obama Kills Keystone

This thread went to shit shortly after it was started.

Not true. This thread was a lie as it started. The President has made no decision yet.

Yes, he's far too busy killing the economy and making people dependent on the government to waste his time making a decision on something that would provide jobs and energy. Give the poor put upon guy a break.

You guys like :crybaby: so much you're happy as pigs in shit making up stuff to :crybaby: about.

You must be head of the Boehner fan club.
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Denying a reasonable request for the pipeline is also causing terrible relations for free trade. The far-reaching consequences could be a big loss to the U.S. that is hard to calculate.

You are truly a whackaloon..

You should move to a conservative nation, like Saudi Arabia. They really are what you folks want.

Try it.

See how it works in practice.

Call 'em names and suggest self exile for the grievous sin of disagreeing with your viewpoints, that is indeed interesting given:

"In fact, part of being a liberal is being able to accept or at least tolerate those with views that don't comport to your own." -- Sallow, 7/28/2013

Apparently that part of being a "liberal" no longer applies, oh how the world changes for the worse in a mere 24 hours. :(


There of course caveats to that.

You shouldn't have to tolerate someone who wants you dead.

Or do you think one should?
Uh-huh, demonstrating tolerance only when it is easy is the same as not demonstrating it at all.

And it's "he".
Good to know, I didn't want to be presumptuous.

"Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding." -- Mohandas K. Gandhi
Call 'em names and suggest self exile for the grievous sin of disagreeing with your viewpoints, that is indeed interesting given:

"In fact, part of being a liberal is being able to accept or at least tolerate those with views that don't comport to your own." -- Sallow, 7/28/2013

Apparently that part of being a "liberal" no longer applies, oh how the world changes for the worse in a mere 24 hours. :(


There of course caveats to that.

You shouldn't have to tolerate someone who wants you dead.

Or do you think one should?
Uh-huh, demonstrating tolerance only when it is easy is the same as not demonstrating it at all.

And it's "he".
Good to know, I didn't want to be presumptuous.

"Anger and intolerance are the enemies of correct understanding." -- Mohandas K. Gandhi

You can go through thread after thread.

I pretty much do "tolerate" reasonable conservative viewpoints. Even "unreasonable" ones when they are respectful. But if all you do is attack? How do you tolerate that?
You can go through thread after thread.

I pretty much do "tolerate" reasonable conservative viewpoints. Even "unreasonable" ones when they are respectful.
Excellent news :)

But if all you do is attack? How do you tolerate that?
I ignore them, wallowing in the mud only leads to getting filthy.

If that works for you..fine.

Me..I like a good fight now and again.

In any case..it's not a horse race..if it's all the same horse.

Thank God the adultsare in charge, not greedy idiot rich and their silly dupes. You actually think Sean Rushbeck etc have a clue on this?

And he still hasn't said no to it...ANOTHER big lie...
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You can go through thread after thread.

I pretty much do "tolerate" reasonable conservative viewpoints. Even "unreasonable" ones when they are respectful.
Excellent news :)

But if all you do is attack? How do you tolerate that?
I ignore them, wallowing in the mud only leads to getting filthy.

If that works for you..fine.

Me..I like a good fight now and again.

In any case..it's not a horse race..if it's all the same horse.


Fair enough, thanks for being candid. :)
Thank God the adultsare in charge, not greedy idiot rich and their silly dupes. You actually think Sean Rushbeck etc have a clue on this?

And he still hasn't said no to it...ANOTHER big lie...

Obama and his State Department can only block the international route for this phase of the pipeline.

And that's what they have done so far.
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And they weren't going to do that if keystone happened?


While you're not very bright Shallow, you do grasp that oil sent to the USA through the pipeline could not be sold to China, doncha?

Fuckwad Obama is working to increase American dependance on Middle Eastern oil - that is the whole of this move.

The oil is destined for the world market, not domestic consumption. Canada doesn’t have nearly enough oil to fill existing pipelines going to the United States. However, existing Canadian oil pipelines all go to the Midwest, where the only buyer for their crude is the United States. Keystone XL would divert Canadian oil from refineries in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast where it can be refined and exported. Many of these refineries are in Foriegn Trade Zones where oil may be exported to international buyers without paying U.S. taxes. And that is exactly what Valero, one of the largest potential buyers of Keystone XL's oil, has told its investors it will do. The idea that Keystone XL will improve U.S. oil supply is a documented scam being played on the American people by Big Oil and its friends in Washington DC.
Denying a reasonable request for the pipeline is also causing terrible relations for free trade. The far-reaching consequences could be a big loss to the U.S. that is hard to calculate.

What do you mean? We're Canada's number one customer.

kalamazoo river oil spill | Michigan Radio

And given that this one took over 3 years to clean up..I'd say it's a problem.

Notice the numbers are talked about in "gallons" instead of barrels to make that seem worse than it was. Have pipelines broken in the past? Sure, and tankers have soaked entire coastlines like the Exxon Valdez being piloted by a drunk did. The Keystone XL as planned will be the most sensor-ridden project ever......a break (from an eco-terrorist group like ELF being the most likely cause) would be detected within 15 minutes and the flow stopped. Tar-sand oil is very thick and doesn't penetrate normal soil very quickly so alarmists are wrong about that too. :cuckoo:

These oil spills do have a big impact to the environment.

And all most folks are asking for is a good DR plan. That costs a little money, but in the long run? Most everyone is happy.

wouldn't oil tankers and trucks carrying petrol over a longer route also have an environmental impact?
Denying a reasonable request for the pipeline is also causing terrible relations for free trade. The far-reaching consequences could be a big loss to the U.S. that is hard to calculate.

What do you mean? We're Canada's number one customer.

How would you feel if you had a huge amount of oil and the obvious route for it were blocked by your partner? It's got to have some deep repercussions including how other countries see us as trading partners. It's something to consider.
Obama suggesting that we are doing this to take advantage of the Canadians to get low gas prices doesn't help. If it's purely circumstantial, fine, but now Obama is just about stating that as the reason we won't help Canada.
And they weren't going to do that if keystone happened?


While you're not very bright Shallow, you do grasp that oil sent to the USA through the pipeline could not be sold to China, doncha?

Fuckwad Obama is working to increase American dependance on Middle Eastern oil - that is the whole of this move.

The oil is destined for the world market, not domestic consumption. Canada doesn’t have nearly enough oil to fill existing pipelines going to the United States. However, existing Canadian oil pipelines all go to the Midwest, where the only buyer for their crude is the United States. Keystone XL would divert Canadian oil from refineries in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast where it can be refined and exported. Many of these refineries are in Foriegn Trade Zones where oil may be exported to international buyers without paying U.S. taxes. And that is exactly what Valero, one of the largest potential buyers of Keystone XL's oil, has told its investors it will do. The idea that Keystone XL will improve U.S. oil supply is a documented scam being played on the American people by Big Oil and its friends in Washington DC.


We have something called a Pacific Coast. We have something called an Atlantic Coast. We ship world wide already.

We are America's biggest supplier. And we aren't about to run out of oil anytime soon you fool.

AND Why didn't you bitch about Keystone Phase I or Keystone Phase II?

We can still ship to the Gulf by the way. We do not need Obama's State Department to approve the link from Cushing to the Gulf.

This Phase is almost completed. Man you libs ponticate without knowing any facts.


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And they weren't going to do that if keystone happened?


While you're not very bright Shallow, you do grasp that oil sent to the USA through the pipeline could not be sold to China, doncha?

Fuckwad Obama is working to increase American dependance on Middle Eastern oil - that is the whole of this move.

The oil is destined for the world market, not domestic consumption. Canada doesn’t have nearly enough oil to fill existing pipelines going to the United States. However, existing Canadian oil pipelines all go to the Midwest, where the only buyer for their crude is the United States. Keystone XL would divert Canadian oil from refineries in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast where it can be refined and exported. Many of these refineries are in Foriegn Trade Zones where oil may be exported to international buyers without paying U.S. taxes. And that is exactly what Valero, one of the largest potential buyers of Keystone XL's oil, has told its investors it will do. The idea that Keystone XL will improve U.S. oil supply is a documented scam being played on the American people by Big Oil and its friends in Washington DC.

Look up the word 'fungible'.

Now use it in a sentence.
This kind of logic gives me a headache....

So, if we have millions of more barrels of Oil inside the US, that won't do us any good because....?

The Country's biggest Refineries are where?

If you guessed the Texas Coast, you get a prize.
In fact, the Exxon/Mobil Baytown Refinery is bigger than the entire refining capacity in the entire State of Oklahoma.

So sending oil to the Largest Refineries with the most refining capacity on the Face Of The Earth is a shock to you?

Hook, line and sinker :badgrin:

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