do.

So, sorry my friend. You've missed the boat on this one. Obama has made many mistakes (imho) in combating terrorists. This just ain't one of 'em.
So where did OBAMA keep from granting the street punks "status"???
By making a "moral equivalency" with events that occurred 1,000 years ago lowers the terrorist status is that your point?
You are f...king naive!
ISIS (ISlamic is their first name!!!) remember ONE thing from the speech... Christians are just as bad as they are!
So the terrorists barbarians believe me will use those words in future releases!
You will see them telling potential recruits..."See Obama even calls Christians murderers!"
You are so naive as to how "propaganda works and these barbarians will use those words to recruit more terrorists using the words
of Obama as justification!
@ edgetho: The anger and profanity of your posts indicate you KNOW I've kicked your ass.

Relax - take a deep breath ........ and LEARN

Wrong again, bitch.

It's always the loser with the sore ass that talks the loudest.

I said 'bring it on'

You're running away like the scared little bitch you are.


You bore me. You're just another beat down little crybaby

Doesn't change the fact that what Obama and Abdullah and other Muslim leaders are doing to marginalize and remove religious status from these street punks is a smart thing to do.
So why then mention Christians?
“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said.
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
There was ABSOLUTELY NO need to "lower" Christians to the level of the Islamic terrorists.
What happens is Obama thinks the USA deserves these attacks. Christians deserve because the USA/Christians have been in Obama's perception bullies! Per Obama almost every speech has to tear the USA down in the eyes of the world. Why?

I covered this in a previous post, but I'll summarize it again for you hear.

Obama gains credibility among the broader Muslim community by NOT lying or trying to gloss over atrocities committed by those who were bastardizing the Christian faith. In fact, by doing that he forges a link with Muslims who recognize what ISIS is doing as bastardizing THEIR faith.

It earns him credibility with the broader Muslim community when he tells them that we ARE NOT modern crusaders, hell-bent on the destruction of all Islam (as ISIS tries to tell them in order to recruit). He points out that the Inquisition and Crusades happened long before the U.S. existed.

Driving a wedge between these terrorists and the Muslim community is a smart thing to do. Marginalizing these street punks by refuting their recruiting talking points is also the smart thing to do.

The "what he means" part of your post is not derived from what he said, but from your intense desire to interpret what he said in the worst light possible.

There is plenty to complain about with this administration and their responses to terrorist attacks. This just ain't one of 'em.

For those who want to pretend this was never posted.

Doesn't change the fact that what Obama and Abdullah and other Muslim leaders are doing to marginalize and remove religious status from these street punks is a smart thing to do.
So why then mention Christians?
“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said.
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
There was ABSOLUTELY NO need to "lower" Christians to the level of the Islamic terrorists.
What happens is Obama thinks the USA deserves these attacks. Christians deserve because the USA/Christians have been in Obama's perception bullies! Per Obama almost every speech has to tear the USA down in the eyes of the world. Why?

I covered this in a previous post, but I'll summarize it again for you hear.

Obama gains credibility among the broader Muslim community by NOT lying or trying to gloss over atrocities committed by those who were bastardizing the Christian faith. In fact, by doing that he forges a link with Muslims who recognize what ISIS is doing as bastardizing THEIR faith.

It earns him credibility with the broader Muslim community when he tells them that we ARE NOT modern crusaders, hell-bent on the destruction of all Islam (as ISIS tries to tell them in order to recruit). He points out that the Inquisition and Crusades happened long before the U.S. existed.

Driving a wedge between these terrorists and the Muslim community is a smart thing to do. Marginalizing these street punks by refuting their recruiting talking points is also the smart thing to do.

The "what he means" part of your post is not derived from what he said, but from your intense desire to interpret what he said in the worst light possible.

There is plenty to complain about with this administration and their responses to terrorist attacks. This just ain't one of 'em.

For those who want to pretend this was never posted.

Obama has no credibility anymore. our enemies know that which is why they are on the move.
Obama has no credibility anymore. our enemies know that which is why they are on the move.


Wait until Ukraine explodes..... Literally.

Then we'll get to sit back and laugh at all the clueless dims who had no idea
At least we have someone sticking up for us from this awful/hateful human being called our President

Evangelist Franklin Graham Responds to Obama’s Attack on Christians at Prayer Breakfast
Posted by Jim Hoft on Friday, February 6, 2015, 8:03 AM

Barack Obama lashed out at Christians Thursday at the Annual Prayer Breakfast.

The President used his warped understanding of the Crusades to bash Christians.
He also blamed slavery and Jim Crow laws on Christians?

The president:

“Humanity has been grappling with these questions throughout human history. Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place. Remember that during the Crusades and Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ. And our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”

Slavery ended here in 1865, but is still ongoing in the Muslim world.

This comes the same week ISIS burned a Jordanian pilot alive in a cage.

Sounds like something he learned from goofy Reverend Wright.

It did not take evangelist Franklin Graham long to respond to Obama’s vicious attacks.
Graham posted this on Facebook, via World Net Daily:

Today at the National Prayer Breakfast, the President implied that what ISIS is doing is equivalent to what happened over 1000 years ago during the Crusades and the Inquisition. Mr. President–Many people in history have used the name of Jesus Christ to accomplish evil things for their own desires. But Jesus taught peace, love and forgiveness. He came to give His life for the sins of mankind, not to take life. Mohammad on the contrary was a warrior and killed many innocent people. True followers of Christ emulate Christ—true followers of Mohammed emulate Mohammed.

ALL of it here:
Evangelist Franklin Graham Responds to Obama 8217 s Attack on Christians at Prayer Breakfast The Gateway Pundit

Doesn't change the fact that what Obama and Abdullah and other Muslim leaders are doing to marginalize and remove religious status from these street punks is a smart thing to do.
So why then mention Christians?
“Unless we get on our high horse and think this is unique to some other place, remember that during the Crusades and the Inquisition, people committed terrible deeds in the name of Christ,” Obama said.
“In our home country, slavery and Jim Crow all too often was justified in the name of Christ.”
There was ABSOLUTELY NO need to "lower" Christians to the level of the Islamic terrorists.
What happens is Obama thinks the USA deserves these attacks. Christians deserve because the USA/Christians have been in Obama's perception bullies! Per Obama almost every speech has to tear the USA down in the eyes of the world. Why?

I covered this in a previous post, but I'll summarize it again for you hear.

Obama gains credibility among the broader Muslim community by NOT lying or trying to gloss over atrocities committed by those who were bastardizing the Christian faith. In fact, by doing that he forges a link with Muslims who recognize what ISIS is doing as bastardizing THEIR faith.

It earns him credibility with the broader Muslim community when he tells them that we ARE NOT modern crusaders, hell-bent on the destruction of all Islam (as ISIS tries to tell them in order to recruit). He points out that the Inquisition and Crusades happened long before the U.S. existed.

Driving a wedge between these terrorists and the Muslim community is a smart thing to do. Marginalizing these street punks by refuting their recruiting talking points is also the smart thing to do.

The "what he means" part of your post is not derived from what he said, but from your intense desire to interpret what he said in the worst light possible.

There is plenty to complain about with this administration and their responses to terrorist attacks. This just ain't one of 'em.

For those who want to pretend this was never posted.

Obama has no credibility anymore. our enemies know that which is why they are on the move.

Yes, IMHO Obama has screwed up on several foreign policy issues.

Doesn't change the fact that he got this one right.

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