Obama meets with 6 illegal DREAMERS and says "these kids are american just like us"

... merely pass laws to make it impossible to obtain housing and employment and schooling and medical care and welfare and financial services ....

Understandable sentiment, but some of those things you can't pass laws against. We need to control the borders.
The King of Jordan reportedly flew a combat mission personally today against the evil jihadists of ISIS. Meanwhile, Obama hosted illegal aliens at the White House...
Oh, cry me a frigging river.

We have anywhere from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more Illegal Aliens currently present upon United States soil, without our express prior consent.

That includes scores of thousands of their Anchor Babies, and those members of their broods whom they dragged across our borders illegally.

We can't keep this up forever, and there is no reason why we should.

Other than that we lack the courage to turn back Illegals in sufficient numbers to largely resolve the problem.

Dreamers are nothing more than Illegal Aliens who are the victims of their Illegal Alien parents' lawbreaking and bad decisions.

Not our fault, and not our problem.

The President's well-known and harmful Open Arms attitude toward this Wave of Invaders is detrimental to America and its People.

January 20, 2017 cannot get here quickly enough.
Then the next president will do what the last 5 presidents have done, nothing....except Reagan, he signed the amnesty bill,, into law.

Yet that never solved the problem, as we have come back full circle. We simply can't ignore Federal law when it appears convenient to do so. Is there any respect for the law, or should we simply pick and choose which ones we want to acknowledge and which ones we "feel" is irrelevant to our own situation? What if we were to follow suit with Obamacare and millions of Americans simply decide they just didn't feel the mandate should apply to them, does that give justification to make an exception to the law and look the other way?
Not buying it, too many in your crowd of "thinking" Americans are full of hatred and have spontaneous orgasms at the thought of going full SWAT on these people. It really is the only way to get rid of them fast enough to suit you people who treat this problem as an urgent national emergency that calls for immediate and decisive action.

Dayum. Looks like we're finally getting thru that thick skull of your's.
What if we were to follow suit with Obamacare and millions of Americans simply decide they just didn't feel the mandate should apply to them, does that give justification to make an exception to the law and look the other way?

That's what america should say. If obozo can write laws even though the constitution says only congress can - then i can write laws too.
Fucking hater, those people love this country more than you are capable of. .

What a lie. Mexicans are told all their life that america stole land from mexico 160 years and they have a DUTY to invade america and take anything they can. They hate america as much as you liberals do and we are crazy to let them come here.

Sweet baby Jesus, the entire southwest of this country was once called MEXICO. Da da.
"Americans" just like him maybe....

In other words not really Americans.
Fucking hater, those people love this country more than you are capable of. .

What a lie. Mexicans are told all their life that america stole land from mexico 160 years and they have a DUTY to invade america and take anything they can. They hate america as much as you liberals do and we are crazy to let them come here.

Sweet baby Jesus, the entire southwest of this country was once called MEXICO. Da da.

Sweet baby Jesus the entire gaggle of you bed wetters used to be called COMMIES. Duh.
The law says they can't be here and that should settle it, you treasonous america-hater. Deport all known illegals - no exceptions.

Obama After Meeting With DREAMers These Kids Are Americans Just Like Us Video RealClearPolitics

feb 4 2015
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I don't think there’s anybody in America who’s had a chance to talk to these six young people who or the young DREAMers all across the country who wouldn’t find it in their heart to say these kids are Americans just like us and they belong here and we want to do right by them.

And so often in this immigration debate it's an abstraction and we don't really think about the human consequences of our positions. And part of the reason that I wanted to hear from these young people today, and part of the reason why I've heard from young DREAMers in the past is because it's a constant reminder to me of why this is important.

Once your party takes office you will defend illegals, just like last time.

"But if we deport them our farm corporations will fail" is what the Right Wing used last time. Bush had control of the House and the Senate and folded to Corporations on the issue.

Obama tried to resolve this issue with, "The Dream Act" that would allow the illegals ignored before his time and stop the illegals after. The Right Wing turned it down.

Basically, the kids born to illegals in the USA under the Dream Act could earn citizenship. But the party that didn't do anything but start wars didn't like that idea.
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Why doesn't he just come out and say that all of Mexico should be part of our country? Why beat around the bush??

Because that is an absurd notion and you know it. Kids that came here when they were too young to even remember, and who know nothing other than this country should not be sent to a country they do not even know. Yes, I support shutting down our borders so more cannot enter, but those who have grown up here and only remember this country as their home should be able to stay.
The law says they can't be here and that should settle it, you treasonous america-hater. Deport all known illegals - no exceptions.

Obama After Meeting With DREAMers These Kids Are Americans Just Like Us Video RealClearPolitics

feb 4 2015
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I don't think there’s anybody in America who’s had a chance to talk to these six young people who or the young DREAMers all across the country who wouldn’t find it in their heart to say these kids are Americans just like us and they belong here and we want to do right by them.

And so often in this immigration debate it's an abstraction and we don't really think about the human consequences of our positions. And part of the reason that I wanted to hear from these young people today, and part of the reason why I've heard from young DREAMers in the past is because it's a constant reminder to me of why this is important.


Lock them up with their parents then send them home on a slow banana boat

'Obama meets with 6 illegal DREAMERS and says "these kids are american just like us"'

How do you know they're 'illegal.'

Where they convicted of being in the country absent authorization in a court of law; until that happens they are not 'illegal,' they are presumed to be innocent and entitled to due process.

Your contempt for the rule of law is exceeded only by your hate.

You're allowed exemption relative to Obama's lawlessness is noted

Not buying it, too many in your crowd of "thinking" Americans are full of hatred and have spontaneous orgasms at the thought of going full SWAT on these people. It really is the only way to get rid of them fast enough to suit you people who treat this problem as an urgent national emergency that calls for immediate and decisive action.

Dayum. Looks like we're finally getting thru that thick skull of your's.
All sorts of problems can potentially be solved by blunt militaristic force but bigger, more immediate problems arise leading to more force being used in a cycle of ever increasing tyranny. This is the history lesson that is always ignored by fascists. Removing the illegals by force would eventually cost us our own freedom.
Why beat around the bush??
would you believe me if i told you he is a lying commie, muslime mulatto son-of-a-bitch ??

it's true also that he hates America and every last one of us Conservatives who see him for what he is, a 100% total phoney from A to Z!! :up:
you can take your accusations of racism and fascism and stick 'em where the sun don't shine.
i wouldn't be too certain about the "sunshine" comment, most of them with their head stuck in the sand also have their ass in the opposite direction. :up: .... :lmao: .... :lmao:
Fucking hater, those people love this country more than you are capable of. .

What a lie. Mexicans are told all their life that america stole land from mexico 160 years and they have a DUTY to invade america and take anything they can. They hate america as much as you liberals do and we are crazy to let them come here.

Sweet baby Jesus, the entire southwest of this country was once called MEXICO. Da da.
well guess what ? the worlds total land mass was once called Gondwana.

Gondwana, also called Gondwanaland, ancient supercontinent that incorporated present-day North America, South America, Africa, Arabia, India, Australia, and Antarctica.

now ! what is your fucking point ??????
When the president and a good portion of congress sides with illegals from foreign countries over the best interests of American citizens we have a pretty serious problem. These illegals commit crimes, identity theft and tax fraud on a massive scale. They drive on our roads without a license or insurance killing our citizens in accidents. They run drugs into our country killing our kids with Meth. They rob, steal, rape, murder. How come you never see these illegal collaborating fuckers in our government talking about this?
t. Kids that came here when they were too young to even remember, and who know nothing other than this country should not be sent to a country they do not even know. Yes, I support shutting down our borders so more cannot enter, but those who have grown up here and only remember this country as their home should be able to stay.

But they all say that, you fool. There's no way they can prove they were brought here by their parents when they were five. Last summer we had 100,000 illegal kids invade us all by themselves. No parents involved. But they all say their parents brought them.

All illegals have learned to say they were brought here as little kids - and they never have any proof. THINK

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