obama Kills Keystone

Denying a reasonable request for the pipeline is also causing terrible relations for free trade. The far-reaching consequences could be a big loss to the U.S. that is hard to calculate.

What do you mean? We're Canada's number one customer.

How would you feel if you had a huge amount of oil and the obvious route for it were blocked by your partner? It's got to have some deep repercussions including how other countries see us as trading partners. It's something to consider.

But this oil is no ordinary crude oil, and it carries with it risks that we’re only beginning to understand. Its core ingredient — bitumen — is not pumped from wells but is strip-mined or boiled loose underground.

Industry insiders long considered bitumen to be a “garbage” crude. But now that the light, sweet oil we covet has become more scarce and its price has skyrocketed, bitumen has become worth the trouble to recover. At room temperature, bitumen has the consistency of peanut butter, thick enough to hold in your hands. To get it through pipelines, liquid chemicals must be added to thin it into what’s known as dilbit, short for diluted bitumen.

That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.

Because the cost of transport through the Keystone is a fraction of tankers, and because the risk of environmental damage is a miniscule fraction of the risk from tankers, the mid-level price of oil, thus the price of gasoline, would drop dramatically. This is what Obama is fighting against; cheap oil undermines the corrupt "Green" lobby that has their hooks into the Fuckwad in Chief.

Werd. Look at the huge sacrifices that were made to lessen oceanic shipping distances with the Panama Canal, and we can't even do a pipeline.
Now to the bullshit line that Canada doesn't have enough oil. Man that's just over the top.


Petroleum production in Canada is a major industry which is important to the economy of North America. Canada is the sixth largest oil producing country in the world. In 2008 it produced an average of 438,000 cubic metres per day (2,750,000 bbl/d) of crude oil, bitumen and natural gas condensate. Of that amount, 45% was conventional crude oil, 49.5% was bitumen from oil sands, and 5.5% was condensate from natural gas wells.[1] Most of Canadian petroleum production, approximately 283,000 cubic metres per day (1,780,000 bbl/d), is exported.[2] Canada is the largest single source of oil imports into the United States.

The petroleum industry in Canada is also referred to as the Canadian "Oil Patch"; the term refers especially to upstream operations (exploration and production of oil and gas), and to a lesser degree to downstream operations (refining, distribution, and selling of oil and gas products).

In 2005, almost 25,000 new oil wells were spudded (drilled) in Canada. Daily, over 100 new wells are spudded in the province of Alberta alone

You can find this stuff on wiki liberals...

Petroleum production in Canada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What do you mean? We're Canada's number one customer.

How would you feel if you had a huge amount of oil and the obvious route for it were blocked by your partner? It's got to have some deep repercussions including how other countries see us as trading partners. It's something to consider.

But this oil is no ordinary crude oil, and it carries with it risks that we’re only beginning to understand. Its core ingredient — bitumen — is not pumped from wells but is strip-mined or boiled loose underground.

Industry insiders long considered bitumen to be a “garbage” crude. But now that the light, sweet oil we covet has become more scarce and its price has skyrocketed, bitumen has become worth the trouble to recover. At room temperature, bitumen has the consistency of peanut butter, thick enough to hold in your hands. To get it through pipelines, liquid chemicals must be added to thin it into what’s known as dilbit, short for diluted bitumen.


I favor alternative energy but also recognize the reality that huge oil fields are going to be tapped for their enormous wealth one way or another. When we really need the money and oil, we will also drain Alaska of its oil.
What do you mean? We're Canada's number one customer.

How would you feel if you had a huge amount of oil and the obvious route for it were blocked by your partner? It's got to have some deep repercussions including how other countries see us as trading partners. It's something to consider.

But this oil is no ordinary crude oil, and it carries with it risks that we’re only beginning to understand. Its core ingredient — bitumen — is not pumped from wells but is strip-mined or boiled loose underground.

Industry insiders long considered bitumen to be a “garbage” crude. But now that the light, sweet oil we covet has become more scarce and its price has skyrocketed, bitumen has become worth the trouble to recover. At room temperature, bitumen has the consistency of peanut butter, thick enough to hold in your hands. To get it through pipelines, liquid chemicals must be added to thin it into what’s known as dilbit, short for diluted bitumen.


Why didn't you care over Phase I and Phase II of the Keystone?

Phase III is almost completed from Cushing to the Gulf. We've been at this for a while you know.

AND we don't want to behead you. AND we gave you Rush and Gordon Lightfoot, John Candy and so many (ok so we screwed up on Celine Dion and the Beeb; not my fault, I never bought an album).

We have great coffee. Tim Horton's is world reknowned. Donuts to die for. And in general, we are wonderful (ok maybe not the one's bashing baby seals heads in) AND we only riot over hockey.
While you're not very bright Shallow, you do grasp that oil sent to the USA through the pipeline could not be sold to China, doncha?

Fuckwad Obama is working to increase American dependance on Middle Eastern oil - that is the whole of this move.

The oil is destined for the world market, not domestic consumption. Canada doesn’t have nearly enough oil to fill existing pipelines going to the United States. However, existing Canadian oil pipelines all go to the Midwest, where the only buyer for their crude is the United States. Keystone XL would divert Canadian oil from refineries in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast where it can be refined and exported. Many of these refineries are in Foriegn Trade Zones where oil may be exported to international buyers without paying U.S. taxes. And that is exactly what Valero, one of the largest potential buyers of Keystone XL's oil, has told its investors it will do. The idea that Keystone XL will improve U.S. oil supply is a documented scam being played on the American people by Big Oil and its friends in Washington DC.


We have something called a Pacific Coast. We have something called an Atlantic Coast. We ship world wide already.

We are America's biggest supplier. And we aren't about to run out of oil anytime soon you fool.

AND Why didn't you bitch about Keystone Phase I or Keystone Phase II?

We can still ship to the Gulf by the way. We do not need Obama's State Department to approve the link from Cushing to the Gulf.

This Phase is almost completed. Man you libs ponticate without knowing any facts.


Keystone XL

Isn't about 75% of what Canada produces sold to the US?

Canadian bitumen is already being refined in the Gulf Coast refineries.

The US is the third leading producer of crude oil with about 8.5 million barrels a day

Canada is sixth with about 4.0 million barrels a day.
Also, Obama is against off-shore drilling, but by preventing the pipeline, he is greatly increasing the pressure for off-shore drilling to supply oil for shipping in the Gulf. A steady supply of oil would surely mean much less off-shore oil. The more you drill off-shore, the sooner we'll have another Deepwater Horizon and catastrophic environmental damage.
What do you mean? We're Canada's number one customer.

How would you feel if you had a huge amount of oil and the obvious route for it were blocked by your partner? It's got to have some deep repercussions including how other countries see us as trading partners. It's something to consider.

But this oil is no ordinary crude oil, and it carries with it risks that we’re only beginning to understand. Its core ingredient — bitumen — is not pumped from wells but is strip-mined or boiled loose underground.

Industry insiders long considered bitumen to be a “garbage” crude. But now that the light, sweet oil we covet has become more scarce and its price has skyrocketed, bitumen has become worth the trouble to recover. At room temperature, bitumen has the consistency of peanut butter, thick enough to hold in your hands. To get it through pipelines, liquid chemicals must be added to thin it into what’s known as dilbit, short for diluted bitumen.


Why do liberals hate science?

Tar Sands No Worse Than Other Oils for Pipeline Spills | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network
How would you feel if you had a huge amount of oil and the obvious route for it were blocked by your partner? It's got to have some deep repercussions including how other countries see us as trading partners. It's something to consider.

But this oil is no ordinary crude oil, and it carries with it risks that we’re only beginning to understand. Its core ingredient — bitumen — is not pumped from wells but is strip-mined or boiled loose underground.

Industry insiders long considered bitumen to be a “garbage” crude. But now that the light, sweet oil we covet has become more scarce and its price has skyrocketed, bitumen has become worth the trouble to recover. At room temperature, bitumen has the consistency of peanut butter, thick enough to hold in your hands. To get it through pipelines, liquid chemicals must be added to thin it into what’s known as dilbit, short for diluted bitumen.


Why didn't you care over Phase I and Phase II of the Keystone?

Phase III is almost completed from Cushing to the Gulf. We've been at this for a while you know.

AND we don't want to behead you. AND we gave you Rush and Gordon Lightfoot, John Candy and so many (ok so we screwed up on Celine Dion and the Beeb; not my fault, I never bought an album).

We have great coffee. Tim Horton's is world reknowned. Donuts to die for. And in general, we are wonderful (ok maybe not the one's bashing baby seals heads in) AND we only riot over hockey.

We've been over this before. You also gave a Brain Adams. No amount of apologies will suffice.

I think the project will be approved. I think he will use the approval as a bargaining chip with the GOP.
The oil is destined for the world market, not domestic consumption. Canada doesn’t have nearly enough oil to fill existing pipelines going to the United States. However, existing Canadian oil pipelines all go to the Midwest, where the only buyer for their crude is the United States. Keystone XL would divert Canadian oil from refineries in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast where it can be refined and exported. Many of these refineries are in Foriegn Trade Zones where oil may be exported to international buyers without paying U.S. taxes. And that is exactly what Valero, one of the largest potential buyers of Keystone XL's oil, has told its investors it will do. The idea that Keystone XL will improve U.S. oil supply is a documented scam being played on the American people by Big Oil and its friends in Washington DC.


We have something called a Pacific Coast. We have something called an Atlantic Coast. We ship world wide already.

We are America's biggest supplier. And we aren't about to run out of oil anytime soon you fool.

AND Why didn't you bitch about Keystone Phase I or Keystone Phase II?

We can still ship to the Gulf by the way. We do not need Obama's State Department to approve the link from Cushing to the Gulf.

This Phase is almost completed. Man you libs ponticate without knowing any facts.


Keystone XL

Isn't about 75% of what Canada produces sold to the US?

Canadian bitumen is already being refined in the Gulf Coast refineries.

The US is the third leading producer of crude oil with about 8.5 million barrels a day

Canada is sixth with about 4.0 million barrels a day.

I'd love an explanation on why our gas prices are so high considering we have the free trade act and both countries production levels.

We're getting nailed up here big time. When my husband just went south to Iowa to get my new puppy he couldn't believe how cheap the gas was. We're running $1.30 minimum to the litre.
But this oil is no ordinary crude oil, and it carries with it risks that we’re only beginning to understand. Its core ingredient — bitumen — is not pumped from wells but is strip-mined or boiled loose underground.

Industry insiders long considered bitumen to be a “garbage” crude. But now that the light, sweet oil we covet has become more scarce and its price has skyrocketed, bitumen has become worth the trouble to recover. At room temperature, bitumen has the consistency of peanut butter, thick enough to hold in your hands. To get it through pipelines, liquid chemicals must be added to thin it into what’s known as dilbit, short for diluted bitumen.


Why didn't you care over Phase I and Phase II of the Keystone?

Phase III is almost completed from Cushing to the Gulf. We've been at this for a while you know.

AND we don't want to behead you. AND we gave you Rush and Gordon Lightfoot, John Candy and so many (ok so we screwed up on Celine Dion and the Beeb; not my fault, I never bought an album).

We have great coffee. Tim Horton's is world reknowned. Donuts to die for. And in general, we are wonderful (ok maybe not the one's bashing baby seals heads in) AND we only riot over hockey.

We've been over this before. You also gave a Brain Adams. No amount of apologies will suffice.

I think the project will be approved. I think he will use the approval as a bargaining chip with the GOP.

Okay I'll grovel over Bryan. But hey Trailer Park Boys and Little Mosque on the Prarie. Cut me some slack will ya?

The good outweighs the bad. Honest.

How would you feel if you had a huge amount of oil and the obvious route for it were blocked by your partner? It's got to have some deep repercussions including how other countries see us as trading partners. It's something to consider.

But this oil is no ordinary crude oil, and it carries with it risks that we’re only beginning to understand. Its core ingredient — bitumen — is not pumped from wells but is strip-mined or boiled loose underground.

Industry insiders long considered bitumen to be a “garbage” crude. But now that the light, sweet oil we covet has become more scarce and its price has skyrocketed, bitumen has become worth the trouble to recover. At room temperature, bitumen has the consistency of peanut butter, thick enough to hold in your hands. To get it through pipelines, liquid chemicals must be added to thin it into what’s known as dilbit, short for diluted bitumen.


Why do liberals hate science?

Tar Sands No Worse Than Other Oils for Pipeline Spills | Observations, Scientific American Blog Network

The NYT article I linked to did not claim to know if dilbit was to blame for the spills but....

"After the spill, Congress passed new pipeline safety legislation, but it will take years for its modest provisions to have any impact. It does not require pipeline companies to reveal whether their lines are shipping dilbit. And while it does require a study of how dilbit affects pipeline corrosion, the scientists conducting that study met for the first time only last month, and their work is not likely to be completed before new pipelines are built or old ones are repurposed.

Furthermore your link also said:

"...the finding does not address the question of whether dilbit spills might be worse for the environment than leaks of more conventional crudes. Dilbit has some unique properties that make it more likely to sink in water, among other potential challenges. The residents of Mayflower, Ark. and Kalamazoo, Mich., the locations of major dilbit spills from pipelines, found this out the hard way."
Why didn't you care over Phase I and Phase II of the Keystone?

Phase III is almost completed from Cushing to the Gulf. We've been at this for a while you know.

AND we don't want to behead you. AND we gave you Rush and Gordon Lightfoot, John Candy and so many (ok so we screwed up on Celine Dion and the Beeb; not my fault, I never bought an album).

We have great coffee. Tim Horton's is world reknowned. Donuts to die for. And in general, we are wonderful (ok maybe not the one's bashing baby seals heads in) AND we only riot over hockey.

We've been over this before. You also gave a Brain Adams. No amount of apologies will suffice.

I think the project will be approved. I think he will use the approval as a bargaining chip with the GOP.

Okay I'll grovel over Bryan. But hey Trailer Park Boys and Little Mosque on the Prarie. Cut me some slack will ya?

The good outweighs the bad. Honest.


Well you did give us Neil Young so I guess ya'll are okay......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k0t0EW6z8a0]Neil Young - Needle and the Damage Done - YouTube[/ame]
Report says Keystone pipeline would not up U.S. greenhouse gas emissions | Reuters

Aug 8 (Reuters) - A new study has backed an earlier finding by the U.S. State Department that the proposed Keystone XL pipeline will have "no material impact" on U.S. greenhouse gas emissions, a crucial factor the White House is expected to weigh when it decides whether to approve the project.

Why the flying fuck is this sorry excuse for a President sitting with his thumbs up his ass?

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