Obama lied about the Newtown shooting - who among his supporters will call Him on it?

so what he could have done the same with 10 round magazines

How are you going to fire 18 to 24 bullets without reloading from a 10 round magazine?

You're not very good at math, are you? But, then again.............Louie Gomert said something along the same lines when he was talking about this subject and mixing it in with gay marriage.

magazines swap out fast

besides that who says a shooter will obey

the magazine limit laws

It takes around 2 seconds to swap out a magazine. I know this because I was Sharpshooter qualified when I was a Security Force member.

And.............you're right, not all shooters are going to obey the magazine limit. However, if the only place you can get them is on the black market, they will be more difficult and more expensive to obtain, meaning that MOST people won't have the contact information or the money to get them, meaning there is fewer of them on the street.

The NRA and the gun lobby doesn't want any kind of limits on anything, because it will affect them financially.
You think Obammy knows what happened. Bless your heart.


But it might help the advocates of gun control if – in their advocacy for stricter measures – they seemed more familiar with what, exactly, they’re trying to ban. – Jake Tapper, CNN.

Actually, the gun found in the trunk was a shotgun, it's all in the police reports that have been recently released.

What was the weapon used in the shooting? A semi-automatic rifle with high capacity magazines.
Yes. The Obama lied about this.
You've given Him a s pass on His lie.
How are you going to fire 18 to 24 bullets without reloading from a 10 round magazine?

You're not very good at math, are you? But, then again.............Louie Gomert said something along the same lines when he was talking about this subject and mixing it in with gay marriage.

magazines swap out fast

besides that who says a shooter will obey

the magazine limit laws

It takes around 2 seconds to swap out a magazine. I know this because I was Sharpshooter qualified when I was a Security Force member.

And.............you're right, not all shooters are going to obey the magazine limit. However, if the only place you can get them is on the black market, they will be more difficult and more expensive to obtain...
You do know that there's no proposal for existing magazines to be turned in, right?
And since existing magazines are legal, you don't have to go to the "black market" to get them, right?
Thus, your premise is demonstrably unsound.
It would be nice to see more informed and intelligent debate over gun control but this thread is unlikely to inspire it.

Start with a stronger premise and focus on the core issue, and I imagine you'll get more and better responses.

Nice dodge,but the topic was the untruth Obama let go,you want to knock someone for intelligence,try and stay on topic.

Now what about his lie? Hard to have a fruitful debate with willful lie's.
Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon – by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.“
Obama: Newtown children killed with 'fully automatic weapon' | The Daily Caller
The Obama very clearly intended to use the term "fully automatic weapon" as He corrected Himself after saying "semiautomatic weapon" - so, this was no slip of the tongue.

The Obama also certainly knows that there is a difference between semi- and full-auto weapons, though He likely could not tell you which is which by looking at them or seeing/hearing their names; he just as certainly knows that the Newtwon shooting involved a semi-auto weapon.

So, the Obama -lied- about the Newtown shooing being done with a full-auto weapon - that is, he intentionally and knowingly used use the incorrect term.

Who among you, His supporters, will take the Obama to task for His lie?

Diane Feinstein said on "Face The Nation" that putting on a folding stock changes a semi-auto into a full auto.

I've heard them say magazines aren't reusable. I've heard them say putting their fingers in bullet-holes makes one a weapons expert. They're all lying their asses off.

Not one of their new laws would have prevented Sandyhook, so it's a fact they're just manuvering us into a compromised position so they can take our guns along with our freedoms.
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This was a planned gun-grab that white house insiders said was in the works since Obama has been POTUS.
Now, over the next couple of months, we’ve got a couple of issues: gun control. (Applause.) I just came from Denver, where the issue of gun violence is something that has haunted families for way too long, and it is possible for us to create common-sense gun safety measures that respect the traditions of gun ownership in this country and hunters and sportsmen, but also make sure that we don’t have another 20 children in a classroom gunned down by a semiautomatic weapon – by a fully automatic weapon in that case, sadly.“
Obama: Newtown children killed with 'fully automatic weapon' | The Daily Caller
The Obama very clearly intended to use the term "fully automatic weapon" as He corrected Himself after saying "semiautomatic weapon" - so, this was no slip of the tongue.

The Obama also certainly knows that there is a difference between semi- and full-auto weapons, though He likely could not tell you which is which by looking at them or seeing/hearing their names; he just as certainly knows that the Newtwon shooting involved a semi-auto weapon.

So, the Obama -lied- about the Newtown shooing being done with a full-auto weapon - that is, he intentionally and knowingly used use the incorrect term.

Who among you, His supporters, will take the Obama to task for His lie?

Yes... he corrected him self after saying semi-auto by changing it to full auto.
He intended to say full-auto, realized he said semi-auto and then corrected himself to say full auto.
Thus, he lied.

Why will you not take The Obama to task for His lie?
This was a planned gun-grab that white house insiders said was in the works since Obama has been POTUS.
No question. They needed two things:
-A bunch of dead kids.
Their prayers were answered.
This was a planned gun-grab that white house insiders said was in the works since Obama has been POTUS.
No question. They needed two things:
-A bunch of dead kids.
Their prayers were answered.

If you wouldn't mind me correcting you on one statement.

Not "dead kids" it had to be dead white kids.

"Dead white kids".

Not a peep from Obama's administration over all the dead kids in Chicago; with some serious kick ass gun laws that didn't stop any shootings.

Racist freaking Dems waited till a batch of white kids got nailed. Then they pulled out their legislation.
I heard Obama flew the Sandyhook parents on Air Force One to Washington today. His own private little SOB story being treated to a flight on the most expensive private jet in the world.

Never waste a good crisis.
This was a planned gun-grab that white house insiders said was in the works since Obama has been POTUS.
No question. They needed two things:
-A bunch of dead kids.
Their prayers were answered.

If you wouldn't mind me correcting you on one statement.

Not "dead kids" it had to be dead white kids.

"Dead white kids".

Not a peep from Obama's administration over all the dead kids in Chicago; with some serious kick ass gun laws that didn't stop any shootings.

Racist freaking Dems waited till a batch of white kids got nailed. Then they pulled out their legislation.
Hey, hey, hey.

He took advantage of Trayvan Martin, didn't he???

The rules in here are pretty clear, if you are not going to participate in the discussion then your personal attacks now on 2 different posters can and will be reported.

You said the President of the United States was either a fool or a liar in a post that said he corrected himself. You didn't correct yourself. So how does that not make you a fool or a liar?

I go with fool.

He corrected himself to "fully automatic"?

Are you freaking serious?
No question. They needed two things:
-A bunch of dead kids.
Their prayers were answered.

If you wouldn't mind me correcting you on one statement.

Not "dead kids" it had to be dead white kids.

"Dead white kids".

Not a peep from Obama's administration over all the dead kids in Chicago; with some serious kick ass gun laws that didn't stop any shootings.

Racist freaking Dems waited till a batch of white kids got nailed. Then they pulled out their legislation.
Hey, hey, hey.

He took advantage of Trayvan Martin, didn't he???

That he did. Oh before the pictures came out with the gold grill.....
I know that this is the clean debate zone. And I want to keep it that way. But there is no doubt about it that to not address the Chicago crime wave but then to spin only on Newtown just screams horrible and focusing on white kids.

It's a barforama time. Why aren't blacks screaming about this? I don't get it at all.

The rules in here are pretty clear, if you are not going to participate in the discussion then your personal attacks now on 2 different posters can and will be reported.

You said the President of the United States was either a fool or a liar in a post that said he corrected himself. You didn't correct yourself. So how does that not make you a fool or a liar?

I go with fool.

If you had bothered to read the article or quote you would have seen the President said semi automatic FIRST and then corrected it to fully automatic. You are aware are you not, that in fact no fully automatic weapon was used by the shooter?

As for rules you do not get to break them just because you are a liberal. You do not get to call people names in the clean debate forum.
The rules in here are pretty clear, if you are not going to participate in the discussion then your personal attacks now on 2 different posters can and will be reported.

You said the President of the United States was either a fool or a liar in a post that said he corrected himself. You didn't correct yourself. So how does that not make you a fool or a liar?

I go with fool.

If you had bothered to read the article or quote you would have seen the President said semi automatic FIRST and then corrected it to fully automatic. You are aware are you not, that in fact no fully automatic weapon was used by the shooter?

As for rules you do not get to break them just because you are a liberal. You do not get to call people names in the clean debate forum.

Who gives a flying fuck? 20 babies are dead. Or wasn't that enough?

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