Obama - Muslim, communist or both?


Senior Member
Mar 22, 2015
Frank Marshall Davis Obama s Communist mentor - The Washington Post

With Obama's political and religious affiliations becoming a hot topic once again I would like to ask you a question. Do you believe our president was seriously affected by Muslim worldview and communist agenda of his relatives?

I cannot agree to extreme right-wingers saying our president is a secrete Muslim and Marxist. It just doesn't make any sense to me. However, being emotionally affected by Frank Marshall Davis, he could unintentionally absorb some of Muslim social-oriented ideas which he tries to implement now.

He's not a secret muslim, there is nothing secret about it. If you are paying any attention that is.
He has something in common with both of them. They hate the U.S. and want to destroy capitalism.
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Frank Marshall Davis Obama s Communist mentor - The Washington Post

With Obama's political and religious affiliations becoming a hot topic once again I would like to ask you a question. Do you believe our president was seriously affected by Muslim worldview and communist agenda of his relatives?

I cannot agree to extreme right-wingers saying our president is a secrete Muslim and Marxist. It just doesn't make any sense to me. However, being emotionally affected by Frank Marshall Davis, he could unintentionally absorb some of Muslim social-oriented ideas which he tries to implement now.

Whatever he is, there's one thing for sure without question, he's a rotten president. He has accomplished zero for America, and zero for her citizens. He plays politics instead of calling on all Americans to stand with him against our anti-America U.S. Congress. His religion has absolutely nothing to do with the way he carries out his duty as president. Anyone can accuse of being whatever, but what he does as president is the most important point of focus. His method of leading this nation, and being a leader, is certainly in question. Since he took office, we have experienced a further decline, and the next two years doesn't look any better.

We didn't jump on JFK for being a Catholic, nor did we beat Carter in the ground for his deep rooted religious faith, so why bring Obama's faith into the spotlight? There are many "distractions" that we could gossip about when it comes to almost all presidents, but the main point of discussion should Mr. Obama's dereliction of duty and his shameful performance as president and leader of this nation. Also, we should all be ashamed for blaming him for the color of his skin.

Instead of beating him into the ground, all of us should be slamming those that voted him into office, not once, but twice. Whether he's a Muslim, a communist, or anything else, is not as important as his performance as president, especially since he's the one sitting in the oval office. I'd much rather debate his presidency, than to debate his personal preferences that are aside from his duty and responsibilities to this nation. Personally, I judge him by the state of this nation and his leadership, or lack thereof, rather than guessing his religion or whether he's a commie or not.

Many times our focus takes a detour when there's really no cause to. We should be discussing and debating how we're going to recoup from his 8 years of broken promises and dereliction of duty.
He's an off brand muslim, a commie, and a lying POS! I'm not an extremist, but I am a realist.
I think Obama is an atheist and Islamist sympathizer. Obama's father was born a Muslim but was an atheist when he married O.'s mother. Obama was Muslim influenced when he attended schools in Indonesia in his formative youthful formative years and was taught by Muslims and surely Islam was taught too. Obama's stepfather, Lolo Soetoro was a Muslim. Frank Marshall Davis was a communist who was assigned by Obama's grandfather to mentor Obama when he was shipped back to his white grandparents in HI.

Obama is living out the dreams of his father. Obama saw his biological father only once, but his legend lives on forever as you would note if you read Dreams from My Father, an autobiography by Barack Hussein Obama, Jr.

We are being ruled by the ghost of Barack Hussein Obama Sr.
Frank Marshall Davis Obama s Communist mentor - The Washington Post

With Obama's political and religious affiliations becoming a hot topic once again I would like to ask you a question. Do you believe our president was seriously affected by Muslim worldview and communist agenda of his relatives?

I cannot agree to extreme right-wingers saying our president is a secrete Muslim and Marxist. It just doesn't make any sense to me. However, being emotionally affected by Frank Marshall Davis, he could unintentionally absorb some of Muslim social-oriented ideas which he tries to implement now.


If Obama is a muslim then he's the worst muslim on the planet.

1. He doesn't pray 5 times a day.
2. He drinks alcohol.
3. He eats pork.
4. He attended a christian church for 20 years.
5. He married a christian woman in a christian church.
6. His two children were baptized christian in a christian church.
7. He never made that mandatory trip to Mecca.
8. He has proclaimed he's a christian countless times in public.

Can you please tell me what a secret muslim is? I've never heard of that and never encountered a secret muslim.

If Obama was a communist he's the worst communist on the planet. If Obama was a communist he would have done the following:
1. The government would have taken ownership of all businesses.
2. The government would have taken ownership of all land and real estate in America.
3. The government would have taken ownership of all farms and turned them into collective farms.
4. The government would have taken ownership of all banks.
5. The government would have taken ownership of all natural resources such as oil.
6. The stock market would have been abolished.
7. Everyone would have lost ownership of their houses and would be paying the government rent to live in them.
8. All churches would have been declared illegal and shut down.
9. The constitution and bill of rights would have been declared illegal and automatically repealed by the government.

If you actually knew what communism and being a muslim were then you would laugh at anyone who made the statements that Obama was a secret muslim and communist.

Anyone who knows what those words actually means just shakes their heads in disgust and walks away.
Oh, communist muslim is merely the tip of the iceberg. Let us not overlook his nambla affections from older white men. Indeed, he's hardly a normal black man, because, as we all know, normal American black men lust over white women .... it's just their culture. You have to look to Africa to see normal black sexuality. If Obama were truly black, he'd never be attracted to a female such as Michelle. Michelle has that JLo backside. White guys dig that, but blacks are more into Jennifer Aniston types. Obama's not even black. (-:
Frank Marshall Davis Obama s Communist mentor - The Washington Post

With Obama's political and religious affiliations becoming a hot topic once again I would like to ask you a question. Do you believe our president was seriously affected by Muslim worldview and communist agenda of his relatives?

I cannot agree to extreme right-wingers saying our president is a secrete Muslim and Marxist. It just doesn't make any sense to me. However, being emotionally affected by Frank Marshall Davis, he could unintentionally absorb some of Muslim social-oriented ideas which he tries to implement now.


If Obama is a muslim then he's the worst muslim on the planet.

1. He doesn't pray 5 times a day.
2. He drinks alcohol.
3. He eats pork.
4. He attended a christian church for 20 years.
5. He married a christian woman in a christian church.
6. His two children were baptized christian in a christian church.
7. He never made that mandatory trip to Mecca.
8. He has proclaimed he's a christian countless times in public.

Can you please tell me what a secret muslim is? I've never heard of that and never encountered a secret muslim.

If Obama was a communist he's the worst communist on the planet. If Obama was a communist he would have done the following:
1. The government would have taken ownership of all businesses.
2. The government would have taken ownership of all land and real estate in America.
3. The government would have taken ownership of all farms and turned them into collective farms.
4. The government would have taken ownership of all banks.
5. The government would have taken ownership of all natural resources such as oil.
6. The stock market would have been abolished.
7. Everyone would have lost ownership of their houses and would be paying the government rent to live in them.
8. All churches would have been declared illegal and shut down.
9. The constitution and bill of rights would have been declared illegal and automatically repealed by the government.

If you actually knew what communism and being a muslim were then you would laugh at anyone who made the statements that Obama was a secret muslim and communist.

Anyone who knows what those words actually means just shakes their heads in disgust and walks away.

"I cannot agree to extreme right-wingers saying our president is a secrete Muslim and Marxist. It just doesn't make any sense to me."

This is my quote from the OP-post. Could you please read the original message before answering it? The post was about unintentional and engraved cultural values, not reading Quran in public while denouncing Christians.
Frank Marshall Davis Obama s Communist mentor - The Washington Post

With Obama's political and religious affiliations becoming a hot topic once again I would like to ask you a question. Do you believe our president was seriously affected by Muslim worldview and communist agenda of his relatives?

I cannot agree to extreme right-wingers saying our president is a secrete Muslim and Marxist. It just doesn't make any sense to me. However, being emotionally affected by Frank Marshall Davis, he could unintentionally absorb some of Muslim social-oriented ideas which he tries to implement now.


If Obama is a muslim then he's the worst muslim on the planet.

1. He doesn't pray 5 times a day.
2. He drinks alcohol.
3. He eats pork.
4. He attended a christian church for 20 years.
5. He married a christian woman in a christian church.
6. His two children were baptized christian in a christian church.
7. He never made that mandatory trip to Mecca.
8. He has proclaimed he's a christian countless times in public.

Can you please tell me what a secret muslim is? I've never heard of that and never encountered a secret muslim.

If Obama was a communist he's the worst communist on the planet. If Obama was a communist he would have done the following:
1. The government would have taken ownership of all businesses.
2. The government would have taken ownership of all land and real estate in America.
3. The government would have taken ownership of all farms and turned them into collective farms.
4. The government would have taken ownership of all banks.
5. The government would have taken ownership of all natural resources such as oil.
6. The stock market would have been abolished.
7. Everyone would have lost ownership of their houses and would be paying the government rent to live in them.
8. All churches would have been declared illegal and shut down.
9. The constitution and bill of rights would have been declared illegal and automatically repealed by the government.

If you actually knew what communism and being a muslim were then you would laugh at anyone who made the statements that Obama was a secret muslim and communist.

Anyone who knows what those words actually means just shakes their heads in disgust and walks away.

"I cannot agree to extreme right-wingers saying our president is a secrete Muslim and Marxist. It just doesn't make any sense to me."

This is my quote from the OP-post. Could you please read the original message before answering it? The post was about unintentional and engraved cultural values, not reading Quran in public while denouncing Christians.

I did read it.

You asked if he was influenced by being exposed to the muslim faith and being exposed to "communist agenda" by relatives.

My answer was to give you the real meaning of the words you used and showed how ridiculous your questions really are.

If people actually used words the way those words are meant to be used and the real meaning of those words, then no one would ever call our president a muslim or communist or socialist. It's all nothing but a lie. If you used the real meaning of those words then they can't be applied to Obama.

I think it's beyond ridiculous for you to even ask those questions.

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