Obama Lied

Seriously, who the fuck cares?

If you're upset that Obama has always secretly supported gay marriage, then you probably didn't vote for Obama, and already hate him.

If you support gay marriage, then why be upset to find that the President has always supported it?
Exactly! I'm willing to bet that the folks who don't support gay marriage overwhelmingly voted Republican and not for President Obama in 2008 and 2012.
So that makes it OK? Does no one in the Democrat Party support same sex marriage?
I didn't state that "it makes it ok". He like other politicians and aspiring politicians sometimes change their views in order to get elected. Take Carson for instance and his support for government involved health care and then his lack of support for it when he is considering a run for President.
I think that he should have stuck to his guns and supported "gay marriage", especially since the overwhelming people who would vote for him wouldn't necessarily hold it against him.
Obama never changed his views. Thats the fucking point here. He was always for gay marriage. But he lied about it in order to help his election chances.
And the Left thinks it's OK because after all, the ends justifies the means.
Let's see:

Obama lies to the faces of bigots -- check.

Obama gets elected -- check

Obama reveals he's on the correct side of civil rights when the timing is right-- check

Recognition of gay marriage becomes law of the land -- check

Bigots finally understand the meaning of the word Politics but are pissed off anyway -- check

Bigots left high and dry, can't do anything to reverse history -- check

Poor bigots.... nothing left to do but bitch, moan and groan... and watch Alabama recognize gay marriages.
No just want our president to have morals. At least tell the truth, but we see democrats don't care.
You live in a wonderful fantasy world. How are those unicorns working out for you?

You accuse the president of lying. Where is the proof?
You accuse the president of lying. Where is the proof?
WHAT ?????????

you need to crawl out of that cave you been living in.., or is it a rock you need to slither from under ?????

anytime that muthafucka opens his mouth it's a lie !!

and what spews from it is pure :bsflag: and you liberliars gulp it down like it was premium caviar. :lmao:

ooooh.., BTW

:fu: ............................................ :asshole:
You seem angry. LOL. .

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
"OK" doesn't mean anything - no one asked for my permission.

In the context of the world we live in, there are many situations where I expect politicians to have lied about their views, going so far as to take that into consideration when comparing candidates for various offices - favoring candidates that I suspected supported views that I did, but were unable to say so.
You sure do have a sliding scale to work with. Most folks want traditional marriage so it's OK to lie about it to get elected when you are there to represent their interests? That's just wrong. People wouldn't have elected obama had they known their health insurance would go up, some way up, instead of saving families $2,500 a year.

Embellishing your credentials or wishful thinking is bad enough but outright misrepresentation to gain power is a different matter.
You seem eternally angry. Hmmmm. ..

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's hardly worth even posting anymore. If Obama gives a speech, he's lying. If he gives a press conference, he's lying. If he gives an interview, he's lying. He is the most consistently lying president in history. He is worse than Nixon. No wonder the Dems want Hillary: they seem to enjoy being lied to.
Obama concealed support for gay marriage in 2008 former senior adviser claims in new book - Yahoo News

Only children (and adults with the minds of children) write posts about a politician lying. Of course they lie when it suits them, but that's not news.
"There could be a nuclear cloud within 48 hours" -Bush 43, many times over.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
It's hardly worth even posting anymore. If Obama gives a speech, he's lying. If he gives a press conference, he's lying. If he gives an interview, he's lying. He is the most consistently lying president in history. He is worse than Nixon. No wonder the Dems want Hillary: they seem to enjoy being lied to.
Obama concealed support for gay marriage in 2008 former senior adviser claims in new book - Yahoo News

Only children (and adults with the minds of children) write posts about a politician lying. Of course they lie when it suits them, but that's not news.
"There could be a nuclear cloud within 48 hours" -Bush 43, many times over.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

No one freaked out when President Reagan brought up a hostile alien force in a speech to the UN General Assembly.

Relax girly.
You live in a wonderful fantasy world. How are those unicorns working out for you?

You accuse the president of lying. Where is the proof?

Do you have any control whatsoever on how utterly brainwashed, how ignorant, how gullible or how naive you allow yourself to get?
It's hardly worth even posting anymore. If Obama gives a speech, he's lying. If he gives a press conference, he's lying. If he gives an interview, he's lying. He is the most consistently lying president in history. He is worse than Nixon. No wonder the Dems want Hillary: they seem to enjoy being lied to.
Obama concealed support for gay marriage in 2008 former senior adviser claims in new book - Yahoo News

Only children (and adults with the minds of children) write posts about a politician lying. Of course they lie when it suits them, but that's not news.
"There could be a nuclear cloud within 48 hours" -Bush 43, many times over.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Well, that was a lot more possible than what Al Gore predicted. You want us to tell you all about that?

Unless you can demonstrate a US politician who never ever lied, condemning any of them for doing so is stupid. Of course they lie. But because they all do you can't hang any of them for it.

Watch "The Invention of Lying" to see why lying is good, and total honesty is bad. Really bad. :)
Well you're right, it is hardly worth even posting anymore. If Obama gives a speech, a press conference, or if he gives an interview, some right wing nut will accuse him of lying.
Well you're right, it is hardly worth even posting anymore. If Obama gives a speech, a press conference, or if he gives an interview, some right wing nut will accuse him of lying.

and if he doesn't, some idiot falls back to 2009 and starts all over.
Seriously, who the fuck cares?

If you're upset that Obama has always secretly supported gay marriage, then you probably didn't vote for Obama, and already hate him.

If you support gay marriage, then why be upset to find that the President has always supported it?
Exactly! I'm willing to bet that the folks who don't support gay marriage overwhelmingly voted Republican and not for President Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Really? That's not what his inner circle believed. They believed Obama had to lie to appease black churches. Axlerod states it flat out.

The lie was a politcal strategy.

"'Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church,' the former Obama insider writes, 'and as he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a "sacred union".'

David Axelrod says Obama LIED about his support for gay marriage to get elected Daily Mail Online

Do you think that they would have voted for McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan if they found out that he was not opposed to "gay marriage"? This would also go against the theories by some on the "right" regarding "the Blacks" and their voting habits. Right? :lol:
Seriously, who the fuck cares?

If you're upset that Obama has always secretly supported gay marriage, then you probably didn't vote for Obama, and already hate him.

If you support gay marriage, then why be upset to find that the President has always supported it?
Exactly! I'm willing to bet that the folks who don't support gay marriage overwhelmingly voted Republican and not for President Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Correction: I'm willing to bet those with more than just a brain stem, voted for someone else besides Obama.
LOL, keep having that fallacy of yours. :)
Well you're right, it is hardly worth even posting anymore. If Obama gives a speech, a press conference, or if he gives an interview, some right wing nut will accuse him of lying.

Like the far left drones did here pre-2009 with the previous president..

Obama lied and people died..
Seriously, who the fuck cares?

If you're upset that Obama has always secretly supported gay marriage, then you probably didn't vote for Obama, and already hate him.

If you support gay marriage, then why be upset to find that the President has always supported it?
Exactly! I'm willing to bet that the folks who don't support gay marriage overwhelmingly voted Republican and not for President Obama in 2008 and 2012.

Really? That's not what his inner circle believed. They believed Obama had to lie to appease black churches. Axlerod states it flat out.

The lie was a politcal strategy.

"'Opposition to gay marriage was particularly strong in the black church,' the former Obama insider writes, 'and as he ran for higher office, he grudgingly accepted the counsel of more pragmatic folks like me, and modified his position to support civil unions rather than marriage, which he would term a "sacred union".'

David Axelrod says Obama LIED about his support for gay marriage to get elected Daily Mail Online

Do you think that they would have voted for McCain/Palin or Romney/Ryan if they found out that he was not opposed to "gay marriage"? This would also go against the theories by some on the "right" regarding "the Blacks" and their voting habits. Right? :lol:

His advisers laid it on him that to mobilize the black Christian base Obama had to lie.

Ditto Catholics. You do know he scored with Catholics big time right in 2008? White Catholics?

How big he carried the Catholic vote?

I'll get you the stats if you want. I'm not a revisionist historian for heaven's sake. :) I'm taking a break from shovelling out the driveway; big storm last night so it may take me a bit.

This is how it went down. If anyone was nervous about Obama's position his lie that he was only for traditional marriage reassured them that they were voting for someone who would preserve as they put it "the sanctity of marriage".

And please note that even though Obama had *cough* evolved for the 2012 election, there was no way jose that Romney was going to see a huge swing in the Christian vote.

Whether anyone likes to admit it or not, a lot of voters are bigoted against his faith.

That's just the truth of it. They weren't going to vote for a Mormon.

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