Obama Lied and we all Left and Right know it


Jul 20, 2011
Benghazi Attack: Where Was Obama? - CNBC

Panetta testified yesterday that there was no contact with Obama after 5:00 PM.

After dodging, Clark asked the first and most important part again: “Were they denied requests for help during the attack?” And once again Obama offered a non-answer, saying: “I can tell you as I have said over the last couple of months since this happened, that the minute I found out this was going on, I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to. Number two, we’re going to investigate exactly what happened to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.” He continued, “I guarantee you that everybody in the State Department, our military, CIA, you name it, had number-one priority making sure that people were safe. These are our folks. And we’re going to find out exactly what happened.”

So are we to take it from this that President Obama expressly said that in the very beginning he issued a clear directive instructing that all possible means be employed by his National Security Council to secure our personnel? Such a directive would constitute an “Execute Order”, an official mandate that would carry the inviolate authority of our nation’s commander-in-chief. Where is that document?

The fighting at the CIA annex lasted for more than four hours. That provided plenty of time for American aircraft and commandos based at our Sigonella Air base in Italy 480 miles away to intervene.

Benghazi Stand Down Denials Don't Stand Up To Reason - Forbes

Incompetence or apathy from our Commander-in-Chief. Maybe he just needed to conserve his energy for trip to Las Vegas the next day for his fund-raiser.
Yep, evidently a US Ambassador dying was not enough to interfere with his bed time. After all he had fund raising to attend to and an early flight to catch.
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One side cares about Principle; the other side cares about Power. Care to take a guess?
Maobama has lied to us for 5 years, and has done nothing to solve the financial and economics problems afflicking America.
He has spent America's wealth frivolously and continued to bring down it's military might. Look at what we are facing in the coming months with sequestration that he himself fostered.
Harry Reid lies on a daily basis. Can we all assume that at least 1/2 of those who vote in Nevada have an I.Q. under 50? or are the elections there rigged? it one or the other!
Obama lied. Benghazi sucked. It was all screwed up.

And guess what? 90% of Americans probalby dont give a fuck. They care about how to pay their ever-increasing grocery and power bills. They dont necessarily like Obama or the Dems, and probably dont care for the hot topic of gun control or immigration reform. But...while looking at the "other guys" as a possible option, all they hear about is a fucked up Muslim attack on an embassy in North Africa. And they think: "How in the hell is that going to help me pay my grocery and power bill?"

And the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. They care more about beating Obama and regaining power than helping the people trying to live their American dream.
It is pretty obvious that the President lied, but what else is new? There is so much he says that just doesn't stack up under closer scrutiny. He ran so far right of center during the 2008 campaign, he looked better than McCain to a lot of us, but we found out during the four years later, he didn't mean much, if any, of all that. It was just to get elected.

And now he says what he thinks will make him look good because his adoring worshippers and the surrogate MSM media won't challenge what he says or give it any kind of close scrutiny. And when it is only the few sources like Forbes or Fox News or conservative talk radio who raise these issues, well they all lie or they are racist and hate him anyway so we don't have to take them seriously.

He dropped the ball. And he wants to make it look like any problems that came about were not of his doing or not his fault. He has not admitted to making any wrong call or dropping the ball on anything yet. Why should he start now? His admirers and those he pays to back him up will cover for him. And the rest of us don't count.
Obama lied. Benghazi sucked. It was all screwed up.

And guess what? 90% of Americans probalby dont give a fuck. They care about how to pay their ever-increasing grocery and power bills. They dont necessarily like Obama or the Dems, and probably dont care for the hot topic of gun control or immigration reform. But...while looking at the "other guys" as a possible option, all they hear about is a fucked up Muslim attack on an embassy in North Africa. And they think: "How in the hell is that going to help me pay my grocery and power bill?"

And the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. They care more about beating Obama and regaining power than helping the people trying to live their American dream.

Obama lied. Benghazi sucked. It was all screwed up.

And guess what? Obama Fluffers like Bics90 dont give a fuck
Benghazi Attack: Where Was Obama? - CNBC

Panetta testified yesterday that there was no contact with Obama after 5:00 PM.

After dodging, Clark asked the first and most important part again: “Were they denied requests for help during the attack?” And once again Obama offered a non-answer, saying: “I can tell you as I have said over the last couple of months since this happened, that the minute I found out this was going on, I gave three very clear directives. Number one, make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to. Number two, we’re going to investigate exactly what happened to make sure it doesn’t happen again. Number three, find out who did this so we can bring them to justice.” He continued, “I guarantee you that everybody in the State Department, our military, CIA, you name it, had number-one priority making sure that people were safe. These are our folks. And we’re going to find out exactly what happened.”

So are we to take it from this that President Obama expressly said that in the very beginning he issued a clear directive instructing that all possible means be employed by his National Security Council to secure our personnel? Such a directive would constitute an “Execute Order”, an official mandate that would carry the inviolate authority of our nation’s commander-in-chief. Where is that document?

The fighting at the CIA annex lasted for more than four hours. That provided plenty of time for American aircraft and commandos based at our Sigonella Air base in Italy 480 miles away to intervene.

Benghazi Stand Down Denials Don't Stand Up To Reason - Forbes

Incompetence or apathy from our Commander-in-Chief. Maybe he just needed to conserve his energy for trip to Las Vegas the next day for his fund-raiser.

You have not been listen as usuall with foot in mouth.
Steven at 8:30 pm was out side the consulate saying good night to a friend. It had been quiet all day, and then he went to bed? Don't sound like there was "imminent" threat. You don't know what info got back to Obama. The attack was over by the time the white house to the info of the attack. NO lies, NO cover up and NO mob hanging and buring at the stake. What you got is all there is to get. So suck it up.

Bush lied and millions died and costing $3.7 trillion, an no one held accountable.
State Dept reveals new details of Benghazi attack

All was quiet outside the U.S. Consulate as evening fell on Benghazi and President Barack Obama's envoy to Libya was retiring after a day of diplomatic meetings.

State Dept reveals new details of Benghazi attack | Politics | The Seattle Times
Has the left contrived a story where what happened in Ben Gazi started under the Bush Administration ?

It is carried on from the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and the alleged war on terrorism because Bush ingored multiply warings of 911. HIs actions created more terrorist and more terrorist attacks. Don't take fucking rocket scientist to figure that out.
Obama lied. Benghazi sucked. It was all screwed up.

And guess what? 90% of Americans probalby dont give a fuck. They care about how to pay their ever-increasing grocery and power bills. They dont necessarily like Obama or the Dems, and probably dont care for the hot topic of gun control or immigration reform. But...while looking at the "other guys" as a possible option, all they hear about is a fucked up Muslim attack on an embassy in North Africa. And they think: "How in the hell is that going to help me pay my grocery and power bill?"

And the GOP keeps pushing Benghazi. They care more about beating Obama and regaining power than helping the people trying to live their American dream.

Obama lied. Benghazi sucked. It was all screwed up.

And guess what? Obama Fluffers like Bics90 dont give a fuck


Thats right. I dont give a fuck. Im not an Obama supporter, I didnt vote. Im simply a disgusted American. Disgusted at our politics. Disgusted at 90% of our population.

What the GOP SHOULD say: "President Obama screwed this up and lied. It is a problem we should NOT have to worry about. And as much as we would like to dig deeper into this issue, we know that average Americans have issues that are far more immediate to them, like jobs and wages and energy, and we will never forget Benghazi, but, we must focus on immediate problems facing average Americans."

But no. Thats not what the GOP is doing, of course. They care more about playing "gotcha Barack" than helping the very people who they represent. God damn I hate politicians, and I hate the partisans that blindly worship them just as much. You people all fucking suck, and I just cant wait for football season to come back to enjoy one of the few noble and pure things left in our society....and even that is getting dirty.
Has the left contrived a story where what happened in Ben Gazi started under the Bush Administration ?

Not yet, but it is inevitable. Somebody will come up with some way to blame Bush. :)

But can you imagine a George W. Bush sitting on his hands in such a situation? Or shrugging it off and hopping on a plane to go to a festive fund raiser? Would never happen.

And then after, he would be criticized across the entire Leftist front because he overreacted. :)
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And who can't wait for another hour of lies coming Tuesday? is that when we will have to endure another long/boring speech with lie after lie on how great the economy is? will POTUS bring up the 16.5 trillion dollar debt and 100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?
And who can't wait for another hour of lies coming Tuesday? is that when we will have to endure another long/boring speech with lie after lie on how great the economy is? will POTUS bring up the 16.5 trillion dollar debt and 100 Trillion in unfunded liabilities?

When he didn't bother to address that in the SOTU address, it is a pretty safe bet he isn't going to introduce that anywhere else.
Wonder which stupid libtard will be here to try and defend obamaturd now?

The facts are staring you supid ass in the face but you just rather not see it. Because of your racist blind hatred. This has very little to do with obama anyway and more to do with intelligence and the state department Four americans died because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and ignored the warning that should have sent them evacuating. IF there really were warning? Big fucking deal. Four children died from gun violence today. who the fuck care.:evil:
Wonder which stupid libtard will be here to try and defend obamaturd now?

The facts are staring you supid ass in the face but you just rather not see it. Because of your racist blind hatred. This has very little to do with obama anyway and more to do with intelligence and the state department Four americans died because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and ignored the warning that should have sent them evacuating. IF there really were warning? Big fucking deal. Four children died from gun violence today. who the fuck care.:evil:

Moderator: Is there some way of screening posts (like this one) for signs of mental illness?

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