Obama Numbers down the toilet

Seen congressional numbers lately? 9% approval. I'm always so surprised when you all go there with polling. Just last year, you got burned by Rasmussen giving Romney the win so often and so early...
WMD lies are fine with you fucking hypocritical right wing nuts and over 4k americans died because of those lies.

Fuck you. God bless.

Getting irritated I see as Obama is being exposed for all the blatant lies. But you will still back despite the lies. Good fool that you are.
Seen congressional numbers lately? 9% approval. I'm always so surprised when you all go there with polling. Just last year, you got burned by Rasmussen giving Romney the win so often and so early...

What I find amusing about Congressional numbers, is that they are so low and yet everyone thinks that their Congressman is not that bad, so 90% are re-elected.
Seen congressional numbers lately? 9% approval. I'm always so surprised when you all go there with polling. Just last year, you got burned by Rasmussen giving Romney the win so often and so early...

Lol, you do realize that congress INCLUDES Dems.

It's the dems who know that they are screwed, chewed, and barbequed who are giving him the low ratings! She is clueless. You have to consider the source.
Seen congressional numbers lately? 9% approval. I'm always so surprised when you all go there with polling. Just last year, you got burned by Rasmussen giving Romney the win so often and so early...

Sure, or if you knew what the term "congress" actually entails. Congress doesn't mean just the Republican controlled House.

In bicameralism, the term "congress" refers to a house and a senate. So, therefore, when the polls say that congress has a 9% approval rating, they're talking about both houses.

Get it straight, Sarah.
Obama doesn't care about his approval ratings, he doesn't need to get re-elected. I think before it is all over, will see him dip into the 20's.
He lied to the folks....and to add insult to injury, he justifies it as being for our own good, because we are too stupid.

Actually its more than that.

No President has told so many lies to so many citizens so often and for so long...and been caught so

It is the greatest fraud in American history.



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