Obama Not Our Boyfriend Anymore

Can you show me some Kos posts or diaries of people suggesting we round up Christians or outlaw private property? Maybe some forums at Netroots advocating those ideas?

I'll wait.

You fascists are such dull witted trolls...

{“"Outlaw all derivative**s".

Derivative*s are a cancer on the economy. Gambling instead of investing. Trying to game the system and use insider informatio*n to extract quick cash from the market, for doing nothing.

CPA 4 Life: "Outlaw all derivative**s". $100 says you couldn't value an interest

Outlawing derivatives is a far, far cry from rounding up Christians or outlawing private property. Oh, and that's not KOS.

So you didn't have a point? OK then.

Television personality Bill Maher, host of HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher," says Christians and others who are religious suffer from a neurological disorder that "stops people from thinking."

Mr Maher isn't suggesting we round up Christians. Once again, you're making shit up.
Outlawing derivatives is a far, far cry from rounding up Christians or outlawing private property.

Outlawing derivatives is outlawing one form of private property.

Oh, and that's not KOS.

I generally just say "the hate sites" to encompass the usual leftist web blogs.

Mr Maher isn't suggesting we round up Christians. Once again, you're making shit up.

Really? What do we do with crazy people? What did the USSR do? Wasn't the excuse for herding them into camps that they were mentally ill? Isn't that exactly what leftist icon Maher is saying?
Outlawing derivatives is a far, far cry from rounding up Christians or outlawing private property.

Outlawing derivatives is outlawing one form of private property.

Well, by that "Definition" outlawing just about anything is a form of outlawing private property.

Do you think naked shorts on 40:1 leverage should be legal?

Should unbacked gold certificates with partial redemptions?

Privately-created scrip from off-shore institutions?

Are regulated capital ratios an illegal intrusion into capitalism?

Crack cocaine? Heroin?

Really? What do we do with crazy people? What did the USSR do? Wasn't the excuse for herding them into camps that they were mentally ill? Isn't that exactly what leftist icon Maher is saying?

People get called crazy by folks all the time. Doesn't mean they want them rounded up - unless you think Rush, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck and just about the entirety of the right want people rounded up.
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No, you're not. You're the ones who don't understand the use of a fucking metaphor. You're also the ones using it as an attack. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaambulance to the rescue!

A childish, emotional metaphor. :lol: Yeah, you go with that.

I've bolded what amounts to your ENTIRE RESPONSE.

That's either the weakest retort in the history of USMB or you sidestepped talking about the point of this thread.

Which is it?
And once again, a leftist thinks he can define reality.

So, you're still sticking with the childish, emotional metaphor, huh? Okay. Let's roll with it.

Obama unfriended you on MySpace.
Obama is no longer your BFF.
Obama broke up with you by sending you a note in 4th Period.
Obama likes you, just not in that way.
Obama is just not that into you.
Obama shoved you into the Friend Zone.
Obama burned all the letters and notes you sent him.
Obama kicked you to the curb.
Obama will not give you any more booty calls.
Text from Obama: yo bitch, ur dumped
Obama fucked you, but didn't kiss you.

Those are just as valid as "Obama isn't our boyfriend anymore". :lol:
The childish comments are from the right. Look again before you decide who most resembles little girls.
Really? We're not the ones claiming the President of the United States isn't our boyfriend anymore. :lol:

Don't be stupid. The only people I have heard that crap from is you and your pals.

Ummm...from the OP:

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.​
Yeah, that Daily Kos is such a hotbed of fundy rethugs. :lol:
Should unbacked gold certificates with partial redemptions?

That would be fraud.

Privately-created scrip from off-shore institutions?

What do you think a movie ticket or even a coupon is?

Are regulated capital ratios an illegal intrusion into capitalism?

Only if I'm calculating an acid test ratio in my head... (Then it's more like an intrusion into sanity)

Crack cocaine? Heroin?

Sure, why should I care? Drug laws are an infringement of liberty and wholly ineffectual.
Obama was never my boyfriend, but I'd still be happy to bro out with him if we're ever in the same town and he has a few hours to kill. :D
A childish, emotional metaphor. :lol: Yeah, you go with that.

I've bolded what amounts to your ENTIRE RESPONSE.

That's either the weakest retort in the history of USMB or you sidestepped talking about the point of this thread.

Which is it?
And once again, a leftist thinks he can define reality.

So, you're still sticking with the childish, emotional metaphor, huh? Okay. Let's roll with it.

Obama unfriended you on MySpace.
Obama is no longer your BFF.
Obama broke up with you by sending you a note in 4th Period.
Obama likes you, just not in that way.
Obama is just not that into you.
Obama shoved you into the Friend Zone.
Obama burned all the letters and notes you sent him.
Obama kicked you to the curb.
Obama will not give you any more booty calls.
Text from Obama: yo bitch, ur dumped
Obama fucked you, but didn't kiss you.

Those are just as valid as "Obama isn't our boyfriend anymore". :lol:
Checked no for still friends on the note...:lol:
Really? We're not the ones claiming the President of the United States isn't our boyfriend anymore. :lol:

Don't be stupid. The only people I have heard that crap from is you and your pals.

Ummm...from the OP:

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.​
Yeah, that Daily Kos is such a hotbed of fundy rethugs. :lol:

So, this metaphor is being widely used by the left, or was used once by one person at Kos?

Which is it again?
I've bolded what amounts to your ENTIRE RESPONSE.

That's either the weakest retort in the history of USMB or you sidestepped talking about the point of this thread.

Which is it?
And once again, a leftist thinks he can define reality.

So, you're still sticking with the childish, emotional metaphor, huh? Okay. Let's roll with it.

Obama unfriended you on MySpace.
Obama is no longer your BFF.
Obama broke up with you by sending you a note in 4th Period.
Obama likes you, just not in that way.
Obama is just not that into you.
Obama shoved you into the Friend Zone.
Obama burned all the letters and notes you sent him.
Obama kicked you to the curb.
Obama will not give you any more booty calls.
Text from Obama: yo bitch, ur dumped
Obama fucked you, but didn't kiss you.

Those are just as valid as "Obama isn't our boyfriend anymore". :lol:
Checked no for still friends on the note...:lol:
Don't be stupid. The only people I have heard that crap from is you and your pals.

Ummm...from the OP:

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.​
Yeah, that Daily Kos is such a hotbed of fundy rethugs. :lol:

So, this metaphor is being widely used by the left, or was used once by one person at Kos?

Which is it again?
Which did I claim?

Answer carefully. Feel free to refer to reality.
Ummm...from the OP:

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.​
Yeah, that Daily Kos is such a hotbed of fundy rethugs. :lol:

So, this metaphor is being widely used by the left, or was used once by one person at Kos?

Which is it again?
Which did I claim?

Answer carefully. Feel free to refer to reality.

However many you were referring to in this exchange:

"Leftists really are a bunch of emotional little girls."

"The childish comments are from the right. Look again before you decide who most resembles little girls."

"Really? We're not the ones claiming the President of the United States isn't our boyfriend anymore."

So who are the rest, besides the Kos editor?

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