Obama Leading The Charge In Approval Ratings, The Tea Party In Dead Last

Taxes had to be raised. Bush lowered taxes and our deficit skyrocketed.

really, we the people HAD TO BE TAXED to feed Obama and his government

YOU HEAR that people...

now open your wallets for HIM the KING anytime he feels TAXES NEED TO BE RAISED

you elected him and people like this who could care less about your HARD EARNED MONIES...They plan on bleeding YOU DRY of all your blood, sweat and tears
No, you dumbfucking rightard, taxes were not raised "to feed Obama." They were raised to help reduce the deficit, which they are doing. You fuckwads cry incessantly about the deficit (even though y'all are mostly mute on the subject when there's a Republican in the White House), but then gum Obama's ankles when he does something about it. :cuckoo:

Go take your vulgar mouth and plant it on Obama's ass...taxes were raised to reduce THE deficit...you might be able to sell that to the Democrat voters and unfortunately they will buy it...
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really, we the people HAD TO BE TAXED to feed Obama and his government

YOU HEAR that people...

now open your wallets for HIM the KING anytime he feels TAXES NEED TO BE RAISED

you elected him and people like this who could care less about your HARD EARNED MONIES...They plan on bleeding YOU DRY of all your blood, sweat and tears
No, you dumbfucking rightard, taxes were not raised "to feed Obama." They were raised to help reduce the deficit, which they are doing. You fuckwads cry incessantly about the deficit (even though y'all are mostly mute on the subject when there's a Republican in the White House), but then gum Obama's ankles when he does something about it. :cuckoo:

Go take your vulgar mouth and plant it on Obama's ass...taxes were raised to reduce THE deficit...you might be able to sell that to the Democrat voters and unfortunately they will buy it...
Wrong, again, you brain-dead rightard. Obama's neither a king nor trying to be. Your wacky delusions speak to you, not to him.
No, you dumbfucking rightard, taxes were not raised "to feed Obama." They were raised to help reduce the deficit, which they are doing. You fuckwads cry incessantly about the deficit (even though y'all are mostly mute on the subject when there's a Republican in the White House), but then gum Obama's ankles when he does something about it. :cuckoo:

Go take your vulgar mouth and plant it on Obama's ass...taxes were raised to reduce THE deficit...you might be able to sell that to the Democrat voters and unfortunately they will buy it...
Wrong, again, you brain-dead rightard. Obama's neither a king nor trying to be. Your wacky delusions speak to you, not to him.

typical left when they know they have been cornered spreading lies...Obambam HAD TO RASIE TAXES folks, the poor dear couldn't cut a couple WORTHLESS government agencies or two....so he raised your taxes but I'm sure he FWEEELS your all's pain

go bow to the the Democrat party and Obama's picture...you are quite the stooge for them
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really, we the people HAD TO BE TAXED to feed Obama and his government

YOU HEAR that people...

now open your wallets for HIM the KING anytime he feels TAXES NEED TO BE RAISED

you elected him and people like this who could care less about your HARD EARNED MONIES...They plan on bleeding YOU DRY of all your blood, sweat and tears

The taxes never should have been cut in the first place.

You can't scream and froth about our country's deficit without an understanding of where it originated. Well, if you're sane your'e not supposed to anyway. Do you know where a HUGE chunk of our deficit came from? Any guesses at all?

I'll help you out...


really they shouldn't OF BEEN CUT...because this government NEEDS OUR MONEY more than we the PEOPLE who work for IT DO RIGHT?

this make me sick you people think this way
we can kiss our asses and freedoms goodbye

Depends on what you cut. Welfare and bailouts of corperations? Yes. Jobs for our middle class, NO!
Oh my God, the Tea Party is dead last in favorable ratings polls? The humanity of it all! The absolute horribleness of such information! I can hear the klaxon's sounding now at the Tea Party supreme headquarters bunker located hundreds of feet underneath a nondescript tract of land cleverly disguised as a school in northwest Texas, just down the road from Ted Cruz's ranch! Our army of public relations personnel will have to get on this right away! Naturally, we must adjust our stance 180 degrees and do EXACTLY what the left wants us to do! I sure hope they like us better in a little while, I just don't know if I could stand it knowing that a bunch of people in New York and California don't like the Tea Party.

Why is it that the left still to this day, has absolutely NO IDEA what the Tea Party is, what it stands for or what it is trying to do? If it is SO incredibly unimportant, why do we not go a day without a thread about how unimportant it is? Usually right under the thread of how inconsequential and 'done' Rush Limbaugh is.

The Tea Party that I belong to is affiliated to other organizations in name only. We don't take marching orders or have agendas and 'talking points' faxed or emailed to us. Our group does what our group thinks is important and we stand on the issues exactly where our members want us to stand. John Sullivan WAS our Republican representative. He caved on the debt ceiling and now our representative is John Bridenstine. We literally BEGGED Dan Boren a Democrat to remain in the house, but he said that he was a Democrat and would always be a Democrat, but that the policies of the far left were ruining this nation so he retired. Mark Wayne Mullin, a Republican, took his place. Both of those representatives got our votes because they most closely reflected our beliefs.

Government is a very bad thing and getting worse. The cornerstone of big government is CONTROL, which is also the cornerstone of the left. Worship the way we tell you, believe the way that we tell you, go to approved doctors, you can only have what we tell you that you can have, say what we tell you that you can say. And we say, "NO"! We will NOT comply. And there is a way to stop it, slow it, or reverse it. And we're doing that.

Black Label is just beside himself with hatred for the Tea Party and what it stands for. I will pat my fellow Tea Partiers on the back during the next meeting... MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! We are obviously NOT inconsequential...
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Yeah, everyone should just keep voting for those far left nut jobs in the Democratic Party, who refuse to deal with our debt and our future retirees will be lucky if they get 100.00 a month in their Social Security checks.
Yeah, everyone should just keep voting for those far left nut jobs in the Democratic Party, who refuse to deal with our debt and our future retirees will be lucky if they get 100.00 a month in their Social Security checks.

they don't think that far or care enough to stand up against their own party

winning is all that matters to them...that's why our country is in a world of hurt
Even worse they will continue their spins and lies and blame the Republicans.

It's despicable how the far left like Debbie Wasserman Shultz gets on CNN and cries about how the furloughed government workers needs compassion.
800,000 workers who will get paid eventually and still have their jobs, while millions of Americans are unemployed and they won't get any back pay much less a guaranteed job.
They also get 75% of their Health Care paid for, while Millions of Americans will have to pay for their own.

All the while we have the Media like MSNBC and the Associated press who drops that last part of 60% of Americans wants to throw them all out of office including their own representatives.
MSNBC and the others continues to spin it as, but not their own Representatives.

No wonder the majority of Americans think that it's the Tea Party because that's all their hear, instead of the actual facts.
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Even worse they will continue their spins and lies and blame the Republicans.

It's despicable how the far left like Debbie Wasserman Shultz gets on CNN and cries about how the furloughed government workers needs compassion.
800,000 workers who will get paid eventually and still have their jobs, while millions of Americans are unemployed and they won't get any back pay much less a guaranteed job.
They also get 75% of their Health Care paid for, while Millions of Americans will have to pay for their own.

All the while we have the Media like MSNBC and the Associated press who drops that last part of 60% of Americans wants to throw them all out of office including their own representatives.
MSNBC and the others continues to spin it as, but not their own Representatives.

No wonder the majority of Americans think that it's the Tea Party because that's all their hear, instead of the actual facts.

That is stupid.

Fox News has on average about 2.1M viewers. CNN and MSNBC combined have about 1.7M viewers. Only 30% of Americans think that the AP even has a remote liberal agenda.

Maybe, people just believe that the republicans are responsible because they actually are. You are just so partisan that it hurts your delicate sensibilities to admit it.
I agree, the GOP supporters are beyond stupid and their levels of ignorance is astonishing.

You're one to talk.

Spits the raving idiot who thinks Paul Revere rode to warn the British!!


Learn your history, dumbass Conservative ... Paul Revere rode to warn the Colonists.

Oh, my god. That is too funny. Been awhile since I saw that allegation.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oS4C7bvHv2w]Sarah Palin: Paul Revere Warned The British - YouTube[/ame]
Yeah, everyone should just keep voting for those far left nut jobs in the Democratic Party, who refuse to deal with our debt and our future retirees will be lucky if they get 100.00 a month in their Social Security checks.

If the far right had their way, social security would no longer exist, you would have to work for $2 an hour for your entire life, and health care only would exist for the very rich, everyone else can just die.
Yeah, everyone should just keep voting for those far left nut jobs in the Democratic Party, who refuse to deal with our debt and our future retirees will be lucky if they get 100.00 a month in their Social Security checks.

If the far right had their way, social security would no longer exist, you would have to work for $2 an hour for your entire life, and health care only would exist for the very rich, everyone else can just die.

The Tea Party dead last because Americas still not paying attention. That will change soon.
Yeah, everyone should just keep voting for those far left nut jobs in the Democratic Party, who refuse to deal with our debt and our future retirees will be lucky if they get 100.00 a month in their Social Security checks.

If the far right had their way, social security would no longer exist, you would have to work for $2 an hour for your entire life, and health care only would exist for the very rich, everyone else can just die.

That is pretty much the way it was when I was a kid, and the average life expectancy was 63 years...unless you had enough money to go to the hospital and have a malignant tumor removed after you retired...and few did.
Yeah, everyone should just keep voting for those far left nut jobs in the Democratic Party, who refuse to deal with our debt and our future retirees will be lucky if they get 100.00 a month in their Social Security checks.

If the far right had their way, social security would no longer exist, you would have to work for $2 an hour for your entire life, and health care only would exist for the very rich, everyone else can just die.

If the far right had their way our lead in science would be gone. They're acting just like the Taliban. I am sorry I doubted you black label...
This whole thing reminds me of the soldiers in Vietnam who explained that they had to destroy villiages in order to save them. And, as with the tea party, they said that with a straight face.
Yeah, everyone should just keep voting for those far left nut jobs in the Democratic Party, who refuse to deal with our debt and our future retirees will be lucky if they get 100.00 a month in their Social Security checks.

If the far right had their way, social security would no longer exist, you would have to work for $2 an hour for your entire life, and health care only would exist for the very rich, everyone else can just die.

The Tea Party dead last because Americas still not paying attention. That will change soon.

When the American people find out the truth of the tea party = 5% way out there shit house party.

-They want a nws
They want a noaa
They want our science programs
they want to be saved after a hurricane, flood, etc
and they want SSI

You people wouldn't get 10% in 2014.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WGiX5tbLKiY]"I'm as mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"(Network - 1976) - YouTube[/ame]
If that is true teh tea party has nothing to lose. Shut it down. Shut it all down. Kick the democrat legs out from under the democrats and bring it all down.
Yeah, everyone should just keep voting for those far left nut jobs in the Democratic Party, who refuse to deal with our debt and our future retirees will be lucky if they get 100.00 a month in their Social Security checks.

If the far right had their way, social security would no longer exist, you would have to work for $2 an hour for your entire life, and health care only would exist for the very rich, everyone else can just die.

The Tea Party dead last because Americas still not paying attention. That will change soon.

The teabaggers are dead last because the american people are paying attention.

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