Obama Not Our Boyfriend Anymore

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhs3Rj71gpo]YouTube - ‪You've lost that loving feeling - The Righteous Brothers‬‏[/ame]
It's Not A War cuz he's leading from behind...even thought we're paying for 75% of it.
I wonder what the world would be like if leftists used only standard accepted dictionary meanings of words?

They wouldn't be Leftists. A big part of their zeitgeist is to twist the meaning of words to conceal their true agenda.
Leftist: HiI I'd like to take your money away and give it to someone who didn't earn it, use the force of government to shut down dissenting thought and industries I believe are harmful, indoctrinate your children using tax dollars, and expand government to make all your decisions for you.

Normal Person: Fuck off.
If that's how you hear liberals, you need to clean out your ears. Sorry, but the bad lazy people aren't the cause of the entire country's ills. Nor are the idealistic people trying to help the less fortunate.
When you make sweeping comments about groups of people, I tend to not give you the benefit of the doubt about being surgical with your wording.
Surely you're not speaking directly to me, right?

If you are, you've failed to read my sig...or lots of my posts.
You can call yourself whatever you like. That won't stop people from judging you on the Content of your posts.

If it Posts like a Leftist, it's a Leftist.

Just sayin'.
Surely you're not speaking directly to me, right?

Obviously I am - and don't call me Shirley.

If you are, you've failed to read my sig...or lots of my posts.

I've read a plethora of your posts - which give lie to your sig. You are a "centrist" only if Mao Tse Tung is the definition of "center."

You are 100% authoritarian-statist.

Dude, you are a leftist.
People who visit these loony Liberal Blogs really are frightening people. I have to question their mental faculties. Calling a President your "Boyfriend?" Seriously,the fuck's wrong with these people? Now i better understand where these Liberal posters here are coming from. Spending time on those Liberal Blog sites really has rotted their brains. I recommend less HuffyPoop for these kooks. They've clearly had enough.
Surely you're not speaking directly to me, right?

Obviously I am - and don't call me Shirley.

If you are, you've failed to read my sig...or lots of my posts.

I've read a plethora of your posts - which give lie to your sig. You are a "centrist" only if Mao Tse Tung is the definition of "center."

You are 100% authoritarian-statist.

Dude, you are a leftist.

Dude, not at all. I'd love for you to find a post of mine to back that up. Go ahead now. I'll wait.(not really)
:lol:More bullshit from right wing Tea Party conservative dolts:lol:

This is a big reason why Obama is in trouble in 2012:

President Obama took his licks from progressives who are meeting in Minneapolis at the Netroots Nation Convention, the annual gathering of liberal bloggers and other social media activists.

The panel that drew one of the biggest crowds at Netroots Nation so far was called "What To Do When The President's Just Not That Into You."

"It's like the president's not our boyfriend anymore," Joan McCarter, an editor at the Daily Kos website, said during the discussion.

At Netroots Nation, Liberal Bloggers Sour On Obama : NPR

Many of Obama's supporters made purely emotional decisions (as there was really nothing of substance in his record). Now they are disappointed romantics who now realize that the person they thought was their One True Love just wanted to get laid.

1) http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...n-t-want-you-to-know-about-ronald-reagan.html

2) http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...gan-still-considered-a-conservative-hero.html

3) http://www.usmessageboard.com/education/126617-reagan-and-taxes.html

"For those of us who lived through the Nixon/Ford, Carter, and Reagan years in the workforce, the myths and misconceptions are so deep it is nearly impossible without a scorecard of history to know even a bit of the real situation."

4) http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...her-than-reagan-or-clinton-at-same-point.html

"Obama's approval rating higher than Reagan or Clinton at same point
Obama's approval rating is higher than Reagan's or Clinton's at the same point in their first terms"

5) http://www.usmessageboard.com/politics/170255-reagans-promises.html

"Is this the Reaganism all you conservatives seem determined to restore, in principle, to the Republican Party?

From February 1981 (addressing a joint session of Congress)"

and those of us who are not partisan hacks with ignorance proudly displayed in our posts know that Reagan was vilified by many right wing leaders after he left office (pre-berlin wall fall) and during Reagan's term 1982/1983 Reagan was considered a One-term President by many
Dude, not at all. I'd love for you to find a post of mine to back that up. Go ahead now. I'll wait.(not really)

Come off it - you fool no one. You are one of the forum leftists.

Someone on KOS or Huffingglue told you folk that you should claim to be "center" to fool the conservatives - because they're so stupid they'll never guess that you're really far left....

Everything you post is far left. Every position you hold here is that of the DNC.
When you make sweeping comments about groups of people, I tend to not give you the benefit of the doubt about being surgical with your wording.

Oh, be honest: You tend to not give me the benefit of the doubt because I don't kiss your ass the way you feel I should. :lol:

A little to the right and I think you'll hit the spot :eusa_drool:
You want your ass kissed, check with your fellow leftists. I don't date outside my species.
No President should ever be considered someone's "Boyfriend." That's just plain stupid. But these are the Wingnuts who got the Hopey Changey One elected though. So i guess he does have some problems. But jeez,Liberals really are pretty messed up these days.

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