Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.


Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
In 2010, President Obama directed the CIA to assassinate an American citizen in Yemen, Anwar al-Awlaki, despite the fact that he had never been charged with (let alone convicted of) any crime, and the agency successfully carried out that order a year later with a September, 2011 drone strike. While that assassination created widespread debate – the once-again-beloved ACLU sued Obama to restrain him from the assassination on the ground of due process and then, when that suit was dismissed, sued Obama again after the killing was carried out – another killing carried out shortly thereafter was perhaps even more significant yet generated relatively little attention.

Two weeks after the killing of Awlaki, a separate CIA drone strike in Yemen killed his 16-year-old American-born son, Abdulrahman, along with the boy’s 17-year-old cousin and several other innocent Yemenis. The U.S. eventually claimed that the boy was not their target but merely “collateral damage.” Abdulrahman’s grief-stricken grandfather, Nasser al-Awlaki, urged the Washington Post “to visit a Facebook memorial page for Abdulrahman,” which explained: “Look at his pictures, his friends, and his hobbies His Facebook page shows a typical kid.”

Few events pulled the mask off Obama officials like this one. It highlighted how the Obama administration was ravaging Yemen, one of the world’s poorest countries: just weeks after he won the Nobel Prize, Obama used cluster bombs that killed 35 Yemeni women and children. Even Obama-supporting liberal comedians mocked the Obama DOJ’s arguments for why it had the right to execute Americans with no charges: “Due Process Just Means There’s A Process That You Do,” snarked Stephen Colbert. And a firestorm erupted when former Obama Press Secretary Robert Gibbs offered a sociopathic justification for killing the Colorado-born teenager, apparently blaming him for his own killing by saying he should have “had a more responsible father.”

Obama Killed a 16-Year-Old American in Yemen. Trump Just Killed His 8-Year-Old Sister.

“Why kill children?,” the grandfather asked. “This is the new (U.S.) administration – it’s very sad, a big crime.”

Unfortunately there's nothing new about the U.S. government killing children in the Middle East.

Our excessive concern for collateral damage is what has extended this war into its 16th year.
Our excessive concern for collateral damage is what has extended this war into its 16th year.
No, I'm pretty sure it's our excessive concern for destabilizing regions by overthrowing their governments, arming terrorists in one country then bombing them in the next, and creating 5 new terrorists for every 1 killed because we also kill 15 civilians for every 1 terrorist killed.
The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
Learn to write clearly. Kevin has the right of it, and you have no idea. Let's get out of Yemen. Yes, the President and Congress can ban Yeminese non-citizens from entering the US.
The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
So because the attack was something Obama could have done but didn't it somehow changes the fact that Trump made the call and this little girl was murdered as a result?
When mooselimbs stop deliberately killing innocent people I'll give a fuck when someone kills their people.

Not before then.

The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
So because the attack was something Obama could have done but didn't it somehow changes the fact that Trump made the call and this little girl was murdered as a result?
No, because the military doesn't plan operations like you fetching a fresh six pack.
The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
So because the attack was something Obama could have done but didn't it somehow changes the fact that Trump made the call and this little girl was murdered as a result?
No, because the military doesn't plan operations like you fetching a fresh six pack.
Trump ordered the raid and the raid led to several civilians dead, including this little girl, which the Military then lied about. I haven't made a comment about how or when the raid was planned, so I'm not sure why you're whining about it.
The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
So because the attack was something Obama could have done but didn't it somehow changes the fact that Trump made the call and this little girl was murdered as a result?
No, because the military doesn't plan operations like you fetching a fresh six pack.
Trump ordered the raid and the raid led to several civilians dead, including this little girl, which the Military then lied about. I haven't made a comment about how or when the raid was planned, so I'm not sure why you're whining about it.
Trump OKed the raid since he's CiC. He didn't plan it and lets the military do it's thing. You don't like it but that's really tough shit. It would have continued under Hillary if not moreso. You seem determined to make yourself irrelevant.
The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
So because the attack was something Obama could have done but didn't it somehow changes the fact that Trump made the call and this little girl was murdered as a result?
No, because the military doesn't plan operations like you fetching a fresh six pack.
Trump ordered the raid and the raid led to several civilians dead, including this little girl, which the Military then lied about. I haven't made a comment about how or when the raid was planned, so I'm not sure why you're whining about it.
Trump OKed the raid since he's CiC. He didn't plan it and lets the military do it's thing. You don't like it but that's really tough shit. It would have continued under Hillary if not moreso. You seem determined to make yourself irrelevant.

Funny ain't it, that your vote has no impact on that at all.
The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
So because the attack was something Obama could have done but didn't it somehow changes the fact that Trump made the call and this little girl was murdered as a result?
No, because the military doesn't plan operations like you fetching a fresh six pack.
Trump ordered the raid and the raid led to several civilians dead, including this little girl, which the Military then lied about. I haven't made a comment about how or when the raid was planned, so I'm not sure why you're whining about it.

Most terrorists are civilians....so? We kill terrorists.....hopefully we will kill more of them, their families and their associates....anyone who wants America to be safe should have no problem with that. You certainly have no problem with terrorists killing innocent folk...now an associate, family member/supporters of terrorists etc. can be called a civilian but they are guilty of being accomplices/supporters etc. of terrorism...not a pretty thing to see their bodies blown to hell full of bullet holes etc. but no one concerned with justice should be upset about it...when people learn to act peacefully then perhaps War will no longer be required ....until then...we must toughen up and understand we have to take out the bad guys, their friends, their associates, their supporters and their families...baby rattlesnakes group up to be big poisionous reptiles...I feel like I am trying to instruct someone with a mindset of a middle schooler...patheteic propagandists.

Oh yes.....war is hell...look how many civilians were killed in our fight against Germany and Japan....do you consider FDR and Truman War Criminals?
So you're a nut job.

You're a fuckin moron.

Try going to a mooselimb country and "coexist" with them.

Make sure you preach to them about their stewardship of the environment and how we should shut down the oil industry. Then prattle on about animal rights, insist women should be treated equally, and that queers should be embraced and allowed to be open about their lifestyle.

Get back to us when you've found success.

The attack was planned no ago, not last week. The OP is a blithering idiot that thinks he's smart enough to spew propaganda and not get called on it.
So because the attack was something Obama could have done but didn't it somehow changes the fact that Trump made the call and this little girl was murdered as a result?
No, because the military doesn't plan operations like you fetching a fresh six pack.
Trump ordered the raid and the raid led to several civilians dead, including this little girl, which the Military then lied about. I haven't made a comment about how or when the raid was planned, so I'm not sure why you're whining about it.
Trump OKed the raid since he's CiC. He didn't plan it and lets the military do it's thing. You don't like it but that's really tough shit. It would have continued under Hillary if not moreso. You seem determined to make yourself irrelevant.

Funny ain't it, that your vote has no impact on that at all.

You got backwards boyo....you seem not to understand ...Trump has a mandate to wipe out terrorism aborad and at home...no one promised it would be pretty...man up punk!

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