obama Kills Keystone

That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.

Because the cost of transport through the Keystone is a fraction of tankers, and because the risk of environmental damage is a miniscule fraction of the risk from tankers, the mid-level price of oil, thus the price of gasoline, would drop dramatically. This is what Obama is fighting against; cheap oil undermines the corrupt "Green" lobby that has their hooks into the Fuckwad in Chief.
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Again the question lingers...must we wait for 2016?

Do you really think that Hillary will approve of the pipeline? You think President Obama is a tough customer to deal with, wait until you deal with President Hillary Clinton.

And who are you going to run against her? Paul or Ryan? They are as popular with women and minorities as cockroaches. And an anthema for anyone that works for a living. No sane person wants a government ran by Ayn Rand philosophies.
And they weren't going to do that if keystone happened?


While you're not very bright Shallow, you do grasp that oil sent to the USA through the pipeline could not be sold to China, doncha?

Fuckwad Obama is working to increase American dependance on Middle Eastern oil - that is the whole of this move.

Explain where the oil in the proposed keystone pipeline would be sold?

Then provide a reasonable explanation as to why President Obama would work to increase our nations dependence on ME oil?

Next, explain who would profit from building the pipeline, and who would profit from its operation.
That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.

Because the cost of transport through the Keystone is a fraction of tankers, and because the risk of environmental damage in a miniscule fraction of the risk from tankers, the mid-level price of oil, thus the price of gasoline, would drop dramatically. This is what Obama is fighting against; cheap oil undermines the corrupt "Green" lobby that has their hooks into the Fuckwad in Chief.

Well, dumb fuck. let's just not use the tankers at all. In fact, just leave the tar sands as they are. They are truly fucking up the environment in Canada for the wealth of a very few.
Its brietebart but still, let's hope its true.

Keystone would not benefit us and would cost a bundle.
Where's your bonafides, asshole?

Where's yours? As far as I'm concerned, you are an anonymous teenager playing around on the internet.

Here are some facts about the environmental impact of tar sands mining.
Top 10 facts about Alberta's Oil Sands

Just admit it. You were wrong when you falsely claimed the Keystone oil pipeline would have "ZERO environmental impact."

No need to continue this discussion, unless you can admit you were wrong.

Take a look at my introduction OP you fucking joke...you have no experience or knowledge about the oil business yet you're running your mouth like the hippie dipshit that you are. Damn right this is the end of the discussion...you're a waste of keystrokes.

Again the question lingers...must we wait for 2016?

Do you really think that Hillary will approve of the pipeline? You think President Obama is a tough customer to deal with, wait until you deal with President Hillary Clinton.

And who are you going to run against her? Paul or Ryan? They are as popular with women and minorities as cockroaches. And an anthema for anyone that works for a living. No sane person wants a government ran by Ayn Rand philosophies.

Chris Christie.

He would reduce Hitlery to a pile of steaming shit.

Chris Christie: The most popular politician in America?

Well, she already is that.... But he isn't afraid of her or the dimocrap party or of being called names by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

I'm not crazy about him, but he CRUSHES Hitlery. Or any other dimocrap scumbag you put up.

Here's the deal you morons.....

Conservatives don't like politics. At all.

We don't like Politicians. At all. Not even our own.

dimocrap scum view Government as a good thing.... As long it is THEY who control it.

Conservatives don't like Government of any kind. Even when it's being run by people who agree with us.

The Founders felt EXACTLY the same way. There is a great debate going on now about whether government has turned from being a necessary evil to a force for good.

There is no such thing. There is not now, there has never been, and there will never be a government that is a force for good.

Yeah, we'll get arguments from the usual suspects about the Civil War (Republican Led) and the Civil Rights movement (Republican Led) but that's a bunch of horseshit.

Slavery was on its way out. Regardless of what Abey-Baby did or didn't do... Slavery was gonzo. But we managed to lose the better part of an entire generation because southern dimcraps couldn't see the writing on the wall.

Civil Rights? It's time had come. That simple. Civil Rights was going to happen REGARDLESS of what government did. Which was to fuck everything up.

PEOPLE make things happen, not government

Anyway.... Here's the IMPORTANT part.

What you leftist douche-nozzles don't get is this...

We still outnumber you. Two to one. Easy. Maybe more.

But what happens is, since we don't like government anyway, when Republicans run somebody like McRINO or the soft-as-a-marshmallow Mittens, we just bow out. We don't bother voting.

What's the point? An apologist, an idiot like McRINO who would make another deal with dimocrap scum to give amnesty to beaners in return for a promise to secure the border WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN (like last time in '86).

Or an idiot like Romney who would raise taxes for another empty promise from dimocrp scum to cut spending WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN AND NEVER HAS. dimocrap scuma LIE every time they make that promise. EVERY time

I think it's a mistake. But that's what too many Republicans do.

Independents don't change elections. That's just horse-shit. What changes elections is Conservatives. When we turn out... You scumbags don't have a chance.

Christie will get Conservatives to turn out. In BIG numbers.

Like I said, I think he's a bit of an ass, but he would CRUSH that dried up old prune of a douchebag, Hitlery.


Whether he gets done what he says he wants to get done is another matter.
If this is how he going to Pivot To The Economy & Jobs for the umpty umpteenth time, I'd rather he just stay on the golf course.

Obama keeps saying he cares about jobs and the economy but what he does proves that he cares more about a liberal agenda than he does about putting people back to work.

An Obama "pivot" is turning 360 degrees to head in the same direction...

This President and Administration have made it explicitly clear that energy prices must necessarily rise. This Administration believes that the US consumes way too much fossil fuels. Hence, The Keystone Project, New Domestic Offshore Drilling, and similar initiatives will never get off the ground; damned be jobs and middle class cost of living. Meanwhile, China, Russia, and India get ahead.

The Left will tell you that the American People have spoken and this is the direction they wanted to take last November. If that were the case, the Obama Administration would have not tabled the already studied and State-Department sanctioned Keystone project....they had no intention of passing Keystone but didn't have the gumption to state so during the Election Further, remember going into the Election Year that the Obama Admin was exploring doing offshore drilling in Virginia. Did anyone on the Right or Left take that seriously?

RESULT: Higher energy prices, China, Russia, India win.
That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.

Because the cost of transport through the Keystone is a fraction of tankers, and because the risk of environmental damage is a miniscule fraction of the risk from tankers, the mid-level price of oil, thus the price of gasoline, would drop dramatically.

In the long term this is immaterial, if it makes economic sense the Canadian Producers will find another lower cost method of transporting their product to market. Don't get me wrong I do not in any way, shape or form advocate government interference in the market place of the sort represented by this nonsense, however given all the other egregious market intervention going on at the federal, state and local levels I think this particular issue has been way overblown.

Also keep in mind that much (most?) of the oil that would traverse this pipeline extension would end up being loaded on tankers anyways (the Cushing-Market Link of Keystone XL terminates in Port Arthur, TX), destined for foreign markets.
dimocraps lie. All of them. Top to bottom, side to side, tall, short, fat, skinny, gay, trans-gender, metro sexual -- All of them

Is it any wonder?

Look who they get their inspiration from? Bringing more Oil into the United States will RAISE Gas Prices?


Obama Finally Comes Out Fully Against Keystone Pipeline: Claims It Wouldn’t Create Jobs, Will Raise Gas Prices

He could never come out for it, he is just too beholden to, and a part of, the eco lobby.

And you wonder why the economy is crashing? Will ‘raise gas prices’? He believes in unicorns too.

Via Breitbart:

In a New York Times interview published Saturday, President Obama came out foursquare against the Keystone XL pipeline, claiming that it would not create jobs. “Republicans have said that this would be a big jobs generator,” Obama said. “There is no evidence that that’s true.” He then blamed Canada for not “doing more” to prevent carbon emissions from oil sands. Obama continued, “I meant what I said; I’m going to evaluate this based on whether or not this is going to significantly contribute to carbon in our atmosphere. And there is no doubt that Canada at the source in those tar sands could potentially be doing more to mitigate carbon release.”

Obama also blasted reports that job creation would be significant: ““[M]y hope would be that any reporter who is looking at the facts would take the time to confirm that the most realistic estimates are this might create maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline – which might take a year or two – and then after that we’re talking about somewhere between 50 and 100 [chuckles] jobs in a economy of 150 million working people.” He stated that gas prices would go up in parts of the United States thanks to Keystone XL: “So what we also know is, is that that oil is going to be piped down to the Gulf to be sold on the world oil markets, so it does not bring down gas prices here in the United States. In fact, it might actually cause some gas prices in the Midwest to go up where currently they can’t ship some of that oil to world markets.”

On Sunday, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told Fox News Sunday that Keystone’s failure to move forward was somehow Republicans’ fault: “There were some political games that were played, that took it off the trail and path to completion, where Republicans put it out there as something that was put on a timetable that it could not be resolved. It caused a delay. Playing political games with something like this was a mistake.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Obama certainly had no compunctions about quadrupling health care costs to the middle class through "Affordable (cough, cough) Health Care." :evil:
Again the question lingers...must we wait for 2016?

Do you really think that Hillary will approve of the pipeline? You think President Obama is a tough customer to deal with, wait until you deal with President Hillary Clinton.

And who are you going to run against her? Paul or Ryan? They are as popular with women and minorities as cockroaches. And an anthema for anyone that works for a living. No sane person wants a government ran by Ayn Rand philosophies.

Chris Christie.

He would reduce Hitlery to a pile of steaming shit.

Chris Christie: The most popular politician in America?

Well, she already is that.... But he isn't afraid of her or the dimocrap party or of being called names by the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM.

I'm not crazy about him, but he CRUSHES Hitlery. Or any other dimocrap scumbag you put up.

Here's the deal you morons.....

Conservatives don't like politics. At all.

We don't like Politicians. At all. Not even our own.

dimocrap scum view Government as a good thing.... As long it is THEY who control it.

Conservatives don't like Government of any kind. Even when it's being run by people who agree with us.

The Founders felt EXACTLY the same way. There is a great debate going on now about whether government has turned from being a necessary evil to a force for good.

There is no such thing. There is not now, there has never been, and there will never be a government that is a force for good.

Yeah, we'll get arguments from the usual suspects about the Civil War (Republican Led) and the Civil Rights movement (Republican Led) but that's a bunch of horseshit.

Slavery was on its way out. Regardless of what Abey-Baby did or didn't do... Slavery was gonzo. But we managed to lose the better part of an entire generation because southern dimcraps couldn't see the writing on the wall.

Civil Rights? It's time had come. That simple. Civil Rights was going to happen REGARDLESS of what government did. Which was to fuck everything up.

PEOPLE make things happen, not government

Anyway.... Here's the IMPORTANT part.

What you leftist douche-nozzles don't get is this...

We still outnumber you. Two to one. Easy. Maybe more.

But what happens is, since we don't like government anyway, when Republicans run somebody like McRINO or the soft-as-a-marshmallow Mittens, we just bow out. We don't bother voting.

What's the point? An apologist, an idiot like McRINO who would make another deal with dimocrap scum to give amnesty to beaners in return for a promise to secure the border WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN (like last time in '86).

Or an idiot like Romney who would raise taxes for another empty promise from dimocrp scum to cut spending WHICH WILL NEVER HAPPEN AND NEVER HAS. dimocrap scuma LIE every time they make that promise. EVERY time

I think it's a mistake. But that's what too many Republicans do.

Independents don't change elections. That's just horse-shit. What changes elections is Conservatives. When we turn out... You scumbags don't have a chance.

Christie will get Conservatives to turn out. In BIG numbers.

Like I said, I think he's a bit of an ass, but he would CRUSH that dried up old prune of a douchebag, Hitlery.


Whether he gets done what he says he wants to get done is another matter.


You are truly a whackaloon..

You should move to a conservative nation, like Saudi Arabia. They really are what you folks want.

Try it.

See how it works in practice.
Explain where the oil in the proposed keystone pipeline would be sold?

The purpose of the Keystone pipeline is to transport oil safely and inexpensively from Canada to refineries in the USA.

Then provide a reasonable explanation as to why President Obama would work to increase our nations dependence on ME oil?

{ The EPA, under President Obama, wants to reduce greenhouse gases from the transportation sector by 14% of 2005 levels. They want to do this by 2020, a mere ten years from now. To do so, Harvard researchers say that gas prices need to reach $7 a gallon. That means to fill your average, 15 gallon tank would cost over $100. Keep in mind that many Europeans pay that much on a daily basis—part of the reason they have such a bigger selection of fuel efficient cars.}

$7 A Gallon Gas Necessary To Cut Emissions Say Researchers - Gas 2

Obama has never masked the fact that he seeks higher prices at the pump. The goal of the green movement is to drive Americans out of their cars and personal transportation to public transportation, that will allow greater management of populations and concentrations of people in cities.

Because the Keystone pipeline greatly reduces the price at the pump of gasoline, it runs contrary to the goals of Obama and the green lobby.

Next, explain who would profit from building the pipeline, and who would profit from its operation.

A great many would profit, the American consumer above all. But Obama has never been an advocate of consumers, quite the opposite.

In any case..it's a craptacular project that is showing it's druthers in Canada with the many oil spills they've been experiencing.

And it's Republican state governments that are having trouble with putting pipes of tar sands over their aquifers.

Of course you folks who don't live in those states don't have the same sort of concerns about the drinking water.

Because you don't have to drink it.

It's true, pipeline leaks often seep hundreds or thousands of feet down into aquifers.
Oh, wait, when does that happen?
Well, dumb fuck. let's just not use the tankers at all. In fact, just leave the tar sands as they are. They are truly fucking up the environment in Canada for the wealth of a very few.

I understand that low cost and abundant oil is a disaster for the green lobby. Driving prices higher through scarcity is the tactic that the authoritarian central planners of the green movement depend on to strip Americans of the liberty to travel as they please.

Obama's plan to increase American dependance on Arab oil could actually turn out badly for the corrupt democrats in the next elections.

You are truly a whackaloon..

You should move to a conservative nation, like Saudi Arabia. They really are what you folks want.

Try it.

See how it works in practice.

Call 'em names and suggest self exile for the grievous sin of disagreeing with your viewpoints, that is indeed interesting given:

"In fact, part of being a liberal is being able to accept or at least tolerate those with views that don't comport to your own." -- Sallow, 7/28/2013

Apparently that part of being a "liberal" no longer applies, oh how the world changes for the worse in a mere 24 hours. :(
dimocraps lie. All of them. Top to bottom, side to side, tall, short, fat, skinny, gay, trans-gender, metro sexual -- All of them

Is it any wonder?

Look who they get their inspiration from? Bringing more Oil into the United States will RAISE Gas Prices?


Obama Finally Comes Out Fully Against Keystone Pipeline: Claims It Wouldn’t Create Jobs, Will Raise Gas Prices

He could never come out for it, he is just too beholden to, and a part of, the eco lobby.

And you wonder why the economy is crashing? Will ‘raise gas prices’? He believes in unicorns too.

Via Breitbart:

In a New York Times interview published Saturday, President Obama came out foursquare against the Keystone XL pipeline, claiming that it would not create jobs. “Republicans have said that this would be a big jobs generator,” Obama said. “There is no evidence that that’s true.” He then blamed Canada for not “doing more” to prevent carbon emissions from oil sands. Obama continued, “I meant what I said; I’m going to evaluate this based on whether or not this is going to significantly contribute to carbon in our atmosphere. And there is no doubt that Canada at the source in those tar sands could potentially be doing more to mitigate carbon release.”

Obama also blasted reports that job creation would be significant: ““[M]y hope would be that any reporter who is looking at the facts would take the time to confirm that the most realistic estimates are this might create maybe 2,000 jobs during the construction of the pipeline – which might take a year or two – and then after that we’re talking about somewhere between 50 and 100 [chuckles] jobs in a economy of 150 million working people.” He stated that gas prices would go up in parts of the United States thanks to Keystone XL: “So what we also know is, is that that oil is going to be piped down to the Gulf to be sold on the world oil markets, so it does not bring down gas prices here in the United States. In fact, it might actually cause some gas prices in the Midwest to go up where currently they can’t ship some of that oil to world markets.”

On Sunday, Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told Fox News Sunday that Keystone’s failure to move forward was somehow Republicans’ fault: “There were some political games that were played, that took it off the trail and path to completion, where Republicans put it out there as something that was put on a timetable that it could not be resolved. It caused a delay. Playing political games with something like this was a mistake.”

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers
Obama certainly had no compunctions about quadrupling health care costs to the middle class through "Affordable (cough, cough) Health Care." :evil:
But, Keystone wouldn't be fundamentally changing America like the (cough, cough) Affordably Healthcare Act.
Green energy would though......no matter the cost and failures of the "brilliant" idea.

You are truly a whackaloon..

You should move to a conservative nation, like Saudi Arabia. They really are what you folks want.

Try it.

See how it works in practice.

Call 'em names and suggest self exile for the grievous sin of disagreeing with your viewpoints, that is indeed interesting given:

"In fact, part of being a liberal is being able to accept or at least tolerate those with views that don't comport to your own." -- Sallow, 7/28/2013

Apparently that part of being a "liberal" no longer applies, oh how the world changes for the worse in a mere 24 hours. :(

Edgetho isn't really expressing views though as much as they are simply trolling through the utilization of hateful rhetoric. There wasn't a single deep opinion in his / her entire post. It was just a string of name calling and inflammatory remarks.

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