Republicans, Stop the Self-Defeating Victimology

The election WAS stolen. Only complete idiots deny it.

In 2020 President Donald J. Trump received over 70 million votes. No American presidential candidate in history ever received 70 million votes, EVER! Trump broke the 70 million vote record in 2020. This simple fact disproves the often told lie that Trump "lost voters." The fake news media wants us to believe that Biden surpassed that record shattering vote by yet another 10 mil and received over 80 million votes. Only a fool and a willing idiot believes that. Good people tried to "Stop the Steal" but were thwarted by corrupt courts and a corrupt media that is unwilling to do its job but very willing to cover-up for the party they unofficially support, the Democrat Party

The election was not stolen and repeating nonsense from another right wing idiot doesn't make it stolen.

81 million people votes trump out of office. That's a fact. Because in reality, not in your mind, trump was a shitty incompetant president who set record deficts and mishandled a pandemic, costing 500,000 Americans their lives before he left off with more dying on his way out.
Taking the polls I've seen as a whole, I don't think there's enough breathing room for the Dems to assume anything.

I don't know if we yet fully understand what's going on here on a macro scale. There is real rage out there, and it sure looks like there's a lot of support for just taking a sledgehammer to the whole fucking thing. I saw a poll (I don't remember who did it, but it wasn't a MAGA sympathizer) yesterday that had Biden and Trump at 46-46. That's mind-blowing.
Considering how crappy the two are, there is no choice, both are a cancer to our politics, but you Dems and Republicans love it.
Considering how crappy the two are, there is no choice, both are a cancer to our politics, but you Dems and Republicans love it.

No, only one is "crappy". The other is an experienced and calming bureaucrat, who is able to build a consensus even in the most toxic political atmosphere in more than a century. One who has been able to engineer a "soft landing" for the major economic crisis created by the pandemic, in large part because handled the "restarting the economy" job under the Obama administration.

He clearly learned from the mistakes of 2009/2010, leading into the 2012 midterms, and was determined not to repeat the mistakes made then, while retaining the success of restoring and rebuilding the ecoomy. The biggest of those mistakes was NOT doing more for American working families at that time.
No, only one is "crappy". The other is an experienced and calming bureaucrat, who is able to build a consensus even in the most toxic political atmosphere in more than a century. One who has been able to engineer a "soft landing" for the major economic crisis created by the pandemic, in large part because handled the "restarting the economy" job under the Obama administration.

He clearly learned from the mistakes of 2009/2010, leading into the 2012 midterms, and was determined not to repeat the mistakes made then, while retaining the success of restoring and rebuilding the ecoomy. The biggest of those mistakes was NOT doing more for American working families at that time.
Biden is a racist, Biden has lost a lot of his cognitive abilities, he and the old guard of Democrats and Republicans need to go.

He has built a consensus that America is heading in the wrong direction as 70% of a poll showed.

He is clearly in trouble mentally, Trump is no better, we need new blood not the old rich white good ole boys.
The Republican Party, having been hijacked by idol worshiping extremists are on a path to destruction. They are living a delusion in which they've actually convinced themselves that a man facing 91 criminal indictments and is underwater with independent voters is actually capable of mounting some sort of comeback like they are living in an inspiring Hollywood movie. The truth is Trump will drag the entire ticket down with him resulting in the loss of the House, the inability to win back the Senate, and the loss of more legislative assemblies and gubernatorial seats, handing an 82 year old Biden another four years with complete control of the government to do as he wishes. When that happens they will, of course, blame everyone but themselves.

The American Right is not in a healthy place right now. Facing a highly vulnerable, palpably senile octogenarian incumbent president who has presided over four-decade-high inflation and 69% of recently polled Democrats believe is too old for a second term, Republicans thus far seem inclined to roll the dice with their own 77-year-old geezer, who is currently facing 91 counts in four different criminal cases and a whopping 64% of recently polled Americans say they will "definitely not" or "probably not" support next November.

Perhaps former Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, a one-time Republican presidential candidate himself, had it right when he called on the GOP to "stop being the stupid party."

I await the usual replies:

" LOL Newsweek!"



"The RINO Bobby Jindal? LOL!"

Biden is a racist, Biden has lost a lot of his cognitive abilities, he and the old guard of Democrats and Republicans need to go.

He has built a consensus that America is heading in the wrong direction as 70% of a poll showed.

He is clearly in trouble mentally, Trump is no better, we need new blood not the old rich white good ole boys.

Biden's policies, and appointments aren't racist, regardless of his personal behaviour.

Trump's policies were full blown white supremacist, had very no women or minorities in his cabinet or as his advisors, just in his press and media departments.

This lie that Biden has "lost his cognitive abilities" is just bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. I couldn't keep up the schedule he maintains. Even FOX News, which mocked him for saying he was "going to bed" commented that Biden had flown to Asia, attended all of the G20 meetings, and then travelled to Vietnam, and was UP ALL NIGHT in negotiations with the Vietnamese, to reach the agreement he was announcing.

And what was the big story in right wing media. The Press conference at the end of that all nighter with a clearly exhausted Biden not taking many questions.

Biden passed more legislation in his first 18 months since any President since FDR - and this with a razor thin margin in the House and a tied Senate. In most cases being directly involved with Senate negotiations.

I agree you do need new blood, but first you need a Republican Party which isn't trying to turn the nation into a white fascist dictatorship.
Biden's policies, and appointments aren't racist, regardless of his personal behaviour.

Trump's policies were full blown white supremacist, had very no women or minorities in his cabinet or as his advisors, just in his press and media departments.

This lie that Biden has "lost his cognitive abilities" is just bullshit. Complete and utter bullshit. I couldn't keep up the schedule he maintains. Even FOX News, which mocked him for saying he was "going to bed" commented that Biden had flown to Asia, attended all of the G20 meetings, and then travelled to Vietnam, and was UP ALL NIGHT in negotiations with the Vietnamese, to reach the agreement he was announcing.

And what was the big story in right wing media. The Press conference at the end of that all nighter with a clearly exhausted Biden not taking many questions.

Biden passed more legislation in his first 18 months since any President since FDR - and this with a razor thin margin in the House and a tied Senate. In most cases being directly involved with Senate negotiations.

I agree you do need new blood, but first you need a Republican Party which isn't trying to turn the nation into a white fascist dictatorship.
I’m not arguing that Trump is a racist, why do you deflect to Trump? We are talking Biden, and he is a racist, he VP has even inferred he is a racist.

If Biden were a Republican you would question his cognitive abilities, the fact you don’t just shows how blind you are.

I won’t argue with you about Republicans, that is why I don’t vote for many of them.
Biden is a racist, Biden has lost a lot of his cognitive abilities, he and the old guard of Democrats and Republicans need to go.

He has built a consensus that America is heading in the wrong direction as 70% of a poll showed.

He is clearly in trouble mentally, Trump is no better, we need new blood not the old rich white good ole boys.
Biden is no racist. The consensus is not really supported by the outcomes we have seen. New blood might be nice but younger doesn't necessarily mean better..
I’m not arguing that Trump is a racist, why do you deflect to Trump? We are talking Biden, and he is a racist, he VP has even inferred he is a racist.

If Biden were a Republican you would question his cognitive abilities, the fact you don’t just shows how blind you are.

I won’t argue with you about Republicans, that is why I don’t vote for many of them.
Bidens VP has not inferred anything of the sort. Meanwhile the republican party is suppressing minority vote, censoring anything that doesn't glorify whites and are promoting the teaching of history that says slavery was not so bad.
Biden is no racist. The consensus is not really supported by the outcomes we have seen. New blood might be nice but younger doesn't necessarily mean better..
Biden has said so many racist things that any other person, like a Republican, would be skewered by Democrats. But like Biden said blacks are not as diverse as Latinos, and you can’t go into a Duncan Donuts or a 7-11 without seeing an Indian. And according to Biden, he Is in awe that Biden is an articulate, educated black man. Sorry but his history even had his VP accusing him of being a racist and rightly so.

Go ahead and defend his racism, Democrats are good at that. They minimize it however if this had been a Republican saying anything close, you’d be screaming racist.
Bidens VP has not inferred anything of the sort. Meanwhile the republican party is suppressing minority vote, censoring anything that doesn't glorify whites and are promoting the teaching of history that says slavery was not so bad.
BS she inferred it.

I’m not arguing that Trump is a racist, why do you deflect to Trump? We are talking Biden, and he is a racist, he VP has even inferred he is a racist.

If Biden were a Republican you would question his cognitive abilities, the fact you don’t just shows how blind you are.

I won’t argue with you about Republicans, that is why I don’t vote for many of them.

In a two party system, it's an either/or choice. Either the guy who has actively helped minorities with his policies, and his political appointments, or the guy who actively harmed minorities with his policies, his rhetoric, and his political appointments. With Biden or Trump, there is only one choice.

It's the same argument as to why women voted for Clinton, given his treatment of women, and not a Republican. Because Clinton was trying to pass universal health care, pay equity for women, and he wasn't trying to ban abortion.
In a two party system, it's an either/or choice. Either the guy who has actively helped minorities with his policies, and his political appointments, or the guy who actively harmed minorities with his policies, his rhetoric, and his political appointments. With Biden or Trump, there is only one choice.

It's the same argument as to why women voted for Clinton, given his treatment of women, and not a Republican. Because Clinton was trying to pass universal health care, pay equity for women, and he wasn't trying to ban abortion.
Sorry, not my style to vote the lesser of two evils. At least you are honest and see Biden’s racism, others just ignore and deny. I appreciate that.

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