Obama not Constitutionally eligible to be President

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wrong, MORON

she was never a member of that party and she sent a video taped welcome to their convention as part of her duties as Governor

Nice try!

I never said she was a member. Straw Man!

And she didn't just send a tape as part of her duties as governor.

What a pathetic combo -- Straw Man, factual errors and infantile namecalling. All in one post. My eight year old could do better.

You lose! Better luck next time!
Nice try!

I never said she was a member. Straw Man!

And she didn't just send a tape as part of her duties as governor.

What a pathetic combo -- Straw Man, factual errors and infantile namecalling. All in one post. My eight year old could do better.

You lose! Better luck next time!

let your 8 year old post, then. i'm sure it's better than what we've seen from you.
Nice try!

I never said she was a member. Straw Man!

And she didn't just send a tape as part of her duties as governor.

What a pathetic combo -- Straw Man, factual errors and infantile namecalling. All in one post. My eight year old could do better.

You lose! Better luck next time!
oh bullshit
she never attended
you believe the fucked up lies the media spewed

btw, you are the fuclking moron loser
you are completely wrong in what you claimed and it was PROVEN in this thread
Last edited:
are you this stupid in real life?

"The party's chair originally told reporters that Palin had been a member, but the official later retracted that statement. Chairwoman Lynette Clark told the New York Times that false information had been given to her by another member of the party after she first told the Times and others that Palin joined the AIP in 1994. Clark issued an apology on the AIP Web site."

FactCheck.org: Sliming Palin

Hey, two in a row -- the infantile-insult / factual-error combo.

Nice try! You lose!
let your 8 year old post, then. i'm sure it's better than what we've seen from you.

Tsk tsk. All he has is insults. And a moderator too.

Multiple party members said she was there. If she didn't want that on her resume, she shouldn't have gone. Convincing one party member to lie, to cover up for her, just makes it look worse.
are you this stupid in real life?

"The party's chair originally told reporters that Palin had been a member, but the official later retracted that statement. Chairwoman Lynette Clark told the New York Times that false information had been given to her by another member of the party after she first told the Times and others that Palin joined the AIP in 1994. Clark issued an apology on the AIP Web site."

FactCheck.org: Sliming Palin

Hey, two in a row -- the infantile-insult / factual-error combo.

Nice try! You lose!

so i'll put you down as "yes".
Tsk tsk. All he has is insults. And a moderator too.

Multiple party members said she was there. If she didn't want that on her resume, she shouldn't have gone. Convincing one party member to lie, to cover up for her, just makes it look worse.

oh bullshit
she never attended
you believe the fucked up lies the media spewed

btw, you are the fuclking moron loser
you are completely wrong in what you claimed and it was PROVEN in this thread

All you have is one source who said she went, and then, under pressure -- surprise! -- changed her story.

There are other sources who say she was there.

Here is the UNCUT report from ABC, which has the bit you guys neatly left out, about the other sources.

Another AIP Official Says Palin Was at 1994 Convention*
September 02, 2008 12:21 PM

An intense "she said"/"she said" emerged Tuesday over whether Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was ever a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, the third-largest political party in the 49th state. The AIP wants Alaskans to get an opportunity to vote on whether or not they will remain a state, or become a commonwealth, or split off as an independent nation.

Officials of the AIP said Gov. Palin was once a member, but the McCain campaign -- providing what it says is complete voter registration documentation -- says Palin has been according to official records a lifelong Republican.

A day after making its assertions, on Tuesday evening, AIP chair Lynette Clark acknowledged she was mistaken and that Gov. Palin was never a member.

(Which to be honest seems more in keeping with the ambitious pol. Republicans have a much better track record than the AIP.)

Gail Fenumiai, director of the Alaska Division of Elections, tells ABC News that "Gov. Sarah Palin first registered to vote in the state in May 1982 as a Republican, and she has not changed her party affiliate with the Division of Elections since that time."

But Fenumiai adds that Palin's husband Todd was a member of the AIP from October 1995 through July 2002, except for a few months in 2000. He is currently undeclared.

As part of their pushback against the charges of Lynette and Dexter Clark of the AIP, the McCain campaign says that Palin did not even attend the AIP convention in Wasilla in 1994.

But another former AIP official -- Mark Chryson, chairman of the AIP from 1995 to 2002 -- tells ABC News that "Palin was at the convention in 1994. She was there."

Was she a member?

Chryson can’t say. "She may have been, I do not know," he says. Their records don't go back that far.

"Ask Sarah," he suggests.

I'd love to. But she hasn't exactly been making herself available to the press.

-- jpt

* This post has been updated with the comments of Fenumiai, and again after Clark took back her assertion that Gov. Palin was a member of the AIP.

So I have facts. All you have is a source who lied at least once, infantile insults, and a puny little red card, which demonstrates that you know you can't get on the scoreboard any other way.

You sure you don't want my daughter to help?

You guys tried a 5-on-1 gang-bang on me yesterday, and I mopped the floor with you. And the same thing happened again tonight.

Because I do my research honestly, and you don't.

Thank you for playing!

Go ahead, red card me all you want. Try to imagine how little I care.

Ain't the beer cold!
so put up a credible link or fuck off, my little wannabe.

Is ABC part of the Communist Internationale too?

Your buddy Gunny tried to lead a 5-on-1 gang-fucking of me last night, and got his head handed to him.

Just like tonight.

Welcome to the NFL. Wear a cup.
All you have is one source who said she went, and then, under pressure -- surprise! -- changed her story.

There are other sources who say she was there.

Here is the UNCUT report from ABC, which has the bit you guys neatly left out, about the other sources.

Another AIP Official Says Palin Was at 1994 Convention*
September 02, 2008 12:21 PM

An intense "she said"/"she said" emerged Tuesday over whether Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin was ever a member of the Alaskan Independence Party, the third-largest political party in the 49th state. The AIP wants Alaskans to get an opportunity to vote on whether or not they will remain a state, or become a commonwealth, or split off as an independent nation.

Officials of the AIP said Gov. Palin was once a member, but the McCain campaign -- providing what it says is complete voter registration documentation -- says Palin has been according to official records a lifelong Republican.

A day after making its assertions, on Tuesday evening, AIP chair Lynette Clark acknowledged she was mistaken and that Gov. Palin was never a member.

(Which to be honest seems more in keeping with the ambitious pol. Republicans have a much better track record than the AIP.)

Gail Fenumiai, director of the Alaska Division of Elections, tells ABC News that "Gov. Sarah Palin first registered to vote in the state in May 1982 as a Republican, and she has not changed her party affiliate with the Division of Elections since that time."

But Fenumiai adds that Palin's husband Todd was a member of the AIP from October 1995 through July 2002, except for a few months in 2000. He is currently undeclared.

As part of their pushback against the charges of Lynette and Dexter Clark of the AIP, the McCain campaign says that Palin did not even attend the AIP convention in Wasilla in 1994.

But another former AIP official -- Mark Chryson, chairman of the AIP from 1995 to 2002 -- tells ABC News that "Palin was at the convention in 1994. She was there."

Was she a member?

Chryson can’t say. "She may have been, I do not know," he says. Their records don't go back that far.

"Ask Sarah," he suggests.

I'd love to. But she hasn't exactly been making herself available to the press.

-- jpt

* This post has been updated with the comments of Fenumiai, and again after Clark took back her assertion that Gov. Palin was a member of the AIP.

So I have facts. All you have is a source who lied at least once, infantile insults, and a puny little red card, which demonstrates that you know you can't get on the scoreboard any other way.

You sure you don't want my daughter to help?

You guys tried a 5-on-1 gang-bang on me yesterday, and I mopped the floor with you. And the same thing happened again tonight.

Because I do my research honestly, and you don't.

Thank you for playing!

Go ahead, red card me all you want. Try to imagine how little I care.

Ain't the beer cold!

don't see any links here, wannabe. just more bullshit that's already been debunked.

nice try though. i'll stick with factcheck.org

your house must be a real pig sty if you consider this mopping the floor, and you may want to polish up the old math skills while you're at it too.

Is ABC part of the Communist Internationale too?

Your buddy Gunny tried to lead a 5-on-1 gang-fucking of me last night, and got his head handed to him.

Just like tonight.

Welcome to the NFL. Wear a cup.
gunny kicked your ass
as does almost anyone
you are not capable to do any better
the party says she was not a member, the STATE says she was NEVER registered as a member
she was GOVERNOR at the time she sent the video tape
you show you are a fucking moron by continuing to claim bullshit that never happened and has been PROVEN to have never happened
Is ABC part of the Communist Internationale too?

Your buddy Gunny tried to lead a 5-on-1 gang-fucking of me last night, and got his head handed to him.

Just like tonight.

Welcome to the NFL. Wear a cup.

adjust your meds, sweetheart.
The Republicans need to stop and think about how stupid they really want to be about all this.

Because guys like me -- we remember.

You should have thought of that tripe BEFORE you ALLOWED a sitting President to commit Perjury and Obstruction of Justice and you and all your Loony Liberals friends simply let the man walk...

And yes, guys like me, we remember you assholes spitting on the Constitution so "your guy" could remain in power.

I will help do all I can to see that does not happen again...

You and your whiny Liberal friends can bitch and moan about these Suits all you like.

They will continue.

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