Republicans, Stop the Self-Defeating Victimology

Uh huh.
Tell us some more about the stolen election. :rolleyes:

You got away with it. You think that's a win for you, but it's not. Democrats aren't taking you with them when they win, leftists never take their voters with them when they take away democracy. You're gullible, naive and have no morals. You're also greedy and a racist
You got away with it. You think that's a win for you, but it's not. Democrats aren't taking you with them when they win, leftists never take their voters with them when they take away democracy. You're gullible, naive and have no morals. You're also greedy and a racist
On the off chance they get wiped out in '24, they'll say it was rigged

Yeah, Democrats never do that. Other than when Trump won, Hillary said that. And Gore said he won, he said it was stolen. There was that too.

Hmm ... hypocrisy much?

Also, I can't find the post, can you send me a link?
Yeah, Democrats never do that. Other than when Trump won, Hillary said that. And Gore said he won, he said it was stolen. There was that too.

Hmm ... hypocrisy much?

Also, I can't find the post, can you send me a link?
Kerry won Ohio! :doubt:
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Your opinion is wrong. Your opening statement is pure BS. The indictments are BS. In a recent poll after the bogus indictments Trump is polling 20% with blacks, wow! All that aside it's way too early to be declaring that a candidate and former POTUS no less has no chance. Especially against the corrupt halfwit Biden.
Lol for godsakes. The polling of black people or any other minority just does an ebb and flow for every presidential cycle. It doesn’t fucking mean anything
Lol for godsakes. The polling of black people or any other minority just does an ebb and flow for every presidential cycle. It doesn’t fucking mean anything

It is easy to do it yourself and do a good job and PAY for it yourself, it's hard to let others confiscate money from others to do a shitty job for you, LOL.

Your sig is hilarious.
It is easy to do it yourself and do a good job and PAY for it yourself, it's hard to let others confiscate money from others to do a shitty job for you, LOL.

Your sig is hilarious.
What the fuck are you even rambling about you moron? Good god lol
What the fuck are you even rambling about you moron? Good god lol

Yeah, that continues to be a problem, Democrat reading levels being so low. Hang in there. One day you'll die, then no one will care you can't read anymore
The Cult doesn't know that it was the swamp who let him off the hook on both impeachments & are the ones who are backing him now despite the fact that he's a deranged criminal psychopath.
Kindred spirits, I guess. It doesn't appear that I'm going to fully understand this bizarre, emotional relationship any time soon, so I'll have to be patient and wait for the sociological studies later.

I'll just remain hopeful that this doesn't take us down.
Kindred spirits, I guess. It doesn't appear that I'm going to fully understand this bizarre, emotional relationship any time soon, so I'll have to be patient and wait for the sociological studies later.

I'll just remain hopeful that this doesn't take us down.
I believe it's a culmination of the realization that Americans just don't really like each other anymore. Orange was just the opening salvo. The lies are a big, big problem.
Awww, and widdle Hutch stawts kwying again. Poor dear.

It's amazing how a grown man acts like an eight year old girl ... on purpose. Some former males have their nuts cut off, some have them wither away. Which are you?
I’m the one laughing at your lunacy.
Laughing while the “grown man” loses his shit over retarded conspiracy tales.

I believe it's a culmination of the realization that Americans just don't really like each other anymore. Orange was just the opening salvo. The lies are a big, big problem.
The lies are one thing, and the behaviors are another one. Posting constant personal insults and namecalling like a lonely teenager.

Worse, they're normalized now. He's brought the entire office of the presidency down into the gutter, and his cult loves him for it. That's how full of rage they are. They just want to destroy. This is about them, not him.

I posted this on June 27, 2015:

Trump is gonna do his damndest to identify whatever little morsel of dignity remains in contemporary national American politics and pee on it.
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"

We know you're genuinely concerned about the Republican party and want to help them, but you'll have to excuse us if we get our advice elsewhere.
You imagine Biden's low poll numbers have nothing to do with his corruption issues?

LoL, I'm not much into polls but this is a WAPO poll...doom

Trump runs away with double-digit lead over Biden, new general election poll finds

LoL, I'm not much into polls but this is a WAPO poll...doom

Trump runs away with double-digit lead over Biden, new general election poll finds

Dims know that Biden's corruption is dooming him at the polls. They are whistling past the graveyard.

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