Obama Legacy: 442 Tax Hikes Proposed


Let's go swimmin'!
May 3, 2011
My house
Obama has Proposed 442 Tax Hikes Since Taking Office​
Since taking office in 2009, President Barack Obama has formally proposed a total of 442 tax increases, according to an Americans for Tax Reform analysis of Obama administration budgets for fiscal years 2010 through 2015. The 442 total proposed tax increases does not include the 20 tax increases Obama signed into law as​
part of Obamacare.​

The increases are listed here: 15 pages of Obama Increase Info
I think the American people should know about these proposals, and how different a song Obama's crew are singing than what he does at his fib-athons, er, I mean, his State of the Union speeches.
Which of these ones would you like coming out of your paycheck? Which ones of these 2014 proposals (found beginning on page 8 through page 12 in the informational link from Americans for Tax Reform) would you prefer?
Are you thinking 137 tax proposals for one year is a little overboard? People still haven't gotten over the sticker shock of the "Affordable" Care Act.
Comments invited.
It's a political world of make believe out there, and it seems to be profitable to American lawmakers these days to control so much wealth and power they can shower their contributors, and nobody does a thing about it.

They passed a lot of spending under Pelosi-Reid including the Affordable Care Act, but that has been held back by the Republican House that were elected to a majority in the face of a 16 trillion dollar national debt and relieved Pelosi of demanding the Congress pass the largest tax hike in history to not read the unconstitutional bill that is now known to be uncontrollable in its future taxations to meet the horrendous burden it imposed on all taxpayers to pay for political votes for being "generous" (with other peoples' money.)

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