obama Kills Keystone

Part of the reason the pipeline was to go through the U.S. is because the tree huggers in Canada would have no part of it. Whether it goes to Galveston or some port in CandaDuh it's still going to China.
Part of the reason the pipeline was to go through the U.S. is because the tree huggers in Canada would have no part of it. Whether it goes to Galveston or some port in CandaDuh it's still going to China.


But it's not only Canadian "treehuggers" that opposed it.

Nebraska governor signs bills to reroute Keystone pipeline | Reuters

Reuters) - Nebraska governor Dave Heineman signed into law on Tuesday bills to reroute the Keystone XL pipeline away from the ecologically sensitive Sandhills region.

One bill puts into law a compromise agreed with Keystone pipeline builder TransCanada to move the route away from the Sandhills and the Ogallala aquifer. The second bill approves state funding for an environmental study for a new pipeline route not to exceed $2 million.
If this is how he going to Pivot To The Economy & Jobs for the umpty umpteenth time, I'd rather he just stay on the golf course.

Obama keeps saying he cares about jobs and the economy but what he does proves that he cares more about a liberal agenda than he does about putting people back to work.

An Obama "pivot" is turning 360 degrees to head in the same direction...
Once again the stuttering muslim moron takes a dump on the union workers who'd finish the XL portion of the pipeline to cuddle up with the eco-academics who are lying their asses off about this project. There is ZERO environmental impact from the XL, very little of the refined product will be shipped overseas, and the canucks can't sell the oil to the chinese because they can't get a pipeline built to Vancouver thanks to their own green whackjobs. And even if they could, the rip tides and shoals around that port are extremely treacherous and not where you'd want to navigate a super-tanker. So nothing happens which is par for the course with the useless idiot from Kenya pretending to be our president.

Strip-mining tar sands and constant oil spills across the nation have "Zero environmental impact"?

Of course someone unaware of the difference between a pretend and real president would write something that stupid.
Part of the reason the pipeline was to go through the U.S. is because the tree huggers in Canada would have no part of it. Whether it goes to Galveston or some port in CandaDuh it's still going to China.

No it isn't....the only refined product leaving Houston will be kerosene and white gas products we no longer use here.
And your point, was what then?

That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.

So your post meant what?

It meant what it said both times, I don't know how to make it any more plain, perhaps you can be specific about what you don't understand regarding supply and demand?

And in any case, the abundance of oil doesn't seem to be having all that much of an affect on prices.

That's part and parcel with speculation.
Probably something to do with the fact that production is influenced by cartels (see OPEC), supply is influenced by geopolitics and speculation is the art of attempting to see into the future based on the facts of the now. In other words speculators are perfectly aware of the existing and potential demand in developing countries as well as being fairly capable of gauging cartel and geopolitical risks, if they aren't they won't be in the speculation business for very long. One also has to take into account the effects of inflation, taxation, increased production costs and regulatory burden on prices (those factors are not static).

That being said, increasing available supply will put downward pressure on global prices, the average person may not be able to recognize it at the gas pump since they do not take into account what the prices would actually be if global supply were reduced, nor do they take into account all the hidden costs associated with their purchase of gasoline (the seen versus the unseen).

The other sort of twisted benefit is that according to what I've read the Canadian petroleum in question is rather expensive and dirty to refine so letting the Chinese and Indians bear the additional costs of that is ,in an odd way, poetic justice.
It ain't dead yet!!!

Congress can still act and the refusal of Obama activists to do anything legal still hasn't been challenged in the courts.
Strip-mining tar sands and constant oil spills across the nation have "Zero environmental impact"?

Of course someone unaware of the difference between a pretend and real president would write something that stupid.

Since I've owned a piece of 6 wells in the Permian Basin in Texas for over 30 years, I'd be glad to discuss the oil business with you....what's your expertise on the subject? :eusa_eh:
Once again the stuttering muslim moron takes a dump on the union workers who'd finish the XL portion of the pipeline to cuddle up with the eco-academics who are lying their asses off about this project. There is ZERO environmental impact from the XL, very little of the refined product will be shipped overseas, and the canucks can't sell the oil to the chinese because they can't get a pipeline built to Vancouver thanks to their own green whackjobs. And even if they could, the rip tides and shoals around that port are extremely treacherous and not where you'd want to navigate a super-tanker. So nothing happens which is par for the course with the useless idiot from Kenya pretending to be our president.

Strip-mining tar sands and constant oil spills across the nation have "Zero environmental impact"?

Of course someone unaware of the difference between a pretend and real president would write something that stupid.


kalamazoo river oil spill | Michigan Radio

And given that this one took over 3 years to clean up..I'd say it's a problem.
And your point, was what then?

That petroleum will still flow into the global supply and thus put downward pressure on global prices regardless of whether the keystone pipeline exists or not, thus it's not as big of a deal as some would like to make it.

Not a "big deal" other than the fact it can replace the heavy oil we're buying from communist Venezuela. Remember, global prices reflect transportation costs and there is nothing cheaper than a pipeline to move product. This "carbon footprint" jive is the stuttering halfrican's refusal to admit the whole gorebal warming charade has been roundly disproved. $20T in debt is the tipping point....we'll be there close to the day that queer boards Marine One and heads back to Hawaii laughing his scrawny black ass off.

Yeah, but, but, but, but, but.....

How could obama's butt-buddy, Warren Buffet, get even more incredibly stinking rich if the Keystone XL pipeline gets built?

Buffet bought a big piece of Burlington Northern Railroad right after the dicksucker in chief took office back in 2009.

Obama's Keystone Rejection May Provide A Buffett Bonanza - Forbes

Guess who's gonna carry the bulk of that Canadian Oil now that the Pipe Line has been killed?
Once again the stuttering muslim moron takes a dump on the union workers who'd finish the XL portion of the pipeline to cuddle up with the eco-academics who are lying their asses off about this project. There is ZERO environmental impact from the XL, very little of the refined product will be shipped overseas, and the canucks can't sell the oil to the chinese because they can't get a pipeline built to Vancouver thanks to their own green whackjobs. And even if they could, the rip tides and shoals around that port are extremely treacherous and not where you'd want to navigate a super-tanker. So nothing happens which is par for the course with the useless idiot from Kenya pretending to be our president.

Strip-mining tar sands and constant oil spills across the nation have "Zero environmental impact"?

Of course someone unaware of the difference between a pretend and real president would write something that stupid.


kalamazoo river oil spill | Michigan Radio

And given that this one took over 3 years to clean up..I'd say it's a problem.

Notice the numbers are talked about in "gallons" instead of barrels to make that seem worse than it was. Have pipelines broken in the past? Sure, and tankers have soaked entire coastlines like the Exxon Valdez being piloted by a drunk did. The Keystone XL as planned will be the most sensor-ridden project ever......a break (from an eco-terrorist group like ELF being the most likely cause) would be detected within 15 minutes and the flow stopped. Tar-sand oil is very thick and doesn't penetrate normal soil very quickly so alarmists are wrong about that too. :cuckoo:
Part of the reason the pipeline was to go through the U.S. is because the tree huggers in Canada would have no part of it. Whether it goes to Galveston or some port in CandaDuh it's still going to China.


But it's not only Canadian "treehuggers" that opposed it.

Nebraska governor signs bills to reroute Keystone pipeline | Reuters

Reuters) - Nebraska governor Dave Heineman signed into law on Tuesday bills to reroute the Keystone XL pipeline away from the ecologically sensitive Sandhills region.

One bill puts into law a compromise agreed with Keystone pipeline builder TransCanada to move the route away from the Sandhills and the Ogallala aquifer. The second bill approves state funding for an environmental study for a new pipeline route not to exceed $2 million.

No problem....the project was rerouted around that aquifer which the State Dept. found to be acceptable...they have to approve any project like this and did......Hussein had his exit from the controversy right there, but we're seeing his reelection emboldening him now. The next three years will be right out of the Communist Manifesto.
Strip-mining tar sands and constant oil spills across the nation have "Zero environmental impact"?

Of course someone unaware of the difference between a pretend and real president would write something that stupid.


kalamazoo river oil spill | Michigan Radio

And given that this one took over 3 years to clean up..I'd say it's a problem.

Notice the numbers are talked about in "gallons" instead of barrels to make that seem worse than it was. Have pipelines broken in the past? Sure, and tankers have soaked entire coastlines like the Exxon Valdez being piloted by a drunk did. The Keystone XL as planned will be the most sensor-ridden project ever......a break (from an eco-terrorist group like ELF being the most likely cause) would be detected within 15 minutes and the flow stopped. Tar-sand oil is very thick and doesn't penetrate normal soil very quickly so alarmists are wrong about that too. :cuckoo:

These oil spills do have a big impact to the environment.

And all most folks are asking for is a good DR plan. That costs a little money, but in the long run? Most everyone is happy.
Strip-mining tar sands and constant oil spills across the nation have "Zero environmental impact"?

Of course someone unaware of the difference between a pretend and real president would write something that stupid.

Since I've owned a piece of 6 wells in the Permian Basin in Texas for over 30 years, I'd be glad to discuss the oil business with you....what's your expertise on the subject? :eusa_eh:

You are full of shit. "You own a piece of 6 wells."

You mean a financial investor.

That hardly makes you an expert.
dimocraps lie. All of them. Top to bottom, side to side, tall, short, fat, skinny, gay, trans-gender, metro sexual -- All of them

Is it any wonder?

Look who they get their inspiration from? Bringing more Oil into the United States will RAISE Gas Prices?


Obama Finally Comes Out Fully Against Keystone Pipeline: Claims It Wouldn’t Create Jobs, Will Raise Gas Prices

He could never come out for it, he is just too beholden to, and a part of, the eco lobby.

And you wonder why the economy is crashing? Will ‘raise gas prices’? He believes in unicorns too.

Via Breitbart:

A couple of comments from me:

1.) That oil wouldn't be going to us, it would be going through us to the world market. It wouldn't be significantly impacting our economy unless we taxed it for passing through our territory and even then that is minimal compared to the expected costs of operating it and the spills associated with such pipelines (inevitable) and the threat it poses to our water systems that it would pass through. Overall, it wouldn't really do anything to lower oil prices here in the US, nor would that oil be staying here.

2.) As far as prices raising in parts of the midwest, I think he is referring to the fact that, in the absence of a pipeline, Canada is currently using other methods to transport it like rail and truck lines. That is more expensive so if they can sell it to say the Midwest that is less distance that they have to go when, in order to dump it onto the international market, it usually has to get shipped to the coast. I don't know how much this actually comes into play, but it makes economic sense.

3.) The estimates on job creation from the article seem fairly accurate. Can you explain to me why you think it would create a significant number of long run jobs in the country?
Strip-mining tar sands and constant oil spills across the nation have "Zero environmental impact"?

Of course someone unaware of the difference between a pretend and real president would write something that stupid.

Since I've owned a piece of 6 wells in the Permian Basin in Texas for over 30 years, I'd be glad to discuss the oil business with you....what's your expertise on the subject? :eusa_eh:

You are full of shit. "You own a piece of 6 wells."

You mean a financial investor.

That hardly makes you an expert.

Where's your bonafides, asshole?
Since I've owned a piece of 6 wells in the Permian Basin in Texas for over 30 years, I'd be glad to discuss the oil business with you....what's your expertise on the subject? :eusa_eh:

You are full of shit. "You own a piece of 6 wells."

You mean a financial investor.

That hardly makes you an expert.

Where's your bonafides, asshole?

Where's yours? As far as I'm concerned, you are an anonymous teenager playing around on the internet.

Here are some facts about the environmental impact of tar sands mining.
Top 10 facts about Alberta's Oil Sands

Just admit it. You were wrong when you falsely claimed the Keystone oil pipeline would have "ZERO environmental impact."

No need to continue this discussion, unless you can admit you were wrong.
You are full of shit. "You own a piece of 6 wells."

You mean a financial investor.

That hardly makes you an expert.

Where's your bonafides, asshole?

Where's yours? As far as I'm concerned, you are an anonymous teenager playing around on the internet.

Here are some facts about the environmental impact of tar sands mining.
Top 10 facts about Alberta's Oil Sands

Just admit it. You were wrong when you falsely claimed the Keystone oil pipeline would have "ZERO environmental impact."

No need to continue this discussion, unless you can admit you were wrong.
There's really no need to get this harsh.

Old Joe was behaving himself.

He's going by what he knows.

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