Obama Like It Never Happened

At this rate Obama's 'legacy' will fit in a fucking shoe box stored in the back of a post office in a 'shithole' in S. Chicago.
Jeff Bergner: The vanishing Obama presidency

When the Congressional Memo comes out, and we see that obama allowed the Department of Justice and the FBI to use hilary provided information to lie to a Federal Court......to get FISA warrants...to spy on the opposition party during an election.....

This makes Watergate look like Jay Walking.........obama will have used the government as a weapon that even Nixon could never have believed doing....this is the worst case scenario....and the left wing press doesn't care....

They were all over Watergate....a physical break in by White House goons....this is subverting entire parts of our government, actual subversion with coordination from the White HOuse..........
Wow. That's signature line material right there. :laugh:

"At this rate Obama's 'legacy' will fit in a fucking shoe box stored in the back of a post office in a 'shithole' in S. Chicago."
At this rate Obama's 'legacy' will fit in a fucking shoe box stored in the back of a post office in a 'shithole' in S. Chicago.
Jeff Bergner: The vanishing Obama presidency

Yup. Almost gone.

Besides his stupid book, which I got free and does have some historical significance, this is the only piece of his legacy I permit in the house. It sits next to my statue of Pennywise the Dancing Clown.

No Wall, No Deal may go to the Supremes but at the rate the blue wall is racing towards default and the probable covenants in any recovery package that Trump will likely sign will wreck the D party and Obamacare.

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