Obama must fail

After Obama was elected, that was the stated strategy of the GOP. Basically, do everything you could to prevent Obama from acquiring a resume that would lead to his reelection. This included smear campaigns, delays, filibusters and whatever Fox News could spit out.

How has it worked? Well, in the first two years, the Democrats controlled Congress. they were able to pass:

Repeal DADT
Reduce nuclear weapons by one third
Economic Stimulus
Financial Reform
Credit card reform

In addition, Obama did as he promised and redirected the war on terror from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Drone attacks are up and the number of terrorist targets eliminated are up substantially

In 2010, the Republicans took control of the House and gloated that they would now be able to block Obama from accomplishing anything in his last two years. How did it work out?

Obama hit a home run in killing Bin laden and now has captured intelligence to mop up Al Qaida operatives. He also begins withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq. He correctly positioned the US in a backup role in Libya and has allowed NATO forces to bear the load.

Now the GOP is stuck with no viable candidates for President and must show the voters what the GOP has accomplished in the last four years

the GOP can't even show what it accomplished in the last 12 years.

They don't dare run on their record. A war based on lies, then fought tooth and nail against the new GI Bill. What a bunch of lying rotten assholes. That was their real support for our troops.
All presidents successes and failures are affected by their predecessors.
You are arguing that The Obama is a success because He propoerly implemented the policies of GWB - the very policies He ran against.

I don't think the tax breaks for the ultra wealthy was Obama's idea
Irrelevant -- He went back on His campaign platform point and -forced- the Democrats to extend the "unneeded tax breaks for the super wealthy".

You keep droning on like I was a big supporter of Obama as president. Not true. What I was in that presidential race was honestly in fear for our nation that Palin would be an old man's heartbeat from the White House at a time in our history when due to previous incompetence and criminal fraud that our nation was actually on the very brink of a real and total financial collapse. I find it astonishing how easily some of you have forgotten that. Astonishing!
After Obama was elected, that was the stated strategy of the GOP. Basically, do everything you could to prevent Obama from acquiring a resume that would lead to his reelection. This included smear campaigns, delays, filibusters and whatever Fox News could spit out.

How has it worked? Well, in the first two years, the Democrats controlled Congress. they were able to pass:

Repeal DADT
Reduce nuclear weapons by one third
Economic Stimulus
Financial Reform
Credit card reform

In addition, Obama did as he promised and redirected the war on terror from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Drone attacks are up and the number of terrorist targets eliminated are up substantially

In 2010, the Republicans took control of the House and gloated that they would now be able to block Obama from accomplishing anything in his last two years. How did it work out?

Obama hit a home run in killing Bin laden and now has captured intelligence to mop up Al Qaida operatives. He also begins withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq. He correctly positioned the US in a backup role in Libya and has allowed NATO forces to bear the load.

Now the GOP is stuck with no viable candidates for President and must show the voters what the GOP has accomplished in the last four years

Now if the Republicans had only been in place the first two years we could have avoided those other disasters.
After Obama was elected, that was the stated strategy of the GOP. Basically, do everything you could to prevent Obama from acquiring a resume that would lead to his reelection. This included smear campaigns, delays, filibusters and whatever Fox News could spit out.

How has it worked? Well, in the first two years, the Democrats controlled Congress. they were able to pass:

Repeal DADT
Reduce nuclear weapons by one third
Economic Stimulus
Financial Reform
Credit card reform

In addition, Obama did as he promised and redirected the war on terror from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Drone attacks are up and the number of terrorist targets eliminated are up substantially

In 2010, the Republicans took control of the House and gloated that they would now be able to block Obama from accomplishing anything in his last two years. How did it work out?

Obama hit a home run in killing Bin laden and now has captured intelligence to mop up Al Qaida operatives. He also begins withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq. He correctly positioned the US in a backup role in Libya and has allowed NATO forces to bear the load.

Now the GOP is stuck with no viable candidates for President and must show the voters what the GOP has accomplished in the last four years

the GOP can't even show what it accomplished in the last 12 years.

They don't dare run on their record. A war based on lies, then fought tooth and nail against the new GI Bill. What a bunch of lying rotten assholes. That was their real support for our troops.

The scary part is that now they do get to run on their own record

They get to explain why they voted to destroy Medicare and give the savings to the wealthy in more tax cuts

They get to explain to workers why they are attacking their collective bargaining rights

They get to explain to college students why they are making it harder to obtain the American dream
The scary part is that now they do get to run on their own record

They get to explain why they voted to destroy Medicare and give the savings to the wealthy in more tax cuts

They get to explain to workers why they are attacking their collective bargaining rights

They get to explain to college students why they are making it harder to obtain the American dream

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.
All presidents successes and failures are affected by their predecessors.
You are arguing that The Obama is a success because He propoerly implemented the policies of GWB - the very policies He ran against.

I don't think the tax breaks for the ultra wealthy was Obama's idea
Irrelevant -- He went back on His campaign platform point and -forced- the Democrats to extend the "unneeded tax breaks for the super wealthy".
You keep droning on like I was a big supporter of Obama as president. Not true.
You appear to argue that He is doing a good job.
Measured by His own yardstick, He cannot be anything but an epic failure.
The scary part is that now they do get to run on their own record

They get to explain why they voted to destroy Medicare and give the savings to the wealthy in more tax cuts

They get to explain to workers why they are attacking their collective bargaining rights

They get to explain to college students why they are making it harder to obtain the American dream

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.
"Vote for us - we'll tax the rich to fund your federal benefits, regardless of the long-term damage it will cause to the country!"
The scary part is that now they do get to run on their own record

They get to explain why they voted to destroy Medicare and give the savings to the wealthy in more tax cuts

They get to explain to workers why they are attacking their collective bargaining rights

They get to explain to college students why they are making it harder to obtain the American dream

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

The message was simple in 2008

Thanks keeping it simple got us 2010 keep simple again and it's going to be a wipe out.:clap2:
You are arguing that The Obama is a success because He propoerly implemented the policies of GWB - the very policies He ran against.

Irrelevant -- He went back on His campaign platform point and -forced- the Democrats to extend the "unneeded tax breaks for the super wealthy".
You keep droning on like I was a big supporter of Obama as president. Not true.
You appear to argue that He is doing a good job.
Measured by His own yardstick, He cannot be anything but an epic failure.

I argue that things could be and rightfully should be with all gravity pulling us into a black hole that we are damned lucky things are not a thousand times worse and beyond any thought of recovery. Your attempt to transform my statements into something they are not are going from tedious to willful lying. Check this out Sparky.. You don't get to pick my political party or who I vote for. Someone with your disregard for reality will never even get a sliver of a wedge into my thinking. But by all means rave on.

PS.. If you quote me asshole...use the whole quote...board rule..you know...don't do it again.
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The workforce is expanding because jobs are being created. People are beginning to re-enter the workforce, increasing the labor force participation rate faster than the job creation rate.

Wow! That's some amazing spin. The workforce is expanding because there are more people who can work.

No, you just don't understand the origin of the data.

The workforce is expanding because people who formerly quit looking for work are now deciding to start looking again.

I'm aware that anyone who tries to spin 7.8% when Obama took office to 9% now as good news says those who disagree just don't understand. When Obama took office and unemployment was at 7.8% he had two predictions:

1. Unemployment was going to go as high as 9% and stay there for awhile if we didn't pass the stimulus.
2. Unemployment would increase slightly but stay under 8% and then quickly trend downward resulting in about 6.8% unemployment now.

As it turns out the stimulus resulted in what we have right now, sustained unemployment near or above 9%.

So please explain to me how 9% unemployment is actually good news since it would be lower if Obama wasn't creating all these jobs attracting people back into the labor force. Then when you're done explaining that to me then will you admit you are cheering 9% unemployment? Because according to your logic things are better now at 9% unemployment because a 8.9% means that jobs aren't being created and people quit looking for work.

That's like saying government spending is going down right after it was run up beyond any proposal or prediction. It's spin.

No, it's not spin. it's fact. it's the definition of recovery.

When did the recovery start? Why do things suck so much more after the new group of experts came in promising to make it better right away?
The scary part is that now they do get to run on their own record

They get to explain why they voted to destroy Medicare and give the savings to the wealthy in more tax cuts

They get to explain to workers why they are attacking their collective bargaining rights

They get to explain to college students why they are making it harder to obtain the American dream

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

I really hope the Dems can keep their message simple...and clearly pound these things home, over and over and over.

No need to...

I'm sure Fox News will pound these points home because it is information the voters need to know
You keep droning on like I was a big supporter of Obama as president. Not true.
You appear to argue that He is doing a good job.
Measured by His own yardstick, He cannot be anything but an epic failure.
I argue that things could be and rightfully should be with all gravity pulling us into a black hole that we are damned lucky things are not a thousand times worse and beyond any thought of recovery. Your attempt to transform my statements into something they are not are going from tedious to willful lying. Check this out Sparky.. You don't get to pick my political party or who I vote for. Someone with your disregard for reality will never even get a sliver of a wedge into my thinking. But by all means rave on.
Point, is, that if you considered GWB a failure because of what he did, then you cannot help but consider The Obama a bigger failure, given that He has continued or expanded those things that GWB did.

If you're honest, anyway.
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You appear to argue that He is doing a good job.
Measured by His own yardstick, He cannot be anything but an epic failure.
I argue that things could be and rightfully should be with all gravity pulling us into a black hole that we are damned lucky things are not a thousand times worse and beyond any thought of recovery. Your attempt to transform my statements into something they are not are going from tedious to willful lying. Check this out Sparky.. You don't get to pick my political party or who I vote for. Someone with your disregard for reality will never even get a sliver of a wedge into my thinking. But by all means rave on.
Point, is, that if you considered GWB a failure because of what he did, then you cannot help but consider The Obama a bigger failure, given that He has continued or expanded those things that GWB did.

If you're honest, anyway.

No doubt in a month or so those of you with the memory of a fruit fly will deny Obama got Osama Bin Ladin.

You've done your bit for the ultra right wing Christian Fundamentalist Fascist echo machine... now be a good boy and toddle off... You are adding nothing to an intelligent conversation.
I'm aware that anyone who tries to spin 7.8% when Obama took office to 9% now as good news says those who disagree just don't understand. When Obama took office and unemployment was at 7.8% he had two predictions:

1. Unemployment was going to go as high as 9% and stay there for awhile if we didn't pass the stimulus.
2. Unemployment would increase slightly but stay under 8% and then quickly trend downward resulting in about 6.8% unemployment now.

As it turns out the stimulus resulted in what we have right now, sustained unemployment near or above 9%.

The unemployment rate was already over 8% when the stimulus bill passed. That his economic advisors underestimated the impact of the recession shouldn't be surprising - just about every economist (including McCain's) underestimated the impact.

But the fact is that the economy has been creating jobs for quite some time -with increases in private sector job creation far outweighing decreases in government jobs.

So please explain to me how 9% unemployment is actually good news since it would be lower if Obama wasn't creating all these jobs attracting people back into the labor force.

I didn't say Obama was creating those jobs. I said the private sector was - you can read that right there in my posts!

But the fact is that as the economy - and people's outlook - begins to improve, people re-enter the labor force and seek work. This isn't controversial. It's a simple fact.

Then when you're done explaining that to me then will you admit you are cheering 9% unemployment?

I have not cheered 9% unemployment. That's you simply making shit up. In fact, I've been quite clear that recovery has not been good. I said the economy is still bad, that we're not in good shape economically. That's a bit distant from your claims of cheerleading. But of course, anything that even slightly suggests improvement is bad news for conservatives because it's good news for Americans.

When did the recovery start?

In the summer of 2009 when the recession ended.
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I argue that things could be and rightfully should be with all gravity pulling us into a black hole that we are damned lucky things are not a thousand times worse and beyond any thought of recovery. Your attempt to transform my statements into something they are not are going from tedious to willful lying. Check this out Sparky.. You don't get to pick my political party or who I vote for. Someone with your disregard for reality will never even get a sliver of a wedge into my thinking. But by all means rave on.
Point, is, that if you considered GWB a failure because of what he did, then you cannot help but consider The Obama a bigger failure, given that He has continued or expanded those things that GWB did.
If you're honest, anyway.
No doubt in a month or so those of you with the memory of a fruit fly will deny Obama got Osama Bin Ladin.
Like I said - if you're honest.
After Obama was elected, that was the stated strategy of the GOP. Basically, do everything you could to prevent Obama from acquiring a resume that would lead to his reelection. This included smear campaigns, delays, filibusters and whatever Fox News could spit out.

How has it worked? Well, in the first two years, the Democrats controlled Congress. they were able to pass:

Repeal DADT
Reduce nuclear weapons by one third
Economic Stimulus
Financial Reform
Credit card reform

In addition, Obama did as he promised and redirected the war on terror from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Drone attacks are up and the number of terrorist targets eliminated are up substantially

In 2010, the Republicans took control of the House and gloated that they would now be able to block Obama from accomplishing anything in his last two years. How did it work out?

Obama hit a home run in killing Bin laden and now has captured intelligence to mop up Al Qaida operatives. He also begins withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq. He correctly positioned the US in a backup role in Libya and has allowed NATO forces to bear the load.

Now the GOP is stuck with no viable candidates for President and must show the voters what the GOP has accomplished in the last four years

The goal was to make him fail so that the country wouldn't suffer, not so that we would win an election against him.

But as we all know, Obama enjoyed a Democrat controlled Congress his first two years. As you point out he was successful in passing his main legistlation, against the will of the people. This in turn resulted in the biggest defeat for Democrats in generations. Adopting a suicide bomber's mentality, the Dems of course bucked the will of the people and continued to ram their agenda through Congress after their huge loss.

So now we have a split Congress and we'll get to watch the Obama Economy continue get worse.

Obama won't be able to blame the GOP for the country's economic woes since they haven't been able to pass anything since 2007.

Yes, "Obama killed Osama". Don't see how that is going to help in 2012, what is the Hussein going to do if we re-elect him? Kill Osama again?
After Obama was elected, that was the stated strategy of the GOP. Basically, do everything you could to prevent Obama from acquiring a resume that would lead to his reelection. This included smear campaigns, delays, filibusters and whatever Fox News could spit out.

How has it worked? Well, in the first two years, the Democrats controlled Congress. they were able to pass:

Repeal DADT
Reduce nuclear weapons by one third
Economic Stimulus
Financial Reform
Credit card reform

In addition, Obama did as he promised and redirected the war on terror from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Drone attacks are up and the number of terrorist targets eliminated are up substantially

In 2010, the Republicans took control of the House and gloated that they would now be able to block Obama from accomplishing anything in his last two years. How did it work out?

Obama hit a home run in killing Bin laden and now has captured intelligence to mop up Al Qaida operatives. He also begins withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq. He correctly positioned the US in a backup role in Libya and has allowed NATO forces to bear the load.

Now the GOP is stuck with no viable candidates for President and must show the voters what the GOP has accomplished in the last four years

The goal was to make him fail so that the country wouldn't suffer, not so that we would win an election against him.

But as we all know, Obama enjoyed a Democrat controlled Congress his first two years. As you point out he was successful in passing his main legistlation, against the will of the people. This in turn resulted in the biggest defeat for Democrats in generations. Adopting a suicide bomber's mentality, the Dems of course bucked the will of the people and continued to ram their agenda through Congress after their huge loss.

So now we have a split Congress and we'll get to watch the Obama Economy continue get worse.

Obama won't be able to blame the GOP for the country's economic woes since they haven't been able to pass anything since 2007.

Yes, "Obama killed Osama". Don't see how that is going to help in 2012, what is the Hussein going to do if we re-elect him? Kill Osama again?

The republicans will make sure all legislation is stonewalled

Act II will not be killing Osama again
It will be using all that intelligence they gathered to hunt down the remain members of Al Qaida
It will also involve leaving Iraq and major pullbacks in Afghanistan
After Obama was elected, that was the stated strategy of the GOP. Basically, do everything you could to prevent Obama from acquiring a resume that would lead to his reelection. This included smear campaigns, delays, filibusters and whatever Fox News could spit out.

How has it worked? Well, in the first two years, the Democrats controlled Congress. they were able to pass:

Repeal DADT
Reduce nuclear weapons by one third
Economic Stimulus
Financial Reform
Credit card reform

In addition, Obama did as he promised and redirected the war on terror from Iraq to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Drone attacks are up and the number of terrorist targets eliminated are up substantially

In 2010, the Republicans took control of the House and gloated that they would now be able to block Obama from accomplishing anything in his last two years. How did it work out?

Obama hit a home run in killing Bin laden and now has captured intelligence to mop up Al Qaida operatives. He also begins withdrawals from Afghanistan and Iraq. He correctly positioned the US in a backup role in Libya and has allowed NATO forces to bear the load.

Now the GOP is stuck with no viable candidates for President and must show the voters what the GOP has accomplished in the last four years

The goal was to make him fail so that the country wouldn't suffer, not so that we would win an election against him.

The GOP goal was to spitefully make the American people suffer, which they will blame on Obama, so they could regain their lost power. To the GOP, the more the country suffers the better their chances to get their power back.

From the day Obama was elected the CON$ spitefully started hoping for bad things to happen to the average American.

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen
I'm aware that anyone who tries to spin 7.8% when Obama took office to 9% now as good news says those who disagree just don't understand. When Obama took office and unemployment was at 7.8% he had two predictions:

1. Unemployment was going to go as high as 9% and stay there for awhile if we didn't pass the stimulus.
2. Unemployment would increase slightly but stay under 8% and then quickly trend downward resulting in about 6.8% unemployment now.

As it turns out the stimulus resulted in what we have right now, sustained unemployment near or above 9%.

The unemployment rate was already over 8% when the stimulus bill passed.

A point I raised. They weren't able to promise the results they were still selling. I was ignored and told I didn't understand.

That his economic advisors underestimated the impact of the recession shouldn't be surprising - just about every economist (including McCain's) underestimated the impact.

Correct. But as it turns out McCain didn't get his policies enacted and he didn't promise specific results. President Obama made the promises while asking for stimulus money. His policy wonks and supporters told people like me that this was something we couldn't understand so there was no validity in our concerns.

Are my concerns valid now?

But the fact is that the economy has been creating jobs for quite some time -with increases in private sector job creation far outweighing decreases in government jobs.

Not enough to justify the money spent and certainly not enough to entrust this Administration with any more money to use for job creation. Their ideas didn't work and they should not get another chance in 2012 either.

So please explain to me how 9% unemployment is actually good news since it would be lower if Obama wasn't creating all these jobs attracting people back into the labor force.

I didn't say Obama was creating those jobs. I said the private sector was - you can read that right there in my posts!

Ah. So you're saying that Obama should not get the credit for these jobs you say are being created?

But the fact is that as the economy - and people's outlook - begins to improve, people re-enter the labor force and seek work. This isn't controversial. It's a simple fact.

That does not make any of this a "recovery."

Then when you're done explaining that to me then will you admit you are cheering 9% unemployment?

I have not cheered 9% unemployment. That's you simply making shit up.

I'm not making anything up, I'm simply reading between the lines. If you say I'm incorrect (which you have) then I am incorrect.

In fact, I've been quite clear that recovery has not been good.

We disagree there, I don't think it's a recovery at all. Things are much worse now than they were when this plan was presented.

I said the economy is still bad, that we're not in good shape economically. That's a bit distant from your claims of cheerleading. But of course, anything that even slightly suggests improvement is bad news for conservatives because it's good news for Americans.

I welcome good news in any form, as long as it's actually good news. There is no good news in this economy, it's just not as much bad news as last year this time. Getting worse at a slower rate is not a recovery.

When did the recovery start?

In the summer of 2009 when the recession ended.

Ok. So before Obama's stimulus plan was implemented correct?
Of course. It's been the strategy since the begininng..


But like the OP said, it sure as hell hasn't worked, anyone can see that, regardless of political stripe.

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